Friday, October 20, 2017

Shi-Zun is Your Miracle! 师尊是你的奇迹! [3]

    [--- Hahaha! Now the Finale!
    I taught her to chant Guru's mantra, visualizing she is Guru and radiating Light to all, without differentiation and segregation!
    Just sharing the goodness of Universal Energy in the form of Light! :)

    This time she stopped and smiled and said she felt wonderful and she said I must be the Miracle that SZ told her to find!
[这次,她自动停下来, 微笑着对我说,她觉得很好,接着说道, 我应该是师尊叫她找的奇迹!]  ---]


Quoting from 只需[师尊心咒]! Only Need [Guru's Mantra]!:

[3] This time, I taught him a method that I practiced many times before.
Its an evolution of the 4 Immeasurable Visualisation with Boddhicitta as the Key.
**[As this is a one to one kind of instruction and close scrutiny of the subject at practice is required, I won't detail what I taught AA.]
This method helps AA moves into another Plane in order to cleanse himself & stay undisturbed.
AA said that this time, GM is shining brightly in golden light, real amazing.

[--- RV: hehe! Buddha Affinity versus One's own karmic negative level
from the start you seem to believe everything I share
Some can't understand english too well, so they missed out on alot
Some don't have time to read much u see the karmic angle of each one?
and those that read my articles tend to have their own interpretation also corresponding to their karmic negative levels at the time of reading
but some reacted with violence!
all individual's karmic influences

RV: <<你又忽略这[要诀]-[一咒即生双莲池]!
[You neglected the Key ~ One mantra will then ascend to Maha Twin Lotus Pond!]
[Kunci Penting] ini, kamu terlewatkan lagi – [Hanya Dengan Satu Mantra Sudah Bisa Mengangkatmu ke Kolam Teratai Kembar]!>>
everytime chant this but don't know how to use it ---]


All of you have been chanting mantra and many even desperately pushing for the 8 million quota that GM Lu set for a trip to Maha Twin Lotus Pond!
You forgot the KEYS!
Mudra; Visualisation & Mantra.

Employing Guru's mantra as the constant but varying the visualisation is what I use all the time to help those that need cleansing! :)

For those that are not GM Lu's student, I advise them to chant Namo Amituofo or if they are of other Religious Faith, then chant whatever they feel comfortable with!
[For example: Chanting "Hail Mary...." is fine!]

The Principle?
One Universe Only!

The Key is Focus or Concentrate on ONE!
Remember what GM Lu said about Pure Body Speech Mind?
Thats when you are diligently cultivating with Mudra; Visualisation & Mantra!

I really don't bother about what others choose to say to the detriment of my methods! 
GM Lu said, can use effectively then its good dharma or method.

Of course there are some that are disturbed by spirits and it is best to keep a close watch on them when teaching them to clean themselves! 

Do not accuse GM Lu of not teaching you right method of cultivation or cautioning you with regards to Religious Cheats!

You didn't listen to him with your a Sincere Heart! 

If you really need help, TRUST GM Lu to find a way to help you! 

Don't run wild and believe those Fakes that are after your money, after sentient possession, and have already lost Root Transmission Lineage!
Those that detrimented GM Lu's teachings are the real ignorants that are bound for the 3 Lower realms of transmigration! 

Did you listen in to the recent speeches by GM Lu?
What was XX's verdict about Lotus-child?

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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