Friday, November 28, 2014

Tugas – Kontak Batin (18 November 2014)

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 18 November 2014
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber:  18-11-2014 作业-感应 Assignment – Spiritual Response

Baca juga:
Kontak Batik Tak Muncul Lagi?
Iman yang Murni?


[Demikianlah di dalam Tantrayana, Afirmasi adalah hal yang rahasia, tak boleh diungkapkan terlalu dini. Bila mendapatkan kontak batin lalu menceritakannya ke mana-mana, maka semua kontak batin tersebut akan hilang.
Kadang kala, saat kamu mendapatkan afirmasi, hal tersebut berguna untuk meningkatkan Iman-mu.]


[Selama bukan berkhayal, semuanya bisa dianggap sebagai Transmisi yang Sejati.]

Tugas berikut adalah supaya masing-masing individu mengaplikasikan berbagai pengetahuan Buddha Dharma.

Mampukah kamu menjelaskan Mekanisme di balik (Kenapa Mahaguru Lu selalu membahas Kontak Batin, namun berbagai kontak batin tersebut tak “menghilang” atau berhenti)?

Kontak-kontak batin meliputi penglihatan akan para dewata dan perasaan akan mereka menyatu dengan-Nya.
Juga menerima “informasi” dan “bantuan” para dewata selama ini.


Aku akan berlibur hingga pertengahan Desember, jadi kamu bisa meluangkan waktumu untuk merenungkan topik ini. Kirimkanlah komentarmu sebelum 15 Desember 2014.

Mari bersantai dan bersenang-senang!

Ini merupakan salah satu Pelatihan untuk Pengembangan Pikiran.

CATATAN: Hanya komentar-komentar yang edukatif yang akan dipublikasikan ke dalam blog.

Kamu bisa mengirimkan komentarmu dalam Bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, ataupun Bahasa Indonesia.

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Kontak Batin Tak Muncul Lagi?

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 16 November 2014
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 感应没有了 Spiritual Response No More?


Aku sudah pernah menuliskan alasan kenapa banyak orang yang menemui jalan buntu saat mereka mendapatkan “penglihatan” atau kontak batin dalam pelatihan diri mereka.

Keterpakuan adalah si pelaku yang menghalangimu.
Hal ini juga muncul dari pikiran yang tak murni atau yang “tak cukup” kokoh untuk tetap fokus, dan yang terpenting adalah untuk selalu “alamiah”!

Benar sekali!

Cobalah dengarkan Mahaguru dengan lebih teliti!

Saat kamu bersadhana dan mulai mendapatkan “penglihatan” atau berbagai wujud kontak batin, kamu harus memperlakukannya dengan alamiah dan Jangan Biarkan mereka menjeratmu dengan cara apapun!

Maksudku adalah saat kamu mencapai tingkat-tingkat tertentu sehingga kamu mendapatkan “penglihatan” atau kontak batin, biarkanlah mereka berlalu dan lanjutkanlah pelatihan dirimu!

Kurasa Mahaguru sudah pernah menjelaskan bagaimana supaya tak terlena saat mencoba memasuki kondisi Samadhi.

Dengan berbagai acuan baru-baru ini mengenai topik Kontak Batin, aku yakin kalau Mahaguru akan segera memuaskan segala keingintahuanmu mengenai topik ini.

Sementara waktu, cobalah periksa apakah kamu benar-benar sudah mulai mendapatkan berbagai kontak batin, karena saat kamu berharap untuk mendapatkan hal yang sama di suatu tingkat pelatihan dirimu, kamu seakan-akan “Memalsukan” kontak batin atau perasaan tersebut, dan menciptakan skenario yang sama berulang-ulang!

Salam semuanya.

Iman yang Murni?

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 16 November 2014
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 淨信 Pure Faith?

Malam hari, tanggal 1 November 2014.
蓮生法王:想得大成就 弟子必淨信根本上師
Oleh Shirley on 11/11/2014
Ringkasan diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris oleh Lotuschef.


[Mahaguru bilang tak peduli dari mana asal reinkarnasimu, semuanya harus melewati administrator untuk bisa mendapatkan sertifikat Vajra Master, dan abhiseka Acharya hanya akan otentik saat Mahaguru yang menganugerahkannya.]


[Mahaguru memberikan contoh lewat analogi memasak sayur di dalam tungku.
Saat direbus, bila penutupnya diangkat, maka panasnya akan menyebar dan hilang, lalu menjadi dingin, ini berarti “Afirmasi”nya tak berlangsung lama. Kamu harus membiarkan sayurnya tetap direbus sampai matang, barulah akan mendapatkan keberhasilan.
Demikianlah di dalam Tantrayana, Afirmasi adalah hal yang rahasia, tak boleh diungkapkan terlalu dini. Bila mendapatkan kontak batin lalu menceritakannya ke mana-mana, maka semua kontak batin tersebut akan hilang.
Kadang kala, saat kamu mendapatkan afirmasi, hal tersebut berguna untuk meningkatkan Iman-mu.]


[Sadhaka tantrayana, bila ingin mendapatkan keberhasilan yang agung, diri sendiri harus punya potensi yang besar. Selain mematuhi semua ajaran dari Guru Akar, masih harus punya Iman yang Murni kepada Guru Akarnya sendiri – inilah yang dinamakan 100% beriman murni nan sempurna.]


