Wednesday, September 30, 2015

2016 Duty Magistrate or Taisui 值班太岁星君

丙申太岁管仲大将军 - 1956-2016 猴 -手托如意

丙申神管仲大将军, 猴相。

名管夷吾,亦名管敬仲,字仲,春秋时降生在齐国颖上,管仲幼年时家境贫穷,但 极禀天赋 - extremely gifted
鲍叔牙向齐桓公力荐管仲,使其得以在齐国- state of Qi 
担任宰相 - premier高位。



于是,齐国逐渐强大 gradually strengthen the State of Qi,成为诸侯中的霸主。
Demise at 41 years of age.


The above is a brief history of Taisui Guan Zhong's previous existence.

An able person who benefited lots of people during his lifetime.

I am born under this star, in the year 1956.

Going to be 60 next year! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 破灶堕和尚 Broken Stove Monk

Terjemahan Indonesia: Koan Zen – Bhiksu Tungku Rusak
Source: 破灶堕和尚

有一个 “灵性” 附在一个破灶上,以灶为身,使灶显灵。
There's a "spirit" that attached itself to a broken stove, using it as its bodily form, making the stove display "Spiritual".

Thus many came to pray, offer, and beg for aid to solve their problems.

This spirit's greed for offering, and favours bloody stuff, thus display great spiritual powers according to villagers' wishes.

At this time, words spread and all villagers slaughter cow and goat to offer to the broken stove.

There's a zen master (state master Hui-an's diciple) who happened to pass by this place, seeing the villagers' ignorance, as well as the spirit's flourishing desires, not bothered about killing and harming lives, really too ridiculous!

Thus, his great compassionate heart automatically grew, and want to succour this spirit attached to the stove.

Lifting his Zen Staff, he knock the stove 3 times, saying:

Clay and earth combined, where does the Saint comes from? Spirit arises from where? Killing and cooking lives this way!

[The above is a warning to the spirit about deeds that can result in great calamities to self and also about One's nature having no boundaries if used virtuously.]

Asking it, "spirit arises from where?"

To wake up this spirit, telling it that it is not of the clay or earthen stove, but within one's buddha nature, at this time when have no form restriction, quickly reflect and recognise buddha nature, then can be everywhere, free and unrestrained and goes about everything smoothly too.

ZM again knock 3 times, this time the stove collapsed.

Spirit display a handsome man's body, pay homage to ZM, said thankfully:

I am originally the stove deity of this temple, paying for karmic deeds for long time. Today, thanks to master for sharing - No grow or arising dharma, got to be free from this place, born in the heaven, thus specially came to express my gratitude.

由此,禅师得名为 “破灶堕” 和尚。








One's Buddha nature?

Why locked Self up into a FIXED Form?

For those chasing titles and name or fame, wake up now!

Remember GM Lu explained that our human form is a combination of elements like earth, water, fire, wind?
The 4 great disintegration 四大分解 practice?

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 野狐禅 Wild Fox Zen
在禅宗中,流入邪僻、未悟而妄称开悟,禅家一概斥之为 “野狐禅 ”。
后以“野狐禅” 泛指歪门邪道。In Zen schools, flowing into evil habits, not enlightened but deludedly claim as enlightened, these zen masters are classed as "Wild Fox Zen".
In later times, "Wild Fox Zen" points to those that had deviated to evil path.

ZM Bai-zhang gives lessons daily.

There is an elderly person that attend the dharma speeches often, and disperse with the crowd after that.

Everyday, standing as well.

Master asked: Who is the person standing?

Elderly person said: 500 years ago, I lived in this mountain.
Some scholar asked: Great cultivator subjected to
(因hetu,缘paticca, 业kamma,报或果vipaka) or not?
I said not.
Eventually dropped into Wild fox form.
Today, pass message to monk.

Master said: You can ask.
Elderly person then asked: Great cultivator still subjected to  (hetu-vipaka) or not?
Master said: Not certain hetu-vipaka.

Elderly person has great realisation upon these words.

Taking his leave of the master, he said:
I have already broken free from the wild-fox form. Living behind the mountain.
Begging master to send off with demised-monk rituals by fire.

The next day, ZM Bai-zhang led monk assembly to the back of the mountain, most do not understand why. Master led them to a big rock there and found a big black-fur fox's corpse.

With Demise-monk ceremony and sent off with fire cremation.

In this Koan, when monk asked: Great cultivator still subjected to hetu-vipaka or not?
Answering him, "not", actually not really wrong, it is Self that develops DOUBT resulting in dropping into Fox form!

Poor sentient being, even after 500 years still unawake, fortunately got Bai-zhang's compassionate clarification: Not certain hetu-vipaka.

Then can put down doubt, understand and resolved.

  “不落” - won't drop 、“不昧” not clear,相差一字,意境大有死活天渊之别,但在达人份上确无丝毫分别。
Won't drop or not consider as; Not clear, these two only differs in one word but their meaning has great differences to life and death, but no difference only to those enlightened.



Dear all,
remember GM Lu explained very clearly what is considered and what not in terms of hetu-vipaka?

What is the main KEY factor for One's deed to be FREE of Hetu-vipaka?


If you can't remember, go and search please!

I think, GM Lu brought this topic up again in recent speech too!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Koan Zen – Seluruh Tubuh Adalah Mata

Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 24 September 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 通身是眼 Eyes Throughout The Body

Sumber: 通身是眼

Suatu saat, Guru Zen Dao-wu bertanya kepada Yun-yan: “Yang mana yang merupakan Mata Sesungguhnya dari Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Bermata Seribu?”

Yun-yan: “Seperti saat di malam hari kamu tidur, bantalmu jatuh ke lantai, tanpa membuka mata, tanganmu mengambil bantal itu, lalu kamu tidur lagi, jadi mata mana yang kamu gunakan untuk mengambil bantal tersebut?”

Guru Zen Dao-wu setelah mendengarnya: “Oh! Saudara sedharma, kini aku telah paham!”

“Apa yang kamu pahami?”

“Seluruh permukaan tubuh adalah mata.”

Guru Zen Yun-yan tertawa, berkata: “Kamu baru paham 80 persennya saja!”

Dao-wu sedikit ragu bertanya: “Jadi aku harus bagaimana mengatakannya?”

Seluruh tubuh adalah mata!

“Mata di seluruh permukaan tubuh” – arti pemahamannya berbeda;

“通身是眼”  这是从心性上无分别智能上显现的。
“Seluruh tubuh adalah mata” – ini adalah pencerahan dari sudut pandang Kodrat Hati, bahwa tiada perbedaan di dalam kebijaksanaan persepsi.

