Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Guru & Leave TBS

Guru and Retirement

[Well, Guru said to those Core members, you all don't expect me to work till I drop dead?
He also said these jokingly during one of his dharma speech too, if you can recall.

Well, there are more.
Guru said to all students present, especially those so called Core member, you all go and set up Zhen Zong 真宗 or Fo Zong 佛宗, I don't care.
Anyway, TBS is going to disintegrate as per current trend, even before my demise.
Also to take out all Refuge data and void them and do refuge all over again! ]


With more information surfacing, it seems Guru's instruction for me to "leave TBS", takes on new meaning too.

TBS is not going to last!

So developing other channels to propagate Dharma, better method to cultivation, are all necessary for long-term preservation of Guru's teachings!

Also be independent of any sentient standards or governing bodies form by sentient minded individuals!
SO declaring that I only listen to Guru is not wrong at all!!!

Guru said that TBS given by Universal Divinities and will return to them when he retires.

Let's look from another angle, shall we? :)

Can returning to Universal Divinities be taken to mean hand TBS to a True Living Buddha, of same caliber as Guru? :)

Think on it.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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