Friday, July 31, 2015

十二因缘 Twelve Nidānas


Nidana is a Sanskrit word (from ni = down, into + the verbal root da = to bind). 
It means 'chain of causation,' and is attributed to Shakyamuni Buddha. 
It has two specific meanings within Buddhism
The more common use refers to the Twelve nidanas or "a concatenation of cause and effect",[1] which is the cycle of rebirth as described by Gautama upon which a re-becoming is thought by Buddhists to rest, which is also called the twelve links of 'dependent origination'.[2]

The term is also less commonly used with reference to the jhanas or stages of Buddhist meditation. 
Though they are both chains of causation, the Twelve nidanas of samsara are regarded by Buddhists 
as driving beings helplessly by the force of karma, into successive rebirths, based upon ignorance, 
while the nidana of the jhanas, by contrast, is driven by the force of spiritual practice and is thus under an individual's control. 

In this sense, they are opposites of each other, like ladders, one leading 'down' into incarnational life and the other leading 'up' towards nirvana.

The Twelve Nidānas (Pali/Sanskrit: nidāna "cause, foundation, source or origin") are an application of the Buddhist concept of pratītyasamutpāda (dependent origination). 
They identify the origin of dukkha (suffering) to be in avidyā (ignorance).

1. Ignorance (Pali: Avijjā)
2. Mental fermentations/volitions (Pali: Saṅkhāra Sanskrit: Saṃskāra)
3. Status consciousness (Pali: Viññāṇa)
4. "Name" and "Form" (Pali: Nāmarūpa)
5. The six senses (Pali: Saḷāyatana)
6. Contact (Pali: Phassa)
7. Feelings (Pali: Vedanā)
8. Cravings/longings/desires (Pali: Taṇhā)
9. Clinging to (Pali: Upādāna)
10. Generation of factors for rebirth (Pali: Bhava)
11. Birth (Pali: Jāti)
12. All the sufferings (Pali: Jarāmaraṇa)

Thus one could observe that:

1. Due to ignorance (of underlying realities of existence) we process/ferment what comes to our mind.

2. This processing/fermentation causes karma to form and mould the status consciousness (vinyana).

3. The functioning/existence of the status consciousness has a close association with regards to sustaining life (one's existence).

4. "Name" and "Form" describes the non-material and material components of one's existence. "Name" are the constituents one's mind, consciousness and ideas... "Form" (material) are the constituents of the body (made of solids, liquids, gasses...).

5. The six sense bases of perception are composed of "Name" (the mind/vinyana...components) and "Form" (the solids, liquids, gasses... components).

6, 7. When the six sense bases of perception comes in contact with entities (ex. eye with external world, nose with fragrances,... mind with thoughts/memories...), they generate feelings (in the mind).

8. Next we generate/get desires for these feelings.

9. These desires makes one "cling onto" them (wanting more...).

10, 11. This clinging causes the generation of causations/factors (karma) that causes/leads/drags one into future births, so that such accumulated karma can take effect, can materialise... (The generation of sankhara /karma due to attachments, desires, longings, cravings... or due to the aversions, angers, hates... generated during the cause of such quests/pursuits... will lead one through eternal samsara resulting in the generation of yet further causations/karma, requiring further... Thus bonding one into this eternal journey...)

12. Then once one gets into a birth, one undergoes/endures all the sufferings associated with such...

1. But again due to our ignorance, we fail to realise the underlying nature/reality of existence. Thus veiled and shadowed by ignorance, we keep on generating the mental fermentations/volitions that keeps one further bonded to samsara...

Thus the cycle ever so continues for ever and ever unto perpetuity... Thus breaking away from this cycle (by "eradicating"/overcoming ignorance), leads to its cessation (cessation of the perpetual wandering)....


These are also some basic knowledge one has to at least know of, in terms of Foundation Building in the Beginning of the Cultivation Ladder. 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

般若波羅蜜多心經是得證境界 Heart Sutra's Attain Affirmation Stage

Selective Summary - Translated into English by Lotuschef

Readers may choose to translate your own version too! :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef


師尊文集 > 45_坐禪通明法


  般若波羅蜜多心經 Heart Sutra,原文如下:


Now, I had already seen it's (Heart Sutra) [Affirmation mindset] of Enlightening Feel, because after Affirmation, relooking at Heart Sutra, resulted in a "So this is it" kind of [Heart imprints on to Heart].

