Monday, November 30, 2015

Menunjukkan Dengan Jelas 直指 – Perjalanan yang Leluasa 潇洒走一回?

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 12 November 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 直指 Direct Pointing Out – 潇洒走一回 An Unimpeded Trip?

潇洒 xiāosǎ
(1) [alamiah dan leluasa; ceria; keluar dari hiruk pikuknya kehidupan]∶ [神情举止] 自然大方, 不呆板, 不拘束(神情潇洒)

(2) [lalai; di luar kebiasaan]∶ 不拘谨的或无拘束的;不矫揉造作的

Leluasa (kata sifat): tak terintangi atau terhalangi.
“pandangan tak terhalangi di sepanjang tanjung”

Sinonim: tak dibatasi, tanpa hambatan, tak terintangi, tak terhalangi, bebas, terbuka, jernih, tak dikendalikan, tak ditinggali, lepas, tak terbatas


Kasus 1

2009 – Vajragarbha Seattle, di saat sesi sadhana bersama.
Mahaguru Lu membacakan secarik surat dari Lian-ye (Padmakumara Hijau – Taiwan).
LY menuliskan bahwa Pencerahan bukanlah hal besar dan tak terlalu penting.
DAN ia memberitahu Mahaguru Lu bahwa bila ia telah tercerahkan, mohon jangan diumumkan.

Demam Pencerahan!


Kasus 2

2009 – di lokasi upacara pelimpahan pahala untuk almarhum, setelah selesai upacara.
Aku ditanya oleh Reverend QG tentang apa yang kini kulakukan sebagai seorang reverend.
Menjawabnya: Aku memimpin sadhana bersama 4 Prayoga dalam Bahasa Inggris di rumah ibadah setempat, SC.

Reverend QG mengkritik dengan keras: “Siapa bilang melatih 4 Prayoga bisa mencapai Kebuddhaan!”

Oh! Yang satu ini menurut ceramah Mahaguru Lu baru-baru ini, sudah bahaya sekali akan terjatuh ke Neraka Vajra.
Mahaguru bilang: Belum tercerahkan namun mengaku telah tercerahkan, adalah Penipuan!
Kejahatan kelas berat karena berbohong kepada para Buddha, Bodhisattva, Dharmapala, … dan semua insan (karena semua insan punya potensi Kebudhaan yang telah ada sedari awal).

Kalau QG meyakini bahwa sadhana 4 Prayoga tak mampu membawa si praktisi menuju Kebuddhaan, kenapa ia selalu memimpin upacara pelimpahan pahala untuk almarhum dengan menggunakan sadhana Mahaguru Lu?

Oh! Ia bukan hanya sekedar peserta biasa saja!
Ia sang ketua dari sesi tersebut! :)


Kasus 3

LR bilang kepada istrinya, LK: Kamu harus melatih 4 Prayoga dulu baru kemudian Guru Yoga.
Belum boleh melatih Guru Yoga dulu.

Aku tanya kepadanya kenapa dia boleh, sedangkan istrinya tidak.

LR bilang bahwa ia melakukan wen-shi (konsultasi) di rumah ibadah setempat, VM Lian Huo bilang kepadanya berhubung dia telah melatih 4 Prayoga selama beberapa waktu, ia sekarang boleh maju ke Guru Yoga.

LH selalu mengklaim kalau ia murid Mahaguru Lu yang paling senior!


Kasus 4

2009, Vajragarbha Seattle, sehari sebelum upacara musim gugur.
VM Lian Ning berpapasan denganku dan bilang: “Chu-jia!” kamu masuk jebakan!
Aku menimpalinya: Siapa menjebak siapa?
Mahaguru Lu mengumumkannya telah mencapai pencerahan dan di saat yang bersamaan juga memberitahu semua murid supaya membantu LN merubah kebiasaan buruknya.
Dan siapapun boleh mendatangi dan mengingatkannya bahwa seorang yang telah tercerahkan tak boleh berteriak dan harus masuk akal!

Suatu saat:
Di Vajragarbha Caotun setelah upacara dan Mahaguru Lu sedang memberikan berkat Mo-ding (jamah kepala).
VM Lian Ning datang sambil berkali-kali berteriak: Kamu Lian Chu fashi?

Begitu ia mendekatiku, ia mulai mengajukan berbagai pertanyaan dan mengulanginya dua kali!
Salah satunya adalah apakah aku punya masalah pribadi dengannya.
Satu hal lain lagi adalah apakah aku telah menerima surat dari Komite Pusat.
Lalu ia bilang kalau shimu ingin bertemu denganku.
Dan, aku mengulang apa yang Mahaguru Lu ajarkan kepadaku secara “astral”: Kalau shimu ingin bertemu denganku, (tanyakan kepadanya) apakah sebagai Shimu atau sebagai VM?
Ia hampir saja lari!

Sekali lagi ia datang dan kembali berteriak mengatakan kalau shimu ingin bertemu denganku dan aku diminta untuk mengikutinya!
Saat aku menolaknya, ia segera pergi sambil berkata bahwa aku ini sungguh “tinggi” dan memperingatkanku untuk berhati-hati soal disiplin sila.