Kita punya Hati Sejati “Mata di Seluruh Tubuh”, lalu kenapa tak sepenuhnya digunakan untuk mengamati segala hal?


Teman-temanku yang terkasih,

Saat Heruka puja baru-baru ini di Seattle, Mahaguru Lu kembali mengangkat konsep “Seluruh tubuh adalah mata”. Kamu paham mendengar penjelasan-NYA? :)

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 吃茶去 Go drink tea






In the above story, the master Zhao-zhou instructs all to "Go drink tea" !

Whether it is a first-timer that visits, or a repeated one, or the monastery's owner, all were told to "Go drink tea"!


Go figure!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 冷暖自知 Self aware of Cold or Warm

After 6th Zen patriarch Hui-neng, received the lineage robe, bowl, heart stamp, from 5th Patriarch Huang-mei, he started to run away to a far place,
however, the information was leaked, a Zen-practitioner by the name of Chen Hui Ming followed his trail and ran after him, when Chen found Hui-neng he claimed that he is not after the lineage robe & bowl, but want to seek knowledge of Dharma, thus sincerely asked Hui-neng to succour, thus Hui-neng said:

Since you come seeking Dharma, then I hope that you throw away all external affinity, severe all thoughts, then I will speak dharma to you.

After a while, Hui-neng continued:

You cannot think of good and cannot think of evil, at this time, question - what is your original facade?

Upon these words, Hui-ming immediately reach great realisation.

Following these, he begged Hui-neng to tell him some secret meanings, Hui-neng then said:

I can tell you, then it is not secret meaning. If you can reflect upon self, the secret meaning is in your heart.

Hearing these, Hui-ming was very touched, said:

I have spent a long time under the teaching of Big Master Hong-ren, also do not know my own original facade, now, thanks to your pointing out, made me feel that I received Dao (Path) [Like people drink water, cold or warm self aware]. As to myself, now I all understand.

Hui-ming got enlightened upon hearing Hui-neng's words, but if not under the tutelage of Big master Hong-ren for many years, will he have today's enlightenment?

Wood and water both have their own origins, the present moment, actually received from within historical time.

所谓 “因缘成熟”,也就是这个意思了。
As to "Maturity of Affinity", the meaning is thus.

Nice story! :)

Yes! like drinking water, whether cold or warm, only self can feel!

Cultivation is the same too!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 通身是眼 Eyes Throughout The Body

Source: 通身是眼

Once, ZM Dao-wu asked Yun-yan: Which is the True eye of the Thousand hands thousand eyes Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva?

Yun-yan: just like when you are asleep, your pillow dropped to the floor, without opening your eyes, your hand grab the pillow, then you continue to sleep again, so which eye did you use to grab the pillow?

ZM Dao-wu said after hearing these: O! Dhrama brother, I understand already!

What did you understand?

Eyes all over the body.

ZM YY laughed, said: You only understand 80 percent!

Dao-wu doubtfully asked: Then how should I say it?

Eyes throughout the body!

Eyes all over the body - from different meaning to understand it;

“通身是眼”  这是从心性上无分别智能上显现的。
Eyes throughout  the body - this is revelation from Heart nature's angle that there is no difference in wisdom of perception.

Our have True Hearts of "Eyes throughout the body", why don't use to thoroughly observe everything?


Dear all,

During the recent Heruka event in Seattle, GM Lu again brought up these "Eyes throughout the body" concept, have you comprehend HIS explanation? :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, September 28, 2015

Pertandingan Pedang di Hua Shan

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 28 September 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 华山论剑 Swords Competition in Hua Shan

Slogan di atas ini adalah 4 Kualitas yang Dipertimbangkan:

勇 – Keberanian
智 – Kebijaksanaan
敏 – Ketangkasan
仁 – Perikemanusiaan

Dikutip dari artikel 华山论剑 (成语典故):

Dari Legenda Pendekar Pemanah Rajawali oleh Jin Yong, kompetisi pedang di Hua Shan.

Sebenarnya tujuannya adalah kontes kung-fu yang diadakan di Hua Shan, terbuka untuk semua orang untuk beradu kemampuan atau pengetahuan, bertanding untuk mendapatkan pengakuan.

Semua peserta dari segala penjuru merupakan pakar di bidangnya masing-masing.

Bertanding dengan adil, tanpa menyimpan rencana jahat di baliknya.



Topik di atas merupakan tugas baru untukku!

Ordo Satya Buddha punya [Pertandingan Pedang Satya Buddha 真佛论剑] sendiri, yang Mahaguru Lu tadi pagi instruksikan supaya kupelajari sebagai “PR”!

Dengan petunjuk dari-Nya sebagai berikut: 华山论剑 ~ 真佛论剑.

Artikel-artikelnya bisa ditemukan di 真佛論劍.

Jadi setelah seri-seri Koan Zen, aku akan mulai membagikan artikel Mahaguru Lu yang diunggah ke dalam seri Pertandingan Pedang Satya Buddha.

Tapi kamu harus ingat bahwa hanya yang terunggul yang boleh berpartisipasi di dalam Pertandingan Pedang ini.

Apa saja kriteria untuk Pertandingan Pedang Satya Buddha?
Buddha Dharma, Kebijaksanaan, dan Perikemanusiaan atau Bodhicitta!

Mungkin ini saat yang tepat untuk menengok forum [ilovegm] kembali, begitu juga dengan yang mereka anggap sebagai musuh-musuhnya, mereka yang mencemarkan nama baik!

Kita harus selalu punya LEBIH DARI SATU SUDUT PANDANG!

Punya amunisi [Maha Mudra – Maha Kesempurnaan – Zen] yang memadai, maka barulah memenuhi syarat sebagai seorang peserta!

Kamu juga harus ingat bahwa di dalam agama Buddha Tak Ada Perselisihan, sehingga kata “kompetisi”, “pertandingan”, atau “debat” harus dipandang dengan kacamata Jalan Mulia Beruas Delapan!


Pure Karma baru saja memasang pemberitahuan kepada grup-grup di Facebook yang mencoba bertanding kemampuan seputar Buddha Dharma, supaya tidak melakukan tag, sharing, melibatkan Pure Karma ataupun Lotuschef ke dalam peperangan mereka!

