Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lotuschef in Charity Starts From Young

Dear Fashi

My eldest daughter, HX, receive edusave Eagles Award n she would like to donate $50 from part of the monetary award to homeless spirits at this sat fire puja. Charity starts from young heehee

My family of 4 will attend.


Dear all,

It is indeed True that Charity starts from young.

Just like the "Mutual exchange of status or position", a form of Boddhicitta that SZ shared the recent Saturday, 4 January 2014, in Caotun Temple.

In his previous lifetime as Atisha, he learned this very important Key of Boddhicitta from Serlingpa, a guru he traveled for about 13 months to seek out and learn from. 

Sincerity is in One's thought all the time, to make others' lots better and happier!

Listen to SZ's speech and discover that Boddhicitta is not that difficult to cultivate too! :)

SZ also said that if we can afford, we can do charity by offering incense to the earth & other deities and spirits regularly.

Pure Karma's standard practice during every cultivation session is offering of lotuses & incense to all deities, homeless spirits; fetus spirits, ...etc.

These 3 tubs of lotuses and incense are for the above purposes. 

3 of these lotus-offering are offered on behalf of deities, homeless spirits, fetus spirits....

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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