Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - 附身 Possessed [2]

These are some cases that I have encountered. 
All cases differ as they are being possessed by different spirits.
Please read all these with an Open Mind and make your own deductions if necessary!

The Physical Enactment/Presentation :-

1. AA has about 5 spirits in him. At a coffee-shop one evening after attending cultivation at a local temple, AA was sitting opposite me.
While he was talking, I was shocked to notice that he can change "Faces" and even Speech Manner, just like a Different person talking for a while and changing to the next! 

He acknowledged that he is aware of their possessing him! 
He is working hard at cultivating, and doing so with them, so that they all can leave Samsara together.

2. BB has a pronounced hunch and the look of sweeping others condescendingly.
I have seen a falcon/hawk face, superimposed upon BB's face.
Also white hair and crinkle face like an old man, but hair in more white than black, patches like balding in certain areas.
The nose is definitely like the falcon or hawk and the mouth a sharp beak.

However, there is another female spirit in BB, which exhibited "Jealous Concubine" behavior!
She said she hates Shi-mu or Guru's wife.
She said Guru is always looking at her lovingly!
She said her presence in TBS is all for Guru, as she wants to be by his side all the time!

Dear all, remember my sharing Ananda's plight with females that admire him for his good looks and some even went to the extend of being ordained as Bhikkuni!

Have you read or watch "Journey to the West" 西游记?
The spider demons and etc. wants to eat Monk San Zhang's meat, which they believe will make them Immortals!

3. This lady is 30 years old. She is like a 6 years old kid but sometimes she said she is Gorgor = elder brother, sometimes Jiejie - elder sister, Meimei - younger sister, .....
Her mother said this started after she played at a nearby playground when she was 5 years old.
She is often noisy at night, to the extend of disturbing her neighbours.
Violent too when she can't get what she wants.

4. This one came back to work after an absence of almost a month.
Seems the whole family got sick from some black magic cast.
She is working the night shift.
At about 1am, she went into a "seizure". 
She became aggressive and violent and hissed at co-workers dining at the canteen.
She rolled her eyes like googles, glare at all around her and co-workers tried to hold her down as she started to hit out.
Took 3 males and 5 females to hold her down!
I pushed her jaw upwards to prevent her from accidentally biting her tongue, supporting her neck too to prevent her breaking her neck.

Hahaha! I can still remember her Glare to now! 
Bitingly Cold and Piercing!!!

Her spouse came with a bottle of water with a sprig of willow and some ashes.
He use the ashes on her forehead and parts of her body and then sprinkled the water onto her.
All these while, we were trying very hard to hold her down.

She "woke up" and have no idea what happened to her.

Someone advised me that when the black magic is cast by Bomoh, Malay medium or shaman, buy a piece of pork with skin and hair, boil it and drink the soup. 
This will help counter the Bomoh's spell.
I have not tried, so I am no authority as to the effectiveness of this method. :)

I will share more when I can find time from preparation of Medan and Jakarta events.

Cheers all. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef   

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