Monday, June 20, 2011

20-6-2011 Changing Name & Fortune 改名字与改运

This is extract from book 220 pages 114-7.
Q & A from the Contemporary Dharma King II.
I am doing a brief summary, please read the original when you get hold of a copy.

Changing of names can change our fortune/destiny?
Also heard can change the names of previous lifetime as well, is it true?
After my friend changed his name & after his death I would like to dedicate merits of printing Dharani to him, which name should I use?

In olden days, people named their daughters :-bring forth a brother; increase male offspring; increase fortune; increase coming ins; chicken shit; .....
These names are crude, but in order to change fortune/destiny/fate they just follow suit.

There is some reason for name changes but the effect upon the person is minimal.
Other factors include your time, day, year of birth; zodiac sign; birthplace; names; environment; geomancy; animal sign; kind/evil.
For names: there are the number of strokes; th e sounding; & meaning.
All these play a small percentage in one's destiny.

The one that has a more decisive strength is you Karmic influence.

Changing of name for previous lives is a gimmick of those that can communicate with spirits.
You are already no longer in that life, what's the point in changing names for the previous & all the previous lifetimes?

Those that have changed their names & want to print Dharani, use the one that is used most.

Sakyamuni Buddha disapproved & considers the stars, fortunes; destiny materials as 'outside path' & we are not looking inwards but outwards.

He believe that:
Cultivation automatically can change one's destiny.
Cultivation can merge with the PATH.
Cultivation's power/strength surpasses all powers/strengths.

For a Tantrayana yogi, cultivating [clearing calamity]; [increasing all benefits]; [suppressing 3 Poisons]; [caring/loving kindness for all], these are inner sentient realm's methods to change one's destiny.
It's effects overshadows all destiny!

Thus, Buddha denigrate these as [destiny's fibs].
A Buddhist student do not need to put too much weight/belief in destiny, only use them as references.


Despite GM clarifying his stance & Buddha's stance on the change of names myth, many pay huge sums to various masters to have their names changed!
I find it sad that TBS' vajra masters also seem to be unaware of GM's stance & encourage students to change their names for better fortunes & etc.


Please Listen to GM only as your linkage to the Universe through GM & nobody else.

Pure Karma Vihara

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