Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Guru said: Know what you can do and what you can't!

Dear fashe
there is nothing wrong with your Leave TBS what

Dear Fashi,

i am one of those that being motivated by your 直言不讳[unafraid of speaking the Truth] articles. So, we will able to "see" 什么是对,什么错![what is right and what is wrong!]

加油喔![Keep up the good work! ] like cantonese says : 到最后一定会 "sui lok siak chut ( 水下石出?)"! [at the end, Truth will out!]

salam metta

Dear Fashi,

I'v read ur article
很心酸...为何有这样的人? 就像伤害自己亲生父亲呢!T__T
yes,lets guard our Shizun, our universal Father!

Good Day Fashi,
Very excited to see ur 20-10 fire puja photos!
Actually, felt bit funny after read ur article "Lotuschef in Chat – Leave TBS? Is it like that? & The monkey lists" = even the brain level like mine still can understand what u mean with "leave TBS"
*why don't they...?
seems like many "cute people" were "lured out" by ur blog o...

Dear all, why did core put in 2 announcement?
One to justify the other! 

Why do they need  justification at all?
When they can have a meeting to denounce Guru's words or Put words into Guru's mouth too!!!

Can Lotuschef take defamation suit against Core?
Personal Prosecution by Core's chairman and his team members, physically and in written form, concur?

The Subject matter of the article is NOT IMPORTANT?
What Core thinks, goes?

Sharing True/Authentic Dharma, Telling the Truth as It Is, means this person is disobedient and so get rid of him/her fast?

What will Core say when in the witness box giving their side of the story?

Can they tell the Court that they don't understand the article which they picked as Offensive?

Do you agree that Core don't have any diligent cultivators and they are also acting very unlike True Buddha's students?

What do they do at meetings with a Permanent Chairman?

Why did Core's chairman lead his team to bang their heads against a Solid Rock Wall?

They really show utmost disrespect for Guru as they didn't listen and cultivate to Guru's guidance,  all these while, agree?

Guru said many times : Know what you can do and what you can't!
Guru said: Respect Guru, Treasure Dharma, Diligently Cultivate!
Guru said: Hinayana, the very basic rule is NOT TO HARM ANYONE!
Guru said: when the Universe don't support you, you are in dire danger!

Forming a group and use the combine strength to threaten and harm is definitely those from and associates of [ilovegm] forum, agree?

Hahaha! Their favorite slogan: Show them our enormous strength, so that they hear wind of this strength, then lost their guts and flee!!!
Very un-buddha like, agree?

My Humble advice to Core: Remember Guru said TBS from Universe and Founder is Universe, retire will return to Universe. It can exist or don't as per sentient needs only! 
Wake up and stop craving an illusion that you created with the Poisons of Greed, Ignorance, Aversions.....

O! So close but somehow, YET SO FAR from your grasp and control! 

You all in Core has no rights to determine who is suitable and who is not with your sentient minds!

Anyway, Pure Karma is gifted by Guru and all disciples of Living Buddha Lian Sheng, why not have an assembly of True & Sincere Cultivators?

We always true to our samaya with our own Root Guru only! 

Merci beaucoup! Thank You very much! 

Acting in Haste, One almost always Repents/Regrets at Leisure! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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