Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lotuschef in Contemplation - Bardo & Myths

From the previous article : Questions about Bardo.

When a person died, he or she will soon realized that they don't want to hang around the underworld at all.
Remember Guru's book about these spirits being sentenced at Hall 1, by King of Hades?
They are then send to respectively Hells as per their Karmic Negatives Level.

It is truly not a matter of their refusing to accept bardo delivery to a better place because the family members reluctant to let them go!

However, there are those that suffered great hardships through being wronged by others, would like to "take revenge" before they leave.

I wrote that I negotiated with them this way: Be sure you do not exact over what is owed to you, else you landed up owing them. This way you have to pay back to them until your debts are clear before you can leave.
Why don't forgive and forget and take this offered opportunity to leave Sufferings behing and go to a better place?
The refuge is like a Visa you can go to higher realms, and the offered incense and lotuses are your vehicles.
If you make things worse for Self, then I am afraid I can't help you leave at all at a later date.

This normally works. If you are sincere enough and give them plenty of offering & blessing from Guru & Divinities.

So now, your problem is whether they believe you or not! :)

If you read enough of my articles, you will find that I shared much already. I am repeating again when another situation arises.
Do not ask same questions of me again, please.

You get frightened by people that didn't listen to Guru properly and also cultivate as per Guru's teachings.

When I advised anyone to stay calm, it means you are not functioning wisely and easy preys to those unscrupulous practitioners that make things worse for you only.

The Girl that can see ghosts??? Think what did Guru said on this topic???
Guru said when they consult a ghost/spirits with lower energy, the consultation will not be accurate at all. So why waste time & money and scared yourself and your family?

This student consulted so many people and arrived at her own conclusion!

If the letter she wrote to Seattle is the same as her first to me, then I am afraid she will not be getting much help. Her point didn't come through and I have to guess what she is all about!

Dear all,  please stay calm, or try your best to do so, as you will make matters worse for self only.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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