冈波巴(藏文:སྒམ་པོ་པ,威利:sgam po pa,英语:Gampopa,1079年-1153年),法名索南仁钦(藏文:བསོད་ནམས་རིན་ཆེན,威利:bsod nams rin chen,英语:Sonam Rinchen),出家前俗名达玛扎(藏语“法称”之意),《红史》中记载其俗名为宁波贡嘎(藏语“众悦心”之意),又人称达布拉吉。
达布拉吉:(藏语: དྭགས་པོ་ལྷ་རྗེ,威利拼音: dwags po lha rje,英语:Dagpo Lhaje)旧译达布拉杰、达布拉结等。医师在藏文中被尊称为拉吉,他因少年时便学医,故有此称,意译为达布地方的医师。
他自幼对佛教有深厚的信仰,1094年他15岁时已广学宁玛派各种密法,并跟随噶当派格西夏惹瓦·云丹扎(Sharawa Yönten Drak,1070-1141)学习经典。
后来听闻噶当派对于菩萨行有极善巧的教授,所以到达卫地,向格西略雍巴学习菩提道次地法,后来又跟随女绒巴尊珠坚赞(Nyukrumpa Tsöndru Gyaltsen)学习阿底峡大师所传的口授传承。他学习勤奋,尽学噶当六论和戒律诸论。
他在1111年32岁时,因为听到三名乞丐谈论大瑜伽修行者米拉日巴的事迹,决心去向他求法,最后到达后藏甄地的吉祥山(Trode Tashigang)(今聂拉木培吉林),希望能拜米拉日巴为师。当他见到米拉日巴时,米拉日巴手持着一个嘎巴拉碗,装满了酒并交给他。
他的著作甚多,最有名的是《解脱道庄严论》(直译为《正法如意宝解脱庄严宝大乘菩提道次第解说》,现在汉语通称《解脱庄严宝——大乘菩提道次第论》)(英语:The Jewel Ornament Of Liberation)。
Gampopa Sonam Rinchen (Tibetan: སྒམ་པོ་པ་བསོད་ནམས་རིན་ཆེན, Wylie: sgam po pa bsod nams rin chen) (1079–1153) "Sonam Rinchen from Gampo" — who was equally well known in Tibet as Dagpo Lhaje (Tibetan: དྭགས་པོ་ལྷ་རྗེ, Wylie: dwags po lha rje) ("the Physician from Dagpo"),
他的著作甚多,最有名的是《解脱道庄严论》(直译为《正法如意宝解脱庄严宝大乘菩提道次第解说》,现在汉语通称《解脱庄严宝——大乘菩提道次第论》)(英语:The Jewel Ornament Of Liberation)。
Gampopa Sonam Rinchen (Tibetan: སྒམ་པོ་པ་བསོད་ནམས་རིན་ཆེན, Wylie: sgam po pa bsod nams rin chen) (1079–1153) "Sonam Rinchen from Gampo" — who was equally well known in Tibet as Dagpo Lhaje (Tibetan: དྭགས་པོ་ལྷ་རྗེ, Wylie: dwags po lha rje) ("the Physician from Dagpo"),
Nyamed Dakpo Rinpoche ("Incomparible Precious One from Dagpo"),
(the Tibetan for Candraprabhakumara) — established the Kagyu school, one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism today, as an institution.
Another name for Gampopa was Ü-pa Tönpa. "Ü" is central Tibet, and "pa" means "person," so "Ü-pa" means a person who comes from central Tibet, and "Tönpa" means "teacher.".
Short biography
Gampopa, a physician from Dagpo region in S. Tibet, was the foremost student of the Tibetan Buddhist teacher Milarepa.
Gampopa was renowned for the clarity of his perception and his knowledge of both Kadampa and, later, Mahamudra methods.
He studied medicine as a youth, married a daughter of a man named Chim Jose Darma Wo (mchims jo sras dar ma 'od) and had a child, but they both died, causing him to renounce the householder's life.
In 1104, at the age of twenty-five he took ordination, either in Dakpo (dwags po) or in Penyul, at Gyachak Ri monastery ('phan yul rgya lcags ri), receiving the name Sonam Rinchen (bsod nams rin chen).
He studied medicine as a youth, married a daughter of a man named Chim Jose Darma Wo (mchims jo sras dar ma 'od) and had a child, but they both died, causing him to renounce the householder's life.
In 1104, at the age of twenty-five he took ordination, either in Dakpo (dwags po) or in Penyul, at Gyachak Ri monastery ('phan yul rgya lcags ri), receiving the name Sonam Rinchen (bsod nams rin chen).
Gampopa's position in the transmission lineage of the esoteric Mahamudra teaching is as follows:
Tilopa (988-1069), the Indian yogi who experienced the original transmission of the Mahamudra
Naropa (1016–1100), who perfected the methods of accelerated enlightenment, described in his six yogas of Naropa.
Marpa (1012–1097), the first Tibetan in the lineage, who translated the Vajrayana andMahamudra texts into Old Tibetan
Milarepa (1052–1135), poet and master who overcame Marpa's reluctance to teach but nonetheless attained enlightenment in a single lifetime
Gampopa, Milarepa's most important student, who integrated Atisha's Kadampa teaching and Tilopa's Mahamudra teaching to establish the Kagyu school
This lineage sequence, taken together, is called the "Five Founding Masters" by the Kagyu followers.
Prior to studying under Milarepa, Gampopa had studied the Kadampa traditions, which is a gradual path based on the lamrim teachings. He searched for, and eventually met Milarepa, and attained realization of ultimate reality under his guidance.
Gampopa wrote The Jewel Ornament of Liberation and founded the Dagpo Kagyud school in 1125. It was the integrative teaching of Gampopa which unified Kadampa and Mahamudra teachings into the distinctive Kagyu approach.
Gampopa also established various monastic institutions, taught extensively, and attracted many students.
Four of his disciples founded the four "major" Kagyu schools:
Barom Kagyu founded by Barompa Darma Wangchug (1127-1194?) [4][5]
Phagdru Kagyu founded by Phagmo Drupa Dorje Gyalpo (1110-1170)[4][6]
Karma Kagyu, also known as the Kamtsang Kagyu School, founded by Düsum Khyenpa the 1st Karmapa (1110-1193)[4][7]
Tsalpa Kagyu founded by Zhang Yudragpa Tsondru Drag (1123-1193) [4][8]
The succession of Gampopa's own monastery passed to his nephew Dagpo Gomtsul Tsultim Nyingpo (dwags sgom tshul khrims snying po) (1116-1169).
Barom Kagyu founded by Barompa Darma Wangchug (1127-1194?) [4][5]
Phagdru Kagyu founded by Phagmo Drupa Dorje Gyalpo (1110-1170)[4][6]
Karma Kagyu, also known as the Kamtsang Kagyu School, founded by Düsum Khyenpa the 1st Karmapa (1110-1193)[4][7]
Tsalpa Kagyu founded by Zhang Yudragpa Tsondru Drag (1123-1193) [4][8]
The succession of Gampopa's own monastery passed to his nephew Dagpo Gomtsul Tsultim Nyingpo (dwags sgom tshul khrims snying po) (1116-1169).
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