Ada banyak murid dengan pola pikir seperti mereka ini, semuanya kutuliskan ke dalam blog.
Tentunya berterima kasih kepada mereka, karena kita jadi punya materi pembelajaran dan penyelamatan jiwa.

Teman-temanku yang terkasih, jangan “bermain-main” dengan siapapun saat kamu masih jauh dari pencerahan!

Di kasus 1, LY menyatakan kepada Mahaguru Lu bahwa ia tak tertarik untuk diumumkan saat telah mencapai Pencerahan.
Kiranya apa motifnya di balik hal itu?

Berpikir untuk mengalihkan kerakuskanmu atas pengakuan lewat penyangkalan?
Kamu jangan bermain-main dengan seorang Buddha Hidup dan Guru Akarmu!

Menuliskan surat tersebut adalah bukti besar bahwa Penyakit Demam Pencerahan telah menjalar dan kamu sudah terjangkiti!

一心不乱 – hati yang stabil dan kokoh, yang tak terpengaruh sampai menjadi kacau!

Punya pikiran itu dan segala maksud di baliknya, LALU menuliskan pikiranmu?
Kamu sedang memberitahu bukan hanya Mahaguru Lu saja, tapi juga seluruh dunia, tentang seberapa parah Demam Pencerahan yang menderamu!


Di kasus 2, QG menurut informasi dari para murid, adalah orang yang buta huruf. Tak bisa membaca dan menulis.
DAN SAYANGNYA tak sepenuhnya paham apa yang sedang ia lakukan selama ini, plus menyangkal Sadhana 4 Prayoga. Orang ini sedang apa?

Ia membuang Mahaguru Lu!
Ia juga membuang Buddha Dharma!
Namun ia mengklaim kalau metode penyeberangan bardo-nya diwariskan secara khusus oleh Mahaguru Lu kepadanya saja!


Upacara pelimpahan pahala untuk almarhum yang ia lakukan selama bertahun-tahun ini, seberapa besar tipu daya yang dilakukannya dan berapa banyak musuh karma yang diciptakannya?

Teman-temanku yang terkasih, ingatkah bahwa Mahaguru Lu pernah bilang kalau Sadhana 4 Prayoga juga dibutuhkan di dalam melatih Anu Yoga?

DAN mereka yang berpikir bahwa kamu boleh melepaskan 4 Prayoga dan “naik” ke Guru Yoga, adalah orang-orang yang belum mendapatkan Kontak Batin dari sadhana 4 Prayoga, Guru Yoga, maupun yoga apapun!

Mengajarkan hal yang salah kepada orang-orang, juga salah satu bentuk Penipuan dan malah merintangi orang-orang di sepanjang jalur Bodhi!

Kasus 4?
Dunia juga tahu kalau ia tak bertindak layaknya seorang yang tercerahkan! :)

Teman-temanku yang terkasih, kamu ingin mendapatkan Perjalanan yang Leluasa di dunia saha ini dan kemudian bisa kembali Tanah Suci?

ATAU, malah ingin Leluasa Langsung Masuk ke Neraka Vajra?


Kenapa Mahaguru Lu membahas Penipuan dan Neraka Vajra?

Aku mendapatkan pesan untuk menggunakannya kepada mereka yang selalu Mengancam dengan menggunakan Disiplin Sila sebagai senjata, dan juga kepada Otoritas yang menghukum orang-orang!

Dengan menggunakan Seni Berperang alla Sunzi – Supaya dia mencicipi rasa obatnya sendiri.
孙子兵法中一种 - [以其人之道,还治其人之身]

Ah! Kasus 3, murid LR ini percaya kata-kata si VM dan menerapkannya kepada dirinya sendiri dan juga istrinya, serta aku amati dilakukannya kepada para murid lainnya pula!

Jadi LR mengunci dirinya sendiri ke dalam kotak buatannya sendiri dan mencoba hidup sesuai dengan ekpektasi ataupun persepsi si kotak tersebut.
Singkat kata, ia harus terus bersandiwara demi mempertahankan harapan akan persepsinya sendiri mengenai “Murid Tingkat Lanjut”!

Baru-baru ini aku membagikan lagi: 法无定法! Tak ada dharma atau metode yang tetap!

Bagaimana kamu bisa Bebas dan Leluasa di dalam perjalananmu kalau kamu punya banyak Keterpakuan!

Dan mereka yang bilang: Lian Chu fashi itu sungguh tak bagus, ia hanya mengajarkan Sadhana 4 Prayoga.


Ya! Lian Chu fashi memang sungguh parah!
Hanya tahu 4 Prayoga!

Jadi lihatlah Sadhana 4 Prayoga yang disusun oleh Lian Chu fashi yang parah ini dan tunjukkan bagian mananya yang “tidak bagus”!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

[Edited as per 15 September 2019]

Lotuschef at Play – Don't Have Basics 没有根基!

【TBSN最新】2015年11月29日 蓮生活佛 盧勝彥法王法駕〈甘露精舍〉主持「地藏王菩薩瑜伽焰口」法會──真正最大的善,就是修行!

