Thursday, March 31, 2011

31-3-2011 根本上師 Root Guru



蓮生活佛 盧勝彥文集 --- 自己定位







31-3-2011 白馬國 White Horse Country


[摘自師尊文集] 有很多事,我實在不想多說,但也不得不說,因為犯此者畢竟不在少數之故。這並非真佛宗才有,而是全世界上各大宗教宗派,所易患的通病,共通之病。我到了一國,當然是「三昧」去的,也即是「神行」去的,利用「半死三昧」而去遊歷。 此國有一特徵:人身。白色的馬頭。馬頭上頂著一尊黃金而沉重的「根本上師」像。沉重的叫馬頭抬不起來。頭重無法見人,垂頭喪氣。(除此累人之事外,尚無其他大礙也)我看見此國情況,非常奇也怪之。 我看見人身馬頭,又頭頂「...⋯⋯根本上師」,便追著問,但這些人知道我至,便倉促的散去⋯⋯,只顧往前奔,終也無法抬頭仰視,他們呼嘯散去,但還是我神行快,阻住一人,問他:「何以頭頂根本上師沉重金像?」「具德具恩之故。」「為何除此苦之外,並無大苦?」「修法故。」「既然具德具恩,為何有頭頂之苦?」我不解。「背棄故。」 這時,我才恍然大悟,原來此「白馬國」之人,原來全是真佛弟子,但後來卻背棄了根本上師,但並未放棄修行「顯密之法」,修的仍然是正法,只是譭謗具德具恩的根本上師,所以才化生白馬國。因此,永生永世,頭頂沉重黃金的「根本上師」像了。 「為何背棄之?」我問。「也是緣份的問題,我們追隨了背棄的人。」我說:「做人,吃人水果,要拜樹頭。飲人一口水,要思源頭。總之,不石忘恩負義,師父再怎樣不對,也至少有一言一語教我,譭之謗之,不太好吧!」 「知錯了!」白馬國的人,沉重的懺悔著.

31-3-2011 GM's Words师尊之言- Temple Building建庙



A practitioner's goal is well mannered and bright inside, cultivating one's own Heart, so as to shine brightly on sentient world, Heart has temple, heart is Buddha, heart is Boddhisattva.
If a practitioner only concentrate on temple's property rights, weighting heavily on fame/credit for all matters, profit and income & etc, he definitely cannot attain true enlightenment!

This is a timely article that I chance upon from Facebook.

GM, you are indeed GREAT! Haha!

At a meeting of temple's committee one afternoon. General matters like temple building and activities were the subjects.

Z said: Can we plan some outdoor activities like Live animals release or visits to charity homes or orphanages?

Y said immediately: HOW MUCH CAN WE MAKE?

I remember saying that when TIME IS RIPE, a temple gets build with the help of all Divinities - reason being this place can reach out to more sentient beings and help lighten or lift their sufferings and share Dharma with them.

Will this temple get build? I leave you the reader to answer this question.

My point is observe and analyse. Some friends email you and said, so & so needs fund to build a temple for himself. You rushed around and spread words & canvas for funds to support.

What's the HURRY?

For us in TBS, there's GM who will look into the relevance of all matters and act accordingly.
Trust GM 100%!


Pure Karma Vihara

31-3-2011 Spiritual Realm- Dharma Power? 灵界-法力?[2]

27-3-2011 Spiritual Realm- Dharma Power? 灵界-法力?
This is a very hard article to write as it involves personnels that are sensitive to many.
I asked that readers just read this article and please chart it as a possible occurrence that might affect you too as a cultivating Yogi-to-be.
Do not speculate who these articles are about too.
Thank You . Amituofo.

4. I saw Edicts[lingpai令牌] lit up with greenish light and even the little ones on lotuses as well when Z empowered them on the blessing/bardo altars.

5. The Edicts did not light up when ZZ empowered them.
L said: Fashi, I didn't see any Prajna Light orbs that day at the session.
Y & I was stunted! I told Y about the Edicts not lighting up.
So I told her that I noticed that the Edicts didn't light up also after ZZ empowered them.

L is another student with abilities to see spirits and etc. She can see them with heads or without and also when Prajna light orbs appear. She will point and surely Light orbs are captured on camera.
Haha! For a moment I thought my eyes played me out that day too, when the Edicts didn't light up.
Whew! Thanks GM, I am fine.

8. X1 sort of empower cups of water and after drinking the water, your spirit somehow get raised and I noticed many dancing, prancing, rolling on the floors and etc. Some drank few cups also did not have any effect.

X1 has those asking to have spirits raise to knee in front of him and then he will chant into the cups of water.
To everyone, DO NOT KNEEL for anyone other than your own Guru Or Divinities.
Sad to said that Buddha teaches EQUALITY amongst all sentient beings!
Some Egoistic practitioners enjoy having others bow & kneel to feel Power over them.

WE kneel when in Repentance to show how sorry we are, but other than that Don't kneel to those that elevate themselves. They have a long way yet to go to Buddhahood.

**Q said that the Mini script I gave her & advised her to offer with 108 pieces of lotuses to all sentient beings had a most stunting effect. Her 13 year old nephew saw the seed syllable [Prom] on the incense paper lotuses printed with Usnisa Vijaya Dharani. There were lots of light orbs of various sizes too captured on camera.

Sharing lotuses and offerings with all sentient beings is BODDHICITTA. Of course the Divinities will come and bless this deed.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article and benefit from it too.

Pure Karma VIhara

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30-3-2011 Spiritual Realm-Black Magic灵界-降头

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome. Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

This is yet another story linked to GX of :-
29-3-2011 Spiritual Realm-Homeless 灵界-无家可归

On the 1st death anniversary of GX, his stepmother [wife No.4] called his mother [wife no. 3] to console her. {GX's father has 4 wives}.
W4 said the old man told her, he loves her most amongst all his wives.
W3 got so angry and that particular Chinese New Year she showed a real black face.
GX's younger brother (G2) got to know of this.

Within a short period W4 got Alzheimer's and swiftly passed away within 6 months.

Few years later, G2 did something on me to the same effect. After the various masters' cleansing & saving me, someone found a list of W4's birth data & included were the names of her offspring as well. These are GX's & G2's siblings by paternal blood link.

GX and I like to eat the cheeks of fishes, we had dinner quite a few times during festive gatherings. Maybe that's why he seeks my help.

I thank GM & all Divinities for saving me from the same fate.
What happened to G2 & those of my business partners who join hands to harm me?
Let us leave all these to GM & all Divinities.
All I can say now is that they not doing too fantastic in the businesses they stole from me.

I sent email to inform G2 & his siblings regarding GX being HOMELESS, and completed what GM instructed me to do for them. Chapter close.

I have already told GX that I really can't help without his family's consent, else it will be that I gave them charity and they in turn won't like it as they are all very FACE conscious.

Haha! GM said Face is not important. But to some it means everything.

Pure Karma Vihara

30-3-2011 Paying Respect to Ancestors祭祖-Choice选择

Refreshing your memories, there is this temple whereby the monks in training stipulate that they want payment of at least $12 per request for chanting. I found out that they chant Rebirth Mantra 3 times/往生咒 3遍 only.
GM teaches us always to leave it to the individual to offer any token of appreciation and not FIXED Price.


Brief explanation:
This mantra derived from [Remove all Root Negative Karma attain rebirth in Pureland Dharani].
Make incense offerings and palms together, chant the mantra day & night 21 times each period.
Can eradicate most negative karma.

The biggest benefit : Buddha's light blessing, everything smooth sailing, auspicious, healthy, fulfilled.
Amitabha Buddha always blessing you from the top and all karmic negatives get cleared, you can enjoy everything auspiciously if you chant the mantra diligently & you get rebirth in Amitabha's Western Paradise Pureland.

But when someone put a price tag on chanting only 3 times, I somehow feel that it negates the benefits of chanting completely.

The whole hearted intent of the descendants to dedicate this mantra to the named ancestors somehow become 'polluted' by GREED for monetary rewards.
Of course this is only my personal viewpoint, you all may choose to differ.

From my experiences, GM & all Divinities see to my needs always, whether they be monetary or otherwise. Some fellow Dharma student were unhappy when I was asked to do something on special request and no token was given to me.
Now they are more relax when these incidents occur.
YES! they have seen how GM & Divinities take care of me in everything big or small.

Haha! I got paid by GM & all Divinities, believe it or not!

Please teach your friends and family to chant this short mantra and dedicate to their loved ones.
Even dedicating :Namo Amituofo is beneficial to all.

Pure Karma Vihara

30-3-2011 Paying Respect to Ancestors祭祖

In a recent article I asked whether you trust GM 100%?
If you answer YES!, here's another test. HAHA!

Again this is my viewpoint and you may choose to differ.

1. Have you registered your ancestors to take refuge with GM?
2. Have you registered them for Bardo Deliverance to Pureland too?

If Both answers are YES, then let me ask you another.

3. Do you still continue to register your ancestors for bardo deliverance at every event conducted by GM?

Answer: Yes!

Haha! Let me tell you that you do not TRUST GM 100%! OR you don't know what you are doing all these times.


GM has the ability to deliver any being to Pureland with a THOUGHT.
So what you should do after the FIRST BARDO DELIVERANCE is to get as much blessings or merits for your ancestors.

Now, HOW to go about this?

Dedication of charitable acts or deeds to your ancestors thereby increasing their Merits in Pureland.

Like Homeless, he has no where to go because of religious conflict between his parent & siblings versus his wife and her relatives.
The wife [WON], and they had a Christian-style wake.
But did she really WIN anything?
NO! Asserting her religious leanings landed her spouse in LIMBO, neither HERE nor THERE.

I advised some relatives to donate to charity in the Deceased name to increase their merits.
Some said to make Dragon Robe to offer to GM, to increase their merits.
So I donated angpows from them to Lotus Light Charity or other charitable organisation which I find can reach out to more sentient beings.

Think, which method would GM prefers?
[for your info, GM has few thousands of these robes stored in Seattle Temple, mostly untouch.]

So how about donating to feed the poor and house the homeless?
Donating to provide free medical aid as well?
How about dedication merits of Sutra Chanted to all sentient beings in their names?
How about dedicating offerings to all as well in their names?

You can come cultivate with us and dedicate the cultivation merits to them and all sentient beings too.


Next time you fill up any event registration forms, think of your ancestors and all sentient beings.

Never let anyone talk you into spending large sums of money this Qing Ming on frivolous items.

Also when making offerings to your ancestors, offer to all beings as well.
You help your ancestors make friends with every one.

I taught Lotus C&H to do so last Sunday. They prepared extra portion of paper lotuses and etc and I gave them a mini-script [order to deliver to named recipients]. They captured lots of light orbs and showed to their relatives present.

The ancestors and friends all came along happily to receive the offerings & also the white orbs of light are that of Deities and above, telling them that their ancestors have gone UP.

Do not doubt GM's Bardo Deliverance any more.

You can join us this Saturday at 6pm for fire puja with special dedication to ancestors and all sentient beings. Incense package is $38 each.
Offerings for fire puja - any amount welcome.
Blessings request for self - Free.

Pure Karma Vihara

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

29-3-2011 Healing Dreams 治疗的梦

After I took refuge, I always have dreams whereby I pulled out white maggots (worms) from my skin surfaces. They are many and very long string-like ones, sometimes they broke off and I have to pull out the other half too. Gruesome dreams.
After reading GM's Dream within dream and the article about healing dreams, I started to understand that these are karmic cleansing. I told myself then that at least mine are white & not BLACK in color.
HAHA! so my karmic negatives not too high.

Recently, in the same dream the maggots became less & the ridding process ended fast and I somehow said to myself that I am cleansed.

Haha! Not to be!!
Early morning, I dreamt of GM slicing open my right foot (surface) and took out 2 big lumps of translucent light brownish gel. They are about half the size of a brick each. I wondered in the dream why my foot can accommodate such big lumps of gel!

Then I somehow tell myself this is a healing dream.

My right knee suffered an injury in 1994 and not treated properly. This has caused me much pain & discomfort hence.
I have often ask GM to heal me these 2years after I took refuge. But the knee play me out less only, did not disappeared.
This morning seems to be the Finale & I think TIME for me to be more active, so I need good limbs to move around.

Anyway, many thanks to GM. Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum.


L said she dreamt that she told me she has cancer.
I immediately Telephone GM to seek help.
GM appeared in front of her and told her : Malaysian Chapter doing cleaning up, you go and help out.
This mean she will be OK and GM will heal her.

Yes, I have a place in Malaysia which I used for doing fire puja & private cultivation. Property belongs to my elder brother and he lets me use it.

He bought another place which is more suitable & we were planning to go clean up and shift over.
Only few fellow Dharma students know about the shifting and had volunteered to help.

Dear GM, send me extra help which in a way let me know that the other place is a better or more suitable one for me.

HAHA! GM, you are great indeed!

Pure Karma Vihara

29-3-2011 Q& A

Dear Lotuschef,
How are you?
I have been practicing the steps of making offers.. Haha it does take awhile for me to chant and visualize. Sometime my friends were wondering what am I doing..
Sorry some more questions :

1. How do I visualize the 6-realms?

2. Currently I am practicing the ‘Shi Jia Xing’. Towards the end of the session, during the ‘Ru San Mo Di’, must I also practice the ‘Ru Wo’ and ‘Wo Ru’? Not so sure, as I think ‘Ru Wo’ and ‘Wo Ru’ are more for the next step of practice after ‘Shi Jia Xing’. The booklet for ‘Shi Jia Xing’ also does not include that.

3. Referring to 27th Mar 2011 Spiritual Realm – Dharma Power. Why will those people you mentioned became ‘so scary’ even through they are still under refuge of GM?

Thank you and best regards


1. When you do offerings when out with friends, no need to form hand mudra & do a quick one.
You chant OM AH HUM 3X & visualize strong white light beams down on all food & then golden dots rises into the sky. Then you chant GM's mantra 7x and said: Gm and everyone, lets eat.

2. 6 realms- visualize many tiny spots of lights - white can or colored ones will do too

3. Samodhi & etc - please ask the one leading the session or come join one of mine. I will post details on this blogspot whenever I schedule any sessions.
Read GM's book for beginners 密教大光华 repeatedly until you get it. Haha! I did exactly that after I took refuge, because I really don't have an inkling what I am suppose to do and WHY!
This WHY can carry you very far. Work hard.

4. In Tantrayana, you either move up or down very fast. Its what they termed 走火入魔, went into demon boundaries.

When you see/feel or just have Buddhas/Boddhisattva nearby, you can only feel very comfortable and peaceful and also very secured, the most important is JOYFUL feeling.

Hope I answered your questions and they are of help to you in cultivation.
I also hope more people can benefit from cultivating and sharing GM's teachings.

Pure Karma Vihara

29-3-2011 Spiritual Realm-Permit Needed 灵界-需要准证

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome. Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

MM marriage was held in a Church and her spouse family are Christians. Her own family are Taoist or Buddhist.
On the last day of their honeymoon, they met with a car accident while rushing back to catch a flight home. Both of them died in New Zealand.
The parents were devastated. The groom is an only son and the bride is an only daughter with 4 male siblings.

After the funerals, MM's mother dreamt of her.
MM told her mother that she needs a permit to enter the pagoda where Grandmother's ashes are. They blocked her at the door.

Her mother went and set up a tablet/home for her in some temple. MM is now able to visit Grandmother.


Like the recent article HOMELESS, this spirit also can't go to certain places without a 'permit'.
Spirits of low energy level have limited/restricted boundaries.
The Energy Level is dependent on Merits Accumulated this lifetime or sometimes from previous ones.

GX has many siblings but he can't go to them too because of the Divinities or Deities they have at home, and these Deities have guards in place to ward off unofficial visitors.

HAHA! there truly is Door Deities/门神. Believe it or not, up to you.

That's why GX asked to meet his mother at her own flat and not his female sibling's place, which has a different surname from him.

I don't know about the ashes in his own house. His maid said saw him a few times.
So GX definitely did not go to heaven as promised by the in-laws?
Sightings of the deceased at home and elsewhere, tells us that they are loose spirits that can't go UPwards. It is definitely not something to be happy about.
I regret to state this.

These are religious conflicts caused by the Living affecting the dead.

Pureland in Buddhist viewpoint is at least 3 big level up. GM has the levels all written out in one of his books. I seen it recently. If interested, I will put it into my blog when I find it.

Well, gather merits by being caring and charitable. Do not cause unhappiness and harm to any sentient beings visible or invisible.

Pure Karma Vihara

29-3-2011 Spiritual Realm-Homeless 灵界-无家可归

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome. Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

GX passed away while playing badminton with friends a few days before Chinese New Year.
His family was notified and his wife and her sister and sister's spouse arrived after the ambulance team pronounced him dead.

Sister's spouse started on the GX's wife about baptizing him. GX's wife agreed.
The sister's spouse is not a pastor or qualified/appointed holy person, and he went ahead with so called baptism rituals.
GX did not choose to get baptize prior to his death as his mother and siblings are Buddhist or Taoist.

GX's funeral was also done the Christian way at home because the Church did not recognize him as a member, and the pastor refused to officiate a ceremony for him in the Church.

So the sister's spouse conducted some prayers for GX and the wife placed his ashes urn at home.
This Unofficial pastor and his wife and children started to spread tales of GX appearing in their dreams telling them he has gone to a very good place.

Few nights after the funeral, GX came into my dreams. He asked me to tell his mother to go to her old flat so he can see her. In that dream, he somehow told me he can't take the same bus to a certain place with his mother.

I told the family but they ignored me.

Sometime later, I moved into a new apartment.
I sense GX's presence at the utility room where I do laundry.
As his siblings do not believe me, I told him I really can't help him.
He still hangs around my utility room occasionally as I sense his presence.

This is a poor soul that get caught between a rock & a solid wall.

I sense his presence again & I think because it is near to Qing MIng when descendants pray to their ancestors with lots of offerings as well, and he needs stuff.

I asked GM what should I do? GM said to let his family know and the rest up to them.
I can't interfere with other's family karma without permission.

I hope sincerely the family will pool together and give him a good send off.

Pure Karma Vihara

Monday, March 28, 2011

28-3-2011 Spiritual Realm-Possessed 灵界-俯身

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome. Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

Dr H recommended a friend[M] to be part-time book-keeper in my company.
One afternoon, my personal assistant came into my office and told me that after receiving a call, M seems very upset and she said she needs to leave and fear my displeasure.

I asked M whats the problem. She reluctantly started to tell me that her daughter[T] is being held at NTUC store for taking a few bars of chocolates. They want the parents to come else refer to police.

I fetch her there and we saw the security people. After explaining the the child is a somewhat handicapped one, they willingly let M pay for chocolates and we left.

[T] refused to get into my car and I told her she either get in or we get the police.
Inside my car, she continuously said the interior is dirty and make noise non-stop.
I asked her whether she wants to stop making noise or we go to the police station and leave her there.
She kept quiet after that but kept making 'Hng' sound.

Now T is destructive and often damage household stuff. She dropped out of school at age 13. She also said she wants to migrate to Australia and ask her parents repeatedly to sell the house and fund her migration.

Dr H & I also brought the parents to Master from Masai.
Master said this is spirit inside her and possessed her for few years already.
He did some rituals for them and their situation improved after a few months.


This happened before I took ordination to be a lama.
This is the first time I see so many different facade in one person.

One evening after group cultivation, we went for supper.
Sitting down after food and drinking tea, we had a good rounded conversation with all present contributing views & etc.

Y was sitting directly opposite me and as he speaks, I saw different faces superimposed on his.
HAHA! Yes! I am very very spooked! Needless to say, I just sat there and stare.

Later I got him aside and talked to him. I said I saw about 5 different ones in him and he affirmed my sightings.

All these actually resulted from karma this life or previous lifetimes.

GM teaches us how to clear our Karmic negatives or debts. Be diligent and cultivate well so we can help self as well as others.

Pure Karma Vihara

Sunday, March 27, 2011

27-3-2011 Spiritual Realm- Dharma Power? 灵界-法力?

This is a very hard article to write as it involves personnels that are sensitive to many.
I asked that readers just read this article and please chart it as a possible occurrence that might affect you too as a cultivating Yogi-to-be.
Do not speculate who these article are about too.
Thank You . Amituofo.

1. At a tea-table - As I turned my head, my sight fell upon X. He immediately turned away to his left avoiding eye-contact with me. Alas, I noticed there are greenish lights in both his eyes.
Yuks! Haha! Shocked me!
Why? It is light of the lower realm of Hell or Underworld! Comes with a spooky feeling that raise hairs causing goose-pimples to form.

2. At a function hall - I chanced a look at Y.
Gosh!! he had transformed into a corpse-like old man.

3. Another function - I feel eerie vibes and look around. I saw someone turned into something like a piece of white bread soaked in water - all his features disappeared.
I have so far noticed more than 4 such faces.

4. I saw Edicts[lingpai令牌] lit up with greenish light and even the little ones on lotuses as well when Z empowered them on the blessing/bardo altars.

5. The Edicts did not light up when ZZ empowered them.

6. XX did fire puja and as GM said in Melbourne recently, his 3 Principals did not come at all. Guru, puja's principal and etc yoga with a few attendees of that puja but not the host.

7. YY's face transformed into that of a horse when conducting session. Also noticed frequently pulling of her ears then she answers questions put forward.

8. X1 sort of empower cups of water and after drinking the water, your spirit somehow get raised and I noticed many dancing, prancing, rolling on the floors and etc. Some drank few cups also did not have any effect.

Think these are enough to digest for some time. Haha!

Take this article as a wake up call as GM said most of us are still asleep and need to wake up.

The cases I mentioned, Do they have Dharma Power or Spirit Power or No Power at all?

Enjoy! Go find out yourself.

Pure Karma Vihara

27-3-2011 Lineage 传承

In Tantrayana, we take refuge in Root Lineage Guru as well as the Triple Gems, namely the Buddha, Dharma & Sangha.

It is therefore the topmost criteria when cultivating any practice to invoke the presence of one's Root Guru/Gurus to bless and teach us how to cultivate properly.

GM stresses 3 main requisites: - Formation of hand mudra, Visualization & Chant Mantra.

Why bring up this topic again & again?

Haha! Seems there is a need to do so frequently.

Fellow student led cultivation:-
1. Left out visualization & showing hand mudra formation.
Just said we chant this & went on to chant.
The sequence in the cultivation program also left out some vital steps.
Then out of no where ask attendees to chant Mayura's mantra.
I halted her & asked her whether she has empowerment transfer from GM. She said she has.
The problem here is, she don't know how to chant the mantra.

2. Speeding along & ignoring visualization:-
Follows the program as set out by the book, speeding along just to finish up fast and go home.
Always left out the offerings to beings of the 6 realms too.

3. Left out the part of chanting Root Guru's mantra 108 times & other steps too:-
Added 3 times of Vajrasattva's 100-syllable mantra and Vajra bell & septre armor protection of cultivation area - this is not in the book/program. Generally also speeding along as if someone chasing after him.

4. Another said he goes "by the book" too. Added the armor protection as above & also the 4-level boundaries armoring/四重结界. Then in True Buddha Repentance chanting the sending off portion for blessings & bardo which we used for big function only or if we set up the blessing & bardo altars then we invoke & send off.
He said because it is printed in the book so he said need to chant.
His assistant more intelligent & said they are practicing for the time when they set up the 2 altars.
We were all told to go into Samodhi about Three-quarters way into the Repentance program, still in the kneeling position for 5 minutes. Before 2minutes we were told to get out and continue to finish. His session also speeding along as if he is running out of time.

Do you all agree with me that the above did not keep Root Guru's teachings in mind and went on to their own agendas?

1. We need to invoke GM from beginning and also before we go into the Principal Divinity practice of that session. We need Guru to assist the yoga process with any chosen Principal. This is Lineage Guru requirement. Blessings also from GM is required.

2. GM said as we follow the procedure set out, we visualize and adjust our breathing and slowly goes into Samodhi. He advised against additions to the program before Samodhi to prevent disruption of our breathing regulation & visualization & prolonging the time before Samodhi.

3. Reading my recent article about Trusting GM 100%, the addition of armorings not required, and more than ONE is really very paranoid. This person has no confidence in GM protecting him from "harm".

4. Chanting by the book?? Additions were made which is not in the book. Doing things that are not necessary thereby taking time away from the crucial steps.

5. Rushing along to finish, negates the purpose of cultivation and did not give GM's stipulation of mudra, visualization & mantra any heed. Then why bother to cultivate GM's set out programs at all.

6. GM said we in Tantrayana finishes off any event/program by chanting the Fulfillment & rounding off mantra of Mansjuri's heart: Om Bulin 3X.
Then we clap hands and snap fingers.
These conclude everything for that session and therefore the sending off part for the blessing & bardo altars is not necessary any more unlike those in Mahayana.
Some fear to pull out the Edict[lingpai/令牌] after the sessions too.

All you have to do is go to the altar & tell them that [the session is auspiciously rounded off and all wishes fulfilled. Please return to your seats.]
Haha! that's all.

Trust our beloved GM to never teach us stuff that are hard to do or carry out.

Frankly speaking - How many of you out there truly trust GM 100%?

Please raise hands & feet too.

This is not to reprimand anyone but hope that all will cultivate with confidence and find the Boddhi Path soon.

Cultivation should results in one being revitalized and not one being further stress out. Too tired even to get home.

O! GM said again yesterday afternoon during Dharma talk that BODDHICITTA is an important pre-requisite to Buddhahood.
He sets up Lotus Light Charity Chapters all over the world and also the Lu Sheng Yen's Foundation for us to learn & develop Boddhicitta. Compassionately caring for all sentient beings be they visible or invisible.

Come join Lotus Light worldwide chapters and have fun.

Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

27-3-2011 Taking Refuge. 皈依

One evening, a fellow Dharma student referred a lady attendee at a cultivation session to me.
Attendee said she wants to take refuge but her husband is against her doing so.

I explained that Buddha teaches us to make others happy.
I asked her why she wants to take refuge, she answered because she quite like TBS.

I told her she is welcome to come to cultivation and she can visualize her husband sitting beside her and getting blessing empowerment from all Divinities. This way the husband will slowly be able to accept her taking refuge.

Guess what? She said she like so she will take refuge anyway!

Haha! Haha! Haha!


Recently some new Dharma students told me that in some temple, they are asked whether they have taken refuge or not. They are turned away from joining cultivation session when the answer is NO.

This also happened in Seattle one evening when a group of Indian nationals came to Seattle temple. There was debate of allowing them to stay until I clarify with Dharma Lecturer [Jiao shou shi].

This type of participation is establishing a friendly link or something like a handshake. It is perfectly alright for them to join us in cultivation.

Also remember GM said he will not neglect or ignore any sentient being.

Lets all open our hearts to all sentient beings. Do not turn them away from sharing Dharma.

Pure Karma Vihara

27-3-2011 Karma? 因果?

Anonymous said...
From Buddhism view there is a karma theory that explains the cause and effect of our actions, can you clear this douts.
March 24, 2011 10:35 AM

Dear Anonymous,

I have written many articles on this blogspot about Karma. Perhaps you can find time to read them.
You can also find lots of theoretical explanation on the web just by typing KARMA.

From Buddhism, or for the matter any viewpoint, Karma is a noun describing a certain phenomenon just like in Scientific terminology - Action & Reaction.
Like in Economics, we accept the fact that there is a relation between Demand & Supply.
Like Demand & Supply, Karma is just another word used to describe a phenomenon.

You doubt the karmic theory as explained in your statement?

I believe you can best clear this doubt yourself by looking at your own life's experiences and also of those close to you.

For example, if you hurt some one, you will in turn get 'hurt' of some kind.
You verbally abused someone, you might get the same or get slap or beaten, depending on how the other party perceived your abuse.

Haha! Reading your statements, I actually gleaned some information of your state of mind when writing into Comments Box below the Q&A for article Tainted Food. Your usage of words is one pointer amongst others.

May I suggest you clear your mind and try to meditate or sit quietly for 20 minutes, paying attention to breathing in & out slowly and counting how many breath you take per minute.

Pure Karma Vihara

Saturday, March 26, 2011

25-3-2011 Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Chanting 佛顶尊胜陀罗尼持诵

We are into the 3rd day of chanting the above.
Without fail we captured light orbs on our camera all through these 3days.

Tonight we went to circle the pagoda located on the roof-top of the temple.

There's a real large orb here against the Air-con blower.

Attendance about 100 all 3days too.

Most feel good after cultivation anyway.

As per GM, this is a very good one to Clear Negative Karma & also bardo deliverance.

If you get empowerment for Usnisa Vijaya already, then try chanting 7 each day & dedicate to all sentient beings. It is a very good gift to all.

Pure Karma Vihara

Friday, March 25, 2011

25-3-2011 Spiritual Realm-Foetus Spirit 灵界-水子灵

This article is about someone that my friends & I come across while doing voluntary work & giving free medical consultation. It also highlights the Karma of abortions.
I hope this will help in understanding the Karma of Abortions & hopefully instill some responsible mindset to avoid abortion at all cost. Amituofo.

M developed pains in lower limbs & both limbs swelled to the stage that she can't walk & doctors can't find a causative factor at all. She was given lots of painkillers but that don't help too. Attending school become a real problem and classmate pooled funds to get her a wheelchair.
Wheelchair posed another problem. Her family consist of her parents & herself. Father is the sole bread-winner(low-wage earner) and mother is always sickly and can't even do housework or cook for the family.

Where to get funds to take a cab to school with the wheelchair in tow?

She gave up schooling then. Staying home and help her father take care of her mother and do some simple housework whenever she can.

They were referred to a Buddhist welfare group. Dr H gave the whole family free medical treatment and the group also help them financially as and when can afford to do so.

These continue for few years.

[I met Ms Y at Dr H's clinic & then went to seek out some master to help me clear black-magic.
I saw while waiting for my turn many seek out this master to heal illness of unknown causes.
Dr H came along with me to one such session, and she said we might be able to help M & her family.]
So we made appointment and brought them to the master's place.

Master said: It is foetus spirit of the younger sister that cause all these problems.
The Master helped them transfer the foetus spirit immediately out from M to a vase and then performed a deliverance ritual for the foetus spirit few days later.

The mother is weak and sickly and after birth of M, she got pregnant again within the month. Doctors advised abortion because the mother's body is too weak to continue the pregnancy which will endanger her life.

M told us that when she orders food she likes, most often when the food was served to her, she just lost her appetite & don't want to eat at all.
If you read my recent article "Tainted Food", you will find the reason.
Though M can't see spirits, she somehow repels food that they have touched and left saliva on those food after they have partake of the food before M. Sometimes she took a bite and she lost appetite, cause the food don't taste good.

Well, M recovers within 6 months and she can walk without walking aid & she visited me when I was volunteering at a local monastery to show me she can walk.
She got a job too, helping out the family finances and attended night classes to upgrade her knowledge.

The mother however remains sickly and recently worsen too.

I sincerely hope that the story of this family will help to caution the mass to take measures in contraception and prevent abortions.

Being able to see the spirits leaking at your food and leaving saliva & what not on them, I believe is a higher degree of suffering than one that can't see them, but just lost appetite without knowing why. Haha! You may choose to differ.

To all TBS members, aren't we blessed to have GM teaching us how to cleanse our food and how to offer to the Divinities and then sharing with all sentient beings?
They leave after receiving the transformed offerings from GM & Divinities.
Most important, your food remain intact, cleanse & blessed too.

Pure Karma Vihara

Thursday, March 24, 2011

24-3-2011 The Truth - Karma Returns 事实 - 因缘果报

This article might be offensive to some, but I am reporting facts available to me.
Sources confidential.

Some time ago, I heard that someone displeased with a High ranking monk, send her brother to beat him up. Then suppressed the whole matter with threats. Sources had it that this is not the first beating.
Recently, Karma returns and took away the brother's son, who died suddenly of unknown cause.

I read from Hevajra's cultivation written by GM [book 201 - Emptiness within great bliss] that Hevajra has the power to take the life of evil people immediately & swiftly send them to pureland. The hitch is one must be able to yoga with Hevajra.

Also remember he derives from Vajrasattva & is Infinitely Wise & Compassionate.
This kind of power is not to be abuse, therefore a person must have the qualities of Hevajra, then he can yoga & utilize powers to save sentient beings or ease sufferings for them.
Powers like this is not to be shown off or to hurt any sentient beings.

Now the above taking of a life, can not be from the high ranking monk as he bears everything aimed at him for many years and void all matters.

Can this be the work of Dharma protectors that really can't bear the monk to continue to be beaten? Most likely! as the monk has aged and these beatings cannot continue.
We all need a healthy body to cultivate, more so the monk who saves lots of lives.

To cultivate to a stage when you do not have evil thoughts like that of revenge, indeed is incredible! As a thought can initiate a 'huge army' visible & invisible to act.

My point is: Guard your thoughts, don't let it visualize revenge.

I received some threats too about some articles I posted on this blogspot.
I standby my views and all of you out there, can also keep yours.
I humbly suggest to all that you can write anything you please, but do not threaten others that have other/opposing viewpoints and force them to follow yours.

I frown at those that throw money around to 'buy' power to control others as well.
Factually, I have been a victim of Black-magic and the motive is to steal from me.
Using my money to hurt me. Haha!

Who knows, like the high ranking monk, I too might have plenty of Dharma protectors by my side who can't bear my being hurt! Haha! Anything is possible!! Look at the friends that came to Lotus light Charity Happy Hour, there are so many orbs of all sizes and brightness.
Yes, we are truly well protected 24/7.
Thank you GM. I love you.

Pure Karma Vihara

24-3-2011 Do you trust GM 100%?你100%相信师尊吗?

I hope the following will help you have more confidence as a CULTIVATING YOGI & TRUSTING GM FULLY.

Do you need this? Do you need that?

Last night, Vajra Master said it might be beneficial for someone who is ill to get a lingpai[edict] & 'hah'[blow breath] 3times on it, after writing the individual's personal data. Then attached with a paper lotus & place on special altar she is setting up today. Purpose to clear negative karma by the power of Usnisa Vijaya.

There was a great rush after cultivation for the Edict! Haha!


If you were present and chanting or just present, GM's; Usnisa's; Avalokitesvara's and all Divinities that came have already done the necessary for you. Do you still need to have the Edict?
Even your ancestors & etc that you visualized from the beginning joining you in cultivation don't need anything further.

Getting one for your love ones or friend who need extra boost is Boddhicitta.
Otherwise, you really don't have much idea what you need.

This morning at about 7am, someone SMS me & asked if someone 'hah' wrongly on his Edict how?
This is creating suffering for self, do you agree?

Perhaps, re-reading my Power in a piece of paper might help.

My humble suggestion:
1. Be calm & clear minded at all times

2. Analyse situation before taking action

3. Is your path very UNSMOOTH? You think you need extra boost to help yourself?

4. What else can you do to improve your situation?

5. Finally, think what GM will do in a similar scenario. Haha! Talk to GM.

In all these, have you thought of improving others' lot? If yes, then you are fine.

I remember telling fellow Dharma students that if you don't know how to chant Usnisa Vijaya Dharani, you sit and listen & accept others charity to help you cleanse negatives.
When you can chant, share & dedicate to the less fortunate.

That's all that is required for a CULTIVATING YOGI. GM will ensure you are fine.

Don't act in haste & regret later.

**For those out there that think I am writing utter garbage, NOW's the time to throw rotten eggs or equivalent!


Amituofo / Lotuschef / Pure Karma / True Buddha School

24-3-2011 Spiritual Realm - Q&A Tainted Food残食

Just begin to practice TB. After reading your Blog dated 22rd March 2011, ‘Spiritual Realm 3 – Tainted Food’, there are some questions that would need your advice :

1. You mentioned, ‘raising your spirit brings lots of sufferings’, can you explain more on this?
A: I will write about the life of Ms Y & others that I have come across, please be patient.

2. I have always wanted to know/learn how to chant/offer/purify my food. Very happy to see this article. Just to confirm whether the steps are correct :

a) Chant Om Ah Hum once (don’t need to add the words ‘So Ha’?) , then offer to GM and Divinities first. What must I visualize when I do this?

A:Om Ah Hum - visualize universal light beams down on all foods - purifying them.
Then chant Mansjuri Boddhisattva's deliverance mantra "OM AH BEI LA HUM KAN CHA LA SOHA"X7.
Visualise animals like chicken, cow, pig, bacteria, insects, etc sitting on lotuses which transform into golden dots & eventually forming a golden river of lights, moving upwards to pureland.

b)Then visualize the transformation of offerings in form of rain-like white light showering upon all beings of the 6-realms.

A: Then you visualise that all the good food especially those that you like to eat filling the whole universe, you respectfully offer to GM, lineage gurus, all divinities. Visualise acceptance with bright golden yellow light or GM smiling at you, happily receiving your offerings.

Then the showering of white light upon all beings of the 6realms. visualise the light becomes brighter & brighter & you can even imagine you hear happy laughter as they also happily accept the offerings from you.

Are the above steps already inclusive of purifying, invitation and offering? Can I do this on every meal I take? YES.

I also heard about chants like ‘Om Ah Pei La Wa, Kan Cha La So Ha’ x 7 and ‘Om Ah Pei Ba La So Ha’ x 1. Do they serve the same purpose?

Offer food you like to eat to show your true hearted & sincere intention to please
Deliver all beings even if you only having chicken for that meal. Helping others get delivered is Boddhicitta. Don't cost you a thing. Haha!

GM's long mantra has the deliverance effect too, or you can teach those that did not take refuge to chant amituofo X7 also can.
The aim is to have a care for those beings that gave their lives to nourish your body to keep it fit & healthy for cultivation.
Do all these at ease for Buddha teaches us to be happy and leave sufferings behind. Don't force yourself to master the technique too fast.
I have also taken refuge for about 2years+, so I understand when we suddenly asked to visualise.

Visualization is something quite easy when you get the hang of it, relax and take it easy.
You will get it all done smoothly if you are true hearted.

Remember must have a compassionate heart for all beings, visible or invisible.

Hope I have helped you some. Write and yell for help if need be.

Pure Karma Vihara

24-3-2011 Avalokitesvara Celebrations & Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Session

Our compassionate Vajra master, Lian Yue, came in from Taiwan.
She took us through the above and its all very auspicious.
Turn out was about 100+. Filling 2nd & 3rd floor.

I managed to capture Light orbs too.


Come join us from tomorrow till Sunday. Check out timing with LZS Singapore.
Lorong 19 Geylang Road.

Pure Karma Vihara

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

23-3-2011 Spiritual Realm 灵界[4] - Communicate with Spirits通灵

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome.
Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

A fellow lama saw a special gift I have while we were at Semarang Temple.
This is only visible to people with an ability to 'see'.
Haha! Do not be surprised, True Buddha School has many who cultivates well and have certain 'unusual' abilities.
Yes! Ms Y saw and she ask me can tell Dr H what it is. I said: OK.

She said: Body身 Mouth口 Thoughts意。 whats the significance?

GM gifted me a name: Pure Karma 净业. Karma is of that of the body[action], mouth[speech], thoughts[mindset].三昧业。
Karma's nature is dependent on our thoughts, speech and action.


We were talking about aging, Ms Y said to me: you will only get younger & younger.

Haha! this one had me stunt for a moment!

I remembered I shared in Seattle Temple on the 7 Nov 2009 during my Dharma speech something about longevity medicine and my becoming 30years younger in a dream hours after I took refuge.
In that dream, I was 30 years younger and surrounded by a large group of people asking for Longevity medicine while GM looks on and kept smiling at me.
Haha! I also revealed what is the Longevity Medicine.
[I posted that speech on this blogspot about 2months ago, if you are interested about details.]

I would like to point out that what Ms Y sees is different from what some others can see.
Lets keep that for the next session, shall we?

Pure Karma Vihara

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

22-3-2011 Spiritual Realm 灵界 [3]-Tainted Food 残食

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome.
Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

Ms Y that I met again after many years.
She is now very much into the Spiritual Realm & communicate & see spirits. 通灵。

Well many fellow Dharma Students are very hype-up about raising spirit.起灵。

Haha! Sad to disappoint you all, raising your spirit brings lots of sufferings and NOT POWER to show off.

Shall I start to disillusion you all? Well, I am prepared to have you all throw rotten eggs & etc at me anyway. Hehe! Here goes!!!!

Dr H wants to celebrate my birthday & invited me to her clinic. Ms Y suddenly came for a visit without prior notice.
Dr H bought fruits salads, sushi, Bread-wraps of various ingredients and we had good old Chinese tea.

Before we eat, Ms Y said: " 'They' are here and I really don't like them to lick my food & then leave their saliva on my food. I lost appetite and gave up eating."

Haha! well, I taught her to chant Om Ah Hum to purify the food & then offer to Divinities and then visualize the transformation of offerings in form of rain-like white light showering upon all beings of the 6-realms. Told her to visualize the light getting brighter, means offerings received with great joy.

Guess what? She said she saw not just white light but rainbow light & 'they' left happily after receiving the offerings.

See how great and effective GM's teachings are? Thanks a million our beloved GM.

We started to eat and chat for another 2 hours.
There's more interesting tit-bits to share next.

Have you enjoy this article? Stay tune!

Pure Karma Vihara

22-3-2011 Light Orbs 光球

Please go and read these




2009-04-25 蓮生活佛開示~無上正等正覺是般若










佛能夠跟十方佛一起出現,十方佛一起灌頂,這個才是真正實修最高的境界。※全文連結 真佛網路中文網


Haha! Indeed a very interesting topic that interest lots of us.

From the pageviews on this blog since I posted the photos of light orbs taken during Lotus Light Charity function, many of us truly wants to know about them.

Keep an open mind though.

Make sure you listen to GM closely.

Pure Karma Vihara

22-3-2011 Zen stories - Scorpions 毒蝎

I found this article somewhere in my files. This is about 5years old.
Haha! I like it very much then & still do. Enjoy!!!

Realisation: The Nature to Sting Vs the Nature to Save

One who greatly helps another despite being greatly harmed is a great fool or a great Bodhisattva. - stonepeace

Here is a wonderful Zen story to share... Two monks were washing their bowls by a river, when they spotted a scorpion about to drown. Without hesitation, one scooped it up with his hand and laid it on the land, getting stung while doing so. When he resumed washing his bowl, the scorpion fell in again. The same monk again saved the scorpion, and was again stung.
The other monk asked in great surprise, "Why continue saving it when its nature is to sting?" The first monk replied, "Because it's my nature to save." Whenever this story is told, listeners are usually either touched by the first monk's relentless and unconditional compassion, or baffled by his "unrepentant stupidity". How does it affect you?

Is the first monk with great compassion but lacking in wisdom? Well, to prevent being bitten, he could have used his bowl to scoop the scorpion? And he could have placed the scorpion further away from the river? That would be utilising appropriate skilful means to "better save" the scorpion. When one means is proven faulty, another means should be used.
Is the second monk with some wisdom but lacking in compassion? Perhaps he was considering his safety too selfishly to think of risking a small selfless act?
Thus should compassion and wisdom go hand in hand on the Bodhisattva path of helping other beings. True wisdom is knowing how to be compassionate effectively, and true compassion is to be wise effectively. 悲智双运!

Though a suddenly 'provoked' scorpion might sting, it does not always sting, doing so only when it thinks it is being harmed instead of helped.
Thus, its nature to sting is actually impermanent, as the scorpion is "empty" of any fixed traits.
The scorpion also refers to the unthankful people we help.
Mindful that no one is permanently of the nature to 'sting', why not carry on helping?

It is undying compassion that cannot bear to see others in pain, that never gives up lending a hand, that eventually touches and transforms the ungrateful.

Even if it fails to, the joy from being kind is a reward!
When we practise compassion despite it often being a thankless "job", without expecting any gratitude, while even open to the possibility of being harmed, then surely, this is true compassion in action.

But remember to apply true wisdom too! - Shen Shi'an[Writer of this statement is well versed in Buddhist Philosophy and he is editor and author for many interesting and easy to digest articles on philosophy of life = Buddhist philosophy]

Pure Karma Vihara

Monday, March 21, 2011

21-3-2011 Spiritual Realm 灵界 [2]-Fish Net Charm 渔网降

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome.
Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

This is someone[Y] I met about 6 years ago & I happened to meet her again this weekend.
She is a friend of my learned friend[H] who has a Master in Buddhist Philosophy.
Our First meeting- I attended a [H]friend’s clinic for treatment of aches on left shoulder.
Y was there sitting chatting to H. I sat down and we had a lovely conversation going, suddenly Y said to me: Don’t be scared, I saw 2 spirits followed you into this clinic. They are still here.
I started looking for someone who can help me with the spirits.
Found one through my brother’s business associates in Masai, Johor. The master did some ritual and delivered the spirits somewhere. My shoulder ache eased.

Some 3months later, I started to have heavy bleeding and the specialist I frequent and another 2 said I had lots of growths, & a big one is about 9cm by 3cm. They all recommended surgery. My blood showed high possibility of cancer too. I had high fever and no known cause as well.

As I was pondering surgery, my mother said her friend has cancer and treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine and she recovered. So I started TCM. About 2months later I had an urge to redo all the cancer marker test & etc.
To my surprise, the test all turn out negatives & the specialist can’t find the growths they saw 2months back.

That spooked me. Something tell me, things are not what they seem.
Through my financial consultant’s friend, D, who made appointment for me to consult a master alleged to be very powerful. He took about 3months to ‘heal’ me.

YES! Someone close to me set some evil stuff to harm me! WHY! Money!
Making me too ill to care for business this person took the cash and control of the company with a group of my shareholders.
I later found out what they did to me.

Shown below is a charm. Notice the fishes are all stringed by red thread and gold beads separated them or hold them in place. There's a ring with 5 partition[5 elements] and all the strings of fishes are tied to this ring. The ring is actually a Power Wheel controlling the fishes, locked in place by the gold beads. Fishes here are person the one paying some masters to help control or harm.

Haha! Thanks to their evil intention to harm and steal from me, I gave up the business world and moved into early retirement and now full time lama.

I am more happy than when I was big boss & calling the shots.

Thank you GM for saving me.

Pure Karma Vihara

21-2-2011 Fire Puja @ 2 April 2011 6pm

Venue: 23 New Indusrial Road. S 536209

All welcome. Please register with Lotus helen: 98584256

Don't miss this event again.

The above is a package for Ching Ming. Cost $38/pack.
Contains an Edict 令牌 for dedication to one name individual / family
We will get them bless by GM & Divinities during fire puja and then offer them or you can get them and offer at your choice.

Pure Karma Vihara

21-3-2011 Spiritual Realm 灵界 [1] - Prajna/Spirit Light Orbs 般若、灵光

Please note that this is my point of view, you may choose to differ and all comments and input welcome. Please read with an open mind and also with lightness of heart. Enjoy!

This photo was captured by Lotus Helen on 19-3-2011 after Fire Puja.
The amazing thing is the lights in the photo still blinking all the while you look at it.
This one has an orb for a head with ears and shining yellow-gold eyes and under higher resolution you can see the body adorned in "Ching" dynasty kind of imperial attire.

[My mom said after she visited Palace of the "Ching" in Beijing that Dowager Empress Ci Xi and her paternal Grandma looks very alike. So can this be one of my ancestors? Haha! There are a lineage of Court officials in her paternal ancestry.}

This is a little different from Light Orbs we captured frequently whereby we see a head or a blurred image of heads or in Prajna orbs, we see statues of Divinities.

Now these lots of light orbs - there are some that are brighter and larger in diameter, they are those with higher Energy Level which corresponded to more meritorious level.
These Merits are another interesting topic to explore. Haha! Not Now!

Some time back, Lotus Raymond sent me an article about Light Orbs and that one has Celtic links.

Please keep the MIND OPEN throughout. HAHA!

The Million Dollar Question is why are they appearing all around me? Also those that are cultivating with me?

Lotus Helen said she invited them to come join us in Jakarta's Anggrek Mall where GM did book signing or somewhere she is going to.
Lotus Chris said he went to family gathering inviting his ancestors to join the party.
Before I left my residence, I report to GM and all Divinities what I am going to do and please bless us, so everything will be auspicious and fulfilled.
I also talked my Earth God and neighboring ones to come along and have fun. These include Deities & Spirits.[神灵众].
Some are those that we have bardo delivered on various occasions at Nirvana & etc and they become protectors staying by our sides to assist us on our Boddhi Path. Bizzare? Unbelievable?

GM said: Up to you to believe or not. 师尊说:信不信由你!

Thus the big party of Light Orbs in various degree of brightness came along and have fun and also basked in GM's & all Divinities' wise and compassionate blessings.


Pure Karma Vihara

Sunday, March 20, 2011

20-3-2011 Lotus Light happy Hour 华光欢乐时间

The above attended by senior citizens from Bukit Merah; York hill & Henderson Estates & not forgetting the volunteers that fold lotuses daily at Lotus Light Charity.

Attended by Venerable Lian Jian, Quan Gen, Lotuschef.

It also happens to be my birthday & we had birthday celebrations too.

From the time we were singing Happy Birthday there were Light Orbs captured on camera.

Most Grateful to Our Beloved GM for blessing this event too.

I will let the photos tell their own stories.

Each invited guest went home with a Goodies Bag.

This shows the regulars that came & help fold Lotuses.

What a wonderful time we had!
Please come join us next time.

Pure Karma Vihara

Friday, March 18, 2011

18-3-2011 大救难咒 Great Disaster/Calamity Saving Mantra

ta zi za za la 。ta zi lu luo li 。ma ha lu luo li 。a la mo la 。duo la 。soha 。
这是大救难咒 - 如果同修念OK。 个人念记得求师尊灌顶。 善心可嘉,可不要不如法哦!

I put up the above about a week ago on facebook of TBS group.

I am sure many of you have noticed that all over the world, TBS students are calling the mass to chant this mantra for Japan's recent Natural disaster.

Someone called me yesterday and asked whether I am leading session in chanting this mantra.
As I have written into Facebook, it is OK to chant this mantra in group session as an act of Boddicitta. To better ensure that your mantra are more effective, GM's empowerment transfer is ideal.

In Sicheng Temple Singapore, we have chanted this mantra after main cultivation program as a standard item for quite some time. I would like to clarify this statement. I am sure that we do that for Thursday & Friday night sessions, I am not sure for the Tuesday and Wednesday ones.

I have also shared with those present how to visualize when chanting this mantra.

Of course this is my own visualization, & you, the reader, may choose to differ.


1. Visualize both hands outstretch 'heaven'-wards - both hands become a beam of strong white light. We are humbly pleading with GM and all Divinities to go save victims of disaster.

2. When our beam of light connects with GM & all, we yoga with them.

3. After this yoga process, we in turn direct the power {light} to the disaster area in any forms we chose.

Example: Transformation into large hands to 'dig' for people buried under the rubbles;
into water to put out fire; into Lotuses to deliver to Pureland; ....

Anything you can think of that may help, your Boddhicitta with GM's & all will make things work.

I believe this is what GM said during Kalachakra Event in Sydney - 任运 situational responsive action.

Try it or use your own, whatever your compassionate & caring heart can think of, can be used.

Happy Chanting!

Hi Lian Chu Fashi,
here i found a notice from TBF soon after the 2004 Tsunami regarding the recitation of Great Disaster Relief Mantra. We are indeed need an empowerment to recite Great Disaster Relief Mantra.
Here is link for chinese language:
and here is in English:

Pure Karma Vihara

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

16-3-2011 Offerings to Ancestors/Karmic Negatives

Dear all,
The following are available for praying to ancestors and also Karmic Negatives.
Orders welcome.
Standard requirement - one unit of Bundle incense, one unit of lotuses and one unit of Pagodas.
The number of units you may like to offer of each item depend on your choice.
One Edict/符 per bundle - this is to ensure that the named person/group receive your dedication/offerings.

Place orders with the following:

Jingye : +65 96837009 /

Helen : +65 98584256 /

For Mail orders, postage charges applies.

Alternatively, give us details of ancestor - names and where their tablet/ashes are.
The one doing the dedication - name & address.
We will do the offerings together with our chanting dedication sessions.

Payment By Cash only.
Overseas orders - please place enquiries re-payment mode.

Pure Karma Vihara

16-3-2011 Religious Belief Conflicts 宗教信仰的纠纷

Buddha’s aim when he gave up his Royal possessions was to seek a way to save all sentient beings from Sufferings.
If we all study the various religious Guru/Prophet/Messenger, we will arrive at the same target, that is to save all sentient beings and let them all live a Happy life free from Sufferings.

Now those that reduce others religious beliefs because they think theirs is the Best & most Righteous, they are the ones that create Sufferings for self and all those around them.
I humbly suggest that if you fall within this category, please go study what other religion is teaching and liberate yourself.

Most common factor in all is that we are all Brothers & Sisters and must live Harmoniously together and those that are more well off to help those that are less endowed. Equates to Charity.

Caring for all sentient beings and prioritizing their needs before self is Boddhicitta.
An essential 'ingredient' for all sentient beings.

A very shocking piece of news is that a daughter forced her mother to be baptized and forbade her to have any connections to the Buddhist Chapter which she has taken refuge with for many years. The daughter threatened to disown her mother and chase her out of the house, rendering her mother homeless.

Likewise when a certain religious body declares that they are authentic and others are fakes, then they are the fakes!

Religious Harmony is important and in this era, many are educated and can discern what is what, it is therefore very sad to hear of religious discrimination.

A fellow Dharma Student had such an experience. She was doing brisk business with one monastery but upon knowing she is not Mahayana but Tantrayana, the monastery immediately terminated business relationship with her. Sources said that the Abbot of the monastery made this decision.
Haha! Looks are very very deceiving???

The Abbot of a monastery is ‘supposed’ to be very well versed in Buddha’s teachings, correct?
Well, my advice is to not put too much weight on what you can see only & what preconceived ‘knowledge’ that is drummed into you.

If we all follow this Abbot, we are being led further & further away from Buddha, do you agree?

If there is Discrimination from any Buddhist related sectors, then they are fakes as Buddha teaches Equality in all and everyone is the same. There is No Discrimination amongst all sentient beings, be they visible or invisible.

Use Buddha’s 8-fold noble path in your everyday life. You will live a better life whatever your religious belief and you will also make all around you happy too.

Pure Karma Vihara

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stealing Life's Essence 盗精气

Terjemahan Indonesia: Mencuri Intisari Kehidupan

This article is found on page 18 of the above book.
Title : 捉梦中魘鬼 Catch Ghost that frightened & suppressed in Dream

Gm was invited to see geomancy of this residence.
Upon completion, the host made tea and called his son to pay respects to GM.

GM noticed that he is like a walking corpse. After greeting GM he turned around and return to his room.
The host told GM that his son has undergone great changes, from a top scholar and athlete to the present state and always stays in his room and don't go out too.

GM pressed Spirit light and the spiritual eyes sighted a beautiful lady walking towards him.

THe spirit said: Living Buddha, please excuse me as I am a water-flow ghost and need his Yang Energy/Essence, then can survive.

GM: you steal his Essence every night?

Spirit: Yes.

GM: I really do not want to make things difficult for you but the Host invited me and I really need to complete my mission. I am in a difficout position here, what can I do?

Spirit: I know that Living Budhha has 3 great Dharma order, and I can't win against you. Please let me live, I hereby beg you.

GM,Spirit light beams, said: My temple in Seattle has a tree, you can go into it and at least the host's son you can let him off.

Spirit smile: Order received!
She left in a stream of smoke.

The host's son recovered after that and return to normal state of cheerfulness and health.
THe minus part is that the tree in seattle's temple slowly decayed and died.
Real powerful!!


Quite scary???
This is quite similar to the previous story from 13-3-2011 Power of mantra [1].

The greyish green thingy is actually ghostly spirit, like a dirty greenish translucent shapeless form.
I have seen one person like that on 28 April 2006 in Family Court & that creepy feeling still can remember till now.
Also my friends noticed that his nail-beds have a round black circle on all of them.

The other one I saw was a lady that came to temple with her sister who has health problem, the ghost, a greyish-green translucent form, sort of hover around her. YUKS!!

Another occasion was when I first return home and having dinner with a couple. Both of them were engulfed by a dirty-green sort of translucent structure. Haha! When I left for Seattle they were fine. Somehow something sort of got to both of them in the span of the 3 months I am away.

There are more but these will suffice for now. Haha! Don't want to give you all out there NIGHTMARES!!!

Anyway, GM has many ways to deal with all these amicably, ensuring no harm results to any beings.

Trust GM?? YES! YES! YES!

Pure Karma Vihara

Monday, March 14, 2011

14-3-2011 Karma Returns 姻缘果报

I received a call from a lady referred by a friend of mine this afternoon.
She said she needs me to go look at her house because she feels it is haunted.
It seems a geomancer claiming to be the student of a famous Theravada monk renown for geomancy skills told her that the house is haunted and ask her to get rid of the earth god tablet and shrine.
She sounded very distressed and seems the family are sick or left home because of disagreements.

She said felt someone sitting on her bed often but didn't see anyone.

It is hard to get 'history' from her until I put direct questions to her.

Haha! Got it!
Child spirits! She had a few abortions and did not know that she has to send them to pureland.

Haha! My medical training came in useful!

