Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pure Karma Charity - 香港如恩 Hong Kong Ru-en

Recent activity: From above link.

Follow the link and see the HAPPY FACES!

Buddha teaches us to be happy and make all happy! 

These are Truly what we call Buddha's Students! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

与佛同步 In Steps with Buddha

Guru said: Those diligent cultivators although physically far away from me, in actual fact, they are just by my sides. Those physically by my sides but do not cultivate diligently, are in actual fact, very far away from me.

Yes! This is Guru's stance on what is keeping [In Steps with Buddha] all about.

The End!!!

:) Kidding la!

In steps can mean you are able to Yoga with Buddha or in our case, our Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng.

Therefore you can start visualizing Guru smiling at you all the time and you can talk or chat with him whenever you see something unique or of interest to you.

Just say: Shizun, please look at this..... it's cute isn't it?...
How do you talk to your dad and mom?
Same style will do.
Don't need to worry or to stand on ceremony.
Relax and be happy while chatting with Guru.

If you are in public, then use your heart to talk, no need to emit sound.
Your eyes/ears/nose/skin.... and your heart will do the necessary.

You don't have confidence that Guru is hearing you, then you will never be able to Yoga, because you lack absolute trust & faith in Guru being a Buddha!

If you can do so well enough, you have learn something call "Astral Projection" which is Visualization of transporting Subject to your designated location!


Try it!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Guru speech 2009-11-07要廣傳真佛密法 [2]

This morning, Guru reminded me to look over this speech given, and his comments on my maiden Dharma speech during this session. :)

Excerpts & Summaries Translated by Lama Lotuschef



[To begin with cutlivation path, the First criteria is "Resource Path", which is to prepare Resources for your afterlife, like doing charity, execute the 10 virtues, speaking good words, do good deeds, help others, all these are in "Resource Path".]


[Our True Buddha Tantric Dharma is really very good. In the cultivation process, we start with stages of cultivation path, First one is Resource Path. That is accumulation of resources for afterlife by doing good and observing 10 virtues.....
Fulfilling Resource Path, we enter Preliminaries Path. This increases your Faith/Trust/Belief for your Guru with Respect; Path Heart very steadfast/firm, also need to have repented on all negative deeds. In Tantrayana this path is called (4 Preliminaries Practice).
When you hav fulfilled Preliminaries, your Guru touches on question of Enlightenment, you suddenly become Enlighten, realizing "so this is Buddha Nature", after affirmation, you are Enlightened, at this instant, it is term as "Sighting path". 
You finally realized (Path) is what, Buddha nature is what, this is (Sight Path).
After Sighting Path, as per 6th Zen Patriarch, each observe Heart, which is termed (Cultivate Path) at this this time. ]




[At 60 years of age, I can be considered as gradually completing or perfecting my Buddha Nature, can understand what is 5 Wisdoms, what is the Trikaya, know how to cultivate all Tantric Sadhanas, also minutely cultivated each one to Yoga, this then can be considered as a Vajra Acharya.
That is to say he will not change colors and shapes, thus termed Vajra. 
Won't change color; shape or spoil, is Vajra, Acharya is Shangshi, address as Vajra Shangshi. ]


[**From here Guru talks about the 3 stages of Awakening which I had translated and shared. Please go look it up. :)]

24-1-2011 Awakening in Steps 醒的程序

  像我們喝酒,飲酒(廣東話),酒在日本話叫sake,這個在美國就叫做wine。wine是普通的酒,liquor是比較強烈的酒。廣東話叫「飲酒」、喝酒,台灣話「淋燒酒」(意即「喝酒」),酒醉的人很多,現在我們如果酒醉開車,danger driver,危險駕駛是不可以的。

{Stage 3} ◎第三個醒得更好:「我要跟我的佛性合一,我自己要轉變成為佛,成為菩薩,我要利益眾生。我成佛以後要去度化眾生。」這是最高的醒悟。
{Stage 2} 第二個醒來的是認為:「以後這個人間不要再來了,因為人間太苦了,我們到淨土去,到淨土去了不退轉,這個是最好的。」第三個醒得更好,他已經知道佛性:「我要跟我的佛性合一,我自己要轉變成為佛,成為菩薩,我要利益眾生。」他要去度化眾生:「我成佛以後要去度化眾生。」這是最高的醒悟。所以我們現在都是醒著的,不是在酒醉之中。事實上在這世間的人都是在酒醉之中,迷於「績優股」,分別這個是績優股,那個是不好的股;還是在沉醉之中。




[I am the same now, never ever for some returns, I only want all to be very happy and live fulfilled life; all feels very happy,  all awakened; each one is truly awaken; all know how to cultivate.
I only wish all to be like these, not for Self, don't be for Self, for Self is Hinayana, have to be for all, for all students, then is Mahayana.]





[What is Mahayana? It is to See all sentient beings as Self.
What is Hinayana? This is to Prioritize Self over/above Others.
This is how we differentiate Maha or Hina Yana.

Therefore, just now Lian Chu (Lotuschef) fashi talked about, {4 Immeasurable Hearts}; {Boddhicitta}; {Benefits others Heart} most important; this is Mahayana, Able to attain Buddhahood. 

Hinayana cannot attain Buddhahood, why not? Because benefit Self, never benefit Others, don't have Boddhicitta.

Buddhas and Boddhisattvas have Boddhicitta, without Boddhicitta can attain Arhat level only.

Om Mani Pad Me Hom. ]

Dear all, I hope you benefit from this sharing. :)

Happy Cultivating! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Guru speech 2009-11-07要廣傳真佛密法 [1]

This morning, Guru reminded me to look over this speech given, and his comments on my maiden Dharma speech during this session. :) 

Excerpts Translated by Lama Lotuschef





  剛剛蓮主上師講溝通不良的事情。像我剛剛唸這段經文翻譯的人可能也翻得不會很順暢。[The excerpt of the sutra that I read out loud just now, I believe that the translators might not be able to translate it smoothly.]


[Guru used simplified language, said: "All those listening to Dharma, All those seated ones with Kind Hearts, those with much knowledge; " 6th Zen Patriarch talking about himself, "Upon hearing Venerable Hong Ren statement, I exhibited immediate Enlightenment. At this time, I sense and feel my Inherent True Nature -- our original local scenarios and Buddha Nature, I felt and realized all these.]

[Therefore today we widespreadly share or transmit this Instantaneous Enlightenment method of Buddhist Schools, to aid those Buddhist students to quickly realize Boddhicitta. When all can realized, then go back and effectively observe your hearts, to see your Buddha nature in the future.] 

[You might have Realization/enlightenment, this is feeling, understanding, sensing, knowing Buddha Nature, sensing Buddha Nature, can explain as instantaneous sighting Inherent True Nature.]


[To thoroughly observe own heart is a technique called Observe Heart Method.]



[It does not mean that I am enlightened, I can already see my and affirm my Buddha nature, I am a Buddha already.] 



[6th Patriarch said that he quickly knows, quickly feel/sense his Buddha Nature, this method is termed "Zen", to widespreadly transmit to all. 

[Just now Lian Zhu Shagnshi and Lian Chu Fashi mentioned widespread sharing of True Buddha Tantri Dharma.]

[We widespreadly share True Buddha Tantric Dharma, to let all know.
As this is an Instantaneous Realization/Enlightenment method; with Tantri cultivation, Self affirmation of Buddha Nature; with Disciplines and to abide the 5 precepts 10 virtues, also Boddhicitta; we chant Buddha's titles, we have Pureland techniques, chanting Buddha's titles for rebirht into Western Paradise Pureland of Amitabha Buddha. 
That is to say, True Buddha School comprises of all Buddhist Teachings, each harmonizes with the other, without seggregation or discrimination.]


  上個禮拜蓮印上師講,請蓮金法師翻譯那一段英文給我聽。其實我是聽得七七八八,也是懂得她在講什麼。我本來想秀一段英文給大家聽的,但是我想就算了。我今天跟蓮印在散步的時候,我講我今天就用英文說法。(眾鼓掌)蓮印上師就講說:「好啊!好啊!你用英文說法。」大家也知道的,我是在台灣出生,跟蓮主上師是一樣的地方。我主要的母語是國語跟台灣話,second language才是英文。我雖然也懂得英文單字,那麼我文法方面比較差一點,但是要把單字一個一個接起來,講出來的話,其實如果有外國的同門在這裡,他們聽了當然也不會很順暢,也就是溝通會不良。以後有機會再秀啦!
  但是你不能講我不懂英文。我跟蓮印上師講,我雖然不懂英文,但是我會用英文罵人。可是我不能講啦!因為有失人格,有失師格,師父的格調都變了。師母講說,學英文最容易學的就是從dirty English開始。那些小孩子一看到電視,一看到男主角跟女主角在那邊親吻,他們就講「YUK」。「yuk, dirty」,這個是最容易學的。
  我跟蓮印講了幾個英文,就是說你那天講我不懂英文,you are wrong, you mistake. I don’t know English.我不知道英文,不過我可以講一些英文的,一般的conversation,初級的。

  這個弘法翻譯,真的,講實在話也不容易。所以,翻譯有三個字,一個是「信」,一個是「達」,一個是「雅」。「信」表示說講一就是一。那天我問蓮印上師:「你懂不懂我講的話?sadu, duwa, dika, mba, lima, alam,你懂不懂啊?」他說:「我不懂。」我說我懂得印尼話的一到六,你連一到六你都不懂。seven我還沒有學。


[3 main factors in Translation: 「信」believe or trust. 「達」get the true meaning across. 
「雅」- to beautify. getting the true meaning across comprehensively & smoothly and not a direct translation, which is not able to get the true meaning across completely. ]

To be cont'd ....

Lotuschef in Chat – [开悟的箭试 Archery Test - Enlightenment] 2

I sincerely wish all to understand what is behind the 2 Enlightenment Arrows I shot, in my lesson with Guru. Of course, Guru as the teacher will grade my submission and the depth of my understanding of Buddha Dharma and the First Elemental Truth. 
Have Fun! :)

From: 道心坚固? Guru's Statements? [3]

[What did Guru said about these "Bodhi Path Hearts"?

These kind of Hearts or Mindsets are developed through studious and diligent cultivation to Successfully Yoga with Guru or Vajrasattva to start with!

Like the indestructible quality or characteristic of the Vajra, these hearts "Once Found" will never be lost or disappeared, no matter what situation or provocation!

Guru just talked on 19-1-2013 about [ [ 大圆满觉 = 明心见性
Maha Perfection Realization = Comprehending Heart, Sighting Nature.
When One reach this level of cultivation, one can Truly Execute At Will.
Big wind can’t move – means unperturbed by anything. This yogi is not moved or can’t be provoked to anger or any reactions.] ]

From: Lotuschef in Chat - [开悟的箭试 Archery Test - Enlighte...
[Arrow 1 – Buddha Dharma ; Use; Transform; Miracles; Realized; Succor Sentient Beings.

Arrow 2 – Keeping in steps with Root Guru; Bodhi Paths; Breaking Free; Suffering of Life & Death.]

From: Student AA
[Lol, just finished the gaowang recitation too.

What? Everyone wants to hear something that has never been said or mentioned previously? hahahaha.

If only He/She could at least pick up the underlined messages: 
found a guru > understand and practise the teachings > free the self from samsara > performing miraculous deeds to salvage beings to execute the vows with no strings attached; then he/she is to be applaud for!

I would also use music to show the enlightenment concept hihihi.]
Keeping in steps with Guru - Yes. You found a guru, and our Root Guru is a Buddha. 
Yoga with Root Guru means Yoga with a Buddha. 
You have found your Buddha Nature from this realization.
You also found your Indestructible Bodhi Path Heart! 

Yoga with a Buddha means you have understood the principles behind All Sentient Suffering which is Emptiness. 
However, the First Elemental Truth is neither Emptiness or Existence. It's the Middle Path in between Dualistic Elements. 
At this point in time, you free yourself from Life & Death of Samsara.

Realization comes with Yoga with Buddha and you have cleared ATI Yoga, and you can execute at will with your inherent knowledge of Buddha Dharma coupled with your Buddha Wisdom & Compassion or Bodhi, Buddha's vow to Succor all sentient beings.  

Would you think of being King?
Would you think to have merits or blessings from your Guru then? 
Would you still think inferiorly that there are others that are Number One?
Would you use your official position to lead a War Cry upon all those you perceived as "enemies"? 

Remember my sharing that: Your worse enemy is you, yourself! :)

Lojong - Mind Training - Mindset.
AA said that he likes my blog articles because I have been instilling Mindset in almost all of them! 

Concepts from Diamond Sutra are ideal for USE with Mindset.

Pick up any useful stuff? :) 

Guru said: Cannot share Enlightenment Concepts.

If I do not take my arrows to be Enlightened Ones, then I didn't breach Guru's instruction, correct? :)  I am happy to share True Buddha Dharma and concepts only!

Cheers all. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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  • Lotuschef in [What did Guru said?]

道心坚固? Pernyataan-pernyataan dari Guru? [3]

Bila waktu dan ruang tidak ada (hilang dalam pikiran) saat diteliti,
maka dengan cara yang sama mereka juga tak ada bila tidak dicermati,
demikianlah semua parameter investigasi juga tidak ada,
dan medan sasaran tak memiliki detil khusus ataupun karakteristik umum.

~ dikutip dari dari Kesempurnaan Kodrati: Dzogchen Radikal dari Longchenpa
(diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris oleh Keith Downman)

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 21 Januari 2013
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 道心坚固? Guru’s Statements? [3]

道心 – Hati yang diabdikan kepada Sang Jalan atau Dao (Tao). Dalam konteks ini, ia mengacu pada Jalan Bodhi.

坚固 – Teguh nan Kokoh.

Saat digabungkan artinya menjadi: Hati/Pikiran si praktisi kebatinan tak tergoda untuk berubah arah dalam segala macam kondisi.

Sewaktu terjadi pelecehan nama baik Guru, dalam salah satu ceramah-Nya Beliau mengatakan mengenai mereka yang meninggalkan Aliran Satya Buddha karena mendengarkan hal-hal negatif mengenai-Nya.
Banyak umat berpikir kalau Guru seharusnya menjelaskan lebih jauh mengenai “Hati Jalan Bodhi” ini!

Lalu apa yang Guru katakan mengenai “Hati Jalan Bodhi” ini?

Hati atau Pola Pikir yang demikian ini hanya bisa dikembangkan lewat pelatihan diri yang tekun hingga si praktisi yang bersangkutan berhasil mencapai Yoga dengan Guru atau Vajrasattva!

Maka bagaikan kualitas dari Vajra yang tak dapat dihancurkan, hati ini “begitu sekali saja ditemukan” maka ia tak akan hilang lagi, bagaimanapun situasi atau provokasi dihadapkan pada si praktisi.

Tanggal 19 Januari 2013, Guru baru saja menjelaskan mengenai:
[大圆满觉 = 明心见性 , Realisasi Kesempurnaan Agung (Dzogchen) = Memahami Hati, Menyaksikan Jati Diri.
Saat si praktisi mencapai tingkat pelatihan seperti ini, maka ia mampu melakukan apapun dengan leluasa.
Angin badai tak menggoyahkannya – berarti selalu tenang dan tak gentar terhadap apapun.
Yogi semacam ini tak bergeming atau tak bisa diprovokasi hingga menjadi marah atau bereaksi apapun.]

Frase [道心] ini bukankah memang sudah sering dibahas namun sayangnya yang mengupayakannya Kurang paham arti dan penggunaannya! :)

Jadi mereka yang memberitahu Guru bahwa banyak yang meninggalkan Satya Buddha karena mereka kehilangan “Hati Jalan Bodhi” ini jelaslah belum mencapai Yoga yang Sejati dengan Guru atau para Yidam, bukannya begitu?

Dan setujukah juga para pembaca dengan dua artikel pendahuluan (1 dan 2) yang kutulis mengenai Keabsahan Pernyataan yang diyakini berasal dari Guru, bahwa sepertinya bukan sungguh-sungguh dari Guru – seorang yang telah tercerahkan dan Buddha Hidup pula? :)

Setujukah bila yang terbaik adalah dengarkan saja Guru?
Oleh karenanya yang terbaik juga mengacu pada buku, video dan transkrip lengkap dari ceramah-ceramah Guru yang dipublikasikan oleh Mingguan Satya Buddha.

Wajib memeriksa Keabsahannya jadi kamu tak akan disesatkan atau masuk ke dalam cengkeraman Mara?

Poin no.7, si penulis jelas sekali iri hati kepada mereka yang mampu menjalankan sila dan melatih diri dengan baik?
Dan dari sana di poin no.10 malah lebih menunjukkan lagi keirihatiannya?

Sepertinya si penulis atau mungkin para penulis, sedang kebingungan atau tak paham apa itu Yoga yang Sejati, tapi berusaha melampiaskan rasa iri hati dan tak senangnya kepada orang lain yang “dalam pandangan mereka” telah melatih diri dengan baik?

Aku sendiri yakin bahwa kita semua bisa menemukan Kebenaran mengenai asli/palsunya pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut dari ceramah-ceramah Guru, benarkah kiranya?

Oh ya, mengenai Pahala? Yogi Sejati Tak Membutuhkannya!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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  • Pernyataan-pernyataan dari Guru? [2]
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头拄香First Stalk of Incense Stick

Incense offering is for a certain purpose.

They were originally used by cultivators to mark time and also the fragrance helps them stay alert when they need to concentrate on learning Buddha Dharma or chanting some Dharani, or even meditation.

However, this has mutated to the current proliferance of "planting" as much as possible into Incense Urns at monastery or temples of good repute.
Good repute means those that happened to have their wishes granted after praying and offering at these places! :)

With the approaching Chinese New Year, many will rush to certain temples to plant the First stalk of Incense Sticks, believing that their fortune will be Tops, if they are able to be the First!

Sorry to disillusion you though. :)
In Buddhist ideology, when you push and fight others to be ahead and be first, you created negatives!

Every stalk of incense sticks you offered is your First!
They can be First for the morning, First for the Afternoon or First for the evening!

What matters is your sincerity and not pushing ahead to plant the first stalk ruthlessly!

Lots of hearsay and superstition are unfounded myth and in this age of Knowledge advancement, many can Think for themselves and should not follow hearsay or superstition blindly!

Buddha's teaches to be happy and to share happiness with All.

Do you show sincerity when you ruthlessly pushed ahead just to be First in Offering incense for the day or festive occasion?

The moment you put Self before others, you are not a True Buddha's student.
The moment you create envy and jealousy and disharmony, you are not a True Buddha's student.

When you regard All as One, whoever offered the First stalk of incense means You are doing so, concur?

Guru said: Yogi should have a Heart large enough to engulf the sea or the ocean.

If you pay your way to offer the First stalk of incense, my advice is to use the same resources for Charity.

For a cultivator or even non-cultivator, who has too much craving, desire, for sentient materials, you are really far far away from attainment. No Kidding. :)

Embrace all as One!

You will find unlimited Happiness by heeding Guru's teachings and guidances.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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莲厨再谈 [沉默是金]

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Extract from the above:-

[There is a process here, similar with cultivation.

4 Noble Truths' process:
Accept there is a [Problem];
Define the [Problem];
Seek out [Origin of Problem];
Employ [Noble 8 Fold Paths] to [Solve the Problem}!

That is firstly, there is [Habit], What is this [Habit], Seek the [Origin of this Habit], employ  [Noble 8 Fold Paths]  to  [Correct or Change this Habit]!
It is that [Simple]!!! Hahaha!

Someone remarked that I am unusual because I used lyrics to a canto-pop song that I wrote as Enlightenment Arrows! 


Can I or Can't I? :)

I don't think there is any difference, do you?

I believe that if I can explain to Guru why I chose those words and what I want to put across, thats the deciding factor of whether I understand the First Elemental Truth or not, agree? :)

Another remark was why I don't send it to Guru by post or other visible or usual means.

Letters to Guru are answered by the team of VMs in Central Administration all along. 

There are times that letters just somehow disappeared too! 

Why do I need to go through so many "hands" to communicate with Guru?

I chat with Guru all the time, believe or not up to you. :)

During our chat, I just jokingly said: Shizun, I want to shoot arrows. Hahaha! 

Guru smiled and nodded.

So I started with Arrow 1 and explaining my take and then Arrow 2.

It is not the Certification of Enlightenment that is important here but my expressing my take of the First Elemental Truth. 

Remember there is No Absolute Right & Wrong? 

That's enough! 

Cultivation is truly very private and between the Teacher and the Student! 
Each Student learns at his/her own pace and The Teacher will also guide the Student along accordingly! :)

Cheers all. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - [开悟的箭试 Archery Test - Enlightenment]

Well all in True Buddha know about Guru inviting all students to "Shoot Arrows of their Enlightenment" in written form and send to him to assess Level of Enlightenment if any.

In this morning's chat with Guru, Topic one is Offering; Topic 2 is a private matter concerning a certain student; Topic 3 is my jokingly telling Guru that I also want to shoot arrows!

To be exact, 2 only! :) :) :)

These are lyrics to a canto-pop song which I changed to reflect my respect for Guru and what I have learn from Guru through various lifetimes.

13 June 2010 – 獅城雷藏寺与 师尊的约会 – 莲廚法师 唱歌 感恩师尊

[I name this one GM’s vow. 师尊的诺言



Keeping in steps with you through many Bodhi Paths of various lifetimes, 

随着您 脱开生死打转
Keeping in steps with you, breaking free from rotation of Life & Death.} Arrow 2

Always memorizing Buddha Dharma, Using it to Transform into Miracles,

方可实践  度众诺言。
Only then, can Realized Vows to Succor Sentient Beings.]} Arrow 1

Arrow 1 - Buddha Dharma ; Use; Transform; Miracles; Realized; Succor Sentient Beings. 

Arrow 2 - Keeping in steps with Root Guru; Bodhi Paths; Breaking Free; Suffering of Life & Death.

Guru said: Enlightened in Theory must still cultivate to realized your True Buddha Nature. 

I am not going to explain further here as I have already done so in my chat with Guru.

Let Guru do the explanation when  you have the affinity. 

Did I hit Bulls-eyes for these arrows? Hehe! 

Cheers all. Happy Cultivating! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 11 Sep 2016

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Lotuschef in Chat - Offering

In a chat with Guru early this morning, Offering to Sanghas was one of the 3 topics.

Recently Guru said in his Dharma speech about Sincerity in Offering as well.

I have received lots of invitation for meals from students as well as non-students of TBS.

Choice of Acceptance actually depends on Guru!

Some lack Sincerity, as they have motive in mind.
Mostly Consultation of Personal Matters for Self Enhancement only.

Like wanting the Merits from Offering to Sanghas, a component of the Triple Gem.

See the can drink in the third picture?
It was sincerely offered to me to quench thirst and cool down during fire puja session.
Also it's Isotonic which I preferred!

The care of me feeling warm and thirsty and an offering that I like or preferred.
That simple!

I am not entertaining any phone calls or text messages to my mobile since I am in retreat.
Therefore, if you are sincere in offering to Sangha, you can seek out others or email me at

If Guru gives approval, I will gladly accept offering from you.
However, please be reasonable. Do not Equate value of offering to the rewards you are expecting, please.

Giving me say $10K and expect $100K in return, is Greed. Mindset that I don't encourage.

If you can fork out large amount of fund like these, I would advise you to donate to charity to benefit the needies or the less fortunate from your society, where ever you are residing.

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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  • Lotuschef at Play – Do you know the Truth? Fabricate…
  • Lotuschef in Feeling the Pinch
  • Internal & External Offering 内供养/ 外供养
  • Everything is Wrong!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

GM's article - Tales of Lotus YiHao's Dream

Book 229 - Mystical Dialogues on Enlightenment

Translated by Lama Lotuschef

One night, Lotus YiHao had a very vivid dream, as follows:

There is a beautiful high mountain, and a ancient temple within. Golden Mother of the Yao Pond and Grandmaster Lu resides within this temple.

It seems that YiHao has cultivate to Attainment, and preparing to make his farewell and descend the  mountain.
Grandmaster Lu said to YiHao: I have nothing else to gift you but this staff, to aid you maneuver the mountain path smoothly.
Golden Mother of the Yao Pond said: YiHao, I have this handkerchief, use when you perspire on your way down the mountain.
After receiving these staff and handkerchief, Lotus YiHao said: Thanks to Grandmaster Lu, Thanks to Golden Mother of the Yao Pond, student is leaving now, hope to not negate your wishes to widely succor all sentient beings to repay Guru's kindness in guidance.
Thereafter, YiHao left.
He met a tiger midway down the mountain. This tiger roared with mouth wide open, displaying its sharp wide teeth, prancing towards YiHao.
YiHao raised the staff, unknowingly the staff emitted a ray of white light, directed at the tiger.
Upon sight of this white light, tiger got frightened and turn around and ran away!
And then:
YiHao lost his way on the descend, can't differentiate East South West North, turning over one mountain after another, through one forest after another, but all peaks linked together, trees of forests like a widespread green space, can't find the route to descend the mountain.
In a moment of haste, he drew out the handkerchief gifted by Golden Mother of the Yao Pond to wipe his perspiration. Upon this Drawing, the handkerchief transformed into white cloud, with YiHao standing on the cloud, the cloud flew and sent Lotus YiHao down the mountain. Hearing the sound of howling wind whisking by, he arrived home in a short while.
He woke up from his dream then.
Lotus YiHao asked : What is the meaning of meeting a tiger on the route?

I answered: All Sentient Matters, Sliced into 2!
Lotus YiHao asked : There is no knife in hand?
I answered: Since there is no knife, then there is no tiger.
(this statement has deep meaning).  

Lotus YiHao asked : Lost direction, handkerchief as cloud, transported home, means what?   

I answered: Need to abide Discipline!

He asked: How to abide Discipline?
I: Need to have Wisdom Eye!
He asked: What mean Wisdom Eye?
I: Discern East South West North.
YiHao asked: What is handkerchief transforming into cloud?
I: Departing without Trace. 
(this statement has deep meaning).
YiHao asked: How do I succor sentient beings widely? Sentient beings how to succor?
I laugh heartily : White Bone Like Mountain
(this statement has deep meaning).

{{{ Saintly students, Lotus Yihao's dream is very meaningful. A cultivator's most adverse to violence and dangerous matters, like dream of meeting tiger, most people would have been scared to death or lost their guts and lost faith in Path of Dao/Bodhi.

Moreover, when leaving mountain, can't differentiate the 4 directions, True Path; Evil Path; also can't differentiate. Upon entering the Wrong path, want to return to Right Path, is already very difficult! Succoring Self is extremely difficult, what more succoring sentient beings?
This dream can caution Saintly students, that before attainment of the Fruits of Path, Body[Life] already lost! }}}

Dear all, 
Enjoyed the story? :)

All Guru's answers are similar to Zen teaching. Likening to certain phenomenon. 

Pay special attention to the Bold and {{{.......}}} sections. 

Happy Cultivating! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

  • Taiwan LZS – Golden Mother’s Hall
  • Astral Travel
  • Studying At Lien T’ou Mountain
  • 道心坚固? Guru Statements? 3

蓮生活佛著作 - 蓮花一皓的夢境



蓮花一皓問我: 「路上遇虎是什麼意?」

Sunday, January 27, 2013

GM's Article - Who is Happiest?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Artikel Mahaguru – Siapa yang paling bahagia?
Guru's article translated by Lama Lotuschef

Dessert – winter melon, sweet & bitter almonds, dried longans, honey dates, pitted large red dates. No sugar added!

Feeling misunderstood? Melancholic? A nice warm dessert like this will warm & sooth you! :) Cheers.

Who cares what the world said against You?

Someone told me that a fellow student is very depressed and unhappy because Rumor has it that he was maligned in allegedly accusing another student of hiring Maoshan practitioners to hurt Guru.

Well? True or False, really doesn't matter!
What matters is that you are Innocent and Know this Truth!

I found Guru's article that is good for all those who were and are still being wrongfully accused or misunderstood!

I am translating this for those who don't understand/read Chinese.
Enjoy! :)


Book 230 – After Rain Again

Source: Book 230 ~ 又一番雨過 – 誰最快樂?

If someone ask me: Who is Happiest in this sentient realm?
I would not hesitate to say: Yes, I am.

If someone ask me: Who is the Craziest in this sentient realm?
I would jump up and say: Yes, I am the Craziest.

As per information, 80% of artists, poets, geniuses, all possess a wee bit of craziness.

Yes, I have been jeered at and labelled: Crazy Dharma King Lu Sheng Yan.  

After I have a little success, some people started to get imbalanced heart or mindset, they tried to pick at your faults, as traditional saying: To pick bone from within an egg. [means picking at something that don't exist.] Because they can't {endure} your success, can't {endure} your achievement.   

Say have to use speech. (Gossip)
Words must use written. (Humiliate)

They need to attack you, defame you, humiliate you, flatten or deflate you, unwilling/uncaring of understanding you....
However, I understand, these people have: Red Eye Disease! [means jealous]
Jealous, Envy, are basic form of Human Traits. Only those [Lacking in Abilities/Untalented] will not be defamed or slandered by others.
In my viewpoint - I am a specially independent person, those handful of people, have nothing to do with me, he lives his life and I live mine.
I am living happily all the while, because I confirmed my Attainment.

Jia Jia! Yu Yu! [giggles] 
He/She all knows my Attainment.
Write a poem:
Had flown to the green skies, to attend non-cloud non-smoke event at Yao Ci [pond named Yao]
Golden Mother of the Yao Pond said to me: Human realm has layers.
I laughed. 
How do they know what it is like to be in Golden Palace.
I am in Heaven, Heavenly fragrance like beautiful flowers  
He who is on the ground, is naggy and has shallow outlook.
This Distance apart, results in laughter filling my face.

Jia Jia! Yu Yu! [giggles]   

Honestly speaking, I, Lu Sheng Yan, is no longer a human being. I have already break free from society, crowds, human realm, humans.
I am Buddha, I am Golden Fairy/Deity.

I still need wealth?        ‧

I still need beauties?

I still need fame/prestige/honor?   

No one understands you, You also do not need anyone's understanding. Although you live in sentient realm, but in actual fact, you live in Heaven.

Excited with Joy, living in Serenity, Purity, Selflessness...

I basically am not Born, also no Death! [Enlightenment statement]


Dear all, I hope you all bear in mind this lesson from Guru.

As long as you know the Truth, and am honest and truthful, what others choose to say Really Really don't matter an iota, correct? :)

Those who are Truly lacking but still want to stay atop or in control will do anything to attack you, even to the extend of lying!

Hahaha! I am constantly being maligned by fellow students too! Do I Care? NO! :)

Whoever hired the hit from Maoshan practitioners on Guru, will face their own karmic returns, which has nothing to do with those innocent of these heinous acts, agree?

