Monday, October 30, 2017

A ~ [2017] Using Other’s Hands to Kill 借刀杀人

  • Lotuschef at Play - 龙袍生基Dragon Robe Sheng Ji [4]
  • .......
  • Francesca Poon Guru's teaching has a statement that teaches all students that they must abide by the Law of the respective government.

    The CHC saga has nothing to do with God, it is between Sentient Beings and how one group played on the Sentient Mindset of another to reap benefits for SELFs to satisfy Sentient Materials' Cravings!

    Francesca Poon Guru said: I don't need Face! Remember that speech? Remember how Guru always deals with Defamation? Hahaha!

    In order to Yoga with Guru, use the 4 Noble Truths & 8 Fold Noble Paths all the time. Why did Guru points out that certain seniors in TBS have YET TO YOGA? Hahaha!
    Amazing Tantrayana!!! Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

    Francesca Poon By the way, look at the dates I wrote the 3 articles - Yoga? Never Before! and Guru's landmark announcement on 23-6-2012.

    Peggy Leong Yes, I support Joseph point of view, Fa shi you Have too much grievances in your heart. I Have read your blog. In your blog, you always critise and point fault at your very own fellow brothers,and masters.
    Fa shi why do you live in a life of misery and grievances, you should culitivate at your heart Level. Have peace in your mind and heart. This is the way to cultivate. Not always criticise peopLe. Peace to you.
    May you Have peace

    Francesca Poon Dear Peggy, Hahaha!Reading and Understanding are 2 different matters! I thank you for your advice to change my style of Living!

    However, I also humbly suggest you go read some Zen Koans that Guru wrote with Live Subjects and other Koans by other Zen masters.

    Do not only glean the Surface only. Hahaha! Amituofo!

    Peggy Leong Fa shi Peace to you, Peace to all =)

    Francesca Poon Thank you. I sincerely wish you True Peace! Amituofo. Lotuschef!
The above are only 2 who wrote in Facebook in defence of yet another TBS' XX!
Hahaha! Yes! There are more of them!

[Pointing out] the Truth most often draws criticism from sentient beings that put up a front as a Buddha's student but do not practice sincere diligence to be ONE!

JY is an ardent fan of this chapter and PL is the daughter of one of the admin-team of this chapter!

Vested Self Interest of sentient beings that do not have ample grasp of Buddha Dharma!

These are easy preys for those unscrupulous to be make use of as their "Assassins"!

Followers of yet another monk, the ex-superintendent of Seattle Temple, are also preys of this monk that are turned into "assassins" with me as one of  their targets!

Dear all,
Wake up please!
Buddha dharma teaches you to use wisdom to discern what you hear and see and feel, to benefit self and others!
[1]Can you truly "read" the mind of people you choose to "defend" or "attack"?
[2] Did Buddha teach you to "gang-up" in defence or attack?

Buddha dharma teaches One to learn from others Body Speech Mind and their corresponding results, so as to "Know what you can do, and what you can't"!

Cultivation is a SOLO endeavour that No One can do on your behalf.

After these few years, since 2013, that Lotuschef was delisted from the TBS' reverends list, have I become ineffective in the use of Buddha Dharma at all?

What you have learnt and comprehended and practiced, No One Can Ever Steal From You!

I can speak a few languages, can YOU?

I had withstood TBS Admin's hostile actions but the enlightened LF can't and I heard that she has left TBS and seek out another guru from another sector!

Remember GM Lu said that Once you can successfully achieve Guru Yoga, you will never leave HIM?
See? One's Body Speech Mind and the resultant choice of execution reveals whether one has truly and successfully achieved Guru Yoga or not!

Do you have Boddhicitta?
Do you truly understand most of what your Root Guru shares?

Do wake up now!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

[2017] Using Other’s Hands to Kill 借刀杀人

The above: GM Lu, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng, my Root Guru.
Is HE your Root Guru too?

Lets PLAY!

Extracted from: -
The above is about advising students to observe Samaya strictly and alleged to be from Guru on the 22-9-2012, after lunch at Taiwan Temple.
[Link: ]

Translation by Lama Lotuschef:-
7. Even for those top cultivators that abide discipline strictly, also loose out to those that single heartedly serve or care for Guru. Even if they have no time to spare to cultivate, can also receive Guru's merits, this is very auspicious.
This time, I wish to draw readers attention to [即使侍者無暇修法 Even if they have no time to spare to cultivate, ] .

LC: Thats why I said those alleged to be Guru's statements on Disciplines to be abide by is all Wrong!
It spelled a "Sentient Mind" at work!
So we violated Discipline here in lying to all about what Guru said, and who Mis-interpreted guru's statements with a sentient mindset?

It is that Funny when one is clear-minded lol!
but is is also very sad to have admin does these all the time.
most of the seniors or veterans of TBS too!
well, KARMA!

The statements Alleged to be that of GM Lu, was published by TBS Admin, with VM Lian-ning as Chairman!
And This Chairman, VM Ln is supposed to be an Enlightened one!

What has the Published statements to do with the Topic of [Using other's hands to kill]?

The chairman that approved the publication of these statements alleged to be that of GM Lu, is Using his Authority as Chairman to 
[1] mislead Susceptible sentient beings, so that they won't put sincere diligent efforts into cultivation.
[2] to satisfy his own EGO, and to down those sincere diligent cultivators that have Attained successes in cultivation!

The Results?
Maintaining a Superiority or Supremacy as the Chairman and "HEIR" to the TBS' Throne!

GM Lu said: A day without Cultivation is Ghost! 

SAM, labeled as XX by GM Lu, practices DIRECT hits, but LN seems to practice "Concealed" or Indirect Hits!

The Facebook Tok-chef account is yet another that is use to Fire shots at Lotuschef behind a Falsehood, the account holder a fabrication with Evil Intent!

Lets use TBS' Admin words [Wisdom Life 慧命] - these were used in accusation of Lotuschef, alleging that Lotuschef's articles HARM others' [Wisdom Life]!
Hahaha! When I asked VM Lian-wang sent by Admin to lecture me, what is [Wisdom Life], he grabbed Vm Lian-yue's hand and ran away! 
(Actually, I explained [Wisdom Life] already in articles in this blog after receiving a Warning Letter from TBS admin. Since they picked fault from my blog's articles, they should also have read the TRUTH about [wisdom life] - agree? )

NOW, If GM Lu retires upon this Dharma-speaker's petition, The [Wisdom Life] of more sentient beings will be Harmed or Severed, agree?

AND, borrowing Tok-chef's words:

Tok Chef 讚嘆师尊佛慧
Like · Reply · 1 · May 18 at 2:02pm

Tok Chef 淨業同修會,师尊果然有先見之明。
Like · Reply · 1 · May 18 at 2:02pm

Tok Chef 师尊果然有先見之明
Like · Reply · May 18 at 2:01pm

师尊果然有先見之明 - Indeed, Shizun has foresight! 

What is happening to LN, now?
Can he truly walked out of the alleged scandals, scot-free?
From what I heard, most of juicy parts started from GM Lu's 2010 visit to Hong Kong and especially in Macau!

AND, anyone of you remember GM Lu's instruction to "remind LN that an enlightened one must not shout or yell and must be reasonable"?

Shizun indeed has Foresight, agree?

