Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Secret is Out!

Chat 31/2/2012 

AA: OMG, one year... so fast... and i'm getting younger LOL.
Glad to hear you're recovering fast :)

So, green light from Guru leh.
Nice to know but I don't know because most of the time your article is quite advanced for some people.

Advanced in terms that people need to set aside their ego in the first hand before digesting your writing. 
Some sound very boastful, but upon comprehending; it's telling the truth and has pith instructions like those of Guru. Really needs the wisdom of discrimination to understand :)

Cheers all and happy new year 2013 in advance :D


BB: One of my dharma class members wants to meet you so much. He thinks you are great. So just wanted to pass his appreciation.

LC: Reading my articles is the same la. He can always write to
Happy New Year! Blessing to you and family!

BB: Thanks. you too my dear fellow trouble maker. Hehe.

LC: Someone has to knock those sleepers awake mah! :)

BB: Yes. xxx

LC: Sharing true dharma is an uphill route and no gratitude expected too

BB: Catch you again soon. Big Hugs and kisses :)


Dear all,
Have I been talking to air all the time?
I truly hope not! :)

I Believe much in Affinity being Key to whether you can understand and accept Buddha Dharma.

I also believe one needs to be "ignited" in the Mind, in order to start the digestion process of ingesting Buddha Dharma, concur? 

At last, Secret is Out!!!
AA picks up the Boastful part! Hahaha!
This is to target those Egos & Prides of most sentient beings!
Making them angry enough to look for ways to "hit" back!
This initiates thought processes and hopefully they "awaken" to the wonders of Buddha Dharma!

Any reaction is better than None, agree? :)

As per Guru, make them interested enough to take refuge then slowly teach them Buddha Dharma.

Now, Trouble Maker? :)

Well, my attempt to douse fires of the Pro-Guru crusaders didn't work!
I was rewarded by being label a "Trouble Maker" , listed into some black-list entitled "Monkey-list"!
When I asked people in [ilovegm] forum, Is Buddha Male or Female?; they said that I am too Zen for them! :) :) :)


Well, I just spoke to a student. I told him that I can share most of what I know with the group that attend cultivation with me regularly but not online.
Reason: Don't want to waste my time and be ridicule too!

One of Guru's teacher said that having ONE disciple like Guru is enough, as from him sprouts millions of students!
So, best to concentrate and conserve my resources too on a small group too, correct?

However, I will try my best to do up a video for the Exercises to help clear and smoothen Qi & Blood Circulation for better health, to share online.

Please give me some time though. :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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