Sunday, June 2, 2013

1-6-2013 Guru's Speech

The following are some points that I picked up from the above speech.

Projection of One's Buddha nature through central channel into the Heart chakra of yidam sitting upon One's crown.
Needs 9-steps breathing technique to do so!
Yes, this breathing technique is crucial to eventual "journey" to Pureland and leave Samsara behind.

The Bardo body, upon one's demise, if one forget how to chant mantra and project Bardo body, then whatever is in One's mind at time of death, will determine what/where One will be reincarnated.

Guru said if you think of a nice shining car, you might reincarnate to be a beetle!
This is due to Greed mentality.

Dream Yoga. Guru shares his daily pre-retiring practice of 9 steps breathing and then Yoga.
He always wakes at 4:30am daily, and even with time differences, he quickly adjust back to local time.
Guru said, must practice diligently Dream Yoga, so One won't forget how to invoke Yidam and get to Pureland when time comes to leave this sentient realm. :)

A true yogi that practices Dream Yoga, really don't need much sleep!
In sleep, you are actually cultivating and wakes up fully recharged! :)

When students remarked that I don't need lots of sleep, I just smile.
Some of their comments about these are in our blog articles too.

You will glow if you are always "fully charged", agree?

Please listen to this speech when available repeatedly until you pick up what Guru has shared.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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