Monday, June 4, 2012

Sentient Mindset

Terjemahan Indonesia: Pola Pikir Orang Awam

Light orbs © Mikael Koch, 2005

These are comments from Lotus JingYi regarding the article Titles – Comment:-




Dear 莲花净译, why waste time going in circles? Guru said there is No Good and also No Bad. To a serious cultivator, NO THOUGHTS! As explained by Guru, Thoughts are not given opportunity to incite a chain of thoughts; this is to halt all karmic related actions arising from these chains of thoughts.

If I have wronged you, I hereby sincerely apologise.

As to joining me in cultivation; all are welcome.

Just register attendance with

Details from

My humble advice: Do not get too fixated about climbing levels in cultivation; there are no such levels where Dharma is concern. Likewise Titles, are just Sentient classification for convenience only.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef


I would like to point out the erroneous Mindset of this statement:


It means [--- I feel that Reverend cultivated very well, can communicate with Spirits, can see, during cultivation also have lots of photos with lights, True Buddha School have yet another outstanding reverend, that is such a good matter! ---]

Our dear Root Guru shares Tantrayana techniques with us and to equate successful cultivation with ability to communicate with Spirits and “see”, is not true of the ultimate in cultivation.

There is a great difference between communicating with Spirits and Yoga with Divinities!

Hehe! I am serious!

There are people that are born with ability to see spirits as they are, that is with forms; like faces and their bodies too.

However, Spirits to me are Grey-greenish pale light with no form. I can’t tell whether they are male or female; old or young; pretty or ugly; ……. :)

That’s why I think I am ‘lucky’ because I won’t get frightened by ‘scary’ faces!

In articles like Sea Burial; 49 days; …. I saw a pale lighted shadow flashed across in front of  the sitting visual of Lotus Q [I visualized Lotus Q sitting cross-legged and chanting mantra as I instructed] and I instructed this Spirit to give him a name so that we can help him/her.

Anyway, when you can see them, you can actually transform them into other forms like Mickey or Minnie mouse; Kitty and any form that you are comfortable with.

All you need to do is to say: Now let us change to a happier or cuter form please.

We are of a higher energy form than them, by the way.

I have share previously that when they show themselves to you, they most probably need help of some kind and because you have a Living Buddha as a Guru, they feel that you can best help them.

So change them to a lovable form and ask them to state their requests.

Remember Lotus MH’s dream – she was filing up registration forms for event and someone told her to please write this name.  Upon waking she called me and she paid for a Bardo pack for this Spirit. She is the one that told me that there are no light orbs at a certain event she attended conducted by ZZ.

There are many Spirits co-existing with us all the time! Whether you can see them or not depends on your Karmic influences with some or all of them.

Similarly with light orbs that were captured during cultivation, they are co-existing with us too all the time. They are energy-bodies or light forms. Read the 5-eyes series and you will have a better understanding of “can see” .

The abundance of brighter light orbs during cultivation as per Root Guru is successful invocation of Divinities and Deities to grace our cultivation sessions.

Whatever Guru shares with us, all sentient beings can use to cultivate and leave Samsaric cycle behind. Of course don’t forget to get the relevant refuge and empowerment.

There is no need to go chase or follow anyone perceived as having cultivated successfully. What Guru shares is more than enough if you truly and diligently practice.


Respect Guru; Treasure Dharma; Diligently Cultivate!

This is actually from Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

Cultivation is for Self, however, without Bodhicitta, one is unable to attain release from Samsara.

This is a special tip: The more you share; the more you understand Dharma!

Do not join me in cultivation if your target is Spirits communicating methods and “see” ability. Also do not come with the intent to seek a free personal consultation. The “seeing” ability that people alleged I possessed, can see through how genuine you are!!! :)

Pure Karma welcomes all serious cultivators and we do not charge you for attendances.  You can bring your own offering to sincerely offer to Divinities too. Please let us know what you will be bringing to avoid duplication.

Ponder on your objectives as to cultivation and like Guru said, wake up!

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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