Sunday, December 18, 2016

神通,神棍 Transcendental Ability / Transcendental Confidence Trickster

蓮生活佛著作 > 盧勝彥文集 > 227_悟境一點通 > 第十二問:神通是開發的嗎?

As per my knowledge, many lower level spirits all have know how to impersonate high level Boddhisattva, mortal always gets bluff by these low level spirits, even those that can communicate with spirits are no exception, therefore best do not be fixated in this direction, bear in mind! bear in mind!

We studying Buddha Dharma:
Study & practice Middle-path Prajna Buddha Dharma that originates from Manjusri & Nagajuna Boddhisattvas.

二、學習彌勒菩薩、無著菩薩為源頭的唯識般若佛法。Study & practice Citta-matra prajna Buddha Dharma that originates from Maitreya & Asanga Boddhisattvas.

[Teachings] , [Affirmation] we must all study.
We do not develop Transcendental Ability. 
Bear in mind! Bear In mind! Thought once strayed, will become Demon!


蓮生活佛著作 > 盧勝彥文集 > 227_悟境一點通 > 第二十二問:怎麼區分是不是神棍?

Previously, my teacher, Reverend Liao-ming told me:  

Cannot openly ask others for money!  

I did it! 

Do not force others! 

I did it!

I tell all of you straight up, all that ask openly for money from others, force others, falsely alleged that they have divine's instruction, should be listed as criminal suspects.

If as per situation, logic, dharma, can believe.

Otherwise, cannot believe.
True cultivator is like this:  

Buddha said: 3 realms similar to illusion. All don't exist, all can't attain.
Abhisamaya-alaṅkāra: bodhicitta-samutpada to benefit others, to affirm Boddhicitta.
Mahā ratnakūṭa sūtra: All sights (Forms), break free with void.
I solemnly declare: If greed for sentient wealth, form, that person do not understand Buddhism, nothing to attain, void & boddhicitta. Is a fake cultivator!


The trickster is an alchemist, a magician, creating realities in the duality of time and illusion. In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behaviour.

Confidence trickster - a person who sets out to defraud or deceive people by persuading them to believe something that is not true.


The above contents, GM Lu had expounded countless times over the past 40+ years!
And if you are one of them that got tricked or cheated, YOU are one of those that did not grasp any fundamentals of GM Lu's dharma teachings!

Do not call yourself a Student of The Living Buddha Lian Sheng or Buddha!
You are a FAKE!

AND, a Buddha's initial criteria for Hinayana, the first step of the 9 Yanas, is Not to Harm anyone!

By continuing to hurl negatives at XX openly, you do not have any merits as a Buddha's student!

GM Lu said yesterday that on the 6th floor, another couple brought up their story of being bluffed by XX too!

GM Lu really don't want to hear anymore, because he already knew!

It was always your personal choice to Believe anyone!

Thats why, its your own personal Karmic Influences and nothing to do with anyone else!


With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Shen Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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