Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Smoke Offering? 烟供?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Puja Asap?

The above: Captured on camera during Pure Karma's Semarang Event.

Disclaimer: The contents of this post are Strictly Without Prejudice to anyone or parties mentioned.
If you draw upon the sharings as a Lesson in aiding you to enter the Bodhi Path, then Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!


From Assignment Hints 作业提示:

Student A1 - wrote answers to this one.

From Assignment 作业 [2]:

1.Back in the early days after you took refuge, what is Smoke offering to you, when you First heard about it?
> the practice that strictly needs abhiseka from guru, smoke offering is another way to do offering beside fire puja offering. If never abhiseka can only hear/read sadhana smoke offering

2. Who taught you about Smoke offering and how to go about practicing?
> maha guru secun give a teaching details.

Secun said have 4 point important .
a.times : morning 5am : 7am (offering for Buddha), night 5pm : 7pm (offering for karmic debt)
b. who : student must do it by own. Practice offering by own, can't represent by others, because their have their own karmic

c.incense place : offer to Buddha put inside our house, offer to debt karmic put outside our house, so smoke can flow outside home.

d.smoke offering : can change our fate , can change our bad karmic become good karmic, after we sincere willing to apologize to them and not repeat or bad karmic again.

3. How do you know that you need Root Guru to give you Abhiseka or Empowerment Transmission?
Before we take refuge, we got information or dharma teaching at tantrayana every sadhana needs abhiseka from guru.

4. Is Smoke offering easy to learn?
Smoke offering , I didn't learn before. But I read some guru articles step more simple than do fire puja, but if we have resource can do fire puja is better than smoke offering

5. Think: Why do people choose to do Smoke Offering? [I explained this one to all of you during Fire puja.]

Because they want to offer sentient being to pay back their debt karmic , do repentance , ask apologize for our debt karmic,also offering to Buddha to have more blessing.

Thanks fashi, have time to teach us hahahha J



If you refer back to this Assignment and the comments from students, most really don't have a clear idea of what is Cultivation!

Smoke offering is also another method of Cultivation with all the same purposes as other cultivation methods with any chosen yidam!

So why the Distinction or Segregation?

The Difference or Differences are given life to by mortals' minds!

Yes! If you have Like-mentalities on Buddha Dharma and to improve your own lot irregardless of others' welfare, then you are still very much a mortal and far from your first rung in the Cultivation Ladder!
If there are 9 Yanas, then you have 9 rungs to climb, bearing in mind to be save and secure on each rung!

Smoke offering is a good way and also easy way to do offering to Divinities and a good first step in the Resource Path!
Also if you are offering to your Karmic foes, it is a good way to say sorry.
That is, if you are real sincere in doing the offering!

GM Lu made sure that we do not leave out the beings of the 6-realms of Transmigration, by including the 4 Immeasurable Visualisation into the initial steps of every Sadhana cultivated.

Yes! GM Lu has given you the Best resources to cultivate well!

However, there are still many students that are with GM Lu from day one, 40+ years ago, to now, that have no inkling of what cultivation is all about!


Study the "body language" of this fellow student closely.
Doesn't he seem to enjoy himself too much in "Hammering Nails into XX"?

GM Lu Stated that: Lian Jing (Panama) weren't affect in any way by the alleged negatives of the 5 Japanese Ghost-chiefs that XX pays homage to!


Karma is another important topic of Buddha Dharma that a sincere Buddha's student should study and know well!

Student Ya-qi alleged her friends' death were caused by XX!
Then Prof. Wang & family came out with more allegations of ill-fate caused by XX too!
Now this Lian-zhen added his allegations of wrong-doings to XX's tally!

And GM Lu said that when he was on the 6th Floor of Caotun Temple that day, another couple "filed" their share of XX's wrong-doings as well!

Dear all,
do you follow anyone that "nails" another down?


Crucifixion of Jesus 

According to Mark's Gospel, he endured the torment of crucifixion for some six hours from the third hour, at approximately 9 am, until his death at the ninth hour, corresponding to about 3 pm.

Now the Views:

Joi Hubbard - In considering your question we will cover two main points. The first is the origin of the cross, and the other is based on biblical teachings of the manner in which Jesus died.

