Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lotuschef in Recollection of Brushing-Pass Organized Crimes

Beautiful things, sight of them fills One with joy.
A smile too can form as well.

Back in 2006, going through the Family Court to get Living Support for my kids and myself, I was forced to "dig" into my ex's activities to show he is adulterous and the major factor that caused him to "skip" and "abandon home" was his involvement with his Thai-partner in buying, importing and selling fakes of Branded speakers that are made in China.
They established Letter of Credit from some Thai-bank of the Thai-partner too, instead of buying with cash. This is how bold and fearless these people are!

He brought some back to the matrimonial flat and when I discovered and suggest that he comes clean with the Law, he said he will get lawyers when the police come for him.
He said many people are doing the same!

Yes! When Karma returns, One will do lots of unlawful things, and trading in fakes and evading income taxes, are nothing to be surprise about! :)
So working with an estate agent to churn out an invoice that is extraordinary high in sales commission is small matter to persons like this ex. Market is 1% but this invoice claims 4%! Hahaha!

Now to the point.
I have friends that somehow chanced upon EX, in the vicinity of people who organizes parties to Thailand to "deflower virgins" of about 10 years old!

Then they crossed paths with another group that bring in children; teach them some basic English for about 2 weeks; then "export" them to "clients" through a very involved route!

For example, they would travel from Bangkok to Tokyo, or Jakarta, then hop around to Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Manila, Frankfurt, and eventually ends at Amsterdam or Toronto.
Each child is normally accompanied by their Language Trainer and moving around until they reach destination.

There were records of these trainers and they got their air-tickets issued in their country of origin, for example Singapore. The issuing office also pays their "wages"!

There were records of passport or travel documents issuing bases all over Asia too.

Ex is involved? I really don't know!

I halted my friends in sharing further with me.
They sent the information gathered with relevant authority and one of them is Interpol.

Reading about the plane crash and those traveling with stolen identities brought back memories of my horror at knowing that there are people that can do heinous crimes to minors like 10 years old girls; trade little children; travel with fake documents; ......
O! His Chinese mistress also trades in fakes by bringing them into China and Hongkong through land routes via Vietnam and etc.
His other partners from Indonesia; Malaysia; Taiwan: Hongkong; China; Dubai; Manila; are good or savvy at Under-declaration of value of imported goods, which is cheating Custom & Excise!

Whew! I am truly glad that all those are just memories now!

But Thailand? WHY?
The latest crash has two confirmed travelling with stolen identities and both original owners had their passport stolen in Thailand.
These two also somehow bought their tickets from Thailand, although they travel out from KL, bound for Beijing.


When Karma Ripens!
This is one statement that I gifted to Ex & his team of lawyers and fellow conspirators and associates, back in 2006.

From the recent bouts of missiles, these people are still digging their rest-places deeper and deeper into the Dark.

I wish to thank those that have watched out for me and still watching over my safety.
You stopped those sent from Thailand to "take care of me"!
Really grateful to all of you that I am still Alive! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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