Saturday, November 26, 2016

顯相有意義嗎?Showing Form have any meaning?

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 241_遇見本尊 > 顯相有意義嗎?

One day. A bhadanta (a term of respect applied to a Buddhist) asked me:
Showing Form have any meaning?

I replied: Have!
(This is teh sentient/mortal view)

例如:For example:
When I was in Korea, I saw a tall standing statue of [Bhaisajyaguru], I paid homage and circled 3 rounds around the Buddha.

在歸途上的三摩地中:Along the way in Samadhi:
藥師如來顯相。Bhaisajyaguru showed form.
Bhaisajya-raja, Bhaişajya-samudgata showed form.
Sūryaprabha, Candra-prabha showed form.
Twelve Divine Generals of Medicine showed form.
And their associates showed form.

In my heart, I thought: My illness will be healed!

Later, My illness was completely healed!

又例如:Or for example:
When I was in mainland China, flying from Beijing to Tai-yuan, while on board this flight, in samadhi, I saw a golden form of Amitabha Buddha appeared.
三十二相。32 Forms.
紫金摩尼光。Purplish gold mani light.
圓形頭光。Rounded halo light around head.
渾身背光。Complete silhouette of light or lighted background.
足下放紅光。Red light emitting from under both feet.
This is the most dignified dharma form of Amitabha Buddha that I have seen so far in my lifetime.

我意會到:I deduced that:
Amitabha Buddha will travel throughout the whole of mainland China with me, also protecting and blessing me with safety and auspiciousness.

主要的原因是:The main reason being:
「足下放紅光」。Red light emitting from under both feet.

又例如:Or for example:
During the [SARS] outbreak, my innermost heart is extremely heavy, chanting [great calamities mantra].
忽然有一日。Suddenly, one day.
在三摩地中。In samadhi.
I sighted [Golden mother of the Celestial Yao Pond] (King of Fairies), displaying hundreds treasure bright light, gifting me a small white pouch.

囑我去救「煞死」。Instructed me to rescue [SARS].

I saw the small white pouch expands when in contact with wind, big as a large qian-qun bag. [*qian-qun - means heaven & earth, in this context, it means the bag contains all that is needed in whatever situation.]

Small white pouch transformed into a large qian-qun back, infinitely deep and immeasurable.

Large qian-qun back in the illusionary void, like [Suck heart big dharma], sucked up all [SARS] micro-organism into this large bag.

I thought: SARS will end soon!

Really very divine, very mysterious, the large amount of micro-organism, disappeared without trace within a day.

I wrote these few [Showing of Form], affirming that [Showing Form is not without meaning].

親愛的聖弟子:Saintly studens:
Generally speaking, the form of Buddha dharma, has Mortal's & Immortal's Truth or Definition.

We in the mortal's definition, most importantly must not be fixated, deluded, let it come and go at will.

And in saintly's definition, towards [Appearance of form] from [Void nature], must not fixatedly hang on to them, let them show or hide, we only use [Realised Nature] to interpret only.

Important point still is to understand [Nature of own heart].
I had a similar experiences that I shared in this blogspot.

One of them:
After a visit to a temple in Taiwan beside a lake.
There was a tall standing statue of a green dragon king high up on the left side of the altar.
Then I sighted murals of Golden mother of yao pond seated in a Wheel-chair with attendants by her side.
The 8 fairies crossing the sea also depicted near the ceiling of another wall.
As most of my fellow tour members went on a boat-ride around the lake, only about 5 of us stayed back and had a good look around this temple.
We bought offering and especially milk.
Dragon king is reputed to like Milk that signifies Dharma milk. :)
On the way to our next destination, while in samadhi, green dragon king appeared!
That was sometime in late May 2009 before my ordination!
And before this tour, I attended GM Lu's event in Caotun temple, and my tears kept flowing upon sight of GM Lu!
Tears of Home Coming! :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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