And my Enlightening Feel as follows:











The Mantra: Ga Te Ga Te Bo Luo Ga Te Bo Luo Seng Ga Te Boddhi Svaha.

First Ga Te points to [Self Fixation], Second Ga Te points to [Dharma Fixation], that is Both Self & Dharma Fixation.

Third Ga Te [Birth of Self Fixation], Fourth Ga Te [Dharma & Self Fixation].

The meaning of this mantra is to Break Through and discard Human Self's [Self Fixation], and the Birth of Self Dharma's Fixation. Succour Self and Others till arrived at the other shore of Perfect Boddhi.

Cultivating thus, is considered as genuine and great meaning of cultivation.

I can say that this sutra is completely the arena of Avalotkitesvara's meditation, starting from external realisation are all void, cannot be influence by the 6 Sentient Dust, guarding firmly the 6 roots, all is [No heart externally, no arena or realm outside heart] kind of all Forms are void stage, this is Wisdom View.

On Internal realisation, that is Buddha's Light merges into my whole body, self nature becomes clean and pure, Heart of past present future, combined into one and become [Matter no heart externally, no matter outside heart], arriving at this stage, naturally can attain all, succour all suffering, this is work of Tian-xin chakra emitting light, naturally and without reason but done.


That is enter into Great Break Free Door, Self's Buddha nature merge into One with the Dharma Nature of all Buddhas, hence forth No retreating turn, no transmigration, this then is Big Affirm Realisation.




Actually cultivating the different type of Dharma Doors, all can attain fruit, I listed them clearly as follows:

Cultivate the Bottom Chapters of 10 virtues – Maintain the Human Form.

Cultivate the Middle Chapters of 10 virtues – is Asura realm.

Cultivate the Top  Chapters of 10 virtues – is Heavenly Being.

Cultivate the 4 Truths dharma – Sravaka Arhat realm.

Cultivate the 12 Affinities dharma – become Pratyeka-buddha realm.

Cultivate the 6 Paramitas – is Boddhisattva's fruitful level.

Cultivate the "no affinity same body compassion", meditative stillness linking to brightness method – become Buddha on the spot.









Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Same Body Height with GM Lu 跟师尊一样身高

Above: Seattle, Rainbow Temple.

Morning 2nd November 2009.

After lunch, I went back to the dormitory to freshen up.
Then I sat down on my bunk and relax.
As I lean back against my pillows, my eyes were force shut yet again!

Dear GM, rewarded me with yet an astral trip!
I found myself sitting beside GM, on the grass patch in front of Great Grand Mistress’, GM’s mother’s shrine, located at Rainbow villa.

The scenic view is fantastic and it is bright and sunny with a cooling breeze giving us much comfort and joy.
GM is smiling and he is sitting and about 20 feet tall.
Smiling and transformed into the White Maitreya, similar to the figurine in the middle of the hill at Rainbow villa. I am also 20 feet tall.


In the above speech, GM Lu said that a student has seen his 灵神 Spiritual Essence or Form, which is about 2 storeys high!

Back in Seattle in 2 November 2009, I was sitting side-by-side with GM Lu, and we were both 20 feet tall. 
So when standing, both of us should be more than 20 feet high, or about 2 storeys, agree? :)

O! GM Lu said he is currently 1.58metres in height! 
Me too! :)

Above:  Printout of my height & weight on 9 July 2015, when I visited AMK Polyclinic to seek medical aid.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ketika Aku [Menepuk]-mu!

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 25 Juli 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 当我[打]你 ! When I [Beat] You!

Di atas adalah sesi puja di Hong Kong dan aku sedang membantu tiap peserta melakukan persembahan.

Salah seorang umat wanita di sana selalu bicara “sampah” dan kubilang kalau aku akan “menendangnya”!
Ia selalu menimpaliku: Bagus, mohon tendanglah aku ke atas!