Baca juga: Notification on Facebook Group Invitations // Pemberitahuan mengenai undangan dari grup-grup di Facebook

Ada yang lain lagi dari admin Ordo Satya Buddha yang bernama: The Enlightened Buddha, sama saja isinya juga “Perselisihan di dalam kolam lumpur dunia”!

Bagaikan katak di dalam sumur yang sangat sangat dalam!
Penglihatannya menyedihkan sekali!!! :)

Kalau kamu tak ingin bergabung bersama si katak di dalam sumur yang sangat sangat dalam, saatnya kamu bangun, tekun belajar, dan melatih Buddha Dharma yang otentik!

Aku bukan sedang menunjukkan Dualisme dengan bilang Otentik dan Palsu loh!


Nantikan lebih lanjut!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 说究竟法 Sharing the Ultimate Dharma

ZM Fo Guang shared a koan with a student monk: 
In olden days, most people use lanterns glued with paper and lit candles to light their ways. 
A blind man went to visit a friend, upon leaving, the sky has darken and the friend gave him a lantern to light his way home.
Refusing his friend's good intention, the blind man said:

I do not need lantern, as whether bright or dark, to me the same.
朋友解释道:Friend explained:

I know you do not need the lantern to light the route home, but if you don't bring a lantern, others might bang into you. Thus it is best to bring the lantern.
These words are reasonable, so this blind man took the lantern on his way home, but not far along, someone banged into  him, blind man scolded:

See where you walked? It is as if you can't see the lantern in my hands?
The person on the road other than apologise for the accident, said:

Old brother! you candle already out.
Blind man said: It is the light in your heart that is out, nothing to do with my candle being out.
Those that sighted their own nature, shining prajna and dark ignorance, to this person all the same, no difference, dark worries though cause suffering, bring scotching sun also can grill a person.

Even though it is like this, why don't employ convenience of kind compassion, hold up a lantern (wisdom candle) and shine to light up sentient beings' Heart Lamp?

From all times, sentient beings' heavy self fixation; life death death life; long dark gloomy nights, although have 2 eyes but can't see the passerby in front of own eyes, blaming the blind man's lantern that is out, with own eyes opened but did not pay attention, when own heart's lamp is out, then truly sad!

Likewise, worldly people that have yet to understand the great meaning of Buddha Dharma, everywhere misunderstanding Buddha Dharma, slander the Triple Gems.

Same as people with sight banging into blind man's lantern and still blame the lantern for not being lighted.


Dear all,
Has the word "ZEN" & "KOAN", frightened you to read further?

:) Hope not!

These series are such interesting ones and from various angles or perspectives.

Don't miss out!

In this story, there are conflicting points presented by the blind-man.
Can you find them?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

华山论剑 Swords Competition in Hua Shan

Terjemahan Indonesia: Pertandingan Pedang di Hua Shan

From the above: The 4 Qualities of Consideration.

勇 - Bravery
智 - Wisdom
敏 - Agility 
仁 - Humane 

Quoted from 华山论剑 (成语典故):

A scenario, Swords competition in Hua Shan from Sword-fighting novel <Condors Heroes> by Mr. Jin Yong.

Originally means kung-fu competition held in Hua Shan, its an open to all to match skills or knowledge to compete for recognition.

All competitors from each place are experts in their field

Compete fairly, without dark or evil plotting.



The above is a topic for my new assignment! 

TBS has her own <真佛论剑 True Buddha Swords Competition>, which GM Lu instructed early this morning to study as my "homework"! 

The instructions: 华山论剑 ~ 真佛论剑.

Articles can be found in 真佛論劍.

Therefore, after the Zen Koan Series, I will start sharing GM Lu's articles listed under the TB swords competition series. 

Now, please bear in mind that only the topmost were allowed to participate in the Swords Competition.

The Criteria for True Buddha Swords Competition?
Buddha Dharma; Wisdom and Humane or Boddhicitta!

Now, it might be good to look at the [ilovegm] forum again, as well as those perceived as their opponents or defamators!

One must always have MORE THAN ONE VIEWPOINT!

Maha Mudra - Maha Perfection - Zen - One armed with adequate ammunitions from all these can then qualify as a participant!

Also bear in mind that in Buddhism, No dispute - thus the word competition or match or debate..... should be perceived with the 8-fold noble paths! 


Pure Karma put up a notice to all that formed Groups in Facebook attempting to match skills in Buddha Dharma to please refrain from tagging or sharing or involving Pure Karma or Lotuschef, in any of their battles!

Link as follows: Notification on Facebook Group Invitations

The other ones like one from TBS' admin named: The Enlightened Buddha, is also another of such depicting "Sentient Squabbles in Sentient Mud-pool"!

A frog in a very very deep well! 
What vision!!! :)

If you do not want to join this frog in the very very deep well, please wake up now and put in due diligence to study & cultivate authentic Buddha Dharma!

I am not showing Dualism by saying Authentic and Fake though! 


Stay tuned!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Notification on Facebook Group Invitations // Pemberitahuan mengenai undangan dari grup-grup di Facebook

Dear friends who are joining facebook groups under Religions – Cultures – Philosophies – Opinions categories, please don't invite Pure Karma to join in again in the future.

Many members of the aforesaid groups have staunch beliefs in the truth according to their own perceptions, and therefore fond of attacking and bullying one another. You all can anyway have your own battles and leave Pure Karma alone in this respect. :)

Rather than spending your time to share opinions, you should use it for more learning and thinking. Dharma is something that we either understand or don't understand, so ultimately there is no need to try to show yourselves off!

Thank you and cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Pure Karma


Teman-teman sekalian yang bergabung di dalam berbagai grup seputar Agama – Budaya – Filosofi – Opini di Facebook, mohon kiranya tidak mengundang Pure Karma untuk bergabung lagi.

Banyak anggota dari grup-grup tersebut yang mempunyai pandangan kebenarannya sendiri mengenai kepercayaan yang dianutnya, dan saling menyerang serta mem-bully. Silakan berperang sendiri dan jangan membawa-bawa Pure Karma ke dalamnya :)

Daripada meluangkan waktu untuk berbagi opini, di sini menyarankan kalian untuk belajar dan berpikir lebih banyak. Dharma merupakan sesuatu yang kita pahami ataupun tidak (mampu memahaminya), jadi tak perlu mencoba memamerkan diri!

