Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lotuschef on Dream – Padmasambhava Mantra

Terjemahan Indonesia: Mimpi – Mantra Padmasambhava

[--- BB: By the way, something to share.
The day you guys sent me emails on making this mantra ..... I had an interesting dream that very night.

I dreamt I was in a bamboo forest and the bamboo grows like a big panflute.
Each Panflute bamboo is bronzy in color with mantra engraved on it and each vibrates to give out a harmonic mantra chant.

A voice asked me to follow the mantra chant echo from the bamboo forest and chant with it.
The chant sounded familiar and, with focus, I realized it was Padmasambhava mantra. It was interesting cos i know i am sleeping but my mind automatically chant while i sleep. I had a very good rest.

Thanks ---]

{--- The pan flute or pan pipe is an ancient musical instrument based on the principle of the closed tube, consisting usually of five or more pipes of gradually increasing length (and, at times, girth). The pan flute has long been popular as a folk instrument, and is considered the first mouth organ, ancestor of both the pipe organ and the harmonica. The pan flute is named for its association with the Greek god Pan. The pipes of the pan flute are typically made from bamboo or giant cane; other materials used include wood, plastic, metal and ivory.

Another term for the pan flute is syrinx, from Greek mythology, in the story of Pan. The plural of syrinx is syringes, from which the modern word syringe is derived. (Pan pipes is both singular and plural.) Other names for the instrument are mouth organ, Pandean pipe, and the Latin fistula panis.

Quoted from Wikipedia – Pan Flute ---}

[--- PKV: Hi Hi
hahaha! too much professional & technical jargons that I don't understand!
I am ok with whatever you 2 agree upon.

As usual, don't worry about cost.
SZ will provide!

BB dear, You already revealed the top part of Padmasambhava. That is your top half of face to your eyes looks like padmasambhava.
So you have to work harder to transform your nose and mouth to that of Padmasambhava lol!

Actually these printed in black is not what I have in mind.
I would prefer the words to Glow.

That was my vision of the words glowing and slowly rising to heaven and pureland as in SZ's true buddha sutra - 一咒即升双莲池 =A single mantra will enable one to rise to Double lotus pond.

Hahaha! I am sure you two weirdos understand me!
It takes weirdos to understand crazy me!

Cheers ---]

[--- NN: Congratulations, BB, Guru Rinpoche has many nice termas that have been translated to English as well hahaha :) ---]

[--- BB: Ya, i am reading the termas in Chinese.Think that's how it all got started :) ---]

[--- PKV: 2 morning ago, I also chanting Padmasambha's mantra in sleep & blur blur don't know whose mantra is this at first!
Then Padmasambhava appeared smiling at me!

The english books that NN loan me on padmasambhava & dakini's teachings are well written or translated.
They are much better than the one that translated Avatamsaka or Hua Yan Jing.

Somehow those without knowledge of Tantrayana can't do justice by their translation of Sutra too! ---]


Dear all, looks like BB is experiencing early stages of Dream Yoga. :)

Padmasambhava or Guru Rinpoche coming to teach him astrally and personally.

O! you don't have to believe me though, discover your own and when you are diligent and sincere enough and synchronized your mindset with Shizun or any yidam, You will have experiences that NO One will believe when you relate them!!!

Hahaha! No Kidding! 

To those that don't believe our experiences, we are Weirdos!!!
To quote SZ : I don't care and not bothered about what others think and say.

Me too have this sentiment!

I remember that PP that booked our accommodation in KL & Ipoh, won a large prize from lottery once he completed bookings of transport and accommodation! 

SZ does provide! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Kebijaksanaan yang nampak gila – Menjadi Sang Matahari!

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 30 Oktober 2013
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Crazy Wisdom – Becoming the Sun!

[Mengutip dari Wikipedia – Sun:

Matahari merupakan sebuah bintang di pusat Sistem Tata Surya. Bentuknya hampir bulat sempurna dan tercipta dari plasma panas yang saling terjalin dengan medan-medan magnet. Diameternya sekitar 1.392.684 km, kira-kira 109 kali diameter Bumi, dengan massa (1989×1030 kilogram, kira-kira 330.000 kali massa Bumi) yang mewakili sekitar 99,86% dari total massa Tata Surya.

Secara kimia, sekitar ¾ dari massa Matahari terdiri dari hidrogen, dan sisanya kebanyakan adalah helium. Kemudian sisa 1,69%-nya lagi yang kira-kira setara dengan 5600 kali massa Bumi, terdiri dari elemen-elemen yang lebih berat, yang antara lain meliputi oksigen, karbon, neon dan besi.]

[Mengutip dari Reinkarnasi Para Dewata:

Di dalam Buddhisme Tibet, nirmanakaya digambarkan sebagai pengejawantahan pencerahan, dalam berbagai wujud dan cara yang tiada batasnya, di dalam dimensi fisik. Ia secara tradisional didefinisikan dalam tiga bagian.
  1. Pertama adalah pengejawantahan dari seorang Buddha yang telah tercerahkan sepenuhnya, seperti Siddhartha Gautama, yang terlahir ke dan mengajar di dunia ini;
  2. Yang ke-dua adalah yang kelihatannya seperti orang awam namun ia terberkati dengan kapasitas khusus untuk memberi manfaat bagi banyak insan: seorang tulku; dan
  3. Yang ke-tiga adalah insan dengan tingkat pencerahan tertentu yang berkarya untuk memberi manfaat dan menginspirasi insan-insan lain melalui berbagai karya seni, ketrampilan, dan ilmu pengetahuan (sains). Maksudnya, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Kalu Rinpoche, adalah “ekspresi spontan, seperti sinar yang terpancar dengan spontan dari matahari, tanpa sang matahari harus menyuruhnya atau sadar memikirkan tindakan memancarkan ini. Demikianlah sang matahari dalam memancarkan sinarnya.”]

Kemarin malam sempat mengobrol dengan seorang murid. Aku berbagi dengannya konsep menarik dan menyerap sinar secara terus-menerus, kemudian menyebarkan dan membagikannya keluar kepada semua insan.
Metode ini bisa ditemukan di berbagai bagian kompilasi sadhana 4 Prayoga dari Pure Karma. :)

Sebagai contoh:
Visualisasi 4 Batin yang tiada batas (apramana); 4 perlindungan (sarana); perisai pelindung; Sutra Maharaja Avalokiteshvara (Gao Wang);...
Saat kamu melatih metode-metode ini dengan tekun dan disertai Bodhicitta untuk berbagi dengan semua insan, maka KAMU bisa menjadi seperti Sang Matahari sendiri – selalu memancarkan sinar kepada semua insan! :)

SUNGGUH! Aku tak bohong! Kamu akan bersinar, dan tanpa sadar akan menarik dan berbagi sinar dengan semuanya, sama halnya dengan Matahari!
Sifatmu adalah memancarkan sinar dan ia menjadi usaha yang terlaksana secara spontan bagai proses Bernafas!

Kamu akan menyadari banyak orang suka berkumpul di dekatmu pula!

Ingatlah, kata kuncinya di sini adalah Dengan Bodhicitta!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lotuschef on Medium & Raising Spirits 跳乩啟靈


I met Student XL in a local temple few months after I took refuge with SZ.
He has the aura of a corpse.

I remember Student JL said she saw him as a Skeleton!

I have helped XL for quite some time, teaching him to Pay-back his karmic foes.
After helping him send off one of his attached spirit last year, his misfortune subsided for a while.

Then it all started again. Nothing goes smoothly for him.

His cousin told me that XL had made a promise to the Deities at a local temple back in his hometown when his mother was critically ill.
He promised to be a Medium if his mom is saved.
His mom recovered and the temple's incharge told him that as he is in his 20s, too young.
He was instructed to fulfill his promise after his 40th birthday.

Yes! He is 41 now. All that can go wrong, truly went wrong!

I helped him to talk to SZ & jin-mu to help him with the alternative of Cultivating and dedicating all merits to all sentient beings, in place of being a Medium.

Months after this promise, he didn't fulfill or make little effort to fulfill this promise.
He has accidents and also secure less work and started to borrow from his cousin every middle of the month and paying back early part of the month when he gets wages.

In a chat with SZ few days back, I was shown the similarity of his case to that of SJ, who has now become a Medium.
SJ used to be a Traffic Police. 
Ill health caused her to resign.
Then when she is a bit better, she started to look for jobs but every time she has a job-interview, she was somehow prevented from attending.

She was the one that saw 2 spirits following me into Dr. Y's clinic.
Her hands are icy cold all the time and her aura very dark.

Once when she is in my car, she told me that Acala is on roof of car right above her head and she feels tightness around her crown.
She also saw SZ's presence when I was doing Mandala offering.
She also said that there is a Dharma-chakra above my head.

She said: Shizun lai le. [means SZ has come.]
Then: Ni de tou shang you fa lun. [there is a Dharma chakra above your head.]

Now back to XL.
As he didn't fulfill his promise as alternative to being a Medium, he has best go and fulfill the Medium Promise. 

His days are going to become worse and worse if he didn't honor his promise to the temple's deities.

I have relayed this message to him and I hope he will go save himself.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Lotuschef on Perseverance 忍

Perseverance - Steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose; steadfastness.

Well, this is one that all aspiring to be True Yogi need to learn and practice all the time!

In recent speech, SZ said the he transform all Suffering 烦恼 to Universal Void, thus achieving Always Happy and Suffering Free state.


However, this Always Happy & Suffering Free State is not that EASY to Achieve and Maintain!

Sometime in late 2003, my ex-spouse paid for Black Spells to be cast on to me.
I would have frequent attacks of breathlessness, and also feel like someone's hand is squeezing my heart!
I have mishaps like falling, scratching and bruising my skin all over my body as well. 

I met SJ, a friend of Dr. Y, during a visit for treatment at Dr. Y's clinic.
After settling down, SJ said that there are 2 spirits that followed me into the clinic.
I started to seek help from my siblings to find masters that can help me with the spirits following me.
My ex-spouse then accused Dr. Y of instigating me in Superstitious Beliefs!

Well, he kept denying that he pay for Black Spells to harm me.
However, on hind-sight, I realized that his vehement and shouts and yells, actually revealed his Guilt. :)

Hahaha! What is my point?

Through the years from our marriage in 1979, the masters told me that DC, my ex-spouse, has been casting all kind of Black Spells on me, to control me and also my assets!

I twisted my right knee one morning in the kitchen and DC shouted at me and left for work!
My friend AG came and help me to seek medical treatment!
Then DC flew off purportedly on business and left me to manage and care for the 3 children on my own.
I am fortunate to have good friends that help me sent my children to school and I managed also to find a school bus driver to send and fetch my youngest to Kindergarden school.

Yes! Quite an unfeeling and cold-blooded being!

How did I survive all these? :)

Grateful thanks to all Divinities! 

In late 2005, he run away from home and told my children he will never return.

He started a Divorce proceeding that spans almost 8 years to show who is the Master!

I am glad too that I persevered through all these too!

During these 8 years, the earlier ones are filled with Threats to my life and various accidents to me.
I twisted my ankles,, first on Right and then Left. 

After 2 years of respite, he started another series of legal stuff to Seize full control of matrimonial property!
He and his lawyers' emails were sent to my children with Threats and more Threats of Hostile Eviction!

It seems the Family Court judges bought his story, as he kept hammering us with his emails to my children. 
I do wonder why the Family Court did not send me any of what DC claims to be from the Family Court!

Well? As SZ said, there are those that constantly hurt or harm others as a habit. They just do it unconsciously or consciously to feed their Hunger for control over others or the sick fun of seeing others suffer!

Grateful thanks to SZ, I learn that After Perseverance there is another method, that is Voiding to Universe.

Everything is for a moment only, and won't last.
Karma is the Individual's own to face and pay back.
Letting Go is to Free Self from all Sentient Suffering!

To quote my son: Let him do his worse!

If the Law said that we have to give over to DC, then by all means take them and leave us alone. 
After such large scale damages, we hope that DC and all that aided and abetted his evil drives can come to a speedier time of Awakening! :)

SZ said that he will never defend himself, no matter what. 

I have not return volley of missiles from DC for a long time now.:)
I am happy to say that I have learn to use Buddha Dharma to convert or transform sentient suffering.
Yes! Looking through the photos of Pure Karma events, I am happy to say that I found my happy and sociable Self not long after DC abandoned us!

To share Happiness with all, One must first be Happy and share the Way to Happiness!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Crazy Wisdom - Becoming the Sun!

Terjemahan Indonesia: Kebijaksanaan yang nampak gila – Menjadi Sang Matahari!

[Quoting from Wikipedia – Sun:

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is almost perfectly spherical and consists of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields.[12][13] It has a diameter of about 1,392,684 km (865,374 mi),[5] around 109 times that of Earth, and its mass (1.989×1030 kilograms, approximately 330,000 times the mass of Earth) accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.[14] Chemically, about three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen, while the rest is mostlyhelium. The remainder (1.69%, which nonetheless equals 5,600 times the mass of Earth) consists of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon, neon and iron, among others.[15]]

[Quoting from: Lotuschef on Reincarnation of Deities & Divinities 仙佛转世

One is the manifestation of a completely realized Buddha, such as Gautama Siddhartha, who is born into the world and teaches in it;

another is a seemingly ordinary being who is blessed with a special capacity to benefit others: a tulku; and

the third is actually a being through whom some degree of enlightenment works to benefit and inspire others through various arts, crafts, and sciences.

In their case this enlightened impulse is, as Kalu Rinpoche says, "a spontaneous expression, just as light radiates spontaneously from the sun without the sun issuing directives or giving any conscious thought to the matter. The sun is, and it radiates."]

In a chat with a fellow student last night, I shared with him the concept of constantly drawing in Light and sharing it outwards with all beings.
This method can be found in various part of Pure Karma's compilation of the 4 preliminaries sadhana. :)

For example:
4 Immeasurable Visualization; 4 refuge vows; Armor protection; High King Avvalokitesvara Sutra; ......
When you practice these methods diligently with Boddhicitta of sharing with all beings, YOU can become like the Sun, always radiating light upon all beings! :)

YES! No kidding! You are lighted up and unconsciously drawing and sharing light with all, just like Sun!
Your Nature is radiating light and this becomes unconscious effort like Breathing!

You will find that people like to gather around you too!

Remember, your operative is With Boddhicitta!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reinkarnasi Para Dewata

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 25 Oktober 2013
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Lotuschef on Reincarnation of Deities & Divinities 仙佛转世

Berikut adalah pranala ceramah dharma Guru tanggal 20 Oktober 2013 di Vajragarbha Pelangi, Seattle:
10/20/2013 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) by Grand-Master Lu – Rainbow Temple

Di ceramah tersebut, Guru membahas mengenai berbagai Reinkarnasi.
Beliau mengatakan bahwa seorang Buddha atau Bodhisattva mampu membelah dirinya menjadi berbagai pengejawantahannya dalam wujud awam.
Cucu laki-laki Guru adalah seorang reinkarnasi dari Tetua Gunung Buddha 佛山长老.
Sedangkan cucu perempuannya adalah seorang Bodhisattva Tingkat ke-7 七地菩萨.

Namun beliau mengatakan bahwa para reinkarnasi tersebut masih harus MELATIH DIRI untuk KEMBALI TERHUBUNG dengan Wujud Asal mereka.

Aku ingat pernah menulis sebuah artikel mengenai Reinkarnasi Para Dewata juga.

Hahaha! Baik mereka merupakan reinkarnasi ataupun bukan, sungguh tak ada artinya dan bukan masalah juga!
KUNCINYA adalah Dirimu sendiri yang Berlatih.
Semua sepenuhnya bersandar pada usaha dan ketulusanmu sendiri!

Kembalilah mempelajari dasar-dasar yang dibutuhkan dan pelajarilah Karakteristik Para Dewata atau yidam yang kamu pilih.
Perhatikanlah, di atas kutulis sebagi YIDAM, yang berarti satu (tunggal).
Sementara ini latihlah SATU YIDAM saja!
Belajar berjalan dulu sebelum belajar TERBANG!

Teman-teman murid yang membuang-buang waktunya mengejar para reinkarnasi atau yang di dalam Satya Buddha adalah para Teratai Besar warna XX; kini saatnya untuk bangun dan sadar!
Mereka mau jadi apapun atau berasal dari manapun, Sungguh tak ada hubungannya denganmu!

Mengutip dari Wikipedia – Trikaya:

Doktrin ajaran mengatakan bahwa seorang Buddha mempunyai tiga kaya atau tubuh:
  1. Dharmakaya atau Tubuh Kebenaran yang mengejawantahkan prinsip utama dari pencerahan dan ia tiada batasnya;
  2. Sambhogakaya atau Tubuh Kenikmatan Pahala yang berupa tubuh manifestasi kenikmatan atau cahaya terang;
  3. Nirmanakaya atau tubuh ciptaan yang mengejawantah di dalam waktu dan ruang.

Mengutip dari Rigpa Shedra – Nirmanakaya:

Nirmanakaya (Bhs. Sansekerta: nirmāṇakāya; Bhs. Tibet: སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་, tulku; Trans. Wylie: sprul sku), atau ‘dimensi manifestasi yang tiada pernah berhenti’ adalah sebuah rupakaya atau tubuh berwujud yang muncul dari kuasa sambhogakaya dan tampil sebagai ia yang menjinakkan berbagai insan, baik yang suci maupun tak suci.

Saat dibagi ke dalam kategori, Nirmanakaya ada empat jenis:
  1. Nirmanakaya dari kelahiran, seperti para guru kita yang lahir di Surga Tushita sebagai anak para dewa, Dampa Tok Karpo.
  2. Nirmanakaya maha unggul (Skt. uttamanirmāṇakāya; Tib. མཆོག་གི་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་, Wyl. mchog gi sprul sku), seperti Buddha Shakyamuni yang menampilkan dua belas karya pencerahan (Skt. dvadaśabuddhakārya; Wyl. mdzad pa bcu gnyis) di sini, Jambudwipa.
  3. Nirmanakaya beragam (Skt. janmanirmāṇakāya; Tib. སྐྱེ་བ་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ, Wyl. skye ba sprul sku) yang mengejawantah demi menjinakkan para insan mulai dari Indra hingga seorang gadis belia.
  4. Nirmanakaya ketrampilan (Skt. śilpinnirmāṇakāya; Tib. བཟོ་བོ་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་, Wyl. bzo bo sprul sku) seperti manifestasi seorang pemain kecapi demi menjinakkan Gandharva Rabga, kemudian juga mengejawantah menjadi makanan enak, jembatan, taman hiburan, dan pulau-pulau, juga bisa dalam wujud pahatan, lukisan, tenunan bergambar, dan rupang-rupang hasil cor logam.

Atau, seperti yang ditulis oleh Sogyal Rinpoche:

Di dalam Buddhisme Tibet, nirmanakaya digambarkan sebagai pengejawantahan pencerahan, dalam berbagai wujud dan cara yang tiada batasnya, di dalam dimensi fisik. Ia secara tradisional didefinisikan dalam tiga bagian.

Pertama adalah pengejawantahan dari seorang Buddha yang telah tercerahkan sepenuhnya, seperti Siddhartha Gautama, yang terlahir ke dan mengajar di dunia ini;

Yang ke-dua adalah yang kelihatannya seperti orang awam namun ia terberkati dengan kapasitas khusus untuk memberi manfaat bagi banyak insan: seorang tulku; dan

Yang ke-tiga adalah insan dengan tingkat pencerahan tertentu yang berkarya untuk memberi manfaat dan menginspirasi insan-insan lain melalui berbagai karya seni, ketrampilan, dan ilmu pengetahuan (sains). Maksudnya, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Kalu Rinpoche, adalah “ekspresi spontan, seperti sinar yang terpancar dengan spontan dari matahari, tanpa sang matahari harus menyuruhnya atau sadar memikirkan tindakan memancarkan ini. Demikianlah sang matahari dalam memancarkan sinarnya.”

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, October 28, 2013

27-10-2013 SZ on Maha Perfection Dharma of Merging into Yidam's Mandala


10/27/2013 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) by Grand-Master Lu - Rainbow Temple

Screenshot from this session. 
SZ talking about Maha Mayuri, the yidam for this fire puja session.

Today's main topic is Merging into yidam's Mandala or into Universal Void.

Something similar to method of "I Enter" 我入 - in our standard Sadhana Practice when in meditation phase. That is after the Yidam enters Me, then I Enter into Yidam and Universal Void.

As to method, SZ explains in the speech, so go listen to Guru please.

Cheers all 

Happy Cultivating! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Crazy Wisdom – How Much Is Truly Enough?

Also watch: 2013年10月20日聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥賜授「喜金剛不共大法」灌頂 -彩虹雷藏寺

The above scenario are very commonly seen each time SZ gives Abhiseka.

Look at all grades of students too busy with holding belongings that they think must get blessing and that is to ensure these belongings touch the Abhiseka Banners!!!

Whatever happen to the contents of Guru's speech of Not Requiring Anything and to Let Go?

What happen to the Basic practice of Mudra, Visualization & Mantra too?


You don't cultivate as taught by Guru and you blame Guru?

Never do that, YOU are solely responsible as you chose personal belongings over and above Guru's instruction to Form Mudra, Do Visualization and Chant Mantra for Abhiseka!

Then the other scenario is some students felt they need to go round repeatedly to GET MORE blessing and Lock-In the Abhiseka given that day.

Well! If doing these make you Happy and Satisfied and you can sleep soundly after, please continue too!

During Fire puja session, I noticed that after helping some students do offering, they still hung on to the Lotus Offering and Incense sticks and stood near the Fire Pit and continue their "conversation" or request or wishing for quite some time before finally deem satisfied to give over the Offering to the Fire Deity!!!

Chatting with Guru, I have stopped helping each individual do offering and let all of them learn and do offering on their very own.

YES! SZ said its time that all learn to stand on their own 2 feet! :)

So far so good!

If you think hanging on to the Offering and tell all you want to tell and ask all you want to ask is what you really need, then carry on.
The Operative is As Long As You Are Satisfied & Happy!!!


Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

Kebijaksanaan yang nampak gila – Mendengarkan Sang Guru Akar?

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 28 September 2013
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Crazy Wisdom – Listen to Root Guru?

Menurutmu yang di atas adalah Guru Akarmu?


Kalau iya, berarti kebanyakan dari kalian punya Versi yang Salah mengenai Guru Akarmu!

Sang Guru Akar mengatakan bahwa Melatih Diri sepenuhnya bergantung pada diri sendiri + ketekunan dalam berlatih seperti yang diajarkan oleh-Nya.

Bagaimana halnya dengan para murid dari semua jenjang?

Sebagian besar akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dilemparkan kepada mereka dengan: Shangshi berkata bahwa...; dan yang terkini adalah Komite Pusat berkata....!

Guru Akar juga mengatakan: Kebanyakan dari Shangshi, fashi, dll. belum berhasil mencapai Yoga denganku!
Berarti mereka tak berlatih dengan baik dan BUKAN Dalam Posisi untuk mengajarkan apapun kepadamu atau memberi Bantuan yang Efektif sama sekali!!!

Komite Pusat masih terus mempromosikan program-programnya seperti Cash Call untuk mengumpulkan dana yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan gugatan hukum terhadap mereka yang mencemarkan nama Guru Akar, meski Guru  Akar terus mengafirmasi Sumpahnya untuk tak menuntut siapapun!
Terang-terangan tak menghormati Guru Akar sendiri!

Beliau berkata: Tidak boleh mencelakai siapapun, dan harus punya Bodhicitta!

Pernahkah berpikir apakah mereka yang memproklamirkan diri sebagai para pemimpin di dalam Komite Pusat tersebut melatih diri dan mendukung para umat untuk mempunyai pola pikir seperti yang Guru Akar katakan, serta melaksanakannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka?

Sayang sekali, TIDAK!

Bila dipikirkan: Bagaimana caranya kamu berharap bisa berhasil ber-Yoga dengan Guru Akarmu bila kamu punya terlalu banyak PERBEDAAN dengan-Nya, dan masih pula Menggertak dan Menyabet barang-barang orang lain dengan serakah?

KAMU bahkan tak mempraktikkan ajaran-ajaran Buddha yang Paling Mendasar, dan malah melakukan hal-halnya sebaliknya yang sangat dilarang!

Cara tercepat adalah dengan berulang kali mendengarkan ajaran Guru Akarmu, terutama mengenai apa yang sejauh ini beliau bagikan tentang 9 Yana.

Aku mendengar umpan balik bahwa banyak yang takut terkena penalti dari Komite Pusat sehingga tak berani turut serta dalam sadhana bersama kami!
Beberapa mengatakan bahwa berhubung Lotuschef tak lagi diakui sebagai fashi oleh Komite Pusat, maka ia tak bisa memimpin mereka dalam bersadhana!


Lotuschef dengan ini berterima kasih kepada Komite Pusat karena telah meringankan “beban kerja”!

Juga sebesar-besarnya berterima kasih karena telah membantu menyingkirkan mereka yang tak punya Kebijaksanaan Pengamatan yang Menakjubkan pula!

Tak perlu lagi menyia-nyiakan waktu berharga dengan terus-terusan melayani berbagai macam pertanyaan duniawi sungguhlah merupakan suatu kelegaan tersendiri!

Salam semuanya.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

26-10-2013 Guru on Maha Perfection Dharma - Starlight Bodies & Whole Body Full of Eyes


The English links to this speech is not available yet.

Guru said most talk about the observing Sun, Moon, Lamp Light, but no one has talked about observing Star Light.

In Maha Perfection there is Observing Heart and Star.
Needs both to achieve results.

He briefly explain the techniques of cultivation of Starlight bodies and Whole Body full of eyes.

Guru said in Tantrayana, the Will/Thought Power 念力 to visualize is Key to successful cultivation. 

Of note is that Guru said he has transform or converted all negatives to Void.
Like Face is something a true yogi does not need.

He said there are many that continues to harm others just as a Habit.

He again stress that in Yana One - Hinayana, the Key requirement is NOT TO HARM ANYONE!
If you failed in this Key factor, you are not cultivating at all.
Therefore, it is lying to Self as well as others that you are cultivating!

Dear all, how many masters and etc. that you know of, Fits this lack of Yana One key factor? 

Anyway, enjoy Guru's speech and pick up as much as you can that Guru shares today. 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

26-10-2013 Fire Puja R9

26-10-2013 Fire Puja R8

26-10-2013 Fire Puja R7