Sunday, February 3, 2013

Has Living Buddha Lian Sheng Attained Buddhahood?

This was sent into my email by a Vajra master and an Enlighten One.

From: "真佛護法園地" <>
Date: 2013/2/1
Subject: [New post] 回答誹謗者的提問:蓮生活佛是不是已經成佛?
To: xxx master

This seems to be a question from the defamators and replied by [ilovegm], the unofficial forum endorsed by TBS' Core Administrators!

Part of the Reply accompanying the email:

[即身成佛的口訣|如來祕密 (盧勝彥文集075真佛法中法) 一般說來,顯教修行,要經三大阿僧祇劫,才能成正覺。而密教修行,經三密加持,可以即身成佛。]

Yesterday when I sighted this mail, I dumped it instantly into Trash.
However, Guru said go retrieve it and have fun! :)

Well then, Let the Fun Begin!!!

Actually All that are involved from beginning to current in the so-proclaimed [For Guru] movements, have breach Samaya in Not Heeding Guru's Advice to leave Animosity well alone.

Hahaha! Guru said No matter what Others do to him, he will not Retaliate! 

Question: If Guru is not a Buddha, he would have instituted reciprocating actions upon all defamators and slanderers all these years, agree?

Only a Buddha has infinite wisdom and compassion and also patience to leave these errants beings alone until their affinity mature, then succor them, agree? 

The Question about whether Guru has attain Buddhahood or not, should not be heeded and no reply should be given at all, what more the unofficial forum, named [ilovegm], agree?

Receiving and Returning Volleys are acts of Ignorants, that didn't pay attention to Guru's teachings and abide Guru's guidances, correct? 

Wake up please!!!
Your problem is : Want to Win! 

To the Enlighten One, please use whatever you have realized about the First Elemental Truth on yourself first. I think you need it more than anyone else. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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