Smile and share that Smile!  :) :) :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Pernyataan-pernyataan dari Guru? [2]

Sapia adalah salah satu arwah yang sedang menjalani api penyucian di teras ke-2 karena iri hati. Para arwah yang penuh dengan keirihatian saling duduk berjejeran dan bersandar bersebelahan serta bersandar pada batu-batu besar. Jubah yang mereka kenakan ditenun dengan kasar dalam warna yang polos seperti batu.
Karena mereka mendapatkan kesenangan dari melihat orang lain yang direndahkan, kini mereka semua yang penuh rasa iri hati juga kehilangan penglihatan dalam cara yang sangat mengerikan: mata mereka tertutup karena dijahit dengan kawat besi. Air mata bercucuran keluar dari mata mereka yang tertutup, dan para arwah ini meringkuk bersama bagai para pengemis yang buta (13.43-72).
Sapia, lahir sekitar tahun 1210 di dalam keluarga Salvani dari Siena yang terkemuka, dengan cara yang salah turut bersukacita saat melihat kekalahan para saudara setanahairnya (faksi Ghibellin dari Siena) di Colelle di Val d'Elsa, di mana keponakan lak-lakinya, Provenzan Salvani, terbunuh. Kini namanya sendiri jadi sindiran akan kebodohannya (meski namanya adalah Sapia - ia yang tak bijaksana [savia], 13.109-10).
Sapia menunjukkan keinginannya untuk berbicara dengan Dante dengan mendongakkan dagunya ke arah asal suara Dante.

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 20 Januari 2013
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Guru’s Statements? [2]
Image: Sapia dari Dante's Divine Comedy: Purgatorio © Paul Gustave Doré

Bacalah juga: Pernyataan-pernyataan dari Guru? [1]

LC: Kau sudah baca artikel terakhirku? Pernyataan-pernyataan dari Guru? [1]
Nakal-nakal lagi!

AA: Aku masih belum paham dengan poin no.10. Menurutku baik-baik saja. :D
Fashi jelaskan lebih lanjut lah.

LC: BB, kamu coba jelaskan dan nanti lihat bagaimana.

BB: Lol. Kalau dibaca lagi, di poin no.10 ada dua fragmen pernyataan yang saling bertolak belakang, dan dibaca secara satu kesatuan kamu mungkin berpikir ada yang aneh dengan pernyataan itu.

Yang pertama, menunjukkan mengenai yang terbaik/tertinggi dan di bagian akhir ditutup dengan melupakan Mula Silsilah berarti berada di dalam cengkeraman Mara, ya memang benar.

Tapi kamu mungkin akan berpikir lagi, yogi dengan kebijaksanaan yang terunggul bisa melupakan Mula Silsilahnya bukankah terlalu lucu untuk terjadi?

Yang ke-dua, seperti yang dikatakan fashi “apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan di sini? Kamu iri kepada mereka yang mencapai keberhasilan?”

Yang ke-tiga, “Yogi yang merasa...” – adalah pendapat yang sangat pribadi. Dari sudut pandang siapa? Dari perspektif mayoritas? Atau dari si pembaca?

Hahaha. Aku tak tahu, tapi kalau dia berhati tulus dan mampu mengabaikan emosi-emosi yang mengganggu hatinya, pernyataan seperti ini tak akan muncul.

Melihat mereka yang berhasil dalam pelatihan dirinya, ia akan turut berbahagia; melihat mereka yang tak punya keberhasilan juga tidak masalah, karena setiap insan menanggung karmanya masing-masing dan akan tercerahkan saat waktunya telah matang.

LC: Bravo! BB menjelaskan semuanya!
BB sayang, misterius sekali cara berpikirmu bisa mirip denganku!

Ya! Apa yang kamu anggap sebagai Tertinggi dalam segala hal?
Dualisme lagi. Saat seseorang berada di Paling Atas, maka si penulis sendiri adalah yang berada di Paling Bawah!

Sedangkan seorang sadhaka yang paling unggul HANYA BISA BERHASIL karena ia paham pentingnya Mula Silsilah dan berlatih sesuai instruksi!

Mara Iri Hati sedang bekerja – dalam bentuk umpatan kepada mereka yang berada di PALING ATAS!

Semuanya bisa dianalisa dengan menggunakan Empat Kebenaran Mulia dan Jalan Utama Berunsur Delapan!
Sungguh merupakan Dharma dan Kebijaksanaan Buddha yang sebenarnya!

AA: Aha, sekarang jadi masuk akal. Jika poin no.7 dan 10 dihubungkan, semuanya masuk akal. Ya, ternyata di dalamnya sarat kedengkian lol.


Bertukar pikiran seperti ini sebenarnya seperti dialog Zen? :)
Ini yang Guru sedang lakukan di dalam ceramah dharmanya tiap Sabtu akhir-akhir ini.

Aku senang karena ada para pembaca yang benar-benar paham apa yang aku coba bagikan dan tahu apa dan bagaimanca cara membaca pernyataan-pernyataan tertentu.

Selamat berlatih!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

蓮生活佛著作 - 誰最快樂?















26-1-2013 Fire Puja I

Please join us again.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

26-1-2013 Fire Puja H

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