Terima kasih dan salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Pure Karma

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 慧可安心 Wisdom Can Set Heart at Peace

ZM Shen Guang Hui Ke travelled a mountainous route to Shaolin Temple at Song Shan to visit Patriarch Bodhidharma, attempting to seek teachings and be accepted as his student. Bodhidharma sitting quietly facing the wall and ignored him. Thus Shen Guang waiting outside. It was windy and snowing at that time, and after a long time, the snow was knee deep.

Bodhidharma seeing his sincerity in seeking dharma, started to ask SG:
What matter are you asking in waiting so long in the snow?
SG said: Hoping that reverend open sacred dew door, widespreadly succour all.  
Dharma said: All Buddhas have no special paths, through long periods of diligence, difficult to execute also can execute, difficult to bear or persevere also can bear, still cannot reach, you are using light and prideful heart, hoping for True Vehicle, wasting your effort and hardship only.

Upon hearing these, SG felt remorse, immediately cut away one of his arm, there and then in front of Dharma's seat.   
Dharma said: All Buddhas seeking Dao (Path) for Dharma forgetting Forms, what are you asking in severing your arm?
SG answered: Student's heart is not at peace, seeking help from Master to set my heart at peace!
Dharma shouted: Bring your heart here, I will help you set it at peace!
A shocked SG said: I can't find my heart!
Dharma smile lightly saying: I already help set your heart at peace.
SG can't find the place, but just a turn around enter the place, finally reach realisation,

Our suffering are originally Void or Empty, Sins also do not have Self Nature, Conscious heart silently disintegrated, no more places from which unwholesome thoughts initiate, that is True or Right Realisation, that is Buddha's Path.

If can maintain a true heart that is stable, true/honest, not messed up, Buddha nature will appear at that moment.


The above story is a much recounted one.

Enjoy it and learn from it. :)

Heaven or Hell?

All Self created!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, September 26, 2015

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 大颠与韩愈 Da Dian & Han Yu

Emperor Tang Xian Zong believes highly in Buddha Dharma, welcoming in Buddha's sarira into palace to pay respectful offering.

有一天,殿中夜放光明,早朝时群臣都向皇帝祝贺,只有韩愈不贺,并陈 “谏迎佛骨表”,斥佛为夷狄 (means others not from own tribe),触怒了对佛教虔诚信仰的皇帝,于是被贬到潮州当刺史。
One day, these sarira emitted bright light at night in a palace hall, and during morning court session, all court officials congratulated the Emperor except one, that is Han Yu, who submitted a "List on the welcoming of Buddha's bone relics"; pointing out that Buddha is foreign, annoyed the staunch Buddha believing Emperor, and punished by sending him off to Chao Zhou as provincial governor.
At that time, Chao Zhou is in the southern wilderness, yet to develop culturally, Zen Master Da Dian's ways are widespread and deeply respected by the great population there.

Han Yu heard about this high monk of this place, one day with mindset of seeking advice on his problems, he paid a respectful visit to ZM DD,
at that time, ZM was about to enter Zen Sitting, no good to go forward to ask questions,

因此,苦等了很久,侍者看出韩愈的不耐烦,于是上前用引磬(Cited Chime)在禅师的耳边敲了三下,轻声对禅师道:
Thus, he waited agonisingly for quite long, care-giver can see through Han Ya's impatience, thus went ahead to use the Cited Chime to strike 3 times near the Zen Master's ear, softly said to Zen Master:

First with Stationary Movement, then extract with wisdom.
Care-giver's mean that ZM's Zen Meditation has already sparked Han Yu's prideful heart, now should use Wisdom to extract his fixation,
at these words, Han Yu immediately pay respect and bid his farewell, he said:     
Fortunate to gain information from care-giver's mouth.    
This time, Han Yu do not seek advice.

Not long thereafter, the doubtful lump in Han Yu couldn't resolve, he again went to pay respectful visit to ZM DD, asking:   
Can I know how many spring autumn has reverend?
ZM holding the chanting mala said: Can you? (Or "Do you know"?)   
Without understanding his meaning, Han Yu said: Cannot! or Don't know!    
Day night one hundred eight.  
Still unable to understand the meaning, Han Yu pay another visit the next day, when he reach the doorway, he saw a little monk, and went forward asking:
Can I know how many spring autumn has reverend?

Little monk remained silent but gritted his teeth 3 times, Han Yu seems like dropping into a 5-mile fog, again he entered to meet ZM DD, seeking advice, ZM likewise gritted his teeth 3 times, then Han Yu seemed to have some realisation, saying:
So Buddha Dharma don't have 2 sections, all the same.   



Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, September 25, 2015

Koan Zen – Ada Yang Bisa Kubantu?

Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 24 September 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 我也可以为你忙 Can I Help You?

Sumber artikel: 我也可以为你忙

Suatu ketika, saat Guru Zen Fo Guang bertemu dengan Bhiksu Zen Ke Qi, ia bertanya:

“Dari sejak kamu datang kemari untuk belajar Zen, waktu telah banyak berlalu dan kira-kira sudah melewati 12 musim gugur dan musim salju, kenapa kamu tak pernah bertanya tentang “Dao” dariku?”

Ke Qi menjawabnya: “Guru Zen senior tiap hari sibuk, bhiksu murid ini sungguh tak berani mengganggu.”
Waktu kembali berlalu, dan 3 tahun lewat sudah.

Suatu hari, Guru Zen Fo Guang dan Ke Qi bertemu lagi dan kembali menanyakan:

“Apakah kamu menemui masalah dalam pelatihan Zen dan Dao-mu? Kenapa tak menemuiku dan bertanya?”
Ke Qi menjawabnya: “Tetua sangat sibuk, bhiksu murid ini tak berani asal-asalan bicara dengan Anda!”
Setahun lagi telah berlalu, saat Ke Qi berjalan melewati ruang Fo Guang, Guru Zen kembali bertanya kepada Ke Qi:

“Kamu kemarilah, hari ini aku ada waktu, datanglah ke Ruang Zen-ku dan mari kita bicara tentang Zen Dao.”
Ke Qi segera menangkupkan kedua telapak tangannya untuk memberi hormat dan berkata:

“Tetua Guru Zen sangat sibuk, saya mana berani memboroskan waktu tetua?”