【雨文 報導】2015年11月29日下午二時許,蓮生活佛 盧勝彥法王於〈甘露精舍〉主持「地藏王菩薩瑜伽焰口」法會。




Most important point in Feng-shui is to benefit both realms of dead & alive.

Only Cultivation then can change one's destiny!

The most true kindness is cultivation, and only cultivate properly then the life's value that you can get surpasses everything.

阿羅漢 Arhat 就是把自己度到最高境界,自度度他,自覺覺他,就是
菩薩 Boddhisattva
[These are mostly about the stages of cultivation or the Yanas, which I have shared recently in this blog.]




世界上只有修行的身口意清淨是不變的 In this world, Unchanging Body speech mind only from cultivation
When you don't cultivate, your body speech mind is dirty, is garbage, this then is value of cultivation.






AA: yesterday GM did an event in F's chapter
【TBSN最新】2015年11月29日 蓮生活佛 盧勝彥法王法駕〈甘露精舍〉主持「地藏王菩薩瑜伽焰口」法會──真正最大的善,就是修行!

hehe! my expose of their lies really effective?

BB: 【TBSN Terbaru】29 November 2015 Dharmaraja Liansheng Shengyen Lu Memimpin Upacara Ulkhamukhayoga Ksitigarbha di Vihara Ganlu, Bhavana Adalah Kebajikan Teragung

thats the indo translation for 29th Nov Dharma Speech

AA: hehe! still all about constant continuous diligent cultivation lol

BB: but din mention anything specific about VMs

AA: all about basics

hahaha! Just think! When GM finds a need to share basics means all don't have lol! :)

BB: ahahaha


Why Basics so important for successful cultivation?

Because Maha Mudra, Maha Perfection, Zen, Dharma all develop from Effective Use of Relevant Basic Principles/Theories recorded in Dharani and passed down.

The VMs?

One of them told fellow student during Wenshi, that he can advance to Guru Yoga as he has cultivated 4 Preliminaries for sometime! 


Obviously don't have Basics, agree?

Goes to show that the individual has yet to advance to the next stage or leave "beginner's stage"!

If you hate me for revealing the Truth about your cultivation level of almost non-existence, Then please Use this Great Emotion of Hate to drive you to advance in Cultivation with effective and diligent cultivation as per shared by GM Lu!

Ya. Nothing to do with anyone if you can't "Advance"!

Buddhas don't lie and also Buddhas know all! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Coincidence Again ? 又是巧合?

Above: Screen capture of the video with length of 2:53:54.
GM Lu is talking about 恒 Constant 古 ancient/of old 修行 Cultivation - 
Attainment of Buddhahood is the result of Constant Cultivation diligence that spans from numerous past to present lifetime.

11/28/2015 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection Dzogchen by Grand Master Lu

This is yet another Brief writeup from the above speech.
It is best that all spend time to listen to GM Lu directly, if possible, same speech several times. :)

蓮生活佛繼續開示「大圓滿法」-- 釋迦牟尼佛,夜睹明星而成道,世上的一些法師,都如此認為,果然在天將亮時,東方的夜空昇起一顆天星,於是釋迦牟尼佛,一時頓悟而成佛。事實上,釋佛在未悟道之時,早已入了「寂定」,所見之天星,是慧光,這是「生明生光生慧」的大天星,而非空中掛的小星星耳。









ok great
Nov 28, 2:52 PM

BB: o book marked it liao
talking about traffic jam
i think will start around 4pm again
Nov 28, 3:05 PM

AA: hmmm, yes could be

BB: still not yet start
Nov 28, 3:47 PM

AA: starts now [in actual fact, event delayed again because of the HK troupe's request for Dharma Transmission ceremony]
Nov 28, 3:50 PM

BB: hehe!
every week play so much waste time thingy, seem not tired
Nov 28, 3:51 PM

AA: yes hor

BB: the entourage too!
they didn't think to do more [out of this realm] style

AA: entourage seem to follow what the boss dictates

BB: another that follows Lian-yue n keep her hair to certain length
not completely bald
Nov 28, 4:01 PM

AA: oh

BB: Hehe! I mute speakers, also not watching them
don't want to "one glance" at them :)
i will listen to the speech only
Nov 28, 4:02 PM

the compere today is the one with dialect twang
Nov 28, 4:20 PM

everything MUST Gm do! :)
shows how hopelss n powerless the rest are
GM really needs to do physical demo to satisfy these sentient minds
Nov 28, 4:22 PM

AA: yes hor
Nov 28, 4:23 PM

BB: if any VM were to sit in GM's chair or take charge of the event, sure no business
Nov 28, 4:24 PM

AA: GM is really the money tree for them
Nov 28, 4:24 PM

BB: ya lol! so my writings really made ppl aware that only GM can!
but the bad part is they only want GM n so GM became more busy! :)
Nov 28, 4:26 PM

AA: your statement of everything must GM do is actually an eye-opening
Nov 28, 4:27 PM

BB: who wants to sit in places of importance n wants to be announce
most didn't realise how to drop Name, fame, Self!
chasing in the other direction from Selflessness & void lol
Nov 28, 4:33 PM

AA: i read yesterday that those are the big enemies of people from entering the dhyana samadhi

BB: ya. but this means [no foundation] at all

AA: yes, true

BB: the 4 immeasurable visual are to drop self from the start n merge with all AS ONE into Universal Void
hehe! thats all there is n very simple too
instant buddhahood
Nov 28, 4:37 PM


BB: GM tell them all the time these 44years also no use

hehe! GM did the hide hands inside sleeves n do mudra liao
Nov 28, 4:42 PM

AA: yes :)

BB: today got a Japanese look on GM, like the older ones that like to keep moustache under nose n above lips. about 30+ years old Japanese general of world war era
just before samadhi!
Nov 28, 4:45 PM

AA: oh
another one from the past

BB: now different liao
now is a very solemn ruler or king, burdened with lots of matters

hehe! real fun
Nov 28, 4:46 PM

👀 (Showing eyes rolling)
Nov 28, 4:47 PM

BB: actually lots in the dedication speech also no need to say, but must show Forms to most, so become very long dedication speech
Nov 28, 4:49 PM

AA: oh that's why we also skipped the dedication part during the cultivation
but not so many will understand this
higher concept of cultivation
Nov 28, 4:51 PM

BB: too long a list of wishes means stick to form n seeking external aid n support
Nov 28, 4:52 PM
[as long as you have wishes or want something, you are stuck or imprisoned self]

AA: i remember sometimes GM just didn't do anything physically, but everything was taken care of

BB: almost 5pm liao
Nov 28, 4:57 PM

AA: yes
Nov 28, 4:59 PM

BB: before reading VIP, I would asked whether they want to be stuck to form or not! Hehe!

But I will assume they all wise up, so no need to read out VIP list
Nov 28, 4:59 PM

AA: fashi, you style will always be remembered like a legend 😁

BB: in practice of wisdom of equality, best to do thoroughly lol
see? over 5pm liao
Nov 28, 5:01 PM

AA: uncompromising but for the real betterment

BB: hehe! most believe to keep up a false front that GM is popular n has high-up n powerful supporters!
what has all these VIPs done to merit a mention?
Nov 28, 5:03 PM

AA: lol even a flower bouquet needs mentioning

BB: N the formless 3 wheels teach all to not keep record of good deeds too
Nov 28, 5:03 PM

AA: too much
Nov 28, 5:04 PM

BB: thats why, I asked many of you, need to write your name as sponsor of charity or not? or just treat as gongyang GM
Nov 28, 5:05 PM

AA: 🙏 (palms together)
Nov 28, 5:06 PM

BB: in the heart [in answer to GM Lu's question about where Fo Pusa are?]
Nov 28, 5:12 PM

AA: hahahaha

BB: hehe! i got it!
Nov 28, 5:12 PM

AA: yes!!!
Nov 28, 5:12 PM

BB: ah! all can use!
hehe! equal
Nov 28, 5:16 PM

focus n continuous
all what I am chatting with you!

AA: yes hor
this is also your advice for business too
you sell without speaking ill of your competitors

Nov 28, 5:18 PM

BB: n the heart sutra

AA: lol how come
you just shared today
Nov 28, 5:19 PM

BB: guru yoga lol
body speech mind as ONE
Nov 28, 5:21 PM

AA: :)

BB: now the shrinking n the disappearance of the 4 great elements that made up the body
Nov 28, 5:26 PM

AA: yes

BB: hahaha. lovely session n fun speech
Nov 28, 6:12 PM

AA: yes indeed

Dear all, 
if you listen in to the above speech by GM Lu, and then look through recent articles shared in this blog, You will find lots of Coincidences in the contents shared!

These "Coincidences" occurred regularly too. :)

So, do I have a Direct Line linking myself to GM Lu, without any interference from anyone? 
And with this Direct Line, GM Lu tells me what he is going to speak about in his next session?

In this article: 
Many people that have no Knowledge of the Truth and cling onto Visible Forms are in grave danger of a speedy descend to the 3 lower realms.

Remember my description of Karma's effect?
Throwing a pebble into a still pond, One initiated ripples or waves moving outwards from point of pebble's contact with the pond's water.
Then at the various points of contact, the waves turn around towards origin.
The velocity of the Returns all dependent on the force of impact!

Therefore, if you are thinking to initiate any action, Pause and consider the Repercussion, please. It is best that you refrain from acting out any poisonous thoughts in attempt to "Advance" Self to the detriment of others.

Karma is always One's own responsibility!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Lotuschef at Play - Heresies?异教邪说?


AA: I heard from my classmate  about this father stefano & his works
The article refers back to a Franciscan of the Immaculate, who wanted neither to be named or photographed. 
He had stated: without giving any reasons, that there are new efforts around the deposed Founder Fr Stefano Maria Manelli and the Vatican in 2013, to establish a new Old Rite Order. 

"They do not want to acknowledge the Modern", the anonymous brother who is against these efforts, allegedly told Corriere della Sera. 

The special vow (or promise) was linked to these aspirations for a new foundation and concerns those men and women religious, who have remained faithful to the Founder.


BB: same problem with the father here in bogor
he performs healing and eventually suffers from cancer
really in trouble

AA: hahaha! ppl like them in the church's eyes are EVIL!

ppl with astral power somehow drew jealous n vicious attacks from human that have animal minds or that of the asuras

Shared by BB: From -

The Dhyana-Samadhi Meditation Absorptions - Part 3

Methods for Attaining One-pointedness

There are all sorts of methods available for practicing to reach the one-pointed concentration required of the various samadhi and dhyana. 

In fact, the purpose of worldly religion is to give you these options of practice, and help get you started on their road of attainment. 

Another one of the important jobs of religion--in addition to preserving these cultivation routes and continually making them available so that spiritual aspirants have a living road of practice to rely upon--is to explain them and teach you how to tread these paths. 
Otherwise, a religion is not doing its job.

Yet even though this is one of the responsibilities of religion, sometimes the ruling powers within organized religions try to persecute and even destroy individuals who actually attain the samadhi spiritual states. 

Other times the leaders of religions are well meaning and really want to help people, but just do not know what to teach about these things because the spiritual leaders lack any understanding themselves. 

When this is the case, true spiritual cultivators can still suffer religious persecution even though their spiritual attainments far surpass those of the established orthodoxy.


AA: hehe! This meditation expert has lots of Truths

BB: yes hor

AA: same thing that ppl trying to get rid of GM

ppl can't understand you then they play safe by getting rid of you

BB: unbelievable thirst of jealousy

AA: he is very like me! being hit by ignorants!

<< Manetti: Judging by the letter his lawyer Ruschi, President of the association Communion Tradizione has sent, in which he expressly forbids Father Serafino public celebration of the traditional Mass, one can see no doctrinal condemnation of the book content, but - if one may say - it is a "political" condemnation of the text. 

It is said (so what is the truth?) that a Bishop can not approve the theses contained there, 
without claiming that we are dealing with heresies, 
whereby the doubt arises that this impossibility is not caused by the thesis itself, but the position of the bishop; 

in other words. that it is not about doctrinal reasons, but "pastoral" considerations that cause the head of a Catholic diocese, to not comment positively in public on the great work of Father Serafino. >>

dealing with heresies!!! hehe

BB: hahaha sooooo political
More from the same site: 

The Eponymous Flower: Father Stefano Manelli

Father Serafino Lanzetta is not a dangerous heretic?
Manetti: Of course not. Father Serafino Lanzetta is not only not a dangerous heretic, but - despite his young age - one of the greatest living theologians, brilliant and profound at the same time, capable, as I said, to the depths of the errors, but also he has gathered the reasons and presented the actors of the Council.

How is the provisional administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate to end, after most of the brothers have unsuccessfully made ​​the request to be allowed to leave the Order?

Manetti: Everything happening so far suggests that the deliberate intention is to "liquidate" the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, both the male and the female branch. All measures, sometimes accelerated, sometimes slowed down, aim at that. It can be seen plainly that the case of the Franciscans of the Immaculate reveal the violent face of modernism and show the way postulated by Gramsci of the primacy of practice leads over theory.
I would therefore like to take the opportunity of this interview to prompt all, in the defense the truth about the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate founded by Father Manelli and Father Pellettieri, to persevere so that the silence about this sad state of affairs can be spread, because of the silence can make profit only the persecutors.



Dear all, rest assured that those true cultivators of whatever religious leanings can never ever be affected by mere mortals, whether they have animal or human minds or others.....


They are beyond the grasping claws of ignorants already!

A word of caution: How much do you know about the person you are "attacking"?
AND, when this person can read your mind, Stop your foolishness immediately and repent! 

In other words, "Say Sorry!" 

O! This person that can read your mind won't harm you BUT your own demon will attract their likes that will gobble you! 

O! A person that can read your mind, has already Void all and can't be found by mere mortals or ignorants! 

Don't waste your time!

O! Forbid from Mass or any ceremony?
Remember "No Cultivation Yoga"?

Do already also you won't know and can't see! Hehe! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef 

莲厨的疯狂游戏 -长幼有序 Lotuschef's Crazy Games - Hierarchy of Senior over Junior

Zen Patriarch Reverend Hui-neng. 

【拼音】zhǎng yòu yǒu xù

人生是一個舞台。Life is a dance stage.
佛在遊戲。Buddha is at play.
你在遊戲。You are at play.
Establish or form an affinity through a play/game, which will abide forever.

Forever realistic and alive.

Now, lets have FUN! :)

Why crazy games?
Crazy as in the eyes of sentient minds! 
BUT, not in the Buddha's view!

2009 - Seattle Temple.
One morning before Group cultivation, fashi lian-you said to me and some fellow fashi - "You all must sit behind me as you all ordained much later than me. Don't you all know the rule?"