Buatnya, ia meminta untuk “kutendang”, dan ia yakin kalau aku akan mengantarnya ke ATAS!

Yang namanya seorang Yogi Sejati tak akan mengirim siapapun ke Bawah, yang melambangkan 3 alam rendah di dalam siklus samsara.

Kadangkala saat membantu melakukan  persembahan, aku juga akan “menepuk” peserta di kepala, punggung, atau tubuh bagian bawah!

Kalau kamu ingat yang Mahaguru Lu ajarkan saat sesi puja Ragarajah di Vajragarbha Xiang Hua – Taiwan, mengenai cara “memompa” sebuah bija aksara HOM ke dalam tubuh seseorang untuk membantunya membersihkan “kesurupan”, yang kulakukan ini juga mirip. :)

Kita bisa membantu mereka dengan energi Qi (Prana) yang stagnan atau mengenyahkan “kegelapan” yang tak diinginkan!

Tentunya yang melakukan harus mampu mengendalikan gerakan energi prana ini di dalam tubuhnya, dengannya ia akan mampu menggunakannya untuk menolong orang-orang!

Kalau kamu ingin berbagi air, pastikan kendi yang kau bawa sudah berisi air! :)


Insiden lain adalah saat aku sedang minum teh bersama seorang murid di McDonald dekat rumahku.

Saat mengobrol, tiba-tiba kulihat gelombang berwarna hitam gelap, hampir hitam, bergerak dengan cepat ke atas dari garis rahangnya.

Aku berseru: Berhenti!

Gelombang gelap itu berhenti sebelum mencapai matanya!

Sayangnya hal ini sering terjadi kepada si murid ini.
Di acara lain, kulihat warna hijau gelap itu membentuk bingkai kotak di sekitar matanya.

Apa yang kulakukan untuk menolongnya?
Kumulai dengan “berbicara” dengan siapapun yang menyebabkan munculnya warna hijau gelap tersebut pada si murid ini.
Di saat yang sama, aku juga berbagi–memancarkan sinar kepada semua di sekitar untuk menunjukkan bahwa aku tak pilih kasih, bahwa aku selalu berbagi dengan semua insan tanpa membeda-bedakan.


Teman-temanku sekalian yang terkasih,
Saat aku membaca aura, aku pernah menuliskan bahwa LEBIH DARI SATU kehidupan lampau orang tersebut muncul!
Aku akan berhenti sampai 3 saja dan tak meneruskannya!

Dan aku akan memilah apa saja yang akan kukatakan kepada si subjek yang dibaca.


Jadi kamu akan mengerti “SAAT AKU MEMUKULMU” tiba-tiba, tanpa alasan yang jelas, aku sedang mencoba MENGHENTIKAN sesuatu yang mencoba mencelakaimu.

Mungkin aku akan mengatakan beberapa “alasan” setelah melakukannya, tapi itu bukan SEMUANYA!

Jadi kalau kamu malah menjadi sombong dan mengutamakan pencitraanmu, ego, status, …. untuk “dipukul” oleh seorang ibu tua, tolong jangan dekati aku!


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

真实报道?Honest and True Reporting? [2]

Reference Link: 
At about 24:18 minutes into the video, GM:
Big sea calm and no wave ...... O! repeat or come again!
Head also swollen!

At about 24:37 minutes into the video, GM:
Those of you that know how to vary are Big Shangshi, don't know how to vary are "city gate keeping" shangshi. Cannot qualify like that.


By tbnews8 on 06/05/2015

  將來成就者,一般有所謂的舍利子,身後會有舍利子,舍利子會出現,另外有身化虹光,還有虹光化身,兩種不一樣。身體變成虹光,叫做身化虹光,虹光化身就是直接變成彩虹,一下子就出現彩虹,連身子都沒有。還有全身舍利的,像Montreal蓮花益民上師,我最後一次看到他,他是在真佛密苑前面,我就拍他的肩膀,「你將來不得了啊!你一定有成就的。」他圓寂以後,全身舍利,舍利一麻袋,裝了一麻袋的舍利子,很重的。從哪裡來的一麻袋?他圓寂的時候,一火化,全部結成舍利子。他是修真佛密法,他唸《高王經》,唸《真佛經》,持咒,他就有這樣的成就,所以不要小看。在座的上師、法師,很多人的心都是游移不定。益民上師唯一就是他的心非常的定,心定就非常寂,寂滅的寂,心定就寂。他一心想往生,沒有別的。你們這些上師就不要在那邊想七的、八的,像是人家說”I love you”,他就講”me too,””me two, me three, me four, me five…”。

This is from the True Buddha News  Weekly site.
It is exactly like the one in TBSN, CENSORED!!!


