Sunday, July 31, 2016

Penagih Hutang Karma

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 31 Juli 2016
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 冤亲债主 Karmic Negatives

Baca juga:

Yang satu adalah paket untuk musuh karma – untuk memberi sumber daya bagi para musuh karma – mengapa melakukan hal ini?

Yang satu lagi adalah persembahan kepada para dewata atas nama para musuh karmamu – mengapa melakukan hal ini?


[--- Hi sayang,
Sarana (lindungan) untuk para musuh karma – berarti semua musuh karma dari berbagai kehidupan lampau dan saat ini.
Jadi seorang arwah laki-laki dan 2 orang arwah perempuan sudah termasuk di dalam sarana tersebut, begitu juga saat kamu memberikan persembahan kepada mereka, ataupun atas nama mereka kepada para dewata.

Karma burukmu berat hingga wajahmu telah mengalami perubahan saat pertama kali aku bertemu denganmu.

Tapi dengan menghadiri upacara yang dipimpin Mahaguru Lu di Taiwan dan sepertinya juga sering hadir di rumah ibadah setempat, serta cukup cerdas, kuharap kamu bisa belajar hal-hal yang diperlukan untuk menyucikan dirimu.

Aku samar-samar ingat wajah suamimu, dan karma buruknya tidak seberat dirimu.

Sebenarnya, bersadhana adalah metode penyelamatan bagimu; dan kamu harus melakukannya dengan rutin dengan pemahaman yang benar akan tiap-tiap langkah di dalamnya.

Memberi persembahan kepada musuh karma tentunya akan membantumu untuk “mengajak mereka duduk bersama dan bermusyawarah”!
Mengenai bagaimana meyakinkan mereka akan ketulusanmu, itu terserah padamu.

DAN, kamu tak bisa hanya melakukannya sekali atau dua kali saja dan kemudian berpikir kalau masalahmu telah terselesaikan!

Seperti yang Mahaguru Lu katakan, “bersadhana adalah dilakukan seumur hidup!”

Dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari, kita semua menciptakan dosa-dosa baru, baik yang secara sadar ataupun tak disadari dilakukan.

Oleh karenanya memerlukan sadhana pertobatan dan persembahan yang dilakukan setiap hari untuk mengendalikan karma buruk yang kita perbuat, hanya bila kita Melakukan Sadhananya dengan Benar!

Dan, bila beruntung, kita mungkin juga bisa sedikit mengurangi jumlah karma buruk kita dengan setiap sadhana yang dilakukan!

Solusi masalah ada di tanganmu sendiri.

Salam. ---]


Di atas ini adalah balasan surat kepada seorang murid yang mengalami masalah dengan para musuh karmanya.

Paket persembahan untuk musuh karma seharga $88/pak, direkomendasikan untuk: 
mereka yang masalah dengan para musuh karmanya gagal diselesaikan lewat usaha sendiri;
mereka yang biasanya baru mulai bersadhana – untuk membantu mereka “menyelesaikan hutang karma & memulai lembaran baru”;
mereka yang tak mampu menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang diakibatkan oleh karma buruknya – seperti bayi, anak kecil, orang tua dan mereka yang tak mampu bersadhana karena masalah medis atau cacat.

Memberikan persembahan kepada para Musuh Karma bisa membantu “melunakkan” hati mereka, supaya setidaknya mau mendengarkan permintaan maafmu ketika persembahanmu cukup tulus di mata mereka.
Tidak ada gunanya kalau mereka tak siap untuk mengampunimu meski hanya sesaat saja.
Jadi bentuk persembahannya harus berupa sumber daya yang mereka idamkan atau butuhkan!

Persembahan teratai individual yang dipersiapkan oleh Pure Karma, adalah untuk dipersembahkan kepada para Dewata, memohon Berkat kesejahteraan!

COBALAH DIRENUNGKAN: Ketika kamu lapar, bisakah Berkat memenuhi perutmu (membuatmu kenyang)?
Bagi para arwah, kita perlu memuaskan kebutuhan materi mereka terlebih dulu, biarkan mereka menjadi senang sehingga mau mendengarkan atau bernegosiasi dengan kita!

Aku ingat pernah mendaftkarkan Sarana untuk musuh-musuh karma seseorang yang bukan murid/umat di upacara hari Waisak.
Apa yang terjadi?
Arwah-arwah itu kemudian mendatangi dan menanyaiku kenapa mereka dipaksa berlindung (bersarana) padahal musuh karma mereka malahan tidak!
Oh betapa marahnya mereka!

Kuberitahu mereka bahwa Bersarana kepada Mahaguru Lu, seorang Buddha Hidup, bagaikan mendapatkan Paspor untuk pergi ke Tanah Suci!
Paket persembahan teratai dan kertas sembahyang untuk sarana, adalah tiket dan sumber daya untuk dipakai!
Jadi, mereka boleh memilih mau menerimanya atau tidak, dan terserah mau pergi ke Tanah Suci atau tidak.
Sama sekali tak ada paksaan! :)

Di Medan baru-baru ini, setelah sesi upacara homa, aku bercakap-cakap dengan orang tua seorang gadis kecil. Aku mengamatinya secara mendetil dan melihat saat arwah yang menempel di dalamnya muncul.
Gelombang berwarna abu-abu kehijauan mulai terlihat di pipi sebelah kanannya, dan ia mulai mengerang “Pain” (sakit).
Saat kuletakkan tanganku di atas gelombang abu-hijau itu, aku meminta musuh karma tersebut supaya mengampuni si anak, berhubung orang tuanya bersedia memberikan persembahan sebagai ungkapan permohonan maaf.
Rasa sakit itu kemudian segera menghilang.

Saat musuh karmamu menunjukkan bahwa mereka mau menerima persembahanmu dan rela memaafkanmu, barulah dan hanya mulai dari saat itu Penyeberangan Bardo akan mereka terima.

Membayar layanan Penyeberangan Bardo untuk mereka tanpa memastikan mereka bersedia memaafkan dan melupakan, sungguhlah tak ada gunanya.

Kamu harus ingat, di salah satu ceramah Mahaguru Lu di Taiwan, beliau mengatakan bahwa ada beberapa arwah yang menolak menaiki perahu dharma yang akan pergi menuju Tanah Suci?

