Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18-10-2011 True Buddha Tantra Language – Affirmed Level/Proven Strength

原文:蓮生活佛  盧勝彥           英文翻译:释莲厨
Original script : Living Buddha Lian Sheng Lu Sheng Yen   English Translation: Venerable Lotuschef

真佛密語 - 證量
True Buddha Tantra Language – Affirmed Level/Proven Strength
Let us talk about meaning of [Scattered] and [Settled] . We are Scattered in our daily life, only when we enter Samadhi then considered as Settled. Actually as we cultivate once daily and the duration we practice [Settled] is very short. At the end, you have inculcate [Settled] into every minute detail of your daily life in order to attain success.

 Every student of Tantrayana leaning must practice Big Print (mudra). What is Big Print? It is when you are in [Scattered] conditions, you can also generate [Settled], thus termed generating Big Print from [scattered].  When Big Print appears, not only can imprint Self but also others.

Big Print can generally be called [Affirmed Level]  and only exist in Tantrayana. When you Actually prove your strength then you termed it as [affirmed level] or [proven strength]. Every Tantric master/guru must have [affirmed level] because when you let [Proven Strength] grows, then you can empower/bless others, resulting in others getting empowerment/blessings. Those that have yet to grow Proven Strength are Masters in Name only.

Where does Affirmed level comes from? It is from Big Print, where does Big Print comes from? It comes from within [Settled].

In the process of our cultivation, every time we enter Samadhi, your [affirmed level] will appear. Every time you enter Samadhi, you are turning the Dharma Wheel in the [Settled] state. You Light Body will rise up to the universal void, producing Dharma Power, this then we termed affirmed level/proven strength.

Affirmed level is termed Big Print, using Big Print to empower all beings.

我們密乘行者,平時也要做很多事情,在做事情當中,你難免把定境統統都散失掉,也就是說,在你的日常生活當中,平時你都是散亂的,尤其是遇到了很多不如意的 事情,你的心更散亂,在散亂當中你生不出定的話,你就是沒有證量。定不產生,證量沒有,也就沒有大印,這種密乘行者只算是一般的密乘行者,並不是真正有成就的密乘行者。
Us, Tantric cultivators or yogi, have to perform many daily tasks and in so doing it is unavoidable that we Scattered our Settled state. That is to say, in your daily life, you are Scattered, especially when things do not go as you planned, your heart is Scattered. In the Scattered state, if you can’t grow the Settled one, that means you do not have Affirmed Level. Settled do not grow, no Affirmed level, that means no Big print. This type of Tantric cultivators can only be considered as ordinary ones and not True achievers of Tantrayana or True Yogi.

In Vajrayana, only those masters that have attained Affirmed Level/proven Strength can have disciples. If you truly have Affirmed Level and can empower/bless others, you also can attained [settled].

The most important in cultivation is the state of [Settled]. When you encounter any matter, you can produce [settled] even in [scattered] condition, from [settled] achieve [affirmed level], then you are a True Vajra Master.

Om Mani Pad Me Hom.
開示/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥
Speech/Living Buddha Lian Sheng Lu Sheng Yen
[adapted from “True Buddha Tantric Language” Book 4. 

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