Dear all,

It is a serious matter when GM Lu's, Our Root Guru's, words and statements are being omitted or changed!


Note that NONE of the GM Lu's students except the 2 little living buddhas, has yet to attain Buddhahood or be affirmed as Living Buddhas!
Needless to say, those supposed to be Enlightened also failed to attain Buddhahood to date.

WHO then can decide what is relevant and what not in GM Lu's speech to omit or change/alter?

All GM Lu's words or statements are pertinent and important, especially now that
HE is sharing Maha Perfection Dharma.

Live-examples and subjects are even more important for they are warnings or cautions to those that are mentioned to steer clear of danger or pitfalls!

The statements that were omitted, like the following:-

<< At about 24:37 minutes into the video, GM: 
Those of you that know how to vary are Big Shangshi, don't know how to vary are "city gate keeping" shangshi. Cannot qualify like that.>>

Do you know what GM Lu wants to tell you about VMs?
Why should he goes to the trouble of the Differentiation of VMs, as Big & City Gate-keeping?

Let me share some of the visualisation I had recently. :)

My routine starts with White Padmakumara beaming the form of the White Lighted HOM into my Heart Chakra. It subsequently transformed into a White lighted lotus throne. Brilliant white light continues to spread out throughout the universe.
Then I chant Padmakumara's mantra.

Next Jin-mu/Golden Mother. Beams a golden lighted Hom into my heart chakra and atop the white lighted lotus. As it shines in golden glory, the whole universe becomes filled with shimmering gold-color lighted "dots". 
A soft, warm and joyous feel engulfs all beings.
Then I chant Golden Mother's mantra. 

I do the same with additional yidams, as they "surfaced" into my vision! :)

Recent ones were Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva, Bhaisajyaguru, Great White Parasol/ Sitatapatra, then one morning, Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva.


I believe that when you "Behave", the Universal Divinities will come and help you in cultivation!

Showing themselves and test you to see whether you know their mantras of not too! :)

Of course, relevant Abhiseka is a must from Root Guru!
The Abhiseka actually established a link similar to a friendly hand-shake!

Of course, if you are the "City gate keepers" then you would dismiss any "visitation" by the Divinities and perceive them as Demon invasion! 


Like VM LW that were frightened when he actually sees "Cloudless fine sky"!

Many of us mouthed the words "cloudless fine sky" not knowing what it really means and how it looks like! 

I am watching this Korean Drama - Hello Monster.
There's a story about 2 dragons, one good and one evil, living within each of us.
The grandson asked his grandpa: which dragon is me?
Grandpa replied: The one that you feed!

When your mind is Pure, there is no sentient entanglements holding you down or back, you are Free to welcome whatever that appears with No Fear!

Fear arises from one's possessive mindset of not willing to lost or relinquish any sentient possession like money, name, fame, status, control,......and most important, SELF!

Fearing that the "Cloudless fine sky" might be harmful to him, LW, "Ran for his life", instantly pop out of the meditation!

Dear all, if the written transcripts of GM Lu's speeches are censored, please go watch the videos instead.
If language is your problem, go seek help. 
Every bit of GM Lu's sharing is precious and useful, therefore, watching or listening or reading them over and over is very beneficial.
Well, as you progress in the ladder of cultivation, you pick up new meaning to HIS sharings, that will "enlighten" you further.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Formless 3 Wheels - Doing Charity! 三轮体空-做善事!

The above: Donating supplies to homes in GM Lu's name.

AA: I don't know why you said that ZZ's & YY's aura no good.
They look very shining to me.
Then XX's also! She is following me do charity.