[Bagai menuangkan susu ke dalam cangkir yang kosong, ia akan membuatmu terpuaskan dan mencapai kesempurnaan. Dengan ini barulah bisa mendapatkan pencapaian agung.
Inilah yang namanya Transmisi Sejati.
Transmisi bisa didapatkan lewat mimpi; atau menampakkan kepadamu di siang hari; atau bahkan di dalam Samadhi.
Selama bukan berkhayal, semuanya bisa dianggap sebagai Transmisi yang Sejati.]


[Abhiseka Silsilah berasal dari Guru yang mentransmisikan sadhana Guru Yoga. Bila dilatih setiap hari maka silsilah akan menjadi semakin kokoh.
Begitu juga halnya dengan melatih sadhana Yidam utama.

(Kamu harus mendapatkan abhiseka setiap harinya, ia bagaikan air yang selalu mengalir. Demikianlah yang dinamakan Transmisi yang Sejati.)

Berlaku juga untuk sadhana Dharmapala. Dengannya, si praktisi akan mendapatkan perlidungan mereka sepanjang masa pula.
Maka, mereka semua yang telah berlindung (bersarana) harus melatihnya dengan cara seperti ini, barulah kekuatan berkat silsilah dan transmisi sejati akan muncul.]


Hahaha! Kini cobalah pelajari foto-foto berikut dengan baik, dan tebaklah mana yang benar-benar melatih diri dan mana yang sekedar pura-pura!
Ini merupakan pelatihan yang baik dalam aspek Menggunakan semua yang telah kamu pelajari selama ini!


Tersedia foto-foto dari berbagai sesi lainnya juga di 藥師如來誓願宏深 願為眾生解除疾苦 !

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, November 24, 2014

融合與自身壇城 Merging with Own Mandala

 師尊文集 > 241_遇見本尊
GM Lu's literary collection > 241 Meeting with Principal Yidam



I voided my own body and heart, cleanse and purified my body, becoming translucent bright body or form, thus become [Body Mandala].

一時:At that moment:

Big and small light orbs entered me through the peak of my crown, through the Central Channel into my Body.
There were no less than 50 deities that entered and abide within my Body Mandala.


At this time, these 50 plus deities merge with me, that is I am these 50 Deities.

When my body is [void and bright]
All Buddhas; Boddhisattvas; Vajras; Dharmapalas; Dakinis; Heavenly beings; reside in my Body Mandala.



When all yidams merge into my body's mandala within, I can then instantly transform into them, Yidam is me and I am Yidam, no difference, this is YOGA, meeting with Yidam.

親愛的聖弟子:Saintly students:


If you understand this article that I have written, also cultivate successfully to [Body Mandala], can harmonised and merged,  at 生起次第(utpattikrama) point,  then can have successful Rounded Perfection. 

In the above, GM shares the a criteria for successful Yoga!

Purity of one's body!

It is easily achievable if you listened to GM's instruction and cultivate accordingly!


Remember the Basics?

Body Speech Mind can be pure when you Form Mudra - Body; Chant Mantra - Speech; Visualise Yidam - Mind!

So when you still can't Yoga with Guru after 40 years of refuge and claimed that you have cultivated with diligence all these whiles, You are lying and cheating yourself!

The all important Basics or Fundamentals! 


See why GM can laugh merrily when expounding dharma?
See why Lotuschef can "play play" with you, at leisure?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

顯相有意義嗎?Is there Meaning in Showing Form?

Source: 蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 241_遇見本尊 > 顯相有意義嗎?
GM Lu's literary collection > 241  Meeting with Principal Yidam

[--- English Summary Translation by Lotuschef. Readers may choose to do their own translation too! :) ---]


One day, a student asked me: Is there meaning to showing form?
I replied: Have!
(This is sentient worldly view-point.)


For example: When I was in Korea, I paid homage to Bhaisajyaguru's standing statue and circling it 3 rounds.
On the return trip, as I was in Samadhi, Bhaisajyaguru showed form together with his court and retinue of Boddhisattvas and Dharmapalas.
I think to myself: My illness will be healed!
Later, my illness fully healed!


Another example:
When I was flying within Mainland China, from Beijing to Tai Yuan, when in Samadhi on board, I saw Amitabha Buddha showing his golden form.
32 forms. Purplish gold mani light. Rounded crown light. Full body silhouette light. Red light emitted under feet.
This is the most dignified Dharma form of Amitabha Buddha that I have seen in my life.
I perceived that: Amitabha Buddha is accompanying me in touring the whole of Mainland China, and protectively blessing me with safety and auspiciousness.
Then main reason is: Red light emitted under feet.


Another example: 
During the [SARS] epidemic, my heart was very heavy, chanting [Great Calamities Mantra]
Suddenly in Samadhi one day, I saw [Golden Mother of the Yao Pond] the Fairy King, showing lots of precious light, giving me a small white pouch and instructing me to go rescue [SARS].

A Qian-kun pouch
Depiction of Qian Kun Constellation in the universe


I see the little white pouch enlarged upon meeting with wind, just like a big "Qian-Kun" pouch.
It's capacity is immeasurable and like "Sucking Heart big method", sucked in all [SARS] viruses.
I think: SARS will soon end!
Later: Truly amazing as so much viruses disappeared without trace within a day.

<Qian & Kun, are names of constellation. GM used them here probably means a pouch large enough to bag up the whole universe, including all [SARS] viruses.>

I wrote this article to show that [Showing form is not meaningless].

親愛的聖弟子:Saintly Students:
Broadly speaking, Buddha Dharma has meaning of worldly and Elemental Truth forms.

In worldly perspective, the most important is Not Fixated Not Confused, let it come or go.

Whereas in Elemental Truth, our view on [show form] produced when in [Void nature], do not extend fixation, let it show or hide, as long as we use [Understand Nature] to feel it.

Important point is to Understand [One's own heart's nature].


Dear all, 
Note that GM was in Samadhi when he has the the "Sightings"! 


If you have yet to achieve the Samadhi state with ease, then you are unable to have these "Sightings"!

May 2009 - I remember one such sighting after visiting a Dragon King's temple in Taiwan, near a lake named Dragon King Lake.
Drawn on the walls of the temples are the 8 Fairies and a young version of Golden Mother of the Yao Pond sitting in a "wheel chair" with her attendants beside her. 
I also had a good look at the Dragon King's statue that is a standing upright one.

I get seasick when in small boats, thus I stayed behind and waited for the rest of the group to return from the lake cruise! :)

I sat talking to the Dragon King!

On board the tour-bus after leaving the temple, I started to cultivate.
In Samadhi, Dragon King appeared together with the 8 fairies and Golden Mother.
Then a temple with 8 fairies circling on top and Golden Mother within appeared.
The whole scene was full of golden light.


24 August 2008 - While chanting High King Avalokitesvara Sutra, I saw a rice-coloured lotus with 8 petals started to bloom and radiating great light. 
That is 3 weeks or 21 days from 3 August 2008; after taking refuge with GM Lu.

31 August 2008 - While chanting 100 syllable mantra, a mid-night blue coloured lotus also bloom and radiating great light too.
GM Lu gave the debut transmission of Hevajra in Seattle, later that day.

Note that the lotuses bloomed SEVEN days apart! :)

Still remember that GM said the chakras "opened" 7 days apart?

Multiples of SEVEN!


I sincerely hope that all will take note of what GM shares and cultivate with diligence adhering to GM Lu's teachings or instructions.

I also hope that all steer clear of those that have yet to achieve Guru Yoga and churn their own misguided version or interpretation of GM Lu's statements.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

儿童歌曲 > 童谣 > 坐火车 Children Song > Sitting On A Train



呜 呜

呜 呜

呜 呜

呜 呜

GM has been singing a part of this song.

In Saturday's speech, he sand this song again & then He likened himself to being the Driver!
A Driver that delivers all to Pureland! 

Get the relevant "documents" & pay the relevant "fares"; then you too can hop on to this train driven by GM Lu!


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

血缘 Blood Ties

Above pictures: Blood cells and Blood.

Lets have FUN!

We share the same "blood" with our relatives and these are "Blood Ties"! :)

However, Karma is One's own!

How many created great negative karmic deeds against others, collectively, because of these Blood Ties?

We know that are many that created negative against others, in exchange for Fame; Wealth; Adulations; Jealousies; ......

I have experienced some pretty bad stuff from a family that all lie and use threats to cheat and hurt me for Money!

I have seen families that fight like animals for inheritances.

So is there really a big deal with having "Blood Ties"?

In Tantrayana, One's root guru is like One's parent, nurturing and educating with meticulous care and patience.

I am sure lots of you also found that friends sometimes are better than family members too.

Shall I redefine "Family"?

Blood ties doesn't automatically make anyone your family.

For Family means caring, loving, supporting each other and steer each other away from Harm and Illegal deeds.

So Family to me, can be anyone that Fits this description or definition, and not Blood ties!

THINK: In a Buddha's eyes, what constitute Family?

Now ask yourself, "Is GM Lu, my Family?"

Do you truly care for GM Lu or do you put up a false front of caring only?

Ya! Most of those Self proclaimed Care-givers of GM Lu are fakes!

Spreading rumours of inappropriate behaviours; hiring practitioners to cast Black Magic to hurt GM; instilling all the wrong values in students; threatening with penalties using GM's name; cheating others and faking cultivation; .....

These are the worse group of people wielding their own sick control over susceptible beings!

Listen well to GM Lu; and realised that you really don't need those fakes to teach you how to cultivate, and please do not BUY your way to be near to GM too!

Remember GM said that A Pure Mind is the Key to Attainment!

Do not jump into the "kimchi" urn and or get push into one and get Polluted!

Now: recall the time when GM said that someone hired black spells cast on him to Prevent him from ascending the Dharma Throne to share Dharma?

This recent Saturday: GM asked whether anyone can sit in his chair?

If you care for GM, you will know who wants to sit in is chair and TAKE OVER very very impatiently!

O! Only one that has yet to achieve Guru Yoga & Enlightenment will crave the sentient minded "glory" of sitting in a wooden chair so badly!

GM said the Formless or invisible are more worthy!

Yes! We each have a Lotus Throne and all we need is to cultivate diligently to reveal it!

No one can steal your diligence in cultivation and attainment, and of course your very own Buddha nature!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

Sunday, November 23, 2014

22-11-2014 GM's Speech


11/22/2014 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection Dzogchen by Grand Master Lu-Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple


AA: I know why we missed flight in Hk liao.
MD's karmic!
When burn the refuge certificate, don't burn well. 
N need to add incense to burn it! 
Now remember liao!

BB: some unseen things ya

AA: Yup

I remember teaching people to watch the burning of incense initially to see acceptance rate from their karmic foes; earth gods; ancestors n etc.

Hahaha! I clean forgotten about these signs!

BB: ya, you wrote about it too

AA: hehe!

GM talks about Death & said he is happy about it!

I translated that Think of Death article 


Although sounds simple, the depth shared is hard for most to grasp

he quote Heart sutra too! :)

The most important is equality n boddhicitta

N that VMs shouldn't bluff people n cheat people's money

BB: :)

AA: GM talked about his CHAIR! No one can sit.

Hehe. He sure had fun

BB: i was astonished too hahahaha
for i am the driver  :)

AA: yup. its a fun n truly hilarious speech!
just like me play play with #2 n core


Dear all, 
anyone realised what is Maha Perfection Dharma about, or have some inkling? 


GM shared quite a lot already, so should have some "Ideas" already, if you are truly listening attentively to GM, that is! :)

Thats why I frequently think of death, doing so you will be diligent, grasping hold of today, quickly chant Buddha, quickly chant mantra, quickly cultivate meditation, cultivate to develop steadfastness.

Then upon time of death, you can transform consciousness to wisdom, and become light of the universe.

We all await this moment daily, this moment that can transform consciousness to wisdom. Upon death can reach attainment, all waiting for this moment, this is having perseverance mindset.]

There are lots of interesting points that GM brought up in the above speech, go find them! :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Tugas Koan – Komentar [2]

Dibagikan dari masukan teman-teman beserta tambahan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 15 November 2014
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 公安作业 Koan Assignment – Comments [2]
Baca juga: Tugas – Koan

Cobalah lihat foto-foto di atas dengan lebih dekat. Mereka diambil saat Mahaguru mengunjungi Singapura di bulan Desember 2008.
Mahaguru sungguh dilindungi oleh banyak Dharmapala, mereka tak kasat mata! :)


[--- Fashi sayang,

Setelah membaca kutipan tugas, berikut beberapa pandangan dariku:

ZZ telah melakukan sebuah hal baik karena masih berniat untuk menolong orang-orang, meski ia sudah keluar dari (kepengurusan) 2 rumah ibadah yang ia telah bantu dirikan sebelumnya.
Sampai sekarang masih mempraktikkan bodhicitta lewat menolong orang-orang.

Ia mendirikan YY setelah keluar dari 2 rumah ibadah.
Bukan hal yang mudah untuk dihadapi saat orang-orang di dalam organisasi menyusahkannya dan ia masih melaksanakan sumpahnya.

Meski begitu, aku tak tahu apa yang terjadi hingga ZZ akhirnya memutuskan untuk keluar dari 2 rumah ibadah tersebut.
Selain menjadi orang penting di dalam organisasi, pastinya ada banyak usaha, sumber daya, dan waktu yang ZZ telah abdikan. Buat kebanyakan orang, hal seperti ini pasti menimbulkan sebuah kekecewaan besar, dan bisa banyak yang pergi dan melupakan sumpah yang telah dibuatnya.
Tapi, ZZ masih terus menolong orang.

Bagian dari kutipan yang tertulis “MENOLONG PARA INSAN DI LUAR” mengesankan kalau ia membeda-bedakan orang-orang.
Dan kukira mempraktikkan kesetaraan adalah salah satu hal yang Mahaguru selalu ajarkan.

Di kutipan tersebut tertulis “berperan penting dalam membangun 2 cabang rumah ibadah, namun karena ada beberapa perselisihan ia keluar dan mendirikan YY”, aku tak yakin tentang hal ini tapi memberiku kesan kalau dia berpikir bisa menjalankan sumpahnya lewat organisasi.

Kalau dia berpikir demikian, berarti dia mungkin berpikir sama sepertiku dulu.
Dulu aku sering berpikir kalau kita ingin mendukung pembabaran dharma atau aksi amal, kita perlu mendirikan rumah ibadah (berhubung rumah ibadah adalah tempat untuk orang-orang berdoa) dan mengadakan acara amal untuk berbuat kebaikan bagi sesama.

Tapi setelah merenungi artikel-artikel yang kamu tulis dan publikasikan, kurasa memang ada banyak cara untuk mendukung Mahaguru dan pembabaran dharma. Kita pun bisa melatih diri dengan berbagai macam cara.

"... Ia ingin memastikan dharma Ordo Satya Buddha tetap terus disebarkan, demi membalas budi kemurahan hati Mahaguru."
Dari kutipan di atas, adalah hal yang baik untuk berbagi dharma Ordo Satya Buddha, tapi turut berharap supaya dia membabarkan versi yang benar.

Seperti yang kuamati, ada banyak murid Ordo Satya Buddha yang punya niat untuk membabarkan dharma, tapi malah berakhir membimbing orang-orang ke pola pikir yang salah.

Begitulah pandanganku untuk tugas kali ini. Kiranya bila tidak menganalisanya dengan benar, mohon berikan petunjuk sehingga aku bisa belajar dari hal ini juga.

Terima kasih fashi, dan semoga hari Sabtu-mu menyenangkan! ---]


Murid di atas menuliskan pandangannya yang jujur. :)

Ia juga membawa sudut pandang yang baru juga! (Lihatlah bagian yang digarisbawahi).


Ada apa yang kurang dalam semua komentar yang kuterima?

Adalah arti dari Pelatihan Diri!

Mengapa seseorang memilih untuk melatih diri?
Berikut ini adalah tulisan dari Mahaguru:

 [--- 修九節佛風可通中脈

Demikianlah arti dari [Menjalankan/Melaksanakan] ada di sini.

Kalau jadi seperti kebanyakan orang, maka tak bisa disebut sebagai Sadhaka.

Ia yang menjadi sadhaka akan berbeda dari kebanyakan orang.

Di mana letak perbedaannya?

Insan awam punya 7 macam emosi dan 6 nafsu – Cinta dan Benci sama saja semuanya juga merupakan penyakit.

Hanya para sadhaka yang mampu melihat semua insan dengan Kesetaraan, oleh karenanya Kebencian tak akan muncul. Demikianlah sadhaka semacam ini barulah yang disebut melatih diri. Ini hal yang sangat mendasar.

Istilah Sadhaka berarti melatih untuk Memperbaiki Kebiasaan Diri Sendiri, menghormati para Buddha dan mau bertobat; tiap kali melakukan kesalahan berarti juga harus bertobat dengan sungguh-sungguh; saat tubuh dilanda penyakit, bertobatlah dengan sungguh-sungguh.

Seperti halnya penyakit dan kebencian, mereka muncul dari karma buruk diri sendiri. Saat semua karma buruk telah dihapus, kamu pasti akan mendapatkan keberhasilan! ---]


Sepertinya tak ada yang memperhatikan bagian berikut! :)
[--- "... Ia ingin memastikan dharma Ordo Satya Buddha tetap terus disebarkan, demi membalas budi kemurahan hati Mahaguru." ---]

Bagaimana hanya dengan pola pikir seorang sadhaka yang sejati dan tulus?

Kutipan mengenai membalas budi kemurahan hati Mahaguru juga ada tingkatannya, seperti 4 tingkat Yoga! Hahaha!

Aku sudah sering berbagi ajaran tentang Pola Pikir, dan dengan segala ketulusan berharap supaya teman-teman pembaca mencari tahu apa yang kumaksud di tulisanku di atas!

Perlu diketahui juga kalau seorang Yogi Sejati harus belajar dan mempraktikkan 6 Paramita.

{--- Pāramitā (Pāli; Sansekerta; Dewanagari: पारमिता) atau pāramī (Pāli) berarti "kesempurnaan".
Di dalam agama Buddha, paramita mengacu pada kesempurnaan atau puncak dari berbagai kemuliaan tertentu. Kemuliaan-kemuliaan tersebut dilatih sebagai sarana untuk menyucikan diri, menyucikan karma dan membantu si penekun yang bersangkutan untuk menjalani hidup tanpa rintangan, sambil berjalan menuju titik akhir pencerahan.

Enam paramita atau “kesempurnaan transenden” (Bhs. Sansekerta. ṣaṭpāramitā; Tibet. ཕ་རོལ་ཏུ་ཕྱིན་པ་དྲུག་, parol tu chinpa druk; Transliterasi Wylie. pha rol tu phyin pa drug) merupakan pelatihan yang dijalankan oleh seorang bodhisattva, yang merupakan pelaksanaan dari bodhicitta.

  1. Kemurahan Hati (Skt. dāna; Tib. སྦྱིན་པ་, jinpa): Melatih sifat kemurahan hati.
  2. Disiplin (Skt. śīla; Tib. ཚུལ་ཁྲིམས་, tsultrim): Tidak mencelakai.
  3. Kesabaran (Skt. kṣānti; Tib. བཟོད་པ་, zöpa): Kemampuan untuk tak terganggu oleh apapun juga.
  4. Ketekunan (Skt. vīrya; Tib. བརྩོན་འགྲུས་, tsöndrü): Turut bersukacita dalam segala hal yang bajik, positif dan luhur.
  5. Konsentrasi Meditatif (Skt. dhyāna; Tib. བསམ་གཏན་, samten): Tidak terpengaruh maupun kebingungan.
  6. Kebijaksanaan (Skt. prajñā; Tib. ཤེས་རབ་, sherab): Mampu membedakan (mendiskriminasikan) berbagai macam fenomena, semua hal yang dapat diketahui.

Lima paramita pertama berhubungan dengan akumulasi (kumpulan) pahala, dan yang ke-enam berhubungan dengan akumulasi kebijaksanaan. Paramita yang ke-enam bisa dipecah menjadi 4 bagian sehingga semuanya menjadi 10 paramita. ---}


Boleh dikata kalau ZZ tak mempraktikkan paramita?

Dengan menggabungkan semua paramita, ZZ seharusnya akan punya sebuah cara yang Harmonis untuk terus membantu lewat aksi-aksi amal meski Mahaguru menugaskan orang lain untuk memimpin?

Ingatlah Mahaguru pernah bilang kalau beliau tak suka dan tak mau menjadi “Orang yang ingin berkuasa dan tahu segalanya”!

Mendirikan badan lain yang melakukan aksi amal berarti “melarikan diri” dari situasi di mana orang yang bersangkutan sudah tak punya kuasa (di sana)!
Semua rintangan dan kesulitan bisa dihadapi dengan menggunakan Empat Kebenaran Mulia!

Bagaimana caranya membabarkan atau memastikan supaya dharma satya buddha terus disebarkan kalau orang yang ingin membabarkannya tak punya fondasi buddha dharma yang paling mendasar?

Hmmm... kamu sudah paham apa yang sedang kutunjukkan?

Aku diminta untuk mengalokasikan 30 menit di awal acara amal untuk memberikan ceramah dharma!

DAN apa yang kukatakan?

Aku tak mau “memaksa” siapapun untuk mendengarkan sesuatu hal, hanya karena kita memberi mereka suplai barang-barang kebutuhan!

Karena itu akan jadi seperti menukar barang kebutuhan dengan waktu mereka!

Bila paham akan apa itu Buddha Dharma, orang yang bersangkutan akan membagikannya dengan semua insan dengan cara yang kondusif, dengan selalu mengingat kepribadian dan tingkat akseptansi si penerima.

Contoh yang bagus adalah bagaimana Mahaguru Lu berbagi dharma dengan semua insan!

Berapa banyak yang mampu melakukannya seperti beliau – mampu memikat para pendengarnya dan tetap menjaganya supaya tetap tertarik hingga sesi pembabaran berakhir?

Aku tak berpihak pada mereka yang terus menerus mencoba menjelaskan berbagai konsep dari suaty dharani. Mereka ini, seperti yang Mahaguru bilang, bagai Batu yang tak punya nyawa dan sungguh tak menarik (membosankan)!

Keluwesan adalah apa yang di dalam Pelatihan Diri dinamakan sebagai “Melaksanakan dengan leluasa kapanpun juga”!

Teman-temanku sekalian yang terkasih, kadang kala bila kamu mencoba menjadi “bawahan”, kamu nantinya akan sadar bahwa kamulah yang memberikan kontribusi lebih banyak daripada mereka yang menjadi si ketua!

Aku sudah pernah melihat para “boss besar” atau ketua dari berbagai organisasi amal, yang datang dengan membawa operator kamera, dan setelah penampilannya didokumentasikan, mereka segera menghilang dari lokasi.

Justru para “bawahan”-lah yang berada di sana dan melakukan aksi amal yang sebenarnya dengan menolong dan mendistribusikan barang-barang kebutuhan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan!

Para boss atau ketua itu benar-benar tak mempraktikkan Bodhicitta sama sekali?

Lihatlah dari lebih banyak sudut pandang, dan Pencerahan akan terwujud dengan usahamu yang tekun dan tulus!

Demikianlah, apakah kamu benar-benar melatih Buddha Dharma?

Salam semuanya.

Lama Lotuschef

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Friday, November 21, 2014

密勒日巴与马尔巴 Milarepa & Marpa

Terjemahan Indonesia: Milarepa & Marpa
Quoted from: Karma Kagyu > Lineage History > Milarepa

Jetsun Milarepa


Milarepa responded: "Thanks to the blessings of the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, my lama and his wife, I was able to attain a little bit of experience, a little bit of realization.
In this completely matured body, this physical form of mine, it is possible to reach Buddhahood. 
This body is a boat that will take me across samsara to Buddhahood. 
However, it's also possible that I can use this very body to accumulate negative karma, and this will lead to rebirth in the hell realms. 
There is a choice. 
I can turn my mind towards positive activity and achieve Buddhahood in one lifetime or I can turn my mind toward negative activity and go to the hell realm.

In order to cross over this fearsome ocean of samsara, the only protection is the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. 
I go to them for refuge. 
Amongst these three, the most important is the lama. 
It is through faith and samaya with the lama that protection comes.

There are also the four thoughts that turn the mind: 
the precious human rebirth, 
karmic cause and effect, 
and the imperfections of samsara. 

Meditating upon these turns one's mind away from samsara. 

Then one generates bodhicitta, the mind of awakening, practices and dedicates any virtue for the benefit of all sentient beings. 

In this way, one enters the Mahayana path." 

(Milarepa spoke further, but this is a brief summary of what he said.)

Marpa Chokyi Lodro

Within the Tibetan tradition, 
after one receives an introduction to the nature of the mind or some instruction from a lama and practices it, 
one offers to the lama one's experience of realization. 

Whatever happened during the practice, exactly as it happened, without exaggerating or without forgetting anything, one relates only to the lama, not anyone else. 

Marpa was extremely happy with Milarepa's account: 
"This is most excellent. You are truly a karmically connected, strong student. And in the future," 

Marpa said, "I will give you progressively all the oral instructions, and you must then give yourself fully to these practices." 

After celebrating Milarepa's emergence from the retreat, Marpa gave him more instructions in private for his next meditation practice. 

Not long into the next retreat, though, a blue dakini with golden hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes appeared to Milarepa in a dream

She said to him, "Practicing the Six Yogas of Naropa is very good. 
However, there is one teaching that has not been obtained. 
It's called 'The Instantaneous Attainment of Enlightenment.' 

It is a kind of powa practice enabling you to send your consciousness into another body after you die. You must go ask for this." 

Having given this advice, she disappeared. 
Milarepa then broke down the wall of his cave and went to Marpa, who was astounded to see him. "Well, I just put you in retreat, what are you doing here? Why did you come out so quickly? Isn't this an obstacle to your practice?"

Milarepa explained to him that a dakini had appeared to him and told him that this teaching of powa had not been received and that it should be asked for. 

"Was this appearance real or not? Was it a hindrance or not? Please tell me," he asked.

Marpa replied, "This is a true prophesy from a dakini. When I was with Naropa, he did speak of this kind of powa practice, but I really don't remember whether I have received the teachings or not." 

So they pulled out all the texts that Marpa had brought back from India, and spent days going through them looking for the teaching, but they could not find it. 
So Marpa again undertook the arduous journey to India to meet Naropa.

Marpa did not find him in his usual place, as Naropa had become a realized siddha, and moved freely. After a long search, he found him, and together they went to Pullahari, north of Bodh Gaya, where Naropa had a place of retreat. 

It was there that Marpa asked Naropa for the powa instructions. 

Naropa asked: "Is this something coming from you yourself? Did you want to receive this, or is this something that a yidam deity told you to request?

And Marpa said, "No, it isn't from me. I did not receive this from a yidam. It was my student Good News."

Naropa put his palms together and, bowing towards Tibet, he recited these famous four lines:

"In the thick darkness of the north, like the sun glistening on the snow, there is one called Good News; it is to this one that I bow." 

It is said that at Pullahari, all the trees around the retreat hut of Naropa remain bowing towards Tibet.

Naropa also gave Marpa many other teachings, including the Whispered Lineage of the Dakinis. 

He prophesied that, in the future, the Dharma lineage of Marpa would be masters of this practice, and that his Dharma descendants would maintain his lineage and practice it well. 

When Naropa had finished giving him these teachings, Marpa emerged from the hut, and once outside he bowed again to Naropa. (This was actually the last time he met him.)
As Marpa was making his bows, he left a footprint in the rock that is still visible.


In the passages above, you can find lots of concepts or keys that were shared by GM Lu frequently.


Treat it as an assignment and you can email Key-points that you have found and best to add your explanation showing your understanding of these Key-points!

I have helped you some by Underlining Texts.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

讀密勒日巴之偈 Reading Milarepa's Verses

Terjemahan Indonesia: Membaca Sajak-sajak Milarepa

Source: 師尊文集 > 172_隨風的腳步走 > 讀密勒日巴之偈
GM Lu's literary collection > 172 Follow the Footsteps of Wind

The above is a depiction of Milarepa.
It is the closest that I can find from the web to one I have seen.
I have seen one of Milarepa sitting on a rock, amidst  acres of grassland.
Windy as the ends or edges of his clothes were "floating"!
Have you a thangka like that to share?



When I scrutinise this body, feel that it is as impermanent as morning dew, after not long will aged imaginary die disintegrate.

When I look at partners and kins, realised these gathering is like traders, after not long will depart and hard to always meet.

When I look at Blood Sweat Wealth Treasure, like hardworking bees gathering honey, busying self for others and eventually become void.

When I look at Life's work/career and home place, realised that it is like a big prison, gathering nest of evil deeds.

Reading these four verses, my perspiration dripped copiously down.

Looking at worldly cultivator, Milarepa said these:

Greed cravings goes deeply into Heart, always paranoid of gain & loss, tied or entangled by written characters, Heart do have have decisive view, calculative even on small rise & fall, with nurturing love craving for women, messed up and against joy, using body and mind as slaves, body donned lazy-bracket, striking Transmigration's great target, mouth claims to adhere to Buddha Dharma, but actually did lots of sins,  cute tender follow the world's sentiment, drawn by others through own nose, if study Buddha Dharma this way, always in troubled thoughts. 

Beware Ah! Beware!


















[--- How is it, then, that we become confused or deluded by samsara and so remain caught within it? Clinging to samsara deludes us.

It is not through the appearances of the six different realms of sentient beings or the external world of our environment that we are bound and confused: it is our attachment to these that binds. 

As Tilopa spoke to Naropa: "My son, we are not bound by appearances; we are bound by our clinging to them."

If we do not examine or analyze samsara, using our intelligence to see what it really is, we could remain in a certain kind of happiness or pleasure. This would indicate, however, that we have not looked directly into samsara and analyzed it carefully. We must use our intelligence to look into the many different forms in which sentient beings appear: large, small, and so forth, and into the great variety of forms we see in the environment around us. We could analyze all these to discover the cause and conditions for their arising. To look at the existence of beings, we can look at our minds and body and see how it is that they create karma. If we investigate like this, we will begin to understand how our realm of existence comes into being, and we will see that the nature of samsara is suffering. Traditionally, suffering is divided into three different types: all-pervasive suffering, the suffering of change, and the suffering of suffering. ---]


[--- Milarepa responded: "Thanks to the blessings of the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, my lama and his wife, I was able to attain a little bit of experience, a little bit of realization.

In this completely matured body, this physical form of mine, it is possible to reach Buddhahood. 

This body is a boat that will take me across samsara to Buddhahood. 

However, it's also possible that I can use this very body to accumulate negative karma, and this will lead to rebirth in the hell realms. 

There is a choice.

I can turn my mind towards positive activity and achieve Buddhahood in one lifetime or I can turn my mind toward negative activity and go to the hell realm. ---]


Hahaha! I have always been talking about [Choice]!

Spend your Limited Life Span in this lifetime with a Human Shell Fruitfully and not Frivolously! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

自然界的現象 Nature Realm's Phenomenon

GM Lu's literary collection > 172 Follow the Footsteps of Wind


English Summary Translation by Lotuschef.
[Readers may choose to do their own translation too! :) ] 

In Samadhi ......

Yet another transformed as Buddha to test me: There is a master, ate up the whole [Chapter's Assets], destroying the [Chapter], students left wandering, what are you going to do?

I replied: Chapter's assets eventually Do Not Have, Chapter Do not have one dharma or method of Arising nor Disintegrating form; Students should observe Own Hearts minutely, One body 3 Gems, always present in front, Nothing to be suspicious and worry about.

Transformed Buddha said: There is another master, who ate up all temple building funds, also gave up the master's title and work, students lost wealth and premises, what are you going to do? 

I replied: This does not matter, Temple can be in One's own heart; All dharma do not arise; All Dharma do not disintegrate; lost wealth and premise, not pursuing form to give rise to meaning, no gain and no loss.

Transformed Buddha said again: Have another master, cheated lots of True Buddha School's students out of their wealth & possessions, ran away without a trace of person, wealth; all gone, what are you going to do? 

I replied: Nothing matters!

Transformed Buddha said: You said nothing matters, but students are in chaos, how can nothing matter?

I replied: This is Natural Realm's phenomenon, in this world, Masters with 3 Karmas not cleanse & pure still have alot, [Steal Abduct Seize Cheat] often heard of, also in Religious Realms.
Be it Dragon or Snake, all have its scales, said is One heart, but when things happened, it is natural, but all students must have steadfast or firm Bodhi Path Hearts, turn heart about to be Buddha, not changing own aim or motive then correct.

Transformed Buddha asked: When [Steal Abduct Seize Cheat] happened, are you troubled?

I replied: True Void is without Stagnation, All worldly's arising & disintegrating, do no have a single Receive nor Lost, Master do not know, thus still nothing matter!

  我寫一詩: I write a poem:

This world is like great storms

Because of these storms then understand steadfastness of Bodhi Path Heart

Within Heart still have Buddha Dharma Sangha

This type of student then can term as Saint

Saintly students (Hor!) Saintly students

See through life's dream realm

Life & death is similar

Gain & Loss is similar

Buddha has all Wisdoms

Please refer to : 
Dear all,
In all above articles, the Key point is the same!

Be Natural and do not let anything or anyone affect you in anyway! 

蓮生活佛講心經 -[以無所得故,菩提薩埵]



This is a part of Heart sutra: 以無所得故 As there is nothing to attain....
GM explained as: This universal original nature, original Buddha Nature, originally belongs to Self, because it is of Self, when you realised Heart and Nature, what else is there left to attain?

Originally belongs to you, therefore you have noting to attain.



Heart sutra is one of the Enlightening Sutra, IF you understand what it says!

THINK: do you still have time to waste creating Negatives?

Time to settle down and reflect upon all one's own frivolous and negative creating deeds, Repent and Change!


Is Lotuschef very Bad & Evil?

Nothing Matters!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

166_神行記 > 神行記 Astral Travel Tales

師尊文集 > 166_神行記 > 神行記(序)

GM's Literary Collection > 166 Astral Travel Tales > Preface

English Summary Translation by Lotuschef.
[Readers may choose to do their own translation too! :) ]

When in solitary retreat in [Leaf Lake], I know little of what's happening in the outside world.

However, [Astral Travel] increased. Actually, [Heart's] dharma ways are numerous, the varied forms of the 10 directional dharma realms, countless incidents/happenings, all that can't be spoken or written down.

Like the book [Passing through the Sea of Life & Death], can also be said as records of [Astral Travel].

I feel that this book is very important, as stated in the book, this is [Life's greatest matter], those that have cultivate, they are able to know where they will go upon their demise; those that didn't, will become Illusionary ignorant & lack brightness forms wandering between Life & Death.

I have suffering of illness during this period of retreat and I asked Buddha:

Why is it like this?

Reply: Natural.

Life must have Suffering of Illness?

Reply: Nearing the summit of high peak.

As it is natural for the Form/Kaya to have ageing illness, thus I don't bother much about them.

Instead, I put more efforts into silent seating [astral travel], and discovered [Heart's nature] is boundless, very widespread, and when in [astral travel], can write and affirm many Buddha's philosophy.

I tell you all a truly amazing matter:

When I have [splitting brain disease -(migraine?) ], life is extremely unbearable, and extremely vexing. 

However, just need to sit silently, forgetting [body & heart], mysterious realm of [forget me] appears, Buddha appears, emitting light 3 times, dharma joy materialised and all burdens disappeared.

This is the most natural, most true, more joyous, more effective path of Breaking Free.

In [Astral travel], I did some miraculous succouring.

In [Astral travel], I comprehend [Believe, Unravel, Execute, Affirm].

In [Astral travel], I realised what is [solitary silence].


I personally feel that with [Astral travel] life is not lonely and empty, then [Astral Travel] has meaning. 






Dear all, are you [Woo-ing] or [Wow-ing] about [Astral Travel]?


If you are, then Cultivate diligently as per GM Lu's instructions and guidances!

These are keys to [Astral travel] and lacking them, you can't [Astral Travel]!


Find them yourself, of course!
All in GM's speeches and books!

You might find plenty too in this blog, if you have been following and comprehending what's shared.

All boils down to Affinity with GM Lu and Buddha.
Do you have the relevant Affinity? :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom