Wednesday, June 8, 2011

8-6-2011 自疗Self Healing [2]

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:09 PM, XX wrote:
Hi Fashi
Upon reading your article about Self Healing, I tried it out on the same night I had migraine and could not sleep.
I visualized GM shining bright light on me and into my body, spreading all within me and then out through my head bringing along the pain, turning into black smoke.
When I visualized the black smoke out of my head, my migraine was more severe. However, after visualizing all the black smoke out of my head, I was in calmness and fell asleep as I was very tired. I did not even realised if the pain was gone.... I guess it was gone, else I will not be able to sleep or at least sleep well. The next morning, I did not feel any pain and the migraine was gone. I usually experience migraine for 2 days when it hits. This is amazing, it must be GM who removed my pain that night. I am very grateful.
Thank you for sharing your experiences so that we could benefit from them too.

Warmest regards,

Haha. Actually you just visualize the light filled you up & flow out of your body & there is a continuous stream of coming & going.
So all those "old energy" within you can replaced constantly with 'fresh' ones.
never mind about black smoke dear.
anyway, it works because you trust GM to heal you


I am glad that someone remember to use the method that I shared. 
Also the article make a deep impression enough to remember when in pain. Haha!
Clear mindedness is the way to go, don't panic when you meet with any calamity.

Pure Karma Vihara 

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