Sunday, December 4, 2016

直指 Pointing Out - 罪魁祸首 The Culprit

Terjemahan Indonesia: Menunjukkan – Si Pelaku

中文名 -罪魁祸首  外文名 - Pelaku
发音 - zuì kuí huò shǒu
释义 -罪:犯罪 魁:为首的;首:头目。



【TBSN 真佛視頻 特快訊】2016年12月3日蓮生活佛主持「蓮花童子護摩大法會」開示重點

1. 徐雅琪師姐現身說法,發表聲明:過去因爲自己的迷信而製作的〈紫蓮花傳奇〉以及多個節目,希望大家不要被誤導!
2. 師尊說明「佘妙枝」才是當時要認證的「紫蓮花童子」!
3. 佛法中有廣中略,上根器修廣,中根器修中,下根器修略
4. 中道分:定、因、功德(資糧道)、障礙、分界(欲界、色界、無色界)
5. 佛法沒有教你召請鬼,拜鬼;真佛宗法本是召請佛菩薩,怎麼可以把「XX府」放在召請儀軌裡。
6. 密教最重要的就是一皈依。
8. 沒有傳承不稱為密教,所有密教祖師都尊敬自己的根本上師。
9. 師尊說會讓真佛宗的弟子,更加團結,實修,認識真相!


【TBSN 最新】蓮生活佛開示:「佘妙枝」才是當年要認證的「紫蓮花童子」!
【釋蓮店上師 南投報導】- Reported from Nantou by VM Lian Dian
[Disclaimer: These are my personal views and strictly without Prejudice to any person or party.] 

The above statement is erroneous!
Translated as: "Living Buddha Lian Sheng first touched on recent messy/disjointed problems, first requested that Xu-ya-qi shijie come forward to express her views."
Note that GM Lu said that what was said by this shijie - is solely her very own personal views!!! :)

Hahaha! So the reporter of this piece of news is biased! 
Read on & you find these are "birds of a feather, flocking together" & these birds are very very sentient or mortal minded! 
No signs of being learned Buddha's students! :)

Translated as: Xu-ya-qi shijie showed up and shared her views, declaring that [in the past, because of her own superstitious nature, she produced <Purple Lotus Mysterious tales>;
<Knock knock knock, on your door> ... and lots of programs, TV programs, currently also spread widely as these materials got printed into large amount of books; 
BUT, these contents are not accurate or true, also not from Divinity, some are due to the need for special effect for programs, or coincidences ....; previously mistaken Shi-mu & School's admin, hope that all will not continue to spread anymore! .....]


Some might think what I am going to Point Out is harsh, but the bitter pill need to be swallowed in the hope that more will steer clear of Blindly following Sentient Forms and get misled!
The reporter attempts to "put a glossy fake facade" and camouflage the real culprits!
Also, this VM has a habit of fabricating tales or views that are Not from GM Lu!

The Intent of Ya-qi's speech?
1. Attempts to "delete" her own involvement and responsibilities!
2. Getting into the "Grace circle" that is perceived as "Control tower"!

Go have a good look at Ya-qi's aura during her speech first. :)
Also try and read her body language!

Before the Purple Lotus Saga, no one alleged deaths of friends or relatives to be result of their allegiance to VM Sam's practices, concur?
After watching a video of Sam's speech (sent to me by fellow student, RT).
The video was about ringing the vajra bell for more than 4 hours on a cruise around a lake to cleanse or purify and deliver to Pureland.
**I wrote that VM Sam doesn't know True Tantric Dharma usages, I became the public enemy! :)

O! Another link that I watch was Sam's speech about her meeting with people that visit Heavenly Realm at will! :)
In this video, Sam kept pointing out her 3rd eye, drawing much notice to her 3rd eye!
Does this 3rd eye truly exist?
And its location exactly where she kept pointing at? :)

In 2012, Pure Karma's first homa event overseas, in Jakarta, I told a fellow student how he should cultivate.
He then asked his brother why Fashi know what I am going to ask?
Well, the truth is, he is bogged down by the daily assignment that Sam gave him and told him that he must complete, else....

The friends of Ya-qi that she alleged died sudden & mysteriously.
Are they people she got acquainted with before or after they take refuge with GM Lu?
That is, did she instigated any of these deceased to take refuge and subsequently led them into Sam's circle?

As per GM Lu's verification, those like Rev. Lian Jing (Panama), who is always around Sam, were unaffected because they cultivate diligently and thus non of the evil spirits can hurt them!

So, who's fault it truly is?
The Ones that promoted Sam's ways!
Also, the Ones that ignored GM Lu's teachings!

Now, 2010 GM Lu's first luncheon in HK.
GM Lu's table is on my left.
I am with a group of fellow reverends.
Ya-qi and her friend joined our table.
Ya-qi suddenly gave Lian-xin fashi a third degree, accusing her of being the culprit that the paparazzi caught on camera yawning during GM Lu's speech!
Despite Rev. Lian-xin's denial, she over-rode and persisted with her verdict, and criticised the reverend continuously!
I looked at her and silently spoke to GM Lu, sharing this scene with Him! :)

Disrespect for Sanghas!

Of course, she has no way of freeing herself or her friends from the tentacles of ghostly spirits, concur?

What was most important in GM Lu's speech yesterday?
The "Add-on" that He gave after his speech! :)

He said: Reflect upon your deeds and ask yourself honestly how much lies or falsehoods have you perpetuated?
Did you fabricate the existence of ghosts?

Your succour: Know all your wrongs & sincerely repent and diligently cultivate!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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