Saturday, December 31, 2016

密集金刚 Guhyasamâja vajra

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 182_不可說之說 > 菩提心的祕密

在西藏密宗有五赫魯噶: Tibetan Tantrayana Schools have 5 Herukas:-
  一、勝樂金剛。 Cakrasamvara
  二、喜金剛。 Hevajra
Guhyasamâja vajra
  四、大威德金剛。 Yamāntaka
  五、大幻化網金剛。 Chemchok Heruka

密集金刚(梵文Guhyasamâja vajra),也称“密聚金刚”,藏传佛教密宗修习观想的五大本尊之一,格鲁派三大本尊之一,为无上瑜伽部父续本尊,为马尔巴译师所传承,也是格鲁派创始人宗喀巴大师的守护神。


此尊的明妃叫可触金刚 (Sparshavajra) 佛母,身体一般也为蓝色,也有三头、六臂,上两手搂金刚颈项,其余四手所持的法物与主尊一致,双腿盘于金刚腰部。



There are two main commentarial traditions on the Guhyasamāja Tantra, the Ārya Tradition and the Jñānapada tradition.

In the practice of the Ārya Tradition, the central deity of the Guhyasamāja is blue-black Akṣobhyavajra, a form of Akṣobhya, one of the five tathāgathas (pañcatathāgata), sometimes called the dhyāni buddhas. Akṣobhyavajra holds a vajra and bell (ghanta) in his first two hands, and other hands hold the symbols of the four other tathāgathas: wheel of Vairocana and lotus of Amitābha in his rights, and gem of Ratnasambhava and sword of Amoghasiddhi in his lefts. The maṇḍala consists of thirty-two deities in all.

In the Jñānapada tradition, the central deity is yellow Mañjuvajra, a form of Maṇjuśrī, with nineteen deities in the mandala. Mañjuvajra has three faces—the right one is white and red one on the left—and six arms. The three faces may represent the three main channels of the subtle body, the three stages of purification of the mind or the illusory body, light, and their union. Mañjuvajra holds in his hands a sword and a book, and two of his other hand a bow and arrow represent skillful means (upāya).

last time in seattle GM said that malaysia wanted the transmission of Guhyasamaja and Tw wanted Chakrasamvara
but i'm not sure how GM will respond to their requests
Chakrasamvara is granted on this Feb 

Really wonder when GM Lu will transmit Guhyasamaja?
And whether he will grant Malaysians' request to have the First transmission of this heruka in Malaysia.
The last Malaysian event was 2007 and yidam transmitted is Kalachakra.

Lets wait and see. 

Cheers all

Happy New Year to All!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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