Friday, December 30, 2016

以般若智印證「空」跟「有」Use Prajna to Affirm [Void] & [Exist]

蓮生活佛 > 師尊開示 > 2009年蓮生活佛最新開示 > 2009-09-26 以般若智印證「空」跟「有」



Like just now, Lianxiang fashi said: shizun spoke out all, be they must speak of or must not speak of.
Thus, Lianjie asked me: What is Must not speak of?

Let me tell you, Shizun is straight forward in speech, my younger brother in law brought me to dance, this is Must not speak of.
這個是事實啊!This is true fact!
師尊是什麼都講的。Shizun is one that speaks of everything.
Thus, must or must not speak of also speak of.
I am like this, going straight forward, must not speak of also speak of, roughly points to this one!


The whole passage:

善知識。小根之人。聞此頓教。猶如草木。根性小者。若被大雨。悉皆自倒。不能增長。小根之人 - People with Small Root Potential (for cultivation)。亦復如是。

People with Small Root Potential have Wisdom that are no different from those with Big Root Potential. Why then upon hearing dharma they fail to become enlightened?

The reason being their heavy hindrances from their evil affinity mindsets.
[烦恼 (梵文:क्लेश,Kleshas,kleśa,巴利语:kilesa,藏文:nyon mongs),佛教术语].
Kleshas roots are deep. Like big clouds that block off the Sun.
Without Wind to blow, Sunlight will not be visible.

般若之智亦無大小。為一切眾生自心迷悟不同。迷心外見。修行覓佛。未悟自性。即是小根。若開悟頓教。不 能外修。但於自心常起正見。煩惱塵勞常不能染。即是見性。



Lianxiang fashi is one the 5, Fashi classmates of mine in Fashi Training in Seattle. 
The 5 students are - lotuschef莲厨, lianxiang莲祥, lianxing莲醒, lianshan莲珊 & lianling莲零.

From each of our maiden dharma speeches, and the comments made by GM Lu, the Root Potentials of each of us can be determined.

Body Speech Mind!

BUT, Root potential do not affect our inherent Buddha nature & Prajna!

6th Patriarch's Platform sutra also states that Cultivation will transform one into a Buddha! 

Must speak of?
Must not speak of?
As GM Lu was sharing Platform Sutra, and one of its core pointer is Middle Path Theory, so do we still have Must or Must not speak of?

Speech and its interpretation also varies because of the Wisdom level of individuals!

When GM Lu said to me : Leave TBS.
My first reaction was: Why? I just took refuge and newly ordained as well!
I am only 2 years old!
However, with my experiences in TBS and through cultivation, I realised that what is the Standard Sadhana is a rough guide only.
AND, fixation is anathema in Cultivation.

So, the same sequences or steps as set out in the Standard Sadhana, but all that varies is the Visualisation! :)

So, I didn't buy or fall for what Titled masters sell or force upon others!

Remember, Your Prajna is Inherent and no different from anyone else!
All you need is to cultivate to reveal and use it!
No one can help you do that!

So who cares what titled or untitled masters feed you, Just stay focus on what Root Guru teach and share with you!

O! I remember some fashi that flashed photos of themselves taken with GM Lu.
Then they even add that GM Lu said they have great potential and soon to be enlightened!

Just listen and smile!
These are for sure those still very stuck on Ego, associates of poisons of Ignorance, Greed, Aversion!

AND, do beware, When you are cultivating, the Demon test gets more tough with each step up!
You might fall a few steps down, even to level below your initial starting point in cultivation!

I have seen many such subjects!
A pretty recent one is one that took the Catholic order, renounced & back home!
Like ordained monks & nuns in TBS too!

I remember the one that ordained as a nun, then renounced.
Then she got ordained again, and this time appointed as shangshi.
Then she ran away from 2010 HK dharma tour, and renounced and back home again.
She is also another that has some link to Jin-mu, like the green-bird.
I wonder whether anyone remember what I wrote about this fellow student after visiting her chapter during GM's tour of Taiwan chapters.
Any of you remember that she and her daughter shared tales of great suffering and great poverty?
I remember fellow students that went to her chapter for help, most of them paying hefty sums of more than NTD 10K, per visit!

Another one is the blue-collar that wrote to ask GM to retire.
This one is reputed to charge hefty sums for setting up of altars or invoking Earth God!

Another one, a white collar? That dresses himself up in the VM-attire with 5-Buddha Crown!
This one also "dispenses" solutions at hefty prices! 

Sure seen lots and lots more to share!

Cultivate and reveal your inherent Prajna!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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