Bila kamu mengikuti seri-seri Musuh Karma yang kutulis di blog ini dan juga ajaran-ajaran dari Mahaguru Lu, menyelesaikan masalah dengan Musuh Karmamu tidaklah susah.

Ingatlah selalu: Tulus dan dengan usahamu sendiri!

Kuharap aku telah menjelaskan dengan topik ini secara menyeluruh dan tak akan menjawab pertanyaan lebih lanjut mengenai topik yang sama. :)

Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

You Gave Life to Your Heart's Demon 你生起了你的心魔!

LL: the soup is from earl grey tea and milk.

AA: oh now that will have a fragrant smell of bergamot 💟

LL: hehe! real fragrant lol
and with strips of red chilli too!
the flavors of sweet, sour, bitter, spicy!
and the colors too is attractive.

 Above: Steam Minced pork with lots of garnishes!

 Above: Rice with spinach, pumpkins & lean pork stir fry in soy sauce.

Above: Angel's hair spaghetti!

Above: At a Full month party this afternoon!


What am I trying to tell you?

I want to say that I eat and play like most!
I want to say that whatever you "Deemed" as Lotuschef in which you Fired missiles at, all didn't hit target!

This is advice I gave to many in sales and marketing and from my own experiences in the Business Arena.

To be successful, one must know one's product extremely well.
Rival or Rivals?
Don't exist!

Before you go into "battles", you created rival or rivals that you perceived have power or ability to harm you!
Hahaha! YES!
You gave life to your own heart's demon that only distract your focus or concentration on what you are going to face!

For example:
A client said to me that so and so has a similar product (In-dash DVD player) that is USD 20 less than mine.
I asked him what he is looking for as to performance expected from my product!
I told him that I use a shock absorbing mechanism for the DVD deck and High Quality LCD screen from renown suppliers.
 I went on to show him the specifications of the screen and the shock absorbing mechanism......
Finally, I told him that if he can find another that is exactly the same, then he can go ahead and get the cheaper product.

He came back a week later and bought from me without bargaining.

Sources fed me the info that his clients were angry that the product he sold to them don't work and they wasted their time to have the product installed and then again having it removed!

The rival's set were sent back to repair and dead silence after that.

The USD 20 difference in price is a huge saving in the long run because the cheaper set is junk to be thrown away after a few day of use!

Dear all, before you start a war or join a war, be wise and refrain from doing so without Wisdom of Discernment!

AND, most important, A Genuine Buddha's student will never enter or instigate a WAR unto anyone!

Knowing Buddha Dharma well, you will never give birth to your Heart Demon or allow anyone else to breathe life into yours too!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

冤亲债主 Karmic Negatives

Terjemahan Indonesia: Penagih Hutang Karma

Also read:

One is a karmic pack - it gives resources to your karmic foes - why do it?

One is an offering to divinities on behalf of your karmic foes - why do it?


[--- Hi dear,
in karmic refuge - means all karmic of this n past lifetimes.

so your one male & 2 female spirits are all included in the refuge as well as when u do offering or dedication to them or on their behalf to divinities.

Your karmic negatives is high because you have facial changes already in place when I first met you.

But as you are attending GM Lu's event in taiwan n seems a regular at local chapters, and also pretty smart, I hope you can learn the necessary to clean yourself.

I vaguely remember your hubby's look, and his is not as heavy as yours though.

Actually, cultivation is your salvation and you should do so regularly with true understanding of each step of cultivation

Offering to karmic of course will help you "Bring them to the table to talk"!
As to how to convince them of your sincerity, all up to you.

AND, you can't just do so for once or twice and think your problem solved!

As per GM Lu, cutlivation is for life!

In daily life, we all create fresh sins, knowingly or unknowingly.

Therefore, daily practice of repentance and dedication is needed to keep our karmic negative level in check only, if we Do it Right!

And, if we are lucky, we might be able to also reduce a little of our karmic negative level with each practice!

The solution lies in your own hands.

Cheers ---]


The above is in reply to yet another student who has problem with Karmic negatives.

The Karmic pack that is $88 each, is what is recommended to: 
those that has problems with karmic foes that failed to be resolved with self-efforts; 
those that newly step into cultivation - to help them to "Clear debts & start with a clean slate";
those that are unable to resolve karmic negative problems - like infants, young child, elderly and those that can't cultivate because of medical problems or deformities.

Offering to Karmic negatives, can help to "softened" them to at least listen to your apologies when your offering is sincere enough to them.
There is no point if they are not prepared to even spare you a moment.
So offering needs to be resources that they crave or need!

The individual lotus offering that Pure Karma prepares, is for offering to Divinities which is requesting for blessing for well being!

THINK: When you are hungry, can blessing fill your tummy?
To spirits, we need to appease or satisfy their material needs first, to put them in a happy mindset to listen or negotiate with us!

I remember registering some non-students' karmic negatives for refuge one Vesak day event.
Guess what?
They came later to question me as to why they are forced to take refuge when their karmic foes don't!
O! They were real angry too!

I told them that Taking Refuge with GM Lu, a Living Buddha, is like getting a Passport to travel to Pureland!
The lotus and incense offering package for the refuge are their air-ticket and resources to spend!
Therefore, they can choose to accept the offering or not, and to board and travel to Pureland or not too.
No force at all! :)

After the Homa session in Medan recently, as I was talking to the parents of a little girl, I was looking at her closely and watching the spirit surfaced.
A grey-greenish wave appeared on her right cheek and she immediately cried out saying "Pain".
As I placed my hand over the grey-green wave, I asked the karmic foe to please spare the kid, and her parents are going to do offering to apologise.
The pain went away then.

When your karmic foes show acceptance of your offering and willing to forgive you, Then and only then, will Bardo Deliverance be accepted by them.

Paying for and doing Bardo Deliverance for them without first ensuring that they are ready to forgive and forget, will serve no purpose.

Remember that GM Lu said during a speech in Taiwan, that some spirits just refused to board the Dharma boats to Pureland?

If you have been following my articles on Karmic Foes and also GM Lu's teachings, resolving your Karmic negative problem is really not that difficult.

Remember, Sincere and your own efforts!

