Monday, February 4, 2013

Letter from TBS' Core - Comprehending so Difficult?


Dear readers, these are people who really need to Read & Comprehend?

Explained so clearly still picked bones? :)

The letter said they don't comprehend and many students also don't comprehend!
Resulting in these people having [不好的观感 - no good view and feel]!

Following articles were written on Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Leave TBS? Is it like that?

莲厨谈心 -离开真佛宗?是这样吗!

Core's letter is dated 8th January 2013, more than 2 months later.

Core's members also didn't understand or comprehend the Contents of these 2 articles?

Core should praise me for sharing Zen Dialogue instead, agree?

:) :) :)

There is a Disclaimer in place too, for all to read with Open Mind!
If these people have such low intellects then it is truly not my problem, as there are those with higher intellects that will appreciate my sharing, correct?

So don't comprehend, don't blame others!
Also don't use your own lacking of intellects to hinder others in sharing Authentic Buddha Dharma!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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