And of course Buddha's 8-fold path from the 4th Noble Truth.

Dear readers, if you have friends that had abortions and did not do anything about Bardo Deliverance, please ask them to seek help to settle the Child Spirits.
Those that aborted because of poor health and not intentionally do not want them, easier to negotiate.
Abortion cause the fetus' body to be dismembered into many parts.
Their spirits sometimes get caught by unscrupulous practitioners, casting them into pendants/statues, and forcing them to work.
Guess how resentful they are that you killed them on purpose!

Sometimes negotiation can sooth them, and they are willing to be delivered to Pureland, but the irreversible damages they done to the family can be catastrophic.

Karma does return as they are the results of your own deeds.

Do not create any Negative Karma please.

Earth God - GM said they are often your own ancestors that have some merits but not enough to be in Heaven so they become Earth god. Why get rid of them when it is not their fault?
Taking good care of them, they truly help to care for you and your family.

Geomancy?? Well, I do not encourage anyone to get too attach to this. As excessive become superstitious and also Buddha said that nothing is permanent. The aura of your house changes constantly and it is you that affects the aura of your house, so most times looking at you and family members is enough to settle whatever 'unsmooth' situations.

Haha! Cultivate Boddhicitta and your path will be smoothen day by day.

PS** Gm did not teach me how to read Fengshui (geomancy). So please pass word round that I am not able to see fengshui & don't ask me to go to your house or your friend's house. I can only teach you what GM has taught me, and that is cultivation of True Buddha's Yoga.

Pure Karma Vihara

14-3-2011 Nuclear Leak - please take precaution!!!

Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants.

Asian countries should take necessary precautions.

If rain comes, remain indoors first 24hrs.

Close doors & windows.

Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first.

Take extra precautions.

Radiation may hit Phillipine at startng 4pm today.

Pls inform your loved ones.

Pure karma Vihara

14-3-2011 Information that might be useful to you

Special dates for Divinities

正月初一 彌勒菩薩聖誕
正月初九 玉皇大天尊聖誕
二月初二 福德正神千秋
二月初八 釋迦牟尼佛聖誕
二月初十 蓮生活佛出家
二月十五 釋迦牟尼佛涅槃
二月十五 九天玄女聖誕
二月十九 觀音菩薩聖誕
二月廿一 普賢菩薩聖誕
三月初三 玄天上帝聖誕
三月十六 準提佛母聖誕
三月廿三 天上聖母聖誕
四月初四 文殊菩薩聖誕
四月初八 釋迦佛聖誕
四月十四 呂祖師純陽聖誕
四月廿八 藥王菩薩聖誕
五月十八 蓮生活佛聖誕
六月初三 韋陀菩薩聖誕
六月十九 觀音菩薩成道
六月廿四 伽藍尊者聖誕
七月初十 蓮華生大士聖誕
七月十三 大勢至菩薩聖誕
七月十四 龍樹菩薩聖誕
七月十八 瑤池金母聖誕
七月三十 地藏王菩薩聖誕
八月初四 多聞天王聖誕
八月廿二 燃燈佛聖誕
九月初九 摩利支天菩薩聖誕
九月初九 斗母星君聖誕
九月初九 中壇元師千秋
九月十九 觀音菩薩出家
九月三十 藥師佛聖誕
十一月十七 阿彌陀佛聖誕
十二月初八 釋迦佛成道日
十二月廿九 華嚴菩薩聖誕

Pure Karma Vihara

14-3-2011 Vajra master LianYue conducting Usnisa Vijaya Event

Received SMS - append below



The above event is organised by LZS Singapore located at Lorong 19 Geylang Road from 23-3-2011 to 26-3-2011 daily at 8pm and 27-3-2011 @2.30pm at Fu Qing Hui Kuan located off Jalan Beaar Road.

Please note that on 23-3-2011 there is celebration of Avalokitesvara's special day
[二月十九 觀音菩薩聖誕] and on
26-3-2011, the event is fire puja & the Principal is Padmakumara.

This vajra master is a diligent & compassionate yogi & upholds GM teachings staunchly.

Don't miss any of her sessions when she comes our way.

Pure Karma Vihara

Sunday, March 13, 2011

13-3-2011 Power of Mantra 咒的魔力 【2】

Subject: Re: Something strange...
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 16:07:37 +0800
Haha. Actually GM's mantra is faster. With your power u can blast them to smithereens. Everyday do armor protection. Bring column of white light down n engulf u. Then form dark blue light in cyclonic form constantly surrounding n churning non stop. So whatever come near get thrown very far away.
> Chant : Om Bo ru LAN Che Li x 7
> Gm: Om guru lian sheng siddhi hum
> Zun sheng : Om prom so ha. Om amita ayula ta tay so ha.
> Blue purple is Jingang protecting u.
> Peacock king- Mayura: Om Tiga lala soha. Golden peacock form a golden shield around u.
Do hm work pls. Chant GM's mantra whenever u hv time silently n visualise him smiling at u.

We try not to harm any beings. So try to encase them in blue-purple fireballs n not harm them or zunsheng n GM's white dazzling light.

Haha. Relax. U don't know u hv this kind of power which can be use for good purpose.
It's strong n hv a care who u hit with it.
Enjoy yr trip. Rest assure that GM won't let anything happen to u.

Sent: 13 March 2011 20: 10PM

Oops, yeah actually I was chanting GM's mantra.
=D Yes, it worked very quickly. I hope I didn't hurt the "thingy".
It's just that when I was surprised/ scared by it like that,
I did the first thing that came to mind =D I don't exactly remember what the Jin gang did.

I don't know that I have power, but I tried to call upon GM's,
cause I know that he definitely does! =D

Will be travelling home tomorrow, get back to P.... on Wednesday. =)
'Talk' again soon!
Love, M.


All of us have to thank our most Compassionate GM for always being with us.
There truly is Power in Mantra as GM said.
As long as you believe in GM 100% everything will work out fine.

With GM's presence, the greyish-green thingy won't come to too much harm.
Haha! be diligent & cultivate well. Do not waste GM's efforts to teach us & save us.

PS** I wish to point out that whatever/whoever with unfriendly/harmful intentions will get blasted away according to the degree of their negative intentions.

pure Karma Vihara

13-3-2011 Power of Mantra 咒的魔力 【1】

Sent: 12 March 2011 20: 57PM

Hi mom!
I'm in Florida at the moment and it's COLD! =D There was frost/ ice all over the car this morning and all around the paddocks. Didn't feel it inside the house because we had the heater going so that kept us nice and warm. Really enjoying this experience.

Wanted to report something to you though.

Last night, about 2 or 3 hours I think, after I'd fallen asleep, I felt this strange pressure sort of crawling up me and settling on my chest. And as it came up higher, I thought I could hear it hissing in a low creepy voice or multiple creepy voices, something to the effect that I should leave or I wasn't welcome something like that. Anyway, it didn't feel at all friendly.

My breathing started becoming a little difficult because of the pressure on my chest, and my brain started getting foggy. I didn't open my eyes though as I was afraid of what I would see, but I mentally started chanting the "Zun Sheng Zou" over and over again. And about 5 to 7 repetitions, I felt the pressure lifting, and in my third eye, I thought I saw this greyish-green, irregular shape get blasted away by a pretty blue-purple round fireball (the fireballs I usually see).

Shortly after this, I thought I saw in my third eye the back of Grand Master in his Long Pao and ceremonial Hat. [Grateful to GM for saving me.]

I was kind of shaken and continued to chant the Zou all night and 
I also envisioned blue lights forming a protective cylinder around me and I tried extending this cylinder/ bubble all around the house to also protect my roommate - 
but I don't know that I did any good.

The only thing I know is that the heavy feeling didn't come back that night and I chanted the Zou in my head all night until I fall asleep.

What do you make of it? Is it possible to explain or find out what I came across?

Tonight, I think I'll chant the Zou and do the envisioning until I fall asleep again. Do you think I'm doing the right thing? Anything else that I can do.
I only can remember short Zou-s.
Love, M.

寄于:12 – 3 – 2011 下午8:57
嗨妈妈!我现在佛罗里达。天气很冷,车和草地上都扑满霜/雪。在室内感觉不到因为开着暖炉, 我们都很温暖。








我试着把这筒状/泡延伸到全宅来保护我的同房 – 可我不知我有做到吗。




Pure Karma Vihara