As it will be very involve to explain to AA, I just said that we see differently at different levels in cultivation. :)

BB: My daughter said she don't sympathise even a little bit when we go old folks home to do charity.

I explained that the daughter might see something that the mother can't and no point to force anyone to do charity work.

Dear all,
I have recently shared GM Lu's version on the Appearance of Pure Light and the Heavenly Eye and its abilities.
GM also shared these in recent speeches as well.
The Formless 3 Wheels also mentioned and explained over again by GM Lu.

Well,  yet more coincidences! :)
Yes! All my recent articles somehow bear relevance to GM Lu's recent speeches!

Shall I share some FUN?

Why Not!!! :)

Now when you see others are shining, there's the possibility that you are "dull & dim"!

O! this never ever occur to you at all!

Just like you might think that people in the old folks home are to be pitied, someone else can pick up some negative vibes that you can't!
Therefore you forced others to follow your view and actions.

Doing Charity is yet another factor within the 6 Paramitas!
It is also Cultivation.

Remember that Cultivation depends Solely and Wholly on Self Efforts!

Now, Complacency!

Thinking that you are doing charity, can make you complacent and become stagnant in progress in cultivation!

GM Lu said when he asked a certain fashi about daily cultivation, the answer was didn't do daily!

Going all the way out in spending resources like money, time & efforts, for charity work, Please be very careful to bear in mind: I didn't do this to improve my lot in life!

In thinking that someone who follows you to do charity will naturally have improved aura because they can lessen karmic negatives by charity work, means you and whoever follows your mindset, do not understand what is Formless 3 wheels!

AND, thinking that others should see what you see, is also a huge problem! :)

Only when you and others are Buddhas, Then & Only Then, you will all have Only One View! :)

The Key word is : Open up your mind, your views are not necessary shared!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Kamu Tak Paham Maksudku, Lantas Aku Gila!

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 23 Juli 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: You Don't Understand My Words, So I Am Crazy! 你听不懂我的话,那我是疯子!

Hahaha! Lihatlah Lotuschef dari dekat, apakah dia Gila?

Oktober 2009, Vajragarbha Seattle:

Fashi XR bilang kepadaku: Aku hendak bantu orang-orang membeli 菜包 (roti vegetarian) untuk dipersembahkan kepada para leluhur. Kamu mau beli juga untuk leluhurmu?

Aku menimpalinya: Tidak. Terima kasih. Aku akan memberikan persembahan lain. Lagipula leluhur tiap orang adalah leluhurku juga!

Hehe! Ia melotot marah sambil melontarkan kata-kata kalau aku gila!


Singapura, 2010:

Aku mulai memimpin sadhana bersama di rumah ibadah setempat, sebagian besar adalah Empat Prayoga dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Aku menjelaskan visualisasi 4 Batin Yang Tak Terhingga (Apramana) dan cara melebur semua insan dan diri sendiri menjadi SATU!
Dari sana, kita tak punya lagi yang namanya musuh karma, orang tua, teman, … berbagai jenis Perbedaan lagi.

Seorang fashi bilang kalau aku salah dan gila!
Ia memberitahu para umat bahwa musuh karma kita jumlahnya tak terhingga. Satu kumpulan pergi, maka satu kumpulan lagi akan muncul!
Tak akan pernah selesai memohon maaf atau melimpahkan pahala kepada para musuh karma sendiri!


Di Facebook:

Aku membaca sebuah tulisan teman murid yang percaya akan seseorang lain yang sangat “sakti” dan membayar uang dalam jumlah besar kepada orang tersebut untuk melakukan ritual yang disarankannya sebanyak 108 kali atau lebih!
Itu untuk membersihkan musuh karmanya atau “serangan” nasib sial yang menderanya saat itu!

Aku bilang:

Kita masing-masing perlu memohon maaf dengan tulus, lewat usaha sendiri, bukannya membayar orang lain untuk melakukannya.

Dan juga saat kita melimpahkan pahala, kita melimpahkannya untuk Semua Insan, bukannya untuk diri sendiri atau untuk musuh karma kita atau untuk seseorang tertentu!


Hahaha! Selama bertahun-tahun, banyak orang yang menjulukiku Gila; omonganku tak masuk akal; menyesatkan; menghasut dan mengacaukan pasamuan Sangha; bergabung dengan kelompok-kelompok yang mencemarkan nama Mahaguru Lu; melawan otoritas; …..

Kalau kamu benar-benar mendengarkan ajaran ataupun ceramah dharma Mahaguru Lu, ataupun membaca karya tulisnya,
Dan bila kamu bisa paham sekitar 50% saja dari apa yang beliau ajarkan,
KAMU pasti telah mengembangkan kebijaksanaan yang penting untuk melihat apakah Lotuschef benar-benar gila atau malah sebaliknya!

无我 Tidak mementingkan diri sendiri! Adalah kunci utama untuk mencapai Kebuddhaan!








SAAT kamu masih punya kepentingan ini dan itu;
SAAT kamu masih berpikir kamu butuh ini dan itu;
SAAT [KAMU] menyingkirkan orang-orang lain;
KAMU tak akan pernah paham apa itu “Tak Mementingkan Diri Sendiri” dan tak akan menemukan jalan menuju Kebuddhaan!

Menurutmu aku gila?
Peduli amat apa yang kamu pikirkan!!!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

更改名字 Change of Name [2]

In HIS recent speech, GM Lu said that it is up to each individual to choose which school they like to learn from.
If you can eat to fully replete your hunger, then go where ever you wish.
No need to be True Buddha School.

Dear all,
Do you know what GM Lu is trying to tell one and all?


NOW, Wake Up!

What is TBS?
How is one consider as entering TBS?
Then, how is one considered as leaving TBS?

As we are into Maha Perfection Dharma, YOUR answers to the above questions should also reflect corresponding level of developed wisdom!

Now some of my viewpoints about [Change of Name], of course, you all may choose to differ! :)

Lets draw upon the Decoy Practice 替身法.
In this practice, the subject's bio-data is written onto a paper cut out in shape of a person, and a ritual performed.

If the practitioner or master is truly "skilled" then this Decoy thingy will work for a period of up to One Lunar Month.
Therefore, effective period ranges from a moment to a month.
OR not effective at all!

Now, did the practitioner or master of the ritual who charges you for his/her services explained these to you?

AH! I very much doubt it! :)

Did the master also tell you that the Decoy Practice might only TEMPORARY Hide you from your Karmic Foes and this "Hiding" can result in further annoying your Karmic Foes, causing them to be even angrier and violent?

AH! Of course, won't tell you these Truths!


Now, are you prepared to listen to Sakyamuni Buddha and GM Lu?

Cultivation is your only salvation!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

更改名字 Change of Name

AA: fashi, my name change 莲花 .....
My mom 莲花...... to ........
my sister name .... change to 莲花....

LL:About name changes, best use back the name you guiyi lol. one has no need to change name at all, bcos the name is just a tag. Your Karmic negative levels remain the same if you don't cultivate. So I will use your guiyi name to register and do offering, is it ok with you?


    Page 127 : 什么都不是

    GM said: None of these.

    What's in a Name?
    It's just a representation mark/symbol of you only.
    It is not your basic material. It is just another add-on only.
    For example: Big master, venerable, lecturer, living buddha are all common names, I don't need them.
    Because the are not basic/original material/nature.
    Therefore, none of these.

    Saintly students, decipher [None of these].
    What are you?
    Birth data, zodiac, name, ancestors, parents. male/female, education history, speciality, position, fame, career, money........

    Fixing position for self, seriously give these thorough scrutiny, does these represent your all?

    When you affirmed that they do not represent your all, then you realised you are [None of these].
    Start searching from you are None of these for your basic nature, you will be enlighten.
  • 24-6-2011 改名字与改运
  • This is extract from book 220 pages 114-7.
    Q & A from the Contemporary Dharma King II.
    I am doing a brief summary, please read the original when you get hold of a copy.

    Changing of names can change our fortune/destiny?
    Also heard can change the names of previous lifetime as well, is it true?
    After my friend changed his name & after his death I would like to dedicate merits of printing Dharani to him, which name should I use?