What most of us "juniors" were doing every cultivation session is being considerate, and filling up the front rows so that the fashi leading cultivation don't need to raise his/her voice. 
Also a morale boost to the one leading cultivation, to not see an almost empty hall! 

However, thanks to this fashi, I went ahead and sit right at the back, which is my preference. I also choose to sit in the back row at school from primary school all the way through. 
I am pretty tall and don't want to block those that are shorter from seeing what is written on the board by the teacher.

Now, our Zen Patriarch Hui-neng!

He came to 5th Zen Patriarch later than most of his fellow students.
He is also illiterate!

BUT, his knowledge and use of Buddha Dharma far surpass all his fellow students!

Now those VMs and etc. that use the Senior thingy to "make-belief" that they have cultivated well and have the power to do this and that!


GM Lu pricked their euphoric bubble by stating that "most of those VMs sitting beside me have yet to yoga with me!"


GM Lu has gurus and students that are older than him in age as well as refuge in Triple Gems.
But many took refuge with him and study under him.

In Buddhism, the Hierarchy of Senior over Junior only apply to in the context of [How much has one cultivate in all his lifetimes] and not only this one!

Crazy? No!

The story of 5th Zen patriarch, Hong-ren, is yet another good example!
He was rejected by the 4th Zen patriarch because he is too old.
He "borrowed" the womb of a young lady and get reborn and met the 4th Patriarch again and was then accepted as a disciple and the next patriarch.

It is the amount that One has cultivated or the levels that One has attained in Cultivation that denotes "Senior" in the Buddhist arena and not Senior in the number of years that one has taken refuge or be ordained! 


If you continue to lock yourself in this "Time Capsule", you will not be able to "Move-on" to the next stage in cultivation at all! 

Come out of Self Imprisonment NOW!

O! also the "BIG" Lotus child 大莲花童子 distinction is yet another Capsule that most get imprisoned! 

Dualism is your enemy!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

自他互换 Mutual exchange of mindset/personality

The following was shared by class-mate.
BUT, go through it a second or third time with a different mindset.
AH! Then see what you can see "FROM ANOTHER ANGLE"!

Boddhicitta - Atisha 阿底峡 learned this from his Guru Serlingpa 金州大师 in Jambi, Indonesia.
One of the topic under Boddhicitta is 自他互换 Mutual exchange of mindset/personality.

THINK: If you are the attorney, in what state of mind are you when you said these seemingly nonsensical or foolish words.

Now: Sunzi Art of War 孙子兵法
THINK: Has the attorney misled all present by saying these words, knowing the reaction of Human mindset and playing with them?

AND, Buddha Dharma is to be applied in whatever One encounters!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef


These are from a book called 'Disorder in the American Courts' and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.

ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget.
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?

ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how
old is he?
WITNESS: He's twenty, much like your IQ.

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS : Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?

ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.

ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.

ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.

And the best for last:
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

般若波羅蜜多心經是得證境界 Heart Sutra is Attainment Stage

觀自在菩薩 - Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva.

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 45_坐禪通明法 > 般若波羅蜜多心經是得證境界



From ancient to now, many high monks and Bhadanta had interpreted the Heart Sutra, but they have yet to figure out that this is an affirmation explanation, their's - only explanation from meaning of words only,
Now, I have already sighted its [Attainment/affirmation stage of mindset], because after Affirmation, seeing [Heart Sutra] again, then have a "So! Like this!" kind of [Heart to Heart mutual imprint/linkup].


















其實修行各種法門,皆有其果也,我一一清楚的陳述如下:Actually, cultivation of different dharma ways, all have their Fruit, I will list clearly as follows:

Cultivate lower 10 virtues -- maintain Human body/form

Cultivate middle 10 virtues --- is cultivate asura realm

Cultivate top 10 virtues --- is Heaven realm deity.

Cultivate 4 Truths dharma -- pratyekabuddha arhat realm.

Cultivate Nidāna  -- become pratyekabuddha realm

Cultivate 6 Paramitas - Is Boddhisattva's Fruit-seat (Attainment).

Cultivate No affinity same body kindness compassion (Boddhicitta), zen meditation linking brightness method - attain Buddhahood on the spot.









Suggested Reference Material-- 

Another wonder from Heart Sutra! 

AND: 蓮生活佛.盧勝彥.一九八三年六月於美國西雅圖靈仙閣
From GM Lu, written in June 1983!


Now start to wake up?

GM Lu has all these wonderful step by step guides in so many forms, and can you still claim that NONE Suits YOU?

Do you agree with GM Lu's "Not Dharma No Good!"?

It is You, yourself that Failed! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, November 27, 2015

三轉法輪的佛陀 The Buddha That Turns Dharma Wheel Thrice

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 249_來自佛國的語言 > 三轉法輪的佛陀

My view of Buddha's [3 Turns of the Dharma Wheel] is: 

First Turn of Dharma Wheel - 4 Noble Truth [The Four Noble Truths are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of freedom from suffering, and the truth of the way to eliminate suffering, which is the Eightfold Path.]
 Duhkha -  [ ( Pāli: “sorrow,” “suffering”) , Sanskrit Duhkha, in Buddhist thought, the true nature of all existence. Much Buddhist doctrine is based on the fact of suffering; its reality, cause, and means of suppression formed the subject of the Buddha's first sermon.]
Is Cultivation of [Arhat].

