Thursday, December 1, 2016

自動流淚的人 A Person that keeps tearing

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 31_東方的飛氈 > 自動流淚的人































  「阿彌陀佛,你認錯人了,假如我有欺騙 if I am cheating,就讓我眼淚永遠流個不止罷 then let my tears never stop flowing
我會永遠懺悔 I will repent forever,阿彌陀佛。」






2-8-2011 Tear Drops

I used my psychic eye to take a closer look.
This time I saw a large pond and a flowing river.
I didn't know what it meant, but I told my friend and Mr. Wen what I saw.

Wen was silent a moment, then said, "Very interesting."

Our host smiled and nodded. "What you have seen makes sense," he said.

Mr. Wen then told me that when he was eighteen, one night before he went to bed he suddenly began to cry without apparent reason.
Tears flowed until he was exhausted.
The experience left him puzzled, but he didn't pay much attention to it.
I wrote Mr. Wen's birthrate on yellow rice paper, then burned the birthrate and meditated for guidance.

Soon in the circle of light a funny-looking monk appeared.
He didn't look like a monk, but he dressed like one.
He held chanting beads in his hands and continually recited: "Amitaba Buddha."

I saw him asking for donations from house to house.
Then, happily, the monk would go off to enjoy food and drink.
I saw him go into the temple to ask the resident monk for money.
He said, "Amitaba Buddha, the great compassionate Bodhisattva, my money was lost because of a pickpocket.
I need to go home. Will you loan me some money?"

He asked for charity money from philanthropists, telling them about nursing homes and hospitals that would be built. But once while he was at this he was recognized as a cheater.
After this incident, Mr Wen Dong Shan based his ridicule of me from failure to sight anything in meditation: Lu Sheng Yan's Dao's practices not enough, I ask him, he also can't answer, I think he actually don't know, actually know nothing.

GM Lu withheld his sightings of Mr Wen, why? 
<<「阿彌陀佛,你認錯人了,假如我有欺騙 if I am cheating,就讓我眼淚永遠流個不止罷 then let my tears never stop flowing
我會永遠懺悔 I will repent forever,阿彌陀佛。」>>

We can see that Mr Wen's problem resulted from his past karmic deeds of Cheating!
AND, his own vows that he will Repent forever!

I had sort of a similar sighting when I look at this person who was leaning against my car chatting with his friend. :)
I was with a fellow student, and we just had supper after attending cultivation in a nearby chapter.
He started to chat with me, asking about religious differentiation and bragging about his support of certain temples......
I said to him: You have done something that you shouldn't have.
He kept denying that he has done wrong.
Then, I said to him that I have nothing further to say to him.

He then told me that when he was young, he stayed near a temple and use to play there.
He took something from the temple without permission.

Well? He stole from the temple!
Of course, he is paying for his misdeeds and no matter how much he claimed that he has supported temples and etc., his negative karma caught up with him.

Hehe! If it is so "surface" that can be glean from a glance, that is he is paying for his misdeeds.

Dear all,
In order for One to redeem self, repentance is the only way to go!

But Mr Wen, don't seem to have rid himself of the negative habits that arises from poisons of Pride & Ego & Greed!
Of course, Ignorance is a major factor as well!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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