1) Many are familiar with the fact that Jesus died hanging, but many are unaware that he did not die on the cross. Notice how W. E. Vine, a respected British scholar, defined both the noun “cross” and the verb “crucify” actually refers to “a stake or pale distinguished from the ecclesiastical form of a two beamed cross.” In agreement with this, Oxford University’s Companion Bible says: “The evidence is that the Lord was put to death upon an upright stake, and not on two pieces of timber placed at any angle.” Also, research shows that the use of the cross can be traced back to Mesopotamia, to two thousand years before Christ. Non-Christians used the cross “as a magic sign giving protection, bringing good luck,” wrote Sven Tito Achen, Danish historian and expert on symbols, in the book Symbols Around Us. The cross was not meant for killing purposes.

2) After Jesus had been arrested and given a mock trial, he was scourged and, at the insistence of the clergy-led crowd, was handed over to be impaled. Terrible as the experience was, the pain was no doubt lessened to some extent by the nerve-deadening experiences he had already undergone. Rather than allow Jesus to suffer long on the torture stake or to let the soldiers end his life by breaking his bones, “Jehovah’s will was to crush him, and let him become sick.” In which he did by letting him expire a few hours after he was impaled. Jesus, realizing what was happening, cried out: “My God, my God, for what purpose have you forsaken me?” And, overcome with grief, “Jesus let out a loud cry and expired.” (Mark 15:34, 37) In explaining what had happened, William Stroud, M.D., in The Physical Cause of the Death of Christ, refers to the observation of one Grüner, who says: “It is common for persons whose heart is oppressed by excessive congestion of blood, with anxiety and palpitation, and who are threatened with suffocation, to cry out with a loud voice.” Apparently his heart had been broken or one of the larger arteries had been ruptured, causing him to expire.

This made possible the fulfillment of another important part of Jehovah’s purpose. “Unless blood is poured out no forgiveness takes place.” (Heb. 9:22) And concerning the death of Jesus it had been written: “He poured out his life even to death.” (Isa. 53:12) His death had to be on a stake to make it possible to relieve believing Jews of the curse of the Law, but death on a stake would not cause blood to be poured out, and that was required in order to meet the divine requirements for the remission of sins of all believing mankind. (Gal. 3:13) But Jehovah’s having crushed Jesus by letting his hands and feet be pierced by nails and permitting a rupture of his heart or one of the arteries, the blood poured into his pericardium or thorax. Thus when one of the soldiers took a spear and pierced his side, “blood and water came out.” (John 19:34) In this way, while Jehovah was pleased to bring to an early end the agony of his Son, he also made it possible for all the things written by the inspired prophets to be fulfilled and for the requirements for salvation to be met.

Now regarding the question about how long Jesus was hanging on the stake before he died, we will have to review several scriptures. The entire chapter of Matthew 26 gives a great reference as to what happened from Nissan 14 until Nissan 15. It is in this chapter that we see that the Disciples were sent to make preparations for the Lords meal, they eat some time in the evening, Jesus stated one of them would betray him, they left and went to the Mount of Olives. After being betrayed by Judas he was tried and sentenced to death, all of which happens in the early morning. Matthew 27: 1-61 gives a clear depiction of the events that led up to Jesus being hung on the stake and taken down via Joseph’s request, another disciple of Jesus, sometime late in the afternoon. The following event of Jesus dying and removed from the stake happened all on the same day Nisan 14.

Anonymous - He didn't die on the cross. He wasn't on the cross to begin with. God ascended him up to Heaven, where he will one day return before the day of Judgment, where he will bear witness and point to humanity and proclaim that he never urged nor wanted anyone to worship him. He wanted everyone to worship BESIDE him...to worship the One and Only God, one with no partners, no equals, and no relatives. 
The worst sin a human can commit is worshiping someone other than God.


If you "walked" around the net, you can get more views Just on Jesus' death!
I had a Vision of barbarians throwing XX and those they perceived as threats that rattle their statuses from, into the arena filled with lions!

Damnatio ad bestias (Latin for "damnation to beasts") was a form of Roman capital punishment in which the condemned person was killed by wild animals. This form of execution, which first came to ancient Rome around the 2nd century BC, was part of the wider class of blood sports called Bestiarii. The act of damnatio ad bestias was considered entertainment for the people of Rome. Killing by wild animals, such as lions, formed part of the inaugural games of the Flavian Amphitheatre in 80 AD. Between the 1st to 3rd centuries AD, this penalty was mainly applied to the worst criminals, slaves, and early Christians.


YES! If you still claim to be an Authentic Buddha's Student, then do refrain from barbaric practices and acts, that will land you into the 3 Lower Realms or even Vajra/Timeless Hell!

GM Lu's solution: Repent and Start Anew!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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