Second turn of dharma wheel - Prajna Yana.
Is cultivation of [Boddhisattva].

Third turn of dharma wheel - Esoteric/Secretive Yana.

但,總的來說:But, in general:
三乘是一乘。3 yanas is 1 yana.
一乘是空乘。1 yana is void yana.

佛陀說:Buddha said:
Expounded dharma for 40 years, never said a word before.

這是:This is:
Cannot say! Say already not path.

這也是:This is also:
Heavens how to say! How the Four seasons move!
Heavens how to say! How all things be born!
Heavens how to say! Won't say won't say!

我寫這一段,是告訴大家:Writing this passage is to tell all:

Many can memorise & dictate <Diamond sutra> , <Heart Sutra>. 
Many can write them too.
BUT do not understand their meaning, what to do!

What is sutra's meaning?

我答:「O」。I replied: Zero
你若明白「O」。If you understand Zero.

就知道:Will know:
「不空。」Not Void.
「空空。」Void Void.

Within this is the greatest, unsurpass, infinite: [key formula]
This is view of [3 turns of dharma wheel].

I said: Initial turn of dharma wheel is Gong-fu!
From shutting off [eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind].

Is shutting off [form, sound, smell, taste, touch, dharma].

也就是:Is also:
「無眼界。」No eye/vision dhatu.
「無無明。」No ignorance.

變成了:become/change to:
復歸於嬰兒。return to infancy.
復歸於赤子。return to newborn/innocence.
復歸於童子。return to kumara/pure child.

我在這裡再聲明一句:I pronounce again here:
「復歸於子宮內的胎!」Return to fetus inside the womb!
這是下手的口訣。This is key for approach.

禪宗說:Zen school said:
父母未生前的本來面目。The original facade before parents give birth to.
不失赤子之心。Not loosing mind of newborn innocence.
返本還原。Back to origin.

這即是道家的:This is the Dao School:
From present return to previous/inherent realm.
密教的:Esoteric school:
「智慧氣」。Wisdom Qi.

Arhat's : Kill 6 Thieves!

Words or methods used may differ, but the highest directive is only one.

This is original body/form, focusing on original form's efforts, then can draw near to Path.

Keeping watch on this without leaving or diverting, that is [One], like hen hatch egg, with time will break shell and emerge.

頓超聖地。Instantly surpass saintly ground.


In Buddha's language?
Still from the very bottom and work diligently and steadily and be focus!

Yes! No one can help you at all!

GM Lu has shared so much but he has to write them into a book and name it [ Language from Buddha country], to draw your attention!

If you fall into this category of only paying attention when GM Lu spells out in WORDS, then YOU are really really lost in deep deep stupor!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, November 26, 2015

三世比丘 Monk For 3 Lifetimes

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 250_未卜先知
Uncanny Insight into the Unknown







One early morning in 2015, I am sitting in the living room eating breakfast, strongly raised my head, sighting the 2 Celadon flower vases.
Suddenly, heart moved.

心血來潮吧!A momentary drive of mood!

我對蓮香上師說:I said to VM Lian Xiang:

These 2 Celadon flower vases are gifts from Jue-guang senior monk.


I return to my room to sitting pose, tears automatically flowed down.

In Samadhi, projected out my Divine essence, it transformed into 7 golden lamps, beaming light length of 30 feet, to lead the way for Jue-guang senior monk, flying passed Garanyama, Mount Sumeru, arrived at Great Thunder Sound Temple of the West.

那天。That day.
我到了宗委會辦公室。When I reached Core's office.
On my desk, there is a facsimile from a HK student, written on it:

Jue-guang elder has passed away, request GM Lu to send him on.

I said: I know already!

我屈指算了一算:Rubbing my fingers and do divine prediction:
Wow! So, the discipline master is a monk for 3 lifetimes.


Dear all,
please note that this is a special and out of this world kind of "Send Off"! 

How is this possible?

Affinity with GM Lu!


GM Lu "Sensed" the passing of Monk Jue-guang, and gave him a send off immediately.
Then he received the notice of the Monk Jue-guang's passing.

So, with true affinity, there is no need to specially inform GM Lu physically or in person! 

Try and figure how the "Unseen" works?

Hahaha! No forms! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

融入 Merge Into- 櫻花祭 Cherry Blossom Obit

Dear all, as in the following articles,
Game to join GM Lu in walking through this [Cherry Blossom Obit]?

Same thing: You walk in step of GM Lu after you Merge with GM Lu,  THEN merge into the Cherry Blossom Paradise! 

I didn't Highlight the Fact that you need to first merge with GM Lu and then into Mother Nature, did I?

Have Fun! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 251_剪一襲夢的衣裳
251 - Cut out another dream robe.



Karma 因果报应 - Bizarre? 奇思妙想?

Photos above are captured during Pure Karma's HK Homa event!

Spirits of various forms are all around us.
They will not harm or come close to you, unless you have a debt-link with them.

Now tell  a story......

KC is an executive engineer and she earns more than her spouse.
Ya. The domineering spouse of that family.

Immediately upon birth of her second daughter, she has ligation done and vowed not to have anymore kids.

This second child can't speak all the way through to entry to primary education.

Now whats the deal? :)

Yes, there was a deal or agreement between this second child and another male spirit!

This child was born with a big head like a rugby ball and look very much like a boy!

As KC refused to have more kids, the male spirit's chance of being born in the same household as the female is void.

If KC gives birth to the male child first, the female spirit will "murder" the male infant!

Hahaha! Ya. Women are vicious! 

Now, the male spirit will attempt to be the child of the second daughter and KC will somehow nurse the child poorly, causing Infant Death!

I "Saw" the male infant lying on a big double bed, and KC walked away.
The male infant "commits suicide" by shifting downwards and falling off the bed, dying from head injury!

O! why didn't I interfere and stop this suicide?

Too bad, I was shown these sequence of events well after it took place!

Revenge is a very scary thing, indeed!

For those that can afford to have more kids, try considering giving those that crave the Human Form a chance!

Hahaha! Encouraging Population Increases?

Well, all depend on whether you have the Karmic affinity to have any!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

空假中三觀的智慧 Wisdom of 3 Vision of Void, False, Middle

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 45_坐禪通明法

In this world, there is a very special "Leave World" cultivation method, this is [Sitting Zen Linking Brightness method], top class secret that surpassed this world.

Cultivator only need to do it step by step, one final day!

Will realised the Truth of the world, at that time naturally all understand and comprehend, as to Buddhism's [Void], [False], [Middle] these 3 vision or view will also be naturally clear.

Us Human species, even the 10 dharmadhatu of 4 saint 6 sentient, also can be view as [void] world, because of phenomena of Birth Aging Illness Death, no life form can be victorious against Impermanence, these are all in an instant type of matter, if adhere to Principle Truth then if I don't exist these 10 dharmadhatu of 4 Saint 6 Sentient will not exist, therefore all are Void, all types of forms all categorised as [Void].

Thus, Buddha has this verse: All deeds are impermanent, is birth-destruct method, birth-destruct already destructed, solitary destruct as Happy.

Cultivation in Buddhism, first need to ask a question, how to settle this?

Buddha answered: Not abiding in Forms and cultivate numerous dharma of 6 paramitas.

This is to leave all forms, realise that Heaven-Earth's true void, from not abiding in forms erect all dharma, also no dharma to be had to nothing to be spoken.

This is the [Void View] from Diamond Sutra of achieving non abiding in dana, dana must not have form of merit for self as in No Form of Human, Self, Sentient Being, Others, all 4 forms are void.

Cultivation in Buddhism, also have a question, how to cultivate?

Answer is to cultivate False view, viewing all forms as bubble dreams, using Not taking Not giving up type of manner to cultivate.

This is false erection of [Not Void Not Exist] method, we all know about Universe Mountain River Great Landscape.

Can't leave [formation, existence, destruction, and emptiness] these 4 words, 

therefore all forms are naturally False form, take the Human for example, human are [earth water fire wind] 4 great false combination.

When impermanence arrives, these 4 great will spoil,

Human body is fake goods,

and our basic cultivation directive attempt to erect all dharma here, 

Cultivate in stages, No form no action type of abiding in this falsehood,

Finally [borrowing false to cultivate real] and surpass from within [formation, existence, destruction, and emptiness], this type of cultivation is termed [False view].

  佛門修行,最後又有一問,云何攝伏(draw or attract and suppress or settled) 其心?

Buddha answered: Cultivate the Middle View to give rise/birth to clean and pure heart.

This is Buddha's verse: Dharma birth from Affinity, I said is void, and name as false name, and is meaning of Middle Path.



My views on the 3 Vision/View:

Void view is a vision of wisdom.

False view is a vision of demise/death.

Middle view is a vision of self nature.











Padmasambhava said: Cultivate Void view, 5 senses as if imaginary.


Padmasambhava said: Cultivate false view, leave 4 great forms.


Padmasambhava said: Cultivate Middle view, draw heart to affirmation internally.












most reverends that do not enter sit zen samadhi won't be able to deeply understand,

outward appearance of cultivating buddha dharma, will not have any effect or result, 

一定要得坐禪三昧才可 (Must Sit Zen Samadhi then can)。」**



GM Lu the recounted a meeting with a reverend who came from Los Angeles.
The reverend seek answers to [the 3 visions] because his own guru don't know, and some others' answers the reverend failed to understand.]


GM Lu's answer to the reverend **...** (bold and underline).

Please do your own translation and research for this whole article. :)

This a a good way to learn from GM Lu! 

Some keys here:
Start with the 6 Paramitas - in which Boddhicitta is a major factor.
Must Cultivate by stages or step by step!
[borrowing false to cultivate real] 
outward appearance of cultivating buddha dharma, will not have any effect or result, 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef