Sunday, October 7, 2012

GM's book 71 - God Invocation Ceremony

The Dharma Which Eradicates Sorcery 
By Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Jason Yam
This was translated from Grandmaster Lu's 71th book, 正法破黑法.
CHAPTER 1 - God Invocation Ceremony
Every year in the seventh moon of the lunar calendar, Living Buddha Lian Shen will conduct a purgatorial service. This is equivalent to Ullambana.
In Ullambana, all the spirits and lonely souls are cordially invited.
The hymn is as follows:
Striking the bell and hitting the drum, it sounds "long long"
"Cha cha" -- is the sound made by the stir-up.
Ten and hundred thousands of lotus lamps turn into Punja platform (wisdom)
Wanting to take the compassionate voyage to the other shore
"Qi qi" -- is the weeping sound made by the ghosts in the remote hills.
Looking for partners hiding in mosses and bushes.
In a bright windy night comes the soul.
The shadow of bamboo and flags
Cast horizontally on the floor
The soul leaves in a dark windy night
When it's soughing
A grain in Sumeru (central mountain of every world) is unfathomable
The clean water in the glass is as cool as the dew
How can we change the dew into wine so that the lonely souls can drink to get rid of their sorrow.
It is sorrowful chanting the hymn. And I feel a sense of grief. Whenever Living Buddha Lian Shen invites the spirits and lonely ghosts, the ceremony must be accompanied by music. The invitation is in the form of an official prayer written out and burn before them.
The invitation of lonely ghosts is reminiscent of the god-invocation ceremony practised by the magicians.
Before carrying out his rituals, the magician will start with some kind of god-invocation prayer. The ceremony begins with a round of rhythmical music of drum and gong. While helpers are chanting mantra, the magician will take his position in the middle of the altar with his mind in full concentration. After a while the magician's body will start to tremble, the god already descended and attached to his body.
The god that descended will show his title by displaying his special mudra (hand sign). Sometime the magician may imitate the movement of certain god so that the audience will know his name.
Through the physical body of the magician, the god that descended will start drawing charm, chanting mantra, and commencing the rituals.
This kind of ceremony and practice is very common and wide spread in Malaysia and Taiwan.
I have seen many such god invocation ceremonies when I was in Taiwan. Once the magician trembled in a strange manner, at first he curled and trembled, then lay on the floor, and wriggled. The onlookers wondered what god had descended.
The wriggled body of the magician then started to eat the things offered on the table. He finished everything and turned his head and wriggled towards the children. Opening his mouth he even tried to eat the children. They were so shocked that they started to run for their life. The crowds were puzzled and at their wit's end.
Lying down and wriggling, the magician's fingers, part of his body were all bleeding. Moreover his body trembled violently, he was in a state of delirium. The magician then opened his mouth chasing after and tried to bite the audience. Sensing the imminent danger, all the on-lookers began to hide and run to their safety.
Then he moved towards me-the only one not moving. My left hand formed a shield mundra and my right a vajra fist. I chanted "Om, waru ratamo hom pe". with my left shield protecting me, I visualized my right hand emitting a ray of blue light pointing at the magician.
I shouted, "Spirit of the snake leave immediately!"
After a while of trembling he started to calm down. Opening his eyes, he looked dazed and perplexed. He appeared awkward when trying to inspect his own injury.
The onlookers showed great admiration on what I had done to get rid of the spirit of the snake from the magician.
"Young master, you are an expert, what is your name?" an old man asked me.
"Me, that is nothing."
"What dharma did you use just now?"
"Vajra" I answered,taking a few quick steps and left. I was afraid some might have recognized me, because I am not used to be in the limelight.
I am telling all of you, those who practise god invocation sometimes are endangering their own lives because the one that descended may be the spirit of animal,demon, or fiend. Many magicians have fainted or sustained injury previously. Their rituals failed and inflicted harm to themselves.
It is quite easy to get into trouble when one is practising the god invocation of black magic, therefore special care must be taken. Once in trouble, you may use Vajra fist to solve it.

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