Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Spirits at Fire Puja

A skeletal spirit with a cap & duck-beak behind the altar. Another is the white mist & looks like a giant bird spirit lying down. I always said as long as you are present, when Divinities gives blessing, you will get the same whether you are lying down or sitting up. :)

I think I am right about the skeletal spirit being Y's brother's karmic that took him at sea.

well, he comes and collect the dedication means he is willing to negotiate  which is good. 
He has quite a high level of energy to show up in photo. 
that's why he can take a life.

I hope he stops and help himself by accepting Guru's help to go pure land. tell Y to register bardo for the Karmic. 

she can sent to Seattle the name & address, n request bardo registration by Guru for Lotus ... karmic negatives, the karmic already guiyi also, should be easy to do.....


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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