Friday, March 7, 2014

Discover Wondrous Avatamsaka Sutra 华严经

Terjemahan Indonesia: Avatamsaka Sutra yang Menakjubkan

John Leech Sketch from Punch 1848


This sutra is a very long one indeed.

However, many shunted this one because it is too long?

Not absolutely true!

Most sentient beings have Gigantic EGO!

They never admit to being ignorant and even lying to Boost these EGO!

Commonly called : FACE 脸!

死要脸 - means die also want Face. That is Want to maintain this Face to the End! :)

A student said: I haven't find time to read it.
Another said: I don't understand so I stop reading it.

Dear all, 
like the Trick I taught you when you don't understand Shizun's statements; you can ask Shizun to teach you and guide you, by invoking Shizun's presence first and make your request, then you chant SZ's mantra as much as possible.
Actually, you can do 10 rounds of the 108 beads or until you feel a lightness & brightness like you have been fully charged! 

Then you can proceed to listen or read SZ's statements or you can ask for help from SZ for any text or video of Buddha Dharma that you wish to learn.

When you do this, you actually Trust your Root Guru Absolutely to guide you Astrally!

To name this scenario: You are walking In Step with your Root Guru along the Bodhi Path, with his meticulous caring guidance and his sharing of Buddha's wisdom.

The next scenario: You achieved Guru Yoga!!! :)


Now how to really appreciate Guru's sharing and also sutra like the Avatamsaka?

You need to start by Purifying Self!

Pure Karma's method for cultivation begins with 3 Deep Breaths, with appropriate visualization.
We have these published in English, Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia.
Please go Media Centre in this blog.

Read the Reviews for Avatamsaka Sutra in this blog too!

You are taking a leisurely journey with SZ and all beings in Discovery of the Flower Adornment World 华严世界.

Leisurely means you throw away sentient suffering of worries and unwholesome thoughts! 

Journey of Discovery means you are to have FUN as well!

The sutra started with a grand Universal Celebration of Sakyamuni Buddha's Enlightenment!

I am sharing Book 38 now, which is 离世间品 - Leaving the sentient world book.

This one shares with those with True Affinity, the very basic and also ultimate concept of Buddhahood!

O! there is no need to memorize them at all.

Just read and tell yourself: O! this is the mindset, ah.

If you are truly sincere and diligent, these concepts will surface when you need them in your daily life! 

Yes. These concepts and scenarios will get enscripted into your Heart or Mind! :)

Don't force yourself to understand if you can't at first reading. 
Read it again at a later date or ask someone or discuss with someone.

You always have SZ to back you up too! :)

Now I am also willing to help you if you are asking genuine questions.
Of course, I might not be able to fully explain in detail certain sutra too!

So your best choice is SZ! 

Don't let EGO keep you forever in Ignorance! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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