Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ushering 2015 - Sydney Fireworks

I was watching these Live on TV in Perth.

Sydney is 3 hours ahead of Perth and Singapore, so they ushered in 2015 3 hours ahead!

Its a marvellous display of fireworks! 

Cheers all.

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Sumptuous Meal 丰富的一餐

Above: Sambal prawn chilli with dried prawns & Olive oil, stir fried.
Pumpkins added to this sambal mixture.

 Above: Steam Chinese sausages & the Sambal prawn with Pumpkins.

Below: Ready to steam - diced chicken marinated with cornflour, light soy sauce, olive oil & sesame oil + fried salted fish bits + red chilli bits + ginger strips.

Above & Below: The steaming dish is ready to serve. :)

All served with Fragrant Jasmine Rice!


Cheers all

Happy new year & may 2015 brings all the best for everyone.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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[Charity] Bardo Deliverance, Medan Session, 2015

Dear friends,

Pure Karma would also perform the Bardo Deliverance during the fire puja in Medan, January 10, 2015 for those who died recently from accidents worldwide.

All sponsors are welcome.

For more inquiries, please contact us via:


Teman-teman sekalian yang terkasih,

Pure Karma juga akan memberikan pelayanan Penyeberangan Bardo saat upacara puja api homa di Medan, 10 Januari 2015, bagi mereka yang meninggal karena kecelakaan di seluruh belahan dunia.

Sponsor amal terbuka untuk siapapun juga.

Untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi kami lewat:


Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.

Related Posts:

Health Tips 健康点滴

The following is shared in Facebook:
Please use as reference only and do your own research to ascertain the Truth always!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

癌症預防研究所公 布抑癌蔬菜排行:
List of vegetables that help to prevent cancer:
01: 熟番薯 98.7% - Steam sweet potato
02: 生番薯 94.4% - raw sweet potato
03: 蘆筍 93.9 % - asparagus
04: 花椰菜 82.8% - cauliflower
05: 卷心菜 91.4% - cabbage
06: 菜花 90.8% - broccoli
07: 西芹 83.7% - celery
08: 茄子皮 74.0% - aubergine skin /eggplant skin
09: 甜椒 55.5% - capsicum
10: 胡蘿蔔 46.5% - carrot
11: 金花菜 37.6% - dried lily flower
12: 薺菜 35.4% - Chinese cabbage
13: 苤蓝 34.7% - kailan
14: 芥菜 32.9% - mustard green
15: 雪里蕻 29.8% - potherb mustard
16: 番茄 23.8% - tomato
Drink hot lemon water can prevent cancer. Don't add sugar. Hot lemon water is more beneficial than cold lemon water.
Both yellow n purple sweet potato hv good cancer prevention properties.
01. 常吃宵夜會得胃癌 ,因為胃得不到休息 often taking supper late night can increase the chance of stomach cancer
02. 一個星期只能吃四顆蛋,吃太多,對身體不好 never take more than 4 eggs per week
03. 雞屁股,含有致癌物 ,不要吃比較好 eating pope's nose (chicken backside) can cause stomach cancer
04. 飯後吃水果是錯誤的觀念,應是飯前吃水果 never eat fruit after meal. Shd be before meal
05. 月經來時,不要喝綠茶,反正茶類的不要喝就對了,多吃可以補血的東西 don't take tea during menstruation period
06. 喝豆漿時不要加雞蛋及糖,也不要喝太多 take less soy milk, no adding sugar or egg to soy milk
07. 空腹時不要吃蕃茄 ,最好飯後吃 don't eat tomato with empty stomach
08. 早上醒來先喝一杯水,預防結石 drink a glass of plain water every morning before food to prevent gall bladder stones
09. 睡前三小時不要吃東西,會胖 no food 3 hrs before bed time
10. 少喝奶茶,因為高熱量高油脂,沒有營養價值可言,長期飲用易罹患高血壓,糖尿病 drink less Teh Tarik, no nutritional properties but can cause diabetes n hypertension
11. 剛出爐的麵包,不宜馬上食用 do not eat toast bread when it is hot from oven or toaster
12. 遠離充電座,人體應遠離30公分以上,切忌放在床邊 do not charge your Handphone or any device next to u when u r sleeping
13. 每天十杯水,膀胱癌不會來 drink 10 glasses of water a day to prevent bladder cancer
14. 白天多喝水,晚上少喝水 drink more water in the day, less at night
15. 一天不要喝兩杯以上的咖啡,喝太多易導致失眠.胃痛 don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, may cause insomnia n gastric
16. 多油脂的食物少吃!因為得花5-7小時去消化,並使腦中血液集中到腸胃,易昏昏欲睡 eat less oily food. It takes 5-7 hrs to digest them, makes u feel tired
17. 下午五點後,大餐少吃.因為五點後,身體不需那麼多能量 after 5pm, eat less
18. 十種吃了會快樂的食物::深海魚,香蕉,葡萄柚,全麥麵包,菠菜,大蒜,南瓜,低脂牛奶,雞肉,櫻桃 food that makes u happy: deep sea fish, banana, grapefruit, whole meal bread, spinach, garlic, pumpkin, low fat milk, chicken, peach.
19. 睡眠不足會變笨;一天須八小時睡眠 ,有午睡習慣,較不會老 sleep less than 8 hrs a day may deteriorate our brain function. Taking Afternoon naps may keep our youthful look
熱的檸檬水可以救你一輩子 ~ hot lemon water can sustain your health n make u live longer
只殺癌細胞!hot lemon water kills cancer cells
切2~3薄片檸檬放在杯子裏,加入熱水,它會變成「鹼性水」,每天飲用,對任何人都有益。add hot water to 2-3 slices of lemon. Make it a daily drink
熱檸檬水能釋放一種苦澀抗癌物質,這是在醫藥領域有效治療癌症的最新進展,冰涷檸檬水只有維他命C,就如番茄要煮熟才有茄紅素。the bitterness in hot lemon water is the best substance to kill cancer cells. Cold lemon water only has vitamin C, no cancer prevention.
Cooked tomato has healing properties than the raw tomato.
產生影響。hot lemon water can control cancer tumor growth.
被證明能夠補救所有類型的癌症 clinical tests hv proven hot lemon water works.
能調整高血壓,有效預防深靜脈栓塞,調整血液迴圈,減低血液凝塊。hot lemon water can prevent blood clots.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

融入大自然 Merging into Mother Nature

Terjemahan Indonesia: Melebur dengan Ibu Pertiwi

I remember sharing techniques of Merging into Water, about 2 years ago in a resort at Lake Toba.

What are the main points or key factors to cultivate Merging into water or any part of Mother Nature?

For Water:
  1. Need to feel the water against One's skin surfaces
  2. Immerse self into water while holding one's breath.
  3. Empty thoughts & Meditate

GM wrote about Merging into Lakes and Mountains too.
Also merging with the Sun & Moon, which I had also share some pointers. :)

Go do some research of GM's methods please.

If you have Affinity with Me, I might share some of the key factors with you too!

However, A Good & Sound Foundation of 4 preliminaries and Guru Yoga is required!

The point to learn is Be Natural, a crucial Key to Maha Mudra and Maha Perfection!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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笑是良药 Laughter is the Best Medicine

Dear all, Laughing is good for everyone.


In laughing, One expels "bad" energy in exchange for "good" ones!

GM laughs merrily often and shares this all around!

He also crack jokes during his dharma speeches to help all to lighten up and stay awake!

Staying awake needs "good" energy!

Lightening up or off loading one's burdens, also need "good" energy.

THINK: if you always carry a stern and unhappy face around, and proclaim yourself to be a True Yogi or cultivator that has attainment of Tantra Yoga like Maha Mudra or Maha Perfection, You are Bluffing!

Its all in GM's speech about some VMs or Gurus changing constantly!

What does GM wants to tell you in the last part of his speech of 27 December 2014?

During Pure Karma's fire puja or homa events, when helping each individual attendee to do offering, I lightly "scan" them. (See photo above).

Then I would encourage to smile.
Just a smile, and works miracle!

The aura of this person brightened instantly! :)

I also start the session with purging of Dark & Stale or Stagnant air within, making each one "clean up" inside, thus each one has a conducive environment to cultivate.


Many said I practice "Dark Arts"!

Do I? 

No! I share ways to help each one arrived at a conducive state to cultivate only!
AND these are simple steps to follow too!

These are also what GM assigned to me by telling me to "Leave TBS"!


The "standard" practices that exist and fed to the mass lacks effectiveness, BECAUSE of lack of detail instruction from lack of thorough comprehension of these practices!

Please refer to the Sadhana that Pure Karma has compiled in English, Chinese & Bahasa.

Looks the same as the "Standards" but clearer and easier to understand and follow!

Please Note that all Buddha's Dharma do not bear any restriction for all beings to learn.
There is no question of THEFT too, as only those with relevant Affinity will be able to decipher the Ultimate Truth to reach Buddhahood! :)

Relevant Affinity equates to One's karmic influences! 

Now understand why GM said that [Understanding Karma Fully, One is Enlightened!]


Listen to GM and laugh merrily then you will be happy & healthy! 

Yes!  Just a smile can change your inner energy fields greatly!

So people do not understand why I posted photos of places that I visited and stuff I cooked in this blog.

GM said everything we do is Cultivation!

Doing everything happily is indeed good cultivation! 
Do you agree?

The outdoors, gives you a chance to get closer to Mother Nature!
Cooking and being creative, relaxes you and help you laugh and de-stress!
Seeing nice and beautiful things, helps you feel joyful and even can help you feel joy oozing from within to share too! :)

Cheers all 

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Baking - Having Fun!