Monday, June 3, 2013

Pure Karma Charity for Singapore, Medan & Jakarta 2013 June

Pure Karma will donate essential supplies in the form of daily supplies, the list goes as follow:
- Rice
- Instant noodle
- Susu Kental Manis (Condensed Milk)
- Beehon
- Cornet
- Sardines
- cough syrup
- Dola neurobion

and more.....

All these will be donated in the name of Living Buddha Lian Sheng.
This round will be more meaningful as we are also celebrating Guru's birthday at both places and Singapore too, on 22 June 2013. 

Those interested to sponsor, please write email to purekarmaservices@gmail,com

We currently allotted IDR 5 millions each to the respective Aged Home.
Also for Singapore, we will donate to rice distribution for needies, on 22 June. 

Will donate more when funds come in.
If you want your name to be written as the donor, please seek out other charities to sponsor.

Cheers all. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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