Sunday, February 3, 2013

任运自如 Execute Easily at Will

This is a topic Guru gave me this afternoon.
The following links can give some clues to help us understand.
Please read them. :)

Guru talks about this frequently - Execute with Ease at Will.
When One is 100% enlightened, he or she will be able to Execute at Will with ease too.
Just like raising a hand, or lifting a limb to walk, smiling, breathing, ..... doing at ease and unconsciously without much efforts.

In actual fact, this is Power that many Crave & Pursue! :)
Yes! Sorry to disappoint those in this category though.
You NEED to be enlightened completely and you need to cultivate pass Vehicle 9 - Ati Yoga too.

What is Power without the ability to Control it properly?

Watch Guru doing Vajra boxing carefully, with smoothly and very fluid movements, he actually bless all with light energy Easily and without most recipients physically seeing it!!!

 If you start a fire and you can't regulate it or extinguish it, then Don't Ever Start One! 

O! This just came to mind: If you have Evil intent and carried out these to hurt or harm anyone, like hiring Maoshan to harm anyone, YOU don't have any inkling what True Power is! 

Those Maoshan practitioners that accepted commissions to harm anyone, also have no idea what True Power is! :)

This is hard to believe but heed me. When you send out any evil stuff, you actually established a link to your victim, which is call Karmic Negative. These are actually Energy Fields and Waves.
With this link, your target victim can actually follow it back to source, that is you and your paymasters! 

I remember stating that if the Maoshan arrows take me by surprise, I would not hesitate to send them back to Origins, with a simple command or order. :)
I actually forgot to explain that I am able to do so because of the link/links established by the Initiators. :)

You can think I am lying, and crazy too, however, don't play in arenas out of your league!

Hahaha! If you read enough of my articles, you can already pick up how much I do know and can do if I have to, for good of all. 
I won't hesitate to halt you too.

Fortunately for you all, my weapon is Buddha Dharma and I have Maha Boddhicitta! :) :) :) 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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