Sunday, December 4, 2016

GM Lu Reaching out Compassionately 鲁师尊伸出慈悲之手

Referring to the recorded sermon by Grandmaster Lu:

The following is the transcript of GM Lu's compassionately reaching out to those that deviated from his guidances.
He advised Each individual to reflect upon Own's deeds!
GM Lu questioned about the 5-ghost chiefs' existence, are they from one's own imagination or not?
As long as each individual is sincere in repentance after reflecting on one's misdeeds, then can Start Anew!

** 再讲几句话。


Dear all,
think you are able to Use Wisdom of Discernment now?

For those that had been possessed by ghosts or controlled by ghosts, we should not neglect them or chuck them away or 落井下石(throw stones into well, after people have dropped into well)!

GM Lu showed the Key for those that have gone astrayed to be succoured!

Buddha Dharma is infinite, immeasurable, and there are ways to succour each individual as per their karmic influences!

So, are you a Buddha or Demon? :)

Of course, Choice is always One's own!

Blaming Deaths of fellow students that are friends or relatives to you on anyone?
GM Lu negated these accusations by telling you the difference of why Reverend Lian-jing (Panama), didn't succumbed to adverse situation or harm!
The reason being the reverend's diligence in cultivation and chanting countless rounds of Usnisa Vijaya Dharani!
So Diligence in Sincere cultivation will protect or shield you from Harm!

Listen well to GM Lu!

Don't get fooled by those putting blame on others!

The Intent in attempting to completely eliminate anyone is not the way of a Buddha or a Buddha's disciple!

Remember: Revenge, Animosity, Hostility, Hatred, Violence, .... are non-virtues and not for any Authentic or True Buddha's students!


Sensational stuff should not affect you too!

Remember I said that those that hurled slanderous, defamatory, hostile, .... stuff at me, Only need to say sorry to themselves?

Really nothing to do with me! :)

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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