I hope I thoroughly explained this topic and will not answer further queries on the same again. :)

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, July 30, 2016

那里不一样 What's the Difference? [B] - Mind Training

Continue from: 

AA: Oh the mean difference is - speed!
Actually the final objective is the same.
Eg from Singapore to KL
One can choose to walk, take car, bus or plane.
Eventually still can reach KL. But plane is still the

LL: nah! u went off the point liao! :)

AA: $88 is I offer direct to my KF..
$15 I m offering to divines not to my KF direct

LL: Hahaha!
look thru what you wrote again
you went on a long route and still didn't define the differences & purpose or usage clearly.

The cost $$$ should not detract you.

One is a karmic pack - it gives resources to your karmic foes - why do it?

One is an offering to divinities on behalf of your karmic foes - why do it?

These are basics or fundamentals that One need to know and practice to advance in cultivation.

All from Resource Path - the very basic that one needs to learn, understand and USE.

The Mind Training process that I led you through is like a test and you failed! :)

I shared how to approach a Problem using the 4 Noble Truths.
Time to go and study this first teaching of Sakyamuni Buddha liao.

Dear all,
understand why a cultivator should study Mahayana's teachings for at least 12 years before advancing into Vajrayana practices?

The Basics topics are from 4 Noble Truths; Karma's definitions; Boddhicitta; .....

Learn, understand and use! 

Body speech mind!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, July 28, 2016

那里不一样 What's the Difference? [A] - Mind Training


Please read :
三宝或三饱?Triple Gem or Three Fulfil? [A]
Buddha Dharma 佛法 - Use 用

Your eyes have these dark green shaped like spectacles around them, most of the time and I remember telling you about them.
Karmic negatives need to be appease.
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef
AA: Thanks Fashi..
What can I do?

Think: What did I shared with you from the beginning when you came and join us for Fire Puja?
Your Answer: In Resource Path

AA: Thanks Fashi..

那里不一样 What's the Difference?

Read this article and tell me what's your opinion between the Karmic packs of $88 each and the lotus offering on behalf of Karmic that is $15 each, other than the price difference.
This will help you with your karmic negatives! :)

AA: Fashi, I would think the karmic packs come with more resources that our karmic negatives will benefit from. To price it at $88 is also to help individual to practice 舍. Some many choose the cheaper package to offer in the form of many names. Which is also not wrong. It is after all a good intention, but may not be the best option.

However, back to basic, we still need to make peace with our karmic negatives and give them the opportunities to learn about Buddhism. Not every karmic negatives are prepared/ready to go pure land. In case if they don't, at least we still provide them with the necessary resources to bring them joy.

We cannot force/control them to forgive us. But we can show them the sincerity of we care for them and wants them good.

LL: Hi dear
You still didn't pinpoint the difference! :)
Think and let me know again.

AA: $88 - still focus on self
$15 - do it for other beings

LL: not really.
who is the subject here?

AA: Hmm subject is the negative karmic

LL: then???
Think in terms of your Karmic foes and you! :)

AA: Can I say $88 is for urgent cases?
If one has been regularly dedicate to his karmic negative, then he may not need the $88

LL: hehe! U are getting close! :)

Can any of you help this student?
Or like him, you also do not know how to explain the difference in usage of the karmic pack & individual lotus offering?

For those that have been following my blog from the beginning or reading from the beginning or cultivating with me for sometime, you didn't notice that I have a certain system to guide you from the First step and aid you advance to subsequent stages!

Fundamentals as in the previous article:
When you don't have or too lazy to build foundation, I am real sorry to tell you that you will never be able to reach Nirvana at all!

The questions asked or hint given, is a guide to help the student think and figure out for himself.
GM Lu instructed me years ago, to stop making things easy and giving answers all the time.
In order to master any technique, One has to learn and figure out for Self! 

I have much experience with giving answers and then discovering that most just didn't bother to think on the answers given, so that they can use these to help self as well as others in similar situations. :)

AND, in entering Maha Perfection & Zen, one has to learn to Pinpoint and Focus on Keys, instead of writing alot to Test the ground or to see whether he is answering correctly or not!

Zen masters don't waste time and words!

I hope that readers will start a regime to help themselves by a step by step Thinking Process as in Lojong or Mind Training, shared by Atisha.

One has to be systematic in order to cultivate well and no short cut or skipping steps too! 

This student needs the karmic packs more than the lotus offering, WHY?

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

根基~传承 Fundamentals ~ Lineage Transmission


The above video has Chinese & English subtitles and is very good material to build fundamentals!

You should give grateful thanks to the creators of this video too!


If you can't find the clues to Fundamentals from your first viewing, I suggest you heed GM Lu's advice in his most recent speech, PRIORITISE!
Also what he said about sutras having no authors!
Remember my article, [Thus have I heard - 如是我闻 ]?
Therefore, the accuracy of transmission is subject to Human error, agree?
BUT, find the core fundamentals and you learn something beneficial! :)

Watch the video repeatedly and you will soon realise what I wanted so much to share with you about Fundamentals! :)

To learn, you have to use your own effort!

Yes! No answers or spoon-feeding anyone!

If you think you found what I am trying to Pinpoint, and wanted to share, you can write to

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Berseru ke Langit Namun Tiada Tanggapan!

Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dengan tambahan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 27 Juli 2016
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 叫天天不应 Calling to the Sky without Response!

Berseru ke langit namun tiada tanggapan, berseru ke bumi namun tiada pengaruh.


Mengacu ke:
Artikel: Turbulent Dirt Water 滔滔污水 – Lineage Transmission 傳承


【TBSN 真佛視頻 特快訊】2016年7月23日蓮生活佛主持同修「蓮華生大士本尊法」開示重點


Di akhir ceramah-Nya, Mahaguru Lu menekankan pentingnya [Transmisi Silsilah] – segala yang kamu pelajari dari Mahaguru Lu, termasuk semua Abhiseka, bila dipotong, berarti kamu menghapus semuanya itu, kamu perlu datang dan belajar lagi, memotong nadi dharma, bagaimana caranya kamu masih bisa melatih sadhana tersebut?

Oleh karenanya, [Nadi Dharma] tidak boleh dipotong!

[Transmisi Silsilah] demikian pentingnya!


Kutipan di atas merupakan ringkasan yang dipublikasikan di TBSN.
Ia berbeda dengan yang sebenarnya dikatakan oleh Mahaguru Lu! :)

Cobalah dengarkan ceramah beliau dengan teliti dan periksalah apa yang sesungguhnya dikatakan oleh Mahaguru Lu!

Yang kudengar adalah --- bila kamu melepaskan bimbingan Mahaguru Lu, kamu akan kehilangan tingkat pelatihanmu saat itu dari [Transmisi Silsilah]-Nya, dan apapun yang kamu lakukan setelah itu tak akan efektif.
Melanjutkan melatih sadhana yang Mahaguru Lu telah ajarkan kepadamu berarti melakukan Pencurian Dharma.

Demikianlah segala yang kamu telah pelajari ataupun dapatkan dari Mahaguru Lu, dan segala yang telah kamu latih sampai saat itu, akan sepenuhnya terhapuskan.

Kalau kamu mencari guru-guru lain untuk belajar darinya, maka kamu harus memulai dari titik awal lagi.

Yang berarti begitu kamu berganti Guru Akar, kamu tak bisa melanjutkan dari titik terakhir saat kamu berlatih bersama dengan Mahaguru Lu.

Yang hendak kubahas dari Judul artikel ini?

Saat kamu memutuskan hubunganmu dengan Mahaguru Lu, betapa lemahnya pun hubungan tersebut, maka saat kamu sedang butuh pertolongan, kamu akan menghadapi situasi di mana tak ada siapapun yang akan mengindahkan ataupun mau mengulurkan bantuan kepadamu.

Itulah kenapa saat kamu berseru kepada Langit/Surga maupun Bumi, namun tiada tanggapan dari mereka, apalagi meminta bantuan!

Kamu ingat aku pernah bilang ketika kamu berlindung (bersarana) kepada Mahaguru Lu, kamu telah menjalin sebuah hubungan dengan-NYA?
Dan Mahaguru Lu juga bilang bahwa saat kamu memulai sadhana di tahap awal, sang yidam merupakan tuanmu, kemudian sang yidam akan menjadi temanmu, dan akhirnya kamu & sang yidam melebur manunggal menjadi Satu!

Ingatlah bahwa aku juga menyarankan kepada semua murid supaya memastikan mereka membawa serta Guru Akarnya dan “berkonsultasi” dengan-NYA kapanpun butuh?

Kalau kamu benar-benar mengindahkan saran-saranku, kamu pasti akan menyadari betapa pentingnya Guru Akar dan Transmisi Silsilah-NYA, serta betapa banyaknya “PERTOLONGAN” yang Beliau telah ulurkan kepadamu selama kamu bersadhana dan menyusuri jalan Bodhi.

Tak seorangpun yang bisa menggantikan berjalan untukmu!
Semuanya harus kamu usahakan sendiri!

Lagipula, [TBS] hanya digunakan secara umum saja.
Hal pentingnya justru ada pada Transmisi Silsilah dari Mahaguru Lu, bukan dari yang lainnya!
[TBS] pada dasarnya tidak sepenuhnya mewakili Mahaguru Lu, berhubung ada banyak orang yang mengklaim dan mengaku mereka punya kendali atas [TBS]!

Mohon tanya, mampukah sekelompok orang awam yang secara umum dipanggil sebagai [TBS] sepenuhnya mewakili Mahaguru Lu, seorang Buddha Hidup?


Salam Metta.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

叫天天不应 Calling to the Sky without Response!

Translated into English by Lotuschef

Calling to the Sky without response, calling to the Earth without any effect.




At the end of this session, GM Lu stressed the importance of [Lineage Transmission] - all that you have learnt from GM Lu, including all Abhiseka, if severed, you will wipe clean then you want to come and learn again, breaking the dharma vein/pulse, how then can you still do this practice again?

Therefore, [Dharma vein] can't be severed!

[Lineage transmission] is very important!


The above is a summary write up found in TBSN.
It differs from what GM Lu actually said! :)

Please go listen to the speech carefully and check what GM Lu actually said!

What I heard was ---- If you leave GM Lu tutelage, you will lost the existing level of cultivation from his [Lineage transmission] and whatever you continue to do will not be effective.
And, continuing to practice what GM Lu has taught you, will be Stealing Dharma.

Therefore, all that you have learned or acquired from GM Lu and all that you have practiced to date, will be completely wipe-out.

If you seek out other gurus to learn from, you will have to start from the beginning again.

Means that you can't continue from where you left off when you are with GM Lu when you change Root Guru.

Now, whats my point in the Title of this article? 

When you break off your link with GM Lu, no matter how faint or weak a link, when you are in need, you will be face with the situation of seeking help without anyone heeding you or care to lend you a hand.

Thats why you can call to Sky/Heaven & Earth and will never get any response, don't say help!

Remember that I said when you take refuge with GM Lu, you established a link with HIM?
And GM Lu said that you start cultivation and Yidam is you master, then Yidam becomes your friend and finally, you and Yidam are merged as One!

Remember that I also advised all to make sure you go everywhere with your Root Guru and "Consult" HIM whenever you need to as well?

If you really heed my advices, you will already have realised how important is Root Guru and HIS Lineage Transmission, and how much "HELP" HE has given you as you cultivate and walk into the Bodhi Path.

No one can walk for you!
All your own efforts!

AND, [TBS] was used broadly only.
The important fact is Lineage Transmission from GM Lu and no one else! 
[TBS] fundamentally do not fully represent GM Lu at all, because many claimed and alleged they are in charge or control of [TBS]!

Can a mortal group called broadly as [TBS] fully represent GM Lu, A Living Buddha?


With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Lotuschef Bermain-main – Kecanduan Gosip

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 1 November 2012
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Lotuschef at Play – Gossip Addiction

Ada orang yang mengunggah sebagian gosip dari forum [ilovegm] ke kotak surat Facebook-ku.

Aku hanya mengutip sepotong komentarnya saja: [我啞口無言兼頭頂開始冒煙!]

Sisanya adalah gosip mengenai beberapa tulisanku dan mereka tak yakin itu berasal dari facebook atau media lainnya. Ada yang bilang kalau aku punya blog sendiri.

Semua orang merasa aku orang gila dan tak cocok menjadi seorang Sangha, karena aku tak sependapat dengan mereka, dan mereka memutuskan bahwa aku bersalah karena tak mencintai guru.

Betapa kasihannya orang-orang bodoh ini!

[--- 哈哈哈!这是佛弟子吗?Hahaha! Orang-orang seperti inikah yang namanya murid Buddha?

[Aku tak bisa berkata-kata dan di saat yang sama kepalaku mulai mengeluarkan asap!] --- Inikah yang namanya seorang sadhaka?

Guru bilang: Hati stabil maka Qi (Prana) akan harmonis! Sepertinya tidak mendengarkan kata-kata Guru!


Guru memberi instruksi kepadaku untuk tidak mengurusi orang-orang tersebut sementara waktu, berhubung jodohnya dengan Buddha masih dangkal!

请不要再贴给我看。Mohon jangan menuliskan hal-hal seperti ini untuk kubaca lagi.
没时间给他们疯!Tak ada waktu untuk menggila bersama mereka!

Kalau kamu membaca buku Guru no. 228, saat beliau hidup sebagai Atisha, kemudian hari beliau selalu mengenakan sarira gurunya, Serlingpa. Sarira yang Berwujud. Arus Dharma yang Tak Berwujud. Selalu berdiam di dalam badan Atisha selamanya.

[page 172 - 阿底峡在后来,把金洲上师的舍利, 永远的戴在身上。 有形的(舍利)。无形的(法流)。永远在阿底峡身上安住。]

Seorang yogi atau sadhaka sejati, akan memahami KEBERADAAN Gurunya YANG SELALU ABADI!
阿弥陀佛!Amituofo ! ---]

Aku sendiri percaya bahwa mereka ini kecanduan gosip sampai pada titik kalau kamu menyingkirkan ruang bermain mereka sekarang, mereka akan kebingungan dan tak tahu harus berbuat apa dengan “waktu-waktu bergosip” mereka!


Guru-pun bilang selama kamu bahagia, itulah hal yang berarti. :)

Makanya terlihat sangat sulit bagi kebanyakan orang untuk menerima kenyataan bahwa Guru tak akan pernah meninggalkan kita, Selamanya.

Tak ada orang yang sepertinya percaya bahwa saat mereka Berlindung (Bersarana), Guru juga sudah tinggal di dalam dirimu, tepatnya di chakra hatimu!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Vairocana Buddha Mantra 毗卢遮那佛咒 [1]

Other version:

i rechecked again the mantra of maha vairochana that you shared
i remember somehow that it was from the
Sarva Durgati Parisodhana Tantra
the source is: 
Sarva Tathagata Sarva Durgati Parisodhana Mantrayana Abhisamaya Mandala Vidhi Tejo Raja Kalpa Loka Lamkara Nama Mahayana Sutra
the mantra is: 
Om namo bhagavate sarva durgati pariśodhana rājāya tathāgatāyārhate samyaksambudhāya tadyathā Om śodhane śodhane sarva pāpam viśodhana śuddhe viśuddhe sarva karmāvarana viśodhanaye svāhā!
and the meaning is: 
Homage to the Bhagavan Sarva Durgati Parisodhana Raja (The King that Annihilates All Evil Destinies), 
The Thus Come, The Holy, The Perfect Buddha
Om Destroyer, Destroyer of all sins, Pure Pure The Purest that Deters the Unwholesome Karma Svaha.

~~for another reference


Hahaha! This version to me is a closer translation of the mantra.

However, the word "Svaha" needs to be translated too for those that don't know what this word means. :)

Dear all, translation and interpretation varies!
Therefore, do not be too fixated on One view or One version only!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Turbulent Dirt Water 滔滔污水 - Lineage Transmission 傳承

AA: This fella is totally ready to support #2 as TBS heir

BB: hahaha! what does it matter to anyone who is the Mortal's heir of mortal's TBS?
really who cares??
we cultivate not to be slave or servant or supporter to others but to save ourselves n others n go to pureland, not stay within the 6 realms lol

CC: i stopped reading his page and hid it long time ago.
he interpreted the teachings according to his own likes and anyway he quoted 『你離開True Buddha School就是斷了傳承,除非你拜別的師父學法。』

BB: hahaha! extremely misleading

CC: and is clueless of the real intent too

BB: When u leave TBS then you lost lineage
hehe! What is truly lost lineage?

CC: he thinks of the mortal TBS

BB: I explained alot on this topic liao
One's heart or mind is the most important in regards to Lineage n not one's words or show of support!

CC: indeed!

BB: these people who think they will benefit from supporting an heir, really needs to wake up fast
AN heir means will have power ONLY when he takes over!!! Not Immediate! :)
BUT if one cultivates well, no need to depend on anyone else for anything!

CC: i totally concur

BB: hehe! when he can take over or whether he can ever take over is still subject to Impermanence!
Impermanence won't affect one that has attained buddhahood! 
So cultivate well is a sure thing lol!

AA: yeah, idk how, but they made SZ said TBS in English lol. What SZ said is Him as TBS, not the TBS (#2 n core) like in Leave TBS article hahhah. let em happy anyway lol.

BB: Delusions!
dont waste time reading these garbage la
m.... u.....???

AA: yeah, should just hide the newsfeed. Yep, the page thats managed by that SJ

DD: a debut again with stunning weight on gossips!
misinterpretation of gm's words!

GM said vairocana mantra means Om-universe, beza-means wisdom, dhatu means first as in satu; Vam
beza actually is vajra n dhatu is dharma realm to me :)

anyway, vajra means wisdom coupled with compassion too :)
first can also be One ultimate as in dharmakaya of vairocana :)

EE: yes, dhatu is realm (sanskrit), bedza is vajra (tibetan pronunciation)
dhatu dua tiga :)

DD: nobody dares to tell gm it's Satu
N gm knows one is Satu cos he counted in bahasa many times from one to 5 online

EE: yes :)

DD: Hehe! it's so obvious that most ignore the obvious
hahaha! Mortals!!! n #2 is well verse in bahasa too!
what a fake

EE: oh he can speak bahasa too?
oh ya ya because he's from brunei

DD: he also has some japanese, i think
a smart guy that over rated himself n wants to be King! :)
thats why in terms of cultivation he lose out to a newbies :)

I detox well n threw out most poisons!

EE: :) :) :)

DD: thats what JC need most now

EE: who would guess
oh JC

DD: u got lucky that u have staying power in translating from my articles to share dharma
n the blog's contents all there to access round the clock
when u can share dharma without any discrimination, you are on the right path
n what more infinitely sharing!!! :)

GM really loves u alot lol

EE: Thanks. :)
i considered myself very lucky

DD: what most got so heated up with is just garbage from m..u..! hahaha!
what great fools! can't stay firm n unmove or GM's yi xin bu luan
why do I need to know? 
I am not affected by garbages that ignorants sprouted even though I am one of their target victims or their prime victim! hehe

EE: i agree
it's like they took the bait involuntarily

DD: ya. can't stay away n wants to prove self as superior all the time

EE: after seeing GM also get scolded and slandered along the way, it's like a natural thing to ignore

DD: RG has the same habit of reading from facebook n showing how much he knows, like who said n did what ....

EE: because, again, cultivation is personal, and the accomplishment is also personal

DD: GM has all these garbages thrown at him for 40 years n more, ME? only about 8 years!

EE: people who don't reach to a certain level will surely don't understand since the vision is still narrow
so really why bother with people who don't understand and not trying to understand the topic either

DD: note that they are not wrong, but that's their scope at the present moment in time only

EE: yes
the narrow vision disable them from looking at another perspective and dimension
so they are not to blame anyway
it's only a matter of time
we don't force our opinion on others

DD: hahaha! above level 10 then its One realm?

EE: :)

DD: i have advanced faster than #2 that has been with GM for 30 years, bcos I do not need external stuff like FACE!
they alleged I am after money which also not true
so all their missiles misfired
but these are slime n mud only ppl with their minds from the 3 lower realms can perceive as weapons!

EE: how sad it is

DD: well, none of the weapons used on GM by ignorants have ever harm him too
but yet these fools use them over n over again
most really showed they didn't understand what I shared all the while n pretend they do

『你離開True Buddha School就是斷了傳承,除非你拜別的師父學法。』
Translated as: 
If you leave TBS then your Lineage Transmission will be severed, 
UNLESS you request other guru to learn or study dharma from.

This statement can have different meaning for beings in different realms of samsara! 

I have talked about [LEAVE TBS] and what it really means!
Read the Serlingpa's Sarira article that GM Lu wrote?
Lineage Transmission if True, will never be severed in any way, as long as the student and the guru are true to each other in their Hearts!
With Hearts as ONE!
If you read Guru's new book 228, when he was Atisha, he later wears his Guru's, Serlingpa's sarira forever with him.
Sarira with Form. Dharma that is Formless. Stay with Atisha's body forever.

[page 172 - 阿底峡在后来,把金洲上师的舍利, 永远的戴在身上。 

Note that in Lamdre, Refuge is also an important topic!
AND, Lineage Transmission begins from Refuge!

It is most important that you start RIGHT, and truly understand Refuge!

Sprouting your form of Buddha Dharma?
From which realm are you sprouting from?
With which of the 5 eyes, did you derived these sproutings?

Remember GM Lu words: 
Have you listen with understanding already?
If not never mind!

I would add: Please use Authentic Buddha Dharma to understand GM Lu!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, July 25, 2016

Vairocana Buddha Mantra 毗卢遮那佛咒

Vairocana (also knows as Vairochana or Mahavairocana) is a celestial Buddha who is often interpreted, in spiritual texts like the Flower Garland Sutra (Avatamsaka Sutra), as the Dharma Body of the historical Gautama Buddha.

Maha Vairocana Mantra lyrics:

Om Namo Bhagavate Sarvate Gate, Varsuddhani Rajaya, Ta Tha Ga Ta Ya

Arahate Sam Yak Sam Buddhaya, Ta Dya Tha Om Sodhani Sodhani

Sarva Papam, Vishodani Suddhe Visuddhe, Sarwa Karma Avarana

Visudhani Ya Soha.

Vairocana Mantra meaning:

May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes,

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes,

May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss without suffering,

May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger.


I learned this from repeated listening and singing along well before I took refuge with GM Lu!
Took refuge with GM Lu on 3 August 2008.

AND, this is the mantra that I have been chanting too when I visited Hong Kong from 5 to 7 August 2008.
Typhoon hit HK on 6 August 2008. 
My first experience with Typhoon! :)

Somehow, this mantra has ability to halt the rocking of the aircraft I was on, when the turbulence is real strong! :)

Remember that I shared that when I closed my eyes and draw upon bracelet of chanting beads on my right wrist, a Very tall standing Buddha appeared and his right palm seated the aircraft easily in the centre and the aircraft stopped rocking immediately!


Benefits of chanting manta with sincerity and diligence do help!

At that time, I didn't know anything about Vairocana Buddha at all! :)

GM Lu did a homa in Seattle, and Yidam is Vairocana Buddha. 
Brings back memories! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

梦 Dreams [1] - 游水鱼群 Shoal of Swimming Fishes

Join Lotuschef at Play!


I dream frequently of sighting a large shoal of big fishes swimming into my water tank through drains.

Being curious, I searched this [Dream interpretation] data from the web.

Hahaha! Please steadfastly remember that these are [Dreams] only, do not be attached or fixated!

Now, lets have FUN! :)

** Selective Summary Translation by Lotuschef


网友采纳 - selected by web-pals

因为“鱼”-fish 和“余” - excess 谐音,在中国传统的解梦观点中,梦见鱼一直和财富密切相关。
Fish and Excess sounds the same in Chinese Language, thus Chinese traditional dream interpretation centres or focuses on the constant & close correlation between Dream of sighting fish and wealth and auspiciousness.

Dream of fish swimming around in clear water - signifies you are about to get wealth or power, Or, your mood now is very good, also can forecast you will have unpredicted income/bonus or promotion.

Dream of live-fish, going for a cruise vacation.

Dream of setting fish that are about to die back into water, enabling it to live again, hinting that you have hope of using your own ability to attain suitable position in career or have ambition in career.

Dream of buying fish, possibly might be able to get inheritance from relatives or receive gift.

Dream of catching fish in water, predict that you can depend on your own strength and above-others' guts to secure your own wealth.


Had Fun?
Please translate the rest if you are interested! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Telinga Menolak Mendengar Kebenaran – Puja Asap

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 4 Januari 2016
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 忠言逆耳-烟供 Ears Repel Truthful Words – Smoke Offering

[--- Ada beberapa bagian dari arsip percakapan ini yang diterjemahkan. ---]


18/09/2014, 10:12 - Lotuschef Lama: We must remember always that cultivation is for all n not for self to clear bad karma or become rich.
(Kita harus selalu ingat bahwa bersadhana adalah demi memberi manfaat bagi semua insan, tidak hanya untuk membersihkan karma buruk diri sendiri ataupun untuk menjadi kaya.)

18/09/2014, 10:13 - B: TaTS what I told them last nite in charbroil. But they still wan to go ahead with the smoke offering
I dun join them in smoke offering unless its chant bai zi Ming zhou
Me n my husband decided to heed your advice n 修四加行 (4 Preliminaries)

18/09/2014, 10:15 - Lotuschef Lama: U read the article I wrote about Maha mudra?

18/09/2014, 10:15 - B: Ya

18/09/2014, 10:16 - Lotuschef Lama: Seem really hard for ppl to understand how to do a good job with One!
Can't even do One job well then go take on another n result in both also failed.
(Memang sulit membuat orang-orang paham bagaimana melatih Satu Hal dengan dengan baik! Kalau tak mampu melakukan Satu Tugas dengan baik, lalu mencoba melakukan yang lain, dua-duanya pasti gagal.)

Like answer to Assignment 3 part 2. Hehe. Simple but most never bother to apply what shizun n I shared.

18/09/2014, 10:19 - B: But your mindset must be clear
Its not for our own benefits
Its to help all sentient beings
(Pola pikirmu harus jernih, tidak untuk keuntungan diri sendiri, namun demi membantu para insan yang berperasaan.)

18/09/2014, 10:19 - Lotuschef Lama: Simple things are very important though. Especially in Buddha's teachings
(Banyak hal yang sederhana namun sangat penting. Terutama dalam ajaran Sang Buddha.)

18/09/2014, 10:24 - Lotuschef Lama: I will be back in SG around Christmas.

18/09/2014, 10:26 - B: Ok

19/09/2014, 20:07 - B: Hi Fashi

19/09/2014, 20:07 - B: If u going to R house on Sep 27, my family can fetch u

19/09/2014, 20:11 - Lotuschef Lama: I don't think can go. The place is a greater mess today n going to be worse as they lay tiles n cut them. Dust will fly all over. My neighbor's is good example. Then the other flats they started to do or going to do next week onwards will continue to be a pollution problem. I can't breathe easy too. Imagine wearing a face mask to sleep?

19/09/2014, 20:11 - B: Hahaha....understand

19/09/2014, 20:13 - Lotuschef Lama: Right now just clean up my room n cover the toilet gap. Bath n planning to rest. Like last nite, I so tired after the cleaning, I sleep without dinner!
Lucky only 10 days inside house. N 5 days outside. Else I don't know when I can breathe easy again.

19/09/2014, 20:15 - B: I
Am surprised u still have energy to write blog

19/09/2014, 20:15 - Lotuschef Lama: I heard the haze is back too. N I am coughing

19/09/2014, 20:15 - B: Ya. Today psi quite high
Please take care

19/09/2014, 20:16 - Lotuschef Lama: Hai. Don't tell you all; then later harder to rescue you all lol

19/09/2014, 20:17 - B: Hahaha....the group wan to change back to cultivate Bai zi Ming zhou tomorrow

19/09/2014, 20:17 - Lotuschef Lama: Anyway, still depends on personal choice to listen or not.

19/09/2014, 20:17 - B: Except S
I told them I won't join smoke offering cultivation in future. I only go if it is bai zi Ming zhou

19/09/2014, 20:18 - Lotuschef Lama: I woke at 3 am. So write something or read researched materials

19/09/2014, 20:18 - B: Then suddenly received watsapp saying they wan change back to bai zi Ming zhou
But S still prefer we go ahead with smoke offering tomorrow

19/09/2014, 20:20 - Lotuschef Lama: LK emailed me this morning thanking me for the email advising you all on cultivation n feng shui

19/09/2014, 20:20 - B: She very kind de

19/09/2014, 20:22 - Lotuschef Lama: S probably wants to learn Smoke offering.
(S mungkin ingin belajar dan melatih Puja Asap).

19/09/2014, 20:23 - B: Maybe

19/09/2014, 20:23 - Lotuschef Lama: Hai! Can do one well, then go learn another. Big problem!
That's why he lost total trust in GM n think he needs to do something else as bai zi ming not good enough!
(Kalau satu hal bisa dilatih dengan baik, barulah belajar lainnya. Ini masalah besar! Makanya ia kehilangan kepercayaan kepada Mahaguru, ia pikir ia perlu melakukan hal lain karena merasa mantra 100-aksara masih kurang bagus!)

19/09/2014, 20:28 - Lotuschef Lama: Never mind what others think. I advise them is for their good. Choice us their's to accept or scold me :) :) :)

19/09/2014, 20:28 - B: :) That's what I think too

19/09/2014, 20:28 - Lotuschef Lama: When desperate even more easy to make big mistakes
(Orang yang putus asa akan lebih mudah melakukan kesalahan besar.)

19/09/2014, 20:28 - B: True

19/09/2014, 20:29 - Lotuschef Lama: Many scold me but I am still fine.
 Why? My intent is to help n not to harm.

19/09/2014, 20:30 - B: :)

19/09/2014, 20:30 - Lotuschef Lama: W is good example to follow.
Concentrate on One
(W adalah teladan yang baik. Ia berkonsentrasi pada Satu pelatihan.)

19/09/2014, 20:30 - B: Ya
Now my husband oso concentrate on one

19/09/2014, 20:31 - Lotuschef Lama: Staying focus. He got big clients that just somehow sent by GM

19/09/2014, 20:31 - B: Who? W?

19/09/2014, 20:31 - Lotuschef Lama: others envy him.
(Makanya orang-orang lain menjadi iri padanya.)

19/09/2014, 20:32 - B: Then they must cultivate as diligently as W ma

19/09/2014, 20:32 - B: N do more charity

19/09/2014, 20:32 - Lotuschef Lama: Ya lol. So easy to believe R, showed they not focus at all

19/09/2014, 20:33 - B: Me first. Lol
Luckily I go meet u

19/09/2014, 20:33 - Lotuschef Lama: Ya. W listened to me n do charity.
GM makes sure you don't go wrong way mah.
GM knows best. But ppl just can't be patient n good n cultivate properly
(W mau mendengarku dan juga beramal. Mahaguru pasti memastikan kamu tak akan salah jalan. Beliau tahu yang terbaik, namun orang-orang tak punya kesabaran dan tak mau berubah menjadi lebih baik dan bersadhana dengan benar.)

19/09/2014, 20:34 - B: R oso trying to help us but maybe wrong way loh. He's not totally at fault.

19/09/2014, 20:35 - Lotuschef Lama: He got too much he thinks need to do n have.
(R ini pikirannya banyak sekali dan merasa perlu melakukan ini dan itu, harus punya ini dan itu.)

19/09/2014, 20:35 - B: He really 用心 (use heart - put in efforts) in guiding us the smoke offering

19/09/2014, 20:36 - Lotuschef Lama: That's not the point. In suggesting smoke offering as alternative, shows he is unsure bai zi ming can help him n H clear karmic foes.
(Menyarankan Puja Asap sebagai alternatif, menunjukkan bahwa ia tak yakin kalau mantra 100-aksara mampu menolongnya dan menyucikan karma buruknya.)

19/09/2014, 20:37 - B: I c
At least now they oso propose change back to b z m z

19/09/2014, 20:37 - Lotuschef Lama: That's why I always explain but no one seems to remember n apply. Hahaha!
My fault! I lousy teacher! :) :) :)

19/09/2014, 20:38 - B: Hahaha
No negative thoughts
U are number one teacher
Even if the whole world 抛弃你 (desert you) , I will standby u :)

19/09/2014, 20:40 - Lotuschef Lama: I got GM la. Hehe!

19/09/2014, 20:40 - B: Ya ya me too

19/09/2014, 20:41 - Lotuschef Lama: They don't understand my sharing then best don't waste my time teaching them the same thing over n over again lol

19/09/2014, 20:41 - B: If they confirm change to b z m z tomorrow, then I can go for cultivation le . Yeah
This statement will make people misunderstood that u gave up on us

19/09/2014, 20:42 - Lotuschef Lama: Else u stay at home n do with your hubby n girls lol

19/09/2014, 20:42 - B: Ya. Was planning to do tat before receiving their msg

19/09/2014, 20:42 - Lotuschef Lama: Like GM, I will not neglect anyone.

19/09/2014, 20:42 - B: That's what I tell them

19/09/2014, 20:43 - Lotuschef Lama: But Affinity must be matured for GM or me to help.
(Supaya Mahaguru ataupun aku bisa menolong, jodoh harus sudah matang dulu.)

19/09/2014, 20:43 - B: I really 深深体会 ( deeply experienced) this affinity after this incident
Those with heavy karmic foes 是听不进去的 (is can't listen and understand)

19/09/2014, 20:44 - Lotuschef Lama: 三不能度:没缘; 不信; 业障深。
(3 groups that can't succour : No Affinity; Do not believe; Heavy karmic negatives or sins)
(3 kelompok yang tak bisa diselamatkan oleh Buddha: Tiada Jodoh, Tidak Percaya, Karma Buruk terlampau berat)

19/09/2014, 20:45 - B: True
I'm so thankful that I have 缘 (Affinity)

19/09/2014, 20:45 - Lotuschef Lama: 这是佛说的。(This is Buddha's words)
(Demikianlah yang dikatakan Sang Buddha).

19/09/2014, 20:45 - B: Haha


Di ceramah terbaru-Nya (per tanggal publikasi sumber artikel), Mahaguru Lu memberikan peringatan mengenai [Sadhana Puja Asap] kepada para murid.
Juga kepada mereka yang melakukan sadhana tersebut di pekuburan!

Mahaguru Lu bilang bila dilakukan di rumah, lakukanlah di depan altar atau di luar jendela!

Beliau bilang: “Hantu gampang diundang, tapi susah dipulangkan!”

Mengenai murid dan non-murid yang pernah bersadhana bersamaku selama beberapa waktu, aku mengetahui apakah mereka cocok untuk melatih sadhana tertentu atau tidak.
Aku bahkan meluangkan waktuku untuk secara pribadi mengajar mereka yang menunjukkan ketulusan dan ketekunan!

Tugas terdahulu mengenai Sadhana Puja Asap merupakan bukti yang cukup jelas yang menunjukkan bahwa tak satupun dari para peserta, baik lokal maupun asing, yang memahami pentingnya Makna Bersadhana!

Yang artinya Tak Punya Dasar-dasar yang Dibutuhkan!

Sepertinya [kemampuan untuk bertahan] tidak dimiliki oleh para murid saat mereka berpikir untuk mencari berbagai pengganti Sadhana 4 Prayoga, yang seharusnya menjadi sadhana awal dan juga akhir untuk mencapai Kebuddhaan!

Jadi bagaimana?

Berhubung kata-kataku tak cukup bagus, maka Dengarkanlah Mahaguru Lu, seorang Buddha Hidup!

DAN, saat kamu telah berhasil melatih Guru & Vajrasattva Yoga, KAMU tak perlu kuatir mau melatih sadhana apapun, karena sadhana apapun akan menjadi “sepotong kue” (maksudnya: mudah, bukan masalah). Kamu akan mendapatkan keberhasilan dan mampu melakukannya dengan efektif!

Dengan Guru Yoga & Vajrasattva Yoga, KAMU juga akan beryoga dengan yidam mana saja yang kamu inginkan!

Saat hatimu memanggil, mereka akan segera “melaporkan” kehadiran mereka! :)

Tentu saja kamu tak harus mempercayaiku!

Cukup dengarkan Mahaguru Lu saja!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, July 22, 2016

那里不一样 What's the Difference?

Above: The Individual Lotus offering in dedication from named individuals to Divinities.
 Each of these is SGD 15/-

Above: Dedication packs to one's Karmic foes!
These packs are now SGD 88 each.

A student subscribed regularly for one lotus offering in dedication to Divinities on behalf of his karmic foes of this and past lifetimes.

I advised another to do 3 or 7 Karmic foes dedication packs of SGD 88 each, to his karmic foes.

SGD 15 & SGD 88 each?

Other than the price differences, what else is different and which would you choose for your own situation?


Each Individual's resources and karmic negative levels are different of course, BUT what will suit you most?

Find your own answers!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef