Sunday, October 15, 2017

Lotus Child 莲花童子 ?

Terjemahan Bahasa: Bocah Teratai?

Quoting from Lotus Child 莲花童子 [2]:

[--- First and foremost, start observing these people that are ordained and vowed to dedicate their lives to GOD/BUDDHA and do their best to relieve suffering to bring happiness to all sentient beings.
Hahaha! Do not have the misconception that only those of Buddhist leanings can discover their inherent Buddha nature, anyone that can dedicate their all solely for the good of all sentient beings, and encouraging and guiding others along the same paths can attain Saintly stages and higher.

What is a lotus child?
One that retain the purity despite being immersed in mud or impurities of the sentient realm and emerges shiningly pure and unstained.

How to distinguish a lotus child?
This is a real wide topic! We have to observe young children closely.

Their Innocence for one.
Their Joy gushes forth upon what most adults considered as little or insignificant matter.
Their Carefree disposition.

Now have fun looking at all those little children!
Hahaha! ---]


Quoting from Lotus Child [3]:

[--- The smiling and at peace, at ease disposition of an innocent child that draws the observers.
Young children are pure and it is the adults that think they need this and that that polluted the children's purity.

Just like us all, thinking we need this and that, in so doing creating suffering for self as well as others.

Like the articles about Sarira and Greed; Dining Privileges: ...... ; these are all what One thinks One must have! ---]


Quoting from Lotuschef in Awakening / Realization 醒/觉:

    [---Dear all,
    Enlightened, Awakened, Realized, .... all depends on the Individual and his/her own Diligent Efforts and how much of their individual's karmic negatives is purified!

    A True Yogi - will have no fixation and attachments to any sentient disputes and sentient cravings that hinders those like Core's members!

    Has Lotuschef Awakened, arrived at Realization and found True Buddha? :) ---]


As GM Lu enumerated the Criteria of Characteristics of a Lotus Child, to help all differentiate the FAKES, I also would like to say: I TOLD YOU SO! 
You all didn't choose to believe me! 

From the very beginning of my refuge with GM Lu, I have started to help others that were misled or misguided by FAKES!

Instead of heeding my TRUE statements, most of you chose to listen to TBS admin and alienated me!

Altars that are "Corrupted"?
[1] I met this fellow student from Brunei, she has real dark aura.
Driving home after our meeting, I had a vision of the altar in her hometown.
I advised her to go get some master to clean up the altar as what is sitting inside the statues are not what they are meant to be!
She was talking of getting me over to redo the altar, but it didn't materialise as I am only a new reverend!

[2] My brother's altar in a business premises in Pontian, Malaysia.
The Ones sitting inside the various statues are ghostly spirits and the one inside Sakyamuni statue gave me an evil look like that of a gangster!

[3]An altar of a fellow student, that has a dark green rope like mark around his neck. He paid many masters from TBS to set his altar but none were effective!

[4] Altar in Ipoh chapter that I did Homa event. Occupants of the statues also not of divine nature! 
The thing is, a VM did a homa of Yellow jambala on 13 April, and didn't notice the problem with the altar!
With the approval of the chapter's owner, and the help of fellow students accompanying me, I rearrange the altar!
Actually, I cleanse the altar and re-invoke the relevant Divinities to sit in!

[5] A fellow student showed me a picture of his altar at home. I said something is not right and I promised to have a look when I next visit Hong Kong and have time to spare!
I cleaned up his altar and also another one of a fellow student staying nearby!
This is the fellow student that has a hostile business rival that set "Dark crafts" to ensnare his business with mirrors!
My advice for him to swap the arrangement of his goods, resulted in this rival's business becoming Zero the whole morning!
Then this rival closed up at 2pm. When they next open for business the next day, placement of mirrors were rearranged!
I set up a cube of nettings with Acala's 9-syllable mantra to contain the rival's shop!
This way, no evil can come out of this place and also no evil can enter it as well!

Remember: We do not harm anyone and also prevent anyone from harming others!

Practice Bodhicitta!

Before you next hurl lies and abuses at Lotuschef, BEST be aware that you are creating negatives that will hurt yourself ONLY!

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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