Monday, August 5, 2013

Links to Guru's speech 3-8-2013. Seattle


08/03/2013 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) by Grand-Master Lu - Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple

Of special note, Guru read out a letter, which contains a student's perception of Enlightenment concepts.
Well, what he wrote are phrases taken from sutra, covering a wide aspect but Guru said he needs to pinpoints the KEY.
Guru said if he can thoroughly explain: What is Immediate Severance of Suffering of Worries or how to do so, then and then this student is Enlightened.

This happened to be a topic we were chatting about in Mcdonalds on Saturday evening, about 12 hours before Guru's speech. 

Those present, remember what I said about Non-arising of certain thoughts and their pointing to perceive returns/rewards/expectations?

The method will help you Severe Suffering arising from worry about SELF & Needs of Self.
Therefore if you can understand and apply to your daily activities, and FREE SELF, you already know what is Enlightenment and how to cultivate to prevent any Suffering from arising.

In this speech, Guru also talked about KEYS for cultivation.

Guru said, a VM asked him for Abhiseka of Accumulating Light Method. 
Guru said when he go deeply into topic of Light, he will see to relevant Abhiseka.
He will also share the Keypoints for various cultivation technique too.

Guru repeated the one on "borrowing" light, for example the lighted tip of incense stick. How to draw into Self and how to move it around. 
Gradual cultivation will enable one to light up within and merging with the "mother-light" without.
One becomes very bright and can slowly transform Self into Light.

Thats how many masters "Die" when they transformed into Rainbow Body and merging into the Universe.

Seems that Guru has not shared much on "Borrowing" & "Accumulating" Light and also certain methods might need Abhiseka too.
PKV will try not to explain these concepts before Guru does so. 

For attendees of Pure Karma cultivation sessions, please keep what you learned within the group.
Do not let anyone point fingers and accused us of overshadowing Guru and etc.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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