Tuesday, October 2, 2012

他的cancer不見了/His Cancer is gone



Link: http://tbsn.org/chinese2/talk.php?id=1495&classid=46

今天也做了如意輪觀世音菩薩的護摩,也超度很多的眾生,一樣的,每一次你們報名超度都是沒有錯的。我今天看到好多貴賓耶!在芝加哥做婦產科的主祈人,他有好幾家婦產科,我有看到他,婦產科的醫師王醫師。另外我也看到洪定國的哥哥洪定一,他是牙科醫生,他有沒有在這裡,也在外面。喔!他在那邊,辛苦你了,曬太陽啊!很多很久沒有看到的,他們都出現了。看到他們,心裡一陣震動,心中小鹿亂跳,不是看到美女的心中小鹿亂跳,而是看到這些舊的朋友,舊的弟子,好久沒見面的,心裡也是很感動的。還有很多喔!都是這次法會才出來的。另外還有一位,就是從休士頓來的洋人,他是在休士頓受過灌頂以後,那時候他有攝護腺癌,受過灌頂後,他只會唸上師心咒「嗡。咕魯。蓮生。悉地。吽。」「嗡。咕魯。蓮生。悉地。吽。」他剛剛來跟我講,他就是在休士頓受了一次灌頂,只唸「嗡。咕魯。蓮生。悉地。吽。」不久,他的攝護腺的cancer居然不見了。那一位在哪裡呢?他的頭也是理光的,是一個白人。所以我們昨天的那個法,你們想想看,維濕奴(遍淨天保護神)跟迦魯達(大鵬金翅鳥),這個法就不得了了,你們說是不是?喔!來了,What’s your name(你叫甚麼名字)? Scott Jammer。Cancer is gone(癌不見了嗎)?(Scott 點頭,眾鼓掌)okay,他為我們證明,只受了一次灌頂,只唸上師心咒而已,他就好了。你願不願意講幾句話?Speak,just for 3 minutes。

(Scott:In about one month, I lost about 40 pounds and lost to use my right leg. In Houston, they sent my information to Grand Master. He gave me a special blessing. I have got once met Grand Master in Houston. I was reciting the sutra and gained my weight back within about one month and a half. I am still working on my leg and it has been getting stronger but it is still a little weak. My bladder cancer, the numbers are good now.




Thank you. 我不能講go your way,走你的路,英文是可以講,但是有時候,粗的跟細的都摻在一起,沒辦法。這是一個很好的證明,他是只受過一個灌頂,唸上師心咒,居然他的cancer不見了。

Dear readers,

This is actually telling us not to chase so many Yidams and complicate our Lives.

The person above only has one Abhiseka in his hometown, Houston. He only chants Guru's mantra & his cancer numbers are good after about one and a half month.

A gentle reminder:-

4 Preliminaries helps the novice to clear his karmic negatives with repentance & the 100-syllable mantra helps to void everything to the Universe.

Without this Repentance & Cleansing, no Buddha/Boddhisattva will merge with you.

Why? You are too polluted by Sentient matters & can not truly and sincerely cultivate for the Good of all sentient beings.

Cultivation is ultimately to free self to help others by sharing your cultivation path and attainments with them. It is not to help you get rich; powerful; famous; quickly with Universal Help.

Of course the side-benefits of caring for all and all Divinities will in turn ensure your well being and keep you supplied with resources to help more beings.

A true & sincere cultivator should not have any expectation of any kind to benefit Self Only or enhance Self Only. :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Lama Lotuschef

Edited 25 August 2016

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