Thursday, December 22, 2016

幸灾乐祸 Gloat over others' misfortune!


Another mortal's trait: 幸灾乐祸 Gloat over others' misfortune!

Are you one of them?
Or did you 落进下石 Throw stones in when someone fell into a well ?

And many stay away from events because of the Gloating approved by Admin & GM Lu's closest care-givers! 

From the First one, ya-qi, approved to come forward and speak her piece about harrowing tales of ill-fates that befell her friends and alleging that all these caused by XX's practices!
Then the Second lot, family of 3, also approved and given lots of time too, with their own tales of suffering alleged to be also caused by XX's practices!
The third was a couple that had a private meeting with GM Lu, on the 6th floor of Caotun Temple,Taiwan, with like tales!
The fourth was the VM that were also given approval to come forward and share his tales, with similar allegations of wrong-dong of XX's practices!

In all the above that we heard, are there Any Scientific Evidences to support the Authenticity of their tales or allegations?

AH! No one can prove "spiritual misconduct"! 
Be it scientifically or legally!

The Verdict: GM Lu's words about the worshipping of 5 Japanese-ghost-chiefs by XX's chapter! And his compassionate plead to repent and start anew!

Karma is always One's own!

Does GM Lu seem to you like he is OK with all the negatives "aired" to date?

From one angle: The people that "aired" their karmic deeds publicly, do they really know what they are doing?

If anyone of those that came forward publicly to hurl stones at XX, 
[1] have the mindset or Intent of Knowing the errors of their past ways, 
[2] that is Reflected on their errors of Blind & Ignorance, 
[3]and pledge or vow to repent and cleanse their past karmic negatives, 
[4]THEN & Only Then, they can Save themselves!
Think of the process with the 4 Noble Truths!

However, we saw all of them added weight to sink a ship, named, XX!


Remember that I advised people to refrain from making speeches in presences of a Buddhist Assembly, when they have yet to be Enlighten!

Remember? GM Lu stated that: Don't attempt to judge anyone before you are fully enlightened! 

In other words: Don't Make a Fool of Yourself!

VM - vajra master - are teachers of Buddha's dharma and are supposed to be well versed in this topic!

Likewise, Fashi - means Dharma teacher!

I sincerely advise all to listen well and truly understand what GM Lu or your own chosen Dharma guru has imparted and not waste time joining any GANG or Group, in hostilities against the bosses' chosen victims!

Each of us should truly realised that we need our own efforts to cultivate and no one can ever do so for us!

YES! Go Solo!
BUT, remember that in Tantrayana, your Root Guru's guidances is your key!

GM Lu said he will fulfil sentient beings' wishes!
So if you are happy to come forward and make a fool of yourself, then your wish is granted! 

So, did GM Lu approved ANY of the Personal Choices made by Sentient Beings?
Or, did he Turned a Blind eye to the going-ons by sentient minded beings?
Or, as some claimed that he listens and abides all that Shi-mu dictates?

Mortals will never truly understand a True/Authentic Buddha!

Absolute Faith & One Refuge!
Keep these well!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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