Monday, October 2, 2017

地獄嗜血魔 Hell's blood addicted demon

Referring to the recorded sermon:

Extracted from 【TBSN最新】蓮生活佛告誡眾弟子今天做為上師丶法師的弟子要謹記,要"心存眾生"!千萬不可開囗跟眾生要錢。:
GM's Lu cautioned all students that are Vajramasters, reverends, to steadfastly remember to Have Sentient Beings in their hearts! Do not open mouth to ask sentient beings for Money.

4 big mamas from California asked GM to advise as to why Thubten Ksiti also can be affected by XX. Reason being that Ksiti was invited to visit and view the 5 ghostly chiefs of XX residence, he cant sleep for at least one month upon his return. That period his face emit darkness.

XX said that Ksiti already belong to XX group, because of his common origin with XX.
GM Lu stressed that [Thubten Ksiti] evolved from Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva's origin, but XX is actually the Hell's blood-addicted demon.

GM Lu taught a special method to counter this demon's evils:

GM Lu advised to get the butcher's knife, wrap around knife's handle with yellow paper, place on dharma cultivation table, this knife can be use to cultivate many dharma practices.

Can protect, can destroy evil, wave knife in hand, then ghosts' heads all drop to the ground, placing on the table during cultivation, all ghosts will have already ran away!


When GM Lu first revealed that Ksiti was affected by XX's evils, I also have the same query as the 4 big mamas!


LC: I going thru the 17 sep dharma speech. about XX being hell's death blood demon
: GM said long ago that ksiti can see into others' fate or 3 times just with a glance. I asked GM why Ksiti fell under XX's evil stuff?
: GM's answer is in this speech! And I have been thinking on this for past weeks.
: how to teach people that Power is not what most perceived. even ksiti with his heavenly eye n etc, fell prey to XX's evils!
: I remember LZS Sg got one admin shijie, Jn, she kept looking for me in Caotun, to get me to go take photo with Ksiti! I said : No need!
: she posted the photos into her facebook

AA: yes
: even he was also obstructed by the ghosts
: the big mamas could see his face was dark

LC: ya lol. a living buddha hor!
: anyway, its a good experience for him on his learning path
: yup. the poisons
: I still remember his mom made him kneel to the floor to pay respect to shi-mu in seattle
: poor kid

AA: yep, this is also a good experience
: seeing and feeling, gathering the data and processing into useful information

LC: 嗜. be addicted ~ XX is 地獄嗜血魔
: so should be Hell's blood addicted demon

AA: yep, more suitable with the that additional character


When in Caotun temple early this year, I sighted Ksiti.
He looks very "Sentient"! 
The shine when he was affirmed by GM Lu was gone.
He is dull in aura too.

A boy of 13, that have the look of a grown man of about 30+!
Something is not right.

My humble advice to all: Keep your root guru, GM Lu, in sight and WALK only in step with HIM! 

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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