    In olden days, people named their daughters :-bring forth a brother; increase male offspring; increase fortune; increase coming ins; chicken shit; .....
    These names are crude, but in order to change fortune/destiny/fate they just follow suit.

    There is some reason for name changes but the effect upon the person is minimal.
    Other factors include your time, day, year of birth; zodiac sign; birthplace; names; environment; geomancy; animal sign; kind/evil.
    For names: there are the number of strokes; th e sounding; & meaning.
    All these play a small percentage in one's destiny.

    The one that has a more decisive strength is you Karmic influence.

    Changing of name for previous lives is a gimmick of those that can communicate with spirits.
    You are already no longer in that life, what's the point in changing names for the previous & all the previous lifetimes?

    Those that have changed their names & want to print Dharani, use the one that is used most.

    Sakyamuni Buddha disapproved & considers the stars, fortunes; destiny materials as 'outside path' & we are not looking inwards but outwards.

    He believe that:
    Cultivation automatically can change one's destiny.
    Cultivation can merge with the PATH.
    Cultivation's power/strength surpasses all powers/strengths.

    For a Tantrayana yogi
    cultivating [clearing calamity]; 
    [increasing all benefits]; 
    [suppressing 3 Poisons]; 
    [caring/loving kindness for all], 
    these are inner sentient realm's methods to change one's destiny.
    It's effects overshadows all destiny!

    Thus, Buddha denigrate these as [destiny's fibs].
    A Buddhist student do not need to put too much weight/belief in destiny, only use them as references.

    Dear all, do not go astray or make things complicated for yourselves.
    You really need to stay Focus and listen to GM Lu.
    Remember : 一心不乱! 无心道人!立断! 解脱! 自在!
    A Heart that won't be messy! A Person on the Path without Heart! Instant Severe! Break Free! At Ease!
    Is there need to change your name?

    Cheers all

    Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
    Lama Lotuschef

Monday, July 27, 2015

Each individual is a Small but complete universe! 每个人都是小宇宙!

The following are examples of what GM Lu shared this morning in Seattle during Kalachakra event.

This is the Taoist positioning of all the Divinities in each individual, similar to Tantric concept of all Buddhas within each individual. :)

Each individual is a Small but complete universe!

Its good to know, right?




《黄庭经》17章 内景.灵台

《黄庭经》第17章原文: <Huang Ting Sutra> Chapter 17 Original text
灵台郁蔼望黄野, 三寸异室有上下, 间阙营卫高玄受, 洞房紫极灵门户, 是昔太上告我者, 左神公子发神语, 右有白元并立外, 明堂金匮玉房间, 上清其人当吾前, 黄裳子丹气频烦, 借问何在两眉端, 内侠日月列宿陈, 七曜九元冠生门。

《黄庭经》第17章注释:Translated or Explained Text












【内挟日月列宿陈】《五辰行事诀》云:太上真人招五辰洞房南极元君传授,每夜半坐卧,心存西方太白星在两眉间,上直入于一寸玉珰金阙,左日右月;(Left-sun, Right-moon) 
又次存北方辰星-North star constellation,在帝乡玄宫,玄宫在发际五分直入一寸也;

【七曜九元冠生门】七曜,就是日 Sun、月 Moon、火星 Fire Star、水星Water Star、木星 Wood Star、金星 Gold Star、土星 Earth Star 这七星。
九元,九辰,北斗九辰星君 宝楼阁中, 混凝九真, 应现九皇道体:
一曰天皇, 二曰紫微, 三曰贪狼, 四曰巨门, 五曰禄存, 六曰文曲。
七曰廉贞, 八曰武曲, 九曰破军, 由斗姥化生的九皇道体, 就是北斗九辰星君。

Link to Sutra:


Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Tantrayana adalah Kesederhanaan [2]

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 19 Juli 2015
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Tantrayana is Simplicity 密宗是简单 [2]

Diekstrak dari [Tantrayana adalah Kesederhanaan]:

[--- Jadi singkatnya berarti bahwa GURU TAK AKAN MENUNTUT SIAPAPUN, DAN JUGA BERARTI BAHWA KOMITE PUSAT SEBAGAI MURID Guru seharusnya menghargai sentimen Guru mengenai hal ini!

Kenapa membuat hidup sendiri dan orang-orang lain menjadi sangat rumit dengan membangkitkan sentimen Benci, Marah, Dendam? Balas setimpal, Kalahkan Mereka, Harus Menang, ….. :)


Iman dan Percaya Mutlak akan Guru Akarmu sendiri berarti kamu tak melakukan apa yang beliau tak akan lakukan!

Jangan memperumit semua hal!


Dari arsip percakapan:
AA: VM yang memimpin sadhana bersama hari ini bakal kena omelan komite pusat!
Mahaguru seperti memberitahu mereka untuk bergabung bersama Pure Karma dalam sadhana bersama! Hehehehehehe
4:30 OM

BB: oh memangnya dia yang bertanggung jawab untuk membuat langkah-langkah visualisasi?
Dulu ia mengeluh kepada Mahaguru kalau semuanya telah ditetapkan dari komite pusat.
Kurasa kamu benar kalau dia akan terkena omelan.
4:34 PM

AA: Mereka berdua dari Panama.
Kurasa dia terlalu terlena berhubung temannya menambahkan banyak “detil” di beberapa visualisasi!
Mereka berdua terjerat kerumitan.

BB: Mahaguru khan ada di dekat mereka, kenapa tak duduk bersamanya dan menanyakan berbagai macam detil yang membingungkan mereka.

AA: O! Bisakah kamu menambahkan kata “Specimen” di draft baju musim panas. Aku hendak mengunggahnya ke dalam artikel mengenai baju jinmu muda.
Mahaguru bilang sekarang ini saat memberikan berkat jamah kepala (moding), jinmu muda yang selalu hadir.

BB: Oke.


Teman-temanku sekalian yang terkasih, cobalah mendengarkan visualisasi yang untuk beberapa sesi belakangan ini, setelah Mahaguru meminta mereka mengubahnya dari standar basi yang selalu dipakai oleh Komite Pusat.

Kurasa sesi itu di tanggal 31 Mei 2015.




{ 每一次聽到在唸「大海平靜無波,晴空萬里,月輪從大海中昇起,中間有個咒字旋轉,本尊出現…」每一次宗委會的儀軌寫的統統一樣,搞一點新花樣嘛!

Sekarang ini teknologi juga berubah, sadhana juga harus bisa berubah.}


Bagaimana dengan metode yang dipakai Pure Karma?
Memvisualisasikan Maha Padmakumara Putih muncul dari alam semesta, dan memberkati kita dengan sinar Putih, Merah, dan Biru – dengannya membersihkan semua karma kita dari semua kehidupan lampau dan saat ini.
Kemudian bija aksara “HOM” di tengah-tengah roda mantra di chakra hati Padmakumara memancarkan cahaya putih yang terang benderang ke arah chakra hati kita.
Dengan segera, bija aksara “HOM” terduplikasi di chakra hati kita.

KEMUDIAN kamu bisa memvisualisasikan bija “HOM” lebih lanjut bertransformasi menjadi bunga teratai bercahaya putih. :)

Sederhana khan?

TAPI, kamu harus tahu cara menulis bija aksara HOM supaya metode ini bisa efektif!

Untuk yidam yang banyaknya lebih dari satu, Pure Karma selalu memulainya dengan GURU AKAR terlebih dulu, Maha Padmakumara Putih, dan kemudian baru ditambahkan yidam atau berbagai yidam lain, dengan meletakkan bija aksara yang bersangkutan di atas bunga teratai yang bercahaya putih.

Transformasi yidam atau para yidam lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan dari bija aksara dan warna cahaya yang mewakili mereka.

Demikianlah bila kamu memperumit berbagai macam hal, kamu sendiri yang jadi “tersesat” dan tak ada yidam yang menanggapi undanganmu. :)

Dan ingatlah kalau Mahaguru Lu mengajarkan banyak sadhana yang sederhana, namun sayangnya orang-orang awam membuatnya menjadi rumit!

Pesan dari Mahaguru Lu di hari ini?
Melepaskan Diri!

Selamat bersadhana!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef