Monday, November 21, 2016

忘忘忘忘忘 Forget Forget Forget Forget Forget

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lupa Lupa Lupa Lupa Lupa
English translation by Lama Lotuschef

蓮生活佛 > 師尊文集 > 240_打開寶庫之門——盧勝彥的祕密口訣 > 忘忘忘忘忘

In Sakyamuni Buddha's lifetime, the most important is sitting under a Bodhi tree at [Bodh Gaya], facing east, with lotus pose, vow that if don't affirmed Bodhi, won't stand up from seat.

Later, at dawn, Buddha affirmed Realisation, Self has severed all worries and impurities, realised own's nature, not subjected to transmigration within the 6 realms of samsara, finally achieved anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

<< [anuttara-samyak-sambodhi [阿耨多羅三藐三菩提・無上正等正覚] (Skt; Jpn: anokutara-sammyaku-sambodai or mujo-shoto-shogaku )

Supreme perfect enlightenment, the unsurpassed enlightenment of a Buddha. 
Anuttara means supreme, highest, incomparable, unsurpassed, or peerless. 
Samyak means right, correct, true, accurate, complete, or perfect, and 
sambodhi means enlightenment. 
The expression samyak-sam-bodhi by itself is also used to mean perfect enlightenment. Bodhi and sambodhi also mean wisdom or perfect wisdom. 
In this sense, anuttara-samyak-sambodhi means supreme perfect wisdom.>>

Buddha's initial turn of dharmachakra: Mahasatipatthana Sutta as representative.
  苦當知。Suffering must know.
  集當斷。Cause  must break.
  滅當證。Eliminate must affirm.
  道當修。Path must cultivate.

Buddha's second turn of dharmachakra: Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sūtra as representative.
  開悟明心、Enlightened and realised heart,
  六度萬行。Six Paramitas.

Buddha's third turn of dharmachakra: Sandhinirmocana Sūtra as representative.

Hinayana think that Buddha had in his infinite lifetimes, practiced Boddhisattva ways, accumulated 2 resources, HIS descent to Sentient Saha world at Bodh Gaya, when achieved path, then truly attained Buddhahood.

But Mahayana think that Buddha in HIS past lifetime has already attained Buddhahood, HIS descent to sentient realm, purely [Play game], the reason for his appearance is to educate sentient beings, that mortals can also attained Maha perfection in realisation.

  我個人如此認為:I personally think that:
[Play game] is a great key of cultivation, a cultivator if employ [Play game] mindset to look at numerous sentient beings, then reflect on self, not fixated on all beings, matters, materials.
  而不執著就是:And Not fixated is:
  「忘忘忘忘忘。……」[Forget Forget Forget Forget Forget. ....]

This is [Heart] [Territory] also present. only not abiding in both.

Natural, Forget all, Heart without attachment.

  曾經有一個形容是:There was a description:
A small child, walked into a painting gallery, he circled a big round, saw many famous paintings, after this, completely forget.

  這叫「童子觀畫」。This is [Child see painting].

Although seen all famous paintings, but none left impression in his heart.

This is [Play game] and also [Forget].

If a cultivator also can use [Play game] mindset, to see self and surrounding, [To forget] all matters, not staying in mind, then won't affect own heart, also won't have turbulent emotions/moods, unwholesome thoughts also won't arise.

Buddha's [Play game] appeared in Saha world, similar to [Lion Play Game Buddha], after playing game, then forget.

  「遊戲」是口訣。[Play game] is a key pointer.
  「忘」也是口訣。[Forget] is also a key pointer.

  有一個笑話是:There is this joke:
Whats the difference between Valentine festival and Qing-ming festival?

  答案是:The answer is:
For both festivals, the similarity is [Gift of flowers].
Valentine festival uses real money to buy flowers, gifting to one's valentine, utter a ton of ghost's words to this valentine.

Qing-ming festival is burning fake money, as gifts to ghosts, uttering a ton of human words to the ghosts.

Can be seen that all [Play game], not keeping in [heart], just [Forget] will do.

  「不忘」是凡夫![Don't forget] is mortal!
  「忘」是聖賢啊![Forget] is Saint!


For those that "harbours" dissatisfaction, hatred, anger, aversions, .... against anyone, best to wake up and save yourself!

All these negative emotions Hurt Self only!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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