Guru Zen Fo Guang tahu bahwa Ke Qi terlalu rendah hati, tak berani terang-terangan memikul tanggung jawab, bagaimapun juga mau belajar Zen ia tak akan bisa tercerahkan.
Guru Zen Fo Guang tahu kalau ia tak mengambil inisiatif maka tak akan ada hasil, jadi ia bertanya sekali lagi kepada Ke Qi saat mereka bertemu:

“Melatih Dao dan Zen itu tak boleh berhenti belajar dan menganalisa, kenapa kamu selalu tak mau datang dan bertanya kepadaku?”
Ke Qi masih menjawabnya: “Tetua Guru Zen sangat sibuk, bhiksu murid tak berani mengganggu!”
Guru Zen Fo Guang kemudian berteriak dengan keras: “Sibuk! Sibuk! Memangnya sibuk untuk siapa? Aku juga bisa sibuk demi kamu!”

Kata-kata Fo Guang mengenai hati Ke Qi, dan Ke Qi tiba-tiba tercerahkan.
Ada orang yang hanya terlalu memperhatikan diri sendiri, tak pernah demi orang lain, hingga selalu merepotkan orang-orang lain dengan berbagai masalah kecil.

Ada juga yang terlalu memperhatikan orang-orang lain dan enggan mengurusi diri sendiri, pada akhirnya kehilangan banyak kesempatan.

Wajah asli Zen adalah mengemban tanggung jawab!

Saat makan, ya makan;

Saat melatih Dao, ya melatihnya;

Saat bertanya, menanyakan yang penting;

Saat menjawab, menjawab dengan penuh keyakinan.

Tak boleh berputar-putar sekitar benar-salah!

Apakah aku bisa membantumu, kenapa kamu tak menginginkan bantuanku?

Kenapa aku tak bisa membantumu?

Orang lain dan Aku, tak terlalu dibeda-bedakan!



Melatih diri harus dilakukan Sendirian khan?


Meski Sendirian, si praktisi harus mempersenjatai diri dengan berbagai Kiat supaya juga bisa maju.

Enggan bertanya saat ragu-ragu?

Mungkin karena tak enak merepotkan orang lain ATAU
tak ingin menunjukkan kebodohan diri sendiri karena CONGKAK!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 岂曾混淆 Have Been Mixed Up Before

On his study trip, a travelling monk passed by a temple and there was an old lady, the temple's in-charge, resting in front, he asked the old lady:
Shi-gu! (A form of respectful address for a female person - teaching aunt)
This temple, other than you, still have other relatives?
Old lady: Have!
Travelling monk: How come didn't see any?
Old lady: Nuo! ( a sound like saying "There")
Mountain river great earth like grass like wood are all my relatives!
Travelling monk: Without emotion is not With emotion, those mountain river grass wood since when have been like Shi-gu's in looks?   
Old lady: Then you see me as what kind of look?
Travelling monk: common people! (Layperson)  
Old lady: You are also not a chu-jia person! (chu-jia ren - monk or nun)   
Travelling monk: Shi-gu! You can not mix up Buddha Dharma.   
Old lady: I have not mixed up Buddha Dharma!   
Travelling monk: Commoner in charge of temple, grass and wood all become Dao (Path) friends, your ways like these is not mixed up Buddha Dharma then is what?
Old lady: Fashi! You can't say like these, must know that you are male and I am female, when ever have mixed up?

All that exist in the universe is One form or body of Heart, Buddha, Sentient beings, all have no differentiation.
However, Individuals firmly cut up this One form that is undifferentiated with dualistic view,
thus, in the world, there are true lies good evil, like and dislike, even male and female as different species, all methods within and without of the world, non stop facing these differences,
If view as One True Dharma Realm, then old lady when has been mixed up before?

Another lovely story with much depth!

As in the previous story of a polished and unpolished mirror, is there a difference in its inherent nature?

All boils down to the Individual's cultivation level and enlightenment level only!

Take some moments and sit back to ponder, please.
Are you truly moving along the Bodhi Path armed with the necessaries to Arrive?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan - 古镜未磨 Old Mirror Before Polish

Above: Mirror used in olden days.

有道禅师当初行脚时,路过一间卖茶的茶坊,因为口渴,就顺道进去想喝杯茶小憩一下,店主一看是位云水僧(Travelling Monk) 就热忱招呼,并且问道:
In the early days of starting to be a travelling monk, You Dao ZM passed by a tea shop and stepped in to quench his thirst. Shopkeeper upon seeing a travelling monk, warmly serve him saying:
Zen master! You have suffered? want to drink tea?
ZM YD only use a common glance at the tea rack, nodded and remain silent.


Shopkeeper seems like an expert in Zen Dao, carefully said:
I think you are a Zen Master of great depth! Zen Master! 
Little me (Humble form of addressing self) has a question to seek your teaching, if you tell me, then I will gong-yang you! How about it?
ZM YD : You can ask!

Shopkeeper asked: What is Old Mirror before polish?
ZM YD quickly answered: Black as paint.
Shopkeeper asked again: After polishing old mirror then what?
ZM YD answered: Shine on heaven and earth.  
Shopkeeper, unperturbed said: Sorry! pardon me for not going to gong-yang you.

Saying these, Shopkeeper turned around and enter his shop.    
ZM YD was dumbfounded fro a moment, heart thinking:
I study Zen for decades, now can't even match a Shopkeeper, can see his Zen Dao is high!

Thus he vowed to cultivate diligently in retreat, to attain enlightenment.

3 years later, ZM YD again appeared at the tea shop's door-step.

Shopkeeper still warmly greeted him and said: 

He! 3 years didn't see you, still would like to ask the same statement, "What is old mirror before polish"?
ZM YD easily said: From her to Han-Yang not far.
Shopkeeper asked again: After polishing old mirror then what?
ZM YD answered again: Parrot country in front of Yellow Crane Tower.
Upon hearing these replies, the shopkeeper very sincerely said: Please Zen master accept my gong-yang!

Then immediately turned around and said: Waiter! boil tea, boil tea, boil good tea!

This old mirror represent our Self nature, originally or inherently clean & pure, no increase nor decrease, originally self shining, how to differentiate between polished or not.


第二次回答古镜未磨 ‘此去汉阳不远’;

Lovely story? 

The Before and After story of a novice & expert zen master!

Understand why ZM YD weren't serve tea for his first visit and why he was served during his second?

Remember my Body Speech Mind articles in this blog?

Now read those Chats and sieve through their contents carefully, and you can learn to read Body Speech Mind of each writer.

Same with emails/assignments published in this blog.

Have Fun! 

You need efforts to learn, agree?

Giving you answers? Only harm you in the long run!

A good live example is : Answer to enlightenment that LN received from GM Lu! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Koan Zen – Hati & Kodrat

Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 23 September 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 心与性 Heart & Nature

Seorang bhiksu murid belajar dari Nan Yang Hui Zhong Guo Shi (Guru Negara, biasanya menjabat sebagai penasehat raja). Ia memohon ajaran, berkata:
“Zen adalah nama lain dari Hati, dan Hati adalah Buddha yang Tak Mengalami Peningkatan,

Di dunia ini, kodrat buddha sejati yang telah melekat dari sejak awal tidaklah berkurang, para Patriak Zen pada umumnya menamakan Hati ini sebagai Kodrat,

Guru Zen, mohon jelaskan apa bedanya Hati dengan Kodrat?”

Tanpa ada yang disembunyikan, Hui Zhong menjawabnya:

“Saat Tersesat maka ada perbedaan, saat Tercerahkan maka tak ada perbedaan.”

Bhiksu murid kembali bertanya lebih lanjut:

“Di dalam sutra dikatakan: Kodrat Buddha sifatnya kekal, Hati sifatnya tak kekal, lalu kenapa Anda bilang tak ada perbedaan?”

Hui Zhong Guo Shi dengan sabar memberikan contoh dan berkata:

“Kamu ini menempel pada bahasa (kata-kata), bukannya pada arti sebenarnya, seperti ketika dingin maka air berubah menjadi es, ketika hangat maka es meleleh menjadi air; ketika tersesat maka kodrat berubah menjadi hati, ketika tercerahkan hati berubah menjadi kodrat, hati dan kodrat pada dasarnya sama saja, menjadi beda sepenuhnya tergantung pada saat ini tersesat atau tercerahkan.”

Bhiksu murid akhirnya mengingat-ingat kata-kata tersebut dalam hatinya.








Salah satu bentuk Kemelekatan! :)

Pas sekali aku juga sedang merenungkan “Tekad Seseorang” di dalam Melatih Tantrayana!

Bagaimana seorang praktisi mampu “MENGGUNAKAN TEKADNYA”, atau menggerakkan Qi (Prana) / Energi Cahaya untuk menjalankan dengan leluasa (renyun 任运)!

Tentunya kamu harus punya pengetahuan seperti di atas, apakah ada perbedaan antara hatimu dan kodratmu!

Kamu harus tahu bahwa aku sedang berbagi cara “MENGAMALKAN” Buddha Dharma.

Seperti memasak, kita belajar cara mencampur berbagai macam bahan hingga orang yang memakannya menjadi sangat puas.

Seharusnya kini kamu paham kenapa Mahaguru Lu menganugerahkan nama “Chef” (Koki) kepadaku?

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, September 24, 2015

禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 我也可以为你忙 Can I Help You?

Once, when Zen Master Fo Guang met Zen Monk Ke Qi, he asked:

From the time you have come here to learn Zen, much time has passed and about 12 autumns & winters already, why is it that you never ask "Dao" from me?
KQ answered: Senior zen master is busy everyday, student monk really dare not disturb.
Time flies, and 3 years has passed.

One day, ZM FG met KQ again and again asked:

Do you encounter problem during your Zen & Dao practices? Why don't come and ask me?
KQ answered: Elder is very busy, student monk dare not anyhow speak with you!
Yet another year has passed, as KQ passed by outside FG's room, ZM again asked KQ:

You come over, I have time today, please come to my Zen Room and converse about Zen Dao.
KQ immediately put palms together to pay respect and said:

Elder zen master is very busy, how do I dare to waste elder's time?  

ZM FG knows that KQ is overtly humble, dare not directly bear responsibility, no matter how he approaches Zen studies, also won't be able to be enlightened.
ZM FG knows if he don't take the initiative then nothing results, so he asked KQ once again when they meet, :

Learn Dao and Sit Zen, must non stop study and analyse, why you always don't come and ask me?
KQ still answered: Elder zen master very busy, student monk dare not disturb!
ZM FG then loudly yelled: Busy! Busy! Busy for who? I can also be busy for you!

This statement of FG hit KQ's heart, and KQ immediately has enter into enlightenment.
There are those that are too for self and not for others, a little small matters continue to trouble or disturb others;

There are some that too concern for others and reluctant to be for self, eventually lost many good opportunities.

The original facade of Zen is to direct bear responsibility!

When eating, eat;

When practicing Dao, practice;

When asking, ask importantly; 

When answering, answer affirmatively.

Cannot circle to and forth between true & false!
Can I help you, why don't you want my help?

Why can't I help you?

Others and Self, don't differentiate too clearly!



Cultivation must go Solo, right?


Going Solo, then One must armed Self with the required Keys to proceed too, agree?

Reluctance to ask when in doubt?

This reluctance can be due to fear of troubling or disturbing others OR
do not want to show Self's ignorance because of PRIDE! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

任运-用 Execute at Will – USE [2]

Dear Fashe
Thank you for replying to my previous email.

As I told you, I am also a student of Grand Master Lu Sen Yen in Indonesia. I once sent email to you about beating of my basic cakra when I imagine Maha Mayuri Buddha appear in front of me. Do you still remember?

Now, I have read almost 400,000 times Maha Mayuri mantra. 
I think I will finish Grand Master's instruction of 600,000 times Maha Mayuri mantra approximately in March 2016.

My basic cakra is not beating any more, but it contracts as long as Maha Mayuri Buddha is still in front of me in my imagination. 
For your information, I still can control the basic cakra contraction, whether to contract or not to contract.

As I stop the imagination, my basic cakra is back to normal.

Do you think this is a good sign of improvement or not?

I have some kind of closeness feeling with Maha Mayuri Buddha and been waiting for Grand Master schedule to perform Maha Mayuri ceremony in the next future where I can have blessing to do Maha Mayuri practice. 
I have choose Maha Mayuri Buddha as my Yidam.

Is it true that Maha Mayuri Buddha can both be our Yidam and Dharmapala?


Dear all,
Read the above email carefully please. :)

With your knowledge of dharma that GM Lu shared, what advice can you give to this student?

First, gauge his Cultivation Level.
Then compare with what GM Lu has shared.

O! If you are on the same level as this student or below, then you would not be able figure out anything or give advice.

Have Fun!

**PS - emails like the above will not be answered!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Renyun, Menjalankan Dengan Leluasa – MENGAMALKAN [1]

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 17 September 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 任运-用 Execute at Will – USE [1]

Mei 2009, beberapa bulan sebelum melakukan kunjungan pertama ke Seattle dan ditahbiskan.

Saat berdiskusi mengenai sadhana “Pelepasan Satwa”:
Aku menyarankan kalau tak mendapatkan tempat di lepas pantai, maka dilakukan di tepi pantai saja DAN
menggunakan Vajra Dorje untuk menggambar bija HOM di angkasa, lalu memancarkan sinar untuk memberkati semua mahluk di Darat, Laut dan Udara.

Reverend LL bilang: "Aku tak bisa melakukannya, terlalu menakjubkan dan Komite Pusat akan membunuhku!"
[太炫了!宗委会会杀死我!]– maksud dia adalah terlalu aneh (untuk dilakukan).


Teman-temanku sekalian yang terkasih,
Mahaguru Lu mengajarkan Dharma Maha Mudra dan Maha Kesempurnaan, aku yakin banyak umat yang kini paham bahwa saranku kepada Reverend LL adalah yang Mahaguru Lu ajarkan sebagai Renyun, Menjalankan Dengan Leluasa 任运.

Saat seorang murid membandingkan diriku dengan seorang VM yang mengelilingi sebuah danau lebih dari 4 jam, membunyikan lonceng dan menggunakan vajra dorje untuk memberkati mahluk-mahluk di danau tersebut, kuberitahu dia bahwa VM ini sama sekali tak paham cara kerja Tantrayana!

Dengan aplikasi yang sama, MENGGUNAKAN Dorje untuk menyalakan bija HOM dan kemudian dipancarkan ke Darat – Laut – Udara, maka semua mahluk akan mendapatkan berkat dan penyucian juga!
Seperti yang telah kubilang, kurang dari 30 detik!

Membuyikan Lonceng Vajra fungsinya untuk membantu menyebarkan sinar atau berkat lebih jauh lagi, sehingga meliputi bumi ini kalau kamu memang inginkan! :)

Apakah status reverend lantas mengubah kemampuan orang yang bersangkutan?
Sejujurnya mengatakan: Tidak begitu!

Apakah Reverend LL tahu cara MENGAMALKAN bija HOM yang kujelaskan kepadanya?

Ia tak tahu bahwa yang kujelaskan padanya adalah Dharma Maha Mudra & Maha Kesempurnaan!

Tentunya mekanisme untuk menggambar bija HOM di langit dan menyalakannya juga ada Kiatnya!

Aku mengajarkan metode yang mirip di Medan, 15 Agustus kemarin!

Banyak artikel di dalam blog ini, bila kamu memperhatikannya, bicara mengenai metode [MENGAMALKAN]!

Kalau Mahaguru Lu bisa, kamu pun juga bisa!


Syarat: Ketulusanmu dan ketekunanmu dalam bersadhana demi memberi manfaat bagi semua insan!

Itu saja!

Yana namanya metode, banyaknya tak terhingga!

Temukanlah Kiat-kiatnya!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 心与性 Heart & Nature

Terjemahan Indonesia: Koan Zen – Hati & Kodrat

A student monk went to study from Nan Yang Hui Zhong Guo Shi (State Master – normally the king's adviser), asking for teaching, said:
"Zen is heart's other name, and Heart is No Increasing Buddha,

In mortal realm, not decreasing true inherent buddha nature, Zen Patriarchs commonly named this Heart as Nature,

please Zen Master, what is the difference between Heart and Nature?"

Hui Zhong answered without any hold back:

"When Lost then have difference, when Enlightened then no difference."

Student monk proceed further and asked:

"Sutra said: Buddha nature is permanent, Heart is impermanent, why do you say no difference?"

Hui Zhong Guo Shi patiently gave example and said:

"You only adhere to language (Words) and not adhere to meaning, such as when cold form ice with water, when warm melt ice into water; when lost form nature as heart, when enlightened form heart as nature, heart and nature originally the same, the difference is present dependent on Lost or enlightened."

Student monk finally put these statements in his heart. 








Another common culprit of Fixation! :)

Coincidentally, I was pondering on "One's Willpower" in Cultivation of Tantrayana!

How One can "WILL" or mobilise Qi or Light energy in execution at will or 任运!

Of course, you must have knowledge like the above of whether there is any difference between your heart and your nature!

Remember that I am sharing "USE" of Buddha Dharma though.

Like cooking, One learns how to mix and match different ingredients to the utmost satisfaction of the diner/diners.

See now, why GM Lu bestowed the name of "Chef" to me?

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Koan Zen – Payungmu Menyelamatkan Dirimu Sendiri

Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 22 September 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 自伞自度 Own Umbrella Succour Self

Sumber: 自伞自度

Seorang umat sedang berdiri di bawah atap supaya tak terkena siraman air hujan, dengan nyaring ia memanggil seorang Guru Zen yang sedang lewat sambil membawa sebuah payung:
“Guru Zen! Mohon selamatkan seorang insan awam ini! Bagaimana bila turut membawaku serta ?”

Guru Zen menimpalinya: “Aku di bawah guyuran hujan, sedangkan kamu di bawah naungan atap, tak ada hujan di bawah atap, jadi kamu tak perlu aku untuk menolongmu.”
Si umat segera berpindah dari bawah atap dan kini berdiri di bawah guyuran hujan, ia berkata: “Sekarang aku juga terkena hujan, sekarang seharusnya aku ditolong dong!”
Guru Zen: “Aku juga di bawah guyuran hujan, kamu juga di bawah guyuran hujan, aku tak terkena hujan karena punya payung, kamu terkena hujan karena tak punya payung.
Jadi, bukan aku yang menolongmu tapi payunglah yang menolongku, kalau kamu ingin ditolong, tak perlu mencariku, justru kamu sendirilah yang mencari payung!”
Setelah berkata demikian, Guru Zen segera pergi! 
Punya payung sendiri maka tak akan kehujanan, punya kodrat buddha sendiri yang sudah melekat di dalam diri maka tak akan disesatkan Mara.

Di hari-hari di mana hujan turun, bila tak membawa payung dan berpikir untuk meminta orang lain menolong dirimu, berarti tak menemukan kodrat buddha yang sepanjang masa sudah melekat di dalam dirimu, mengharap orang-orang lain untuk mengulurkan pertolongan.

Tak menggunakan harta sendiri, selalu memikirkan harta orang lain, bagaimana caranya terpuaskan?

Payung sendiri menyelamatkan diri sendiri, kodrat sendiri menyelamatkan diri sendiri, jawaban untuk segala persoalan lihatlah ke dalam batin sendiri; Guru Zen menolak meminjamkan payung – sebenarnya merupakan kebajikan dan welas asihnya yang agung.


Teman-teman sekalian yang terkasih,
Kisah di atas adalah yang Mahaguru Lu selalu tekankan di segala waktu: Lakukanlah sendiri (Do It Yourself ~ DIY)!

Mahaguru Lu bilang bahwa TAK ADA SEORANGPUN yang mampu menolongmu untuk berlatih hingga mencapai Kebuddhaan. Hanya dirimu sendiri yang mampu!

Sifat manusia pada dasarnya rakus dan malas berusaha?

Bagaimana halnya dengan kisah-kisah Zen yang telah kuunggah?

Supaya kamu berusaha mencernanya!

Jangan cari jawaban dariku! :)

Ingatlah selalu bahwa Mahaguru Lu bilang: Tak ada jawaban untuk Pencerahan!


Kalau kamu memperhatikan ajaran-ajaran Mahaguru Lu, kamu tak akan mencari jawaban dari siapapun!

Kuncinya: Kamu sudah punya semuanya di dalam dirimu, tinggal Ditemukan saja!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

禅宗公案 Zen Koan – 自伞自度 Own Umbrella Succour Self

Source: 自伞自度

A believer was standing under the roof to shelter from the rain, he called out loudly to a passing Zen Master walking pass with an umbrella:
Zen master! Succour a sentient being please! How about bring me a distance?

ZM said: I am in the rain and you are under the roof, there is no rain under the roof, you do not need me to succour.
Believer immediately walked out from under the roof and standing in the rain, said: Now I am also in the rain, should succour me already!
ZM: I am also in the rain, you are also in the rain, I don't get rain upon because have umbrella, you get rain upon because don't have umbrella.
Thus, not I succour you but the umbrella succour me, if you want to be succour, no need to look for me, please go find umbrella yourself!
After saying these, ZM walked away!    
Having own umbrella then won't get rain upon, having your own true inherent buddha nature, should not be misled by Mara.

On rainy days don't bring umbrella and thinking to get others to help self, that is do not find own's true inherent buddha nature at all times and expect others to succour self.

Don't use own's treasures, always thinking of others', how to be truly satisfied?

Own Umbrella Succour Self, Own nature succour self, all matters seek from self; ZM refused to lend umbrella, this is ZM's great kindness and compassion.


Dear all, 
This story is what GM Lu has been stressing all the time: DIY!

GM Lu said that NO ONE can help you cultivate to Buddhahood but yourself!

Human nature is just greedy and lazy to put in due efforts, agree?

The Zen stories shared?

They are for you to go figure them out!

Don't seek answers from me! :)

Bear in mind too that GM Lu said: Enlightenment has no answers!


If you have been paying due attention to GM Lu's sharings, you will not have to go seek answers from anyone!

The Key is that You have all you need within, Find It!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef


Monday, September 21, 2015

Zen Stories [4]

A FAMOUS soldier came to the master Hakuin and asked: 
"Master, tell me: is there really a heaven and a hell?"

"Who are you?" asked Hakuin.

"I am a soldier of the great Emperor's personal guard."

"Nonsense!" said Hakuin. 
"What kind of emperor would have you around him? To me you look like a beggar!" 

At this, the soldier started to rattle his big sword in anger. 

"Oho!" said Hakuin. "So you have a sword! I'll wager it's much too dull to cut my head off!"

At this the soldier could not hold himself back. 
He drew his sword and threatened the master, who said: 
"Now you know half the answer! You are opening the gates of hell!"

The soldier drew back, sheathed his sword, and bowed. 
"Now you know the other half," said the master. 
"You have opened the gates  of heaven."

* * *

THE STUDENT Doko came to a Zen master, and said: 
"I am seeking the truth. 
In what state of mind should I train myself, so as to find it?"

Said the master, "There is no mind, so you cannot put it in any
state. There is no truth, so you cannot train yourself for it."

"If there is no mind to train, and no truth to find, why do you
have these monks gather before you every day to study Zen and
train themselves for this study?"

"But I haven't an inch of room here," said the master, so how
could the monks gather? I have no tongue, so how could I call them
together or teach them?"

"Oh, how can you lie like this?" asked Doko. 

"But if I have no tongue to talk to others, how can I lie to you?" asked the master.

Then Doko said sadly, "I cannot follow you. I cannot understand you.

"I cannot understand myself," said the master.

* * *

Zen Stories [3]

BODHIDHARMA left his robe and bowl to his chosen successor; and
each patriarch thereafter handed it down to the monk that, in his
wisdom, he had chosen as the next successor. 

Gunin was the fifth such Zen patriarch. 

One day he announced that his successor would be he who wrote the best verse expressing the truth of their sect.

The learned chief monk of Gunin's monastery thereupon took brush and ink, and wrote in elegant characters:

The body is a Bodhi-tree
The soul a shining mirror:
Polish it with study
Or dust will dull the image.

No other monk dared compete with the chief monk. 

But at twilight Yeno, a lowly disciple who had been working in the kitchen, passed through the hall where the poem was hanging. 

Having read it, he picked up a brush that was lying nearby, and below the other poem he wrote in his crude hand:

Bodhi is not a tree;
There is no shining mirror.
Since All begins with Nothing
Where can dust collect?

Later that night Gunin, the fifth patriarch, called Yeno to his
"I have read your poem," said he, "and have chosen you as my successor. 
Here: take my robe and my bowl. But our chief monk and the others will be jealous of you and may do you harm. 
Therefore I want you to leave the monastery tonight, while the others are

In the morning the chief monk learned the news, and immediately
rushed out, following the path Yeno had taken. 
At midday he overtook him, and without a word tried to pull the robe and bowl
out of Yeno's hands.

Yeno put down the robe and the bowl on a rock by the path. 
"These are only things which are symbols," he said to the monk. 
"If you want the things so much, please take them."

The monk eagerly reached down and seized the objects. But he could
not budge them. They had become heavy as a mountain.

"Forgive me," he said at last, "I really want the teaching, not the things. Will you teach me?"

Yeno replied, "Stop thinking this is mine and stop thinking this is not mine. 
Then tell me, where are you? 
Tell me also: what did your face look like, before your parents were born?"

* * *

The above story is about Zen Patriarch Hui Neng and here named as Yeno.
The accuracy of the story recounted is questionable though.

ZP Hui Neng is illiterate and the verse written by Chief Monk was read to him.
He then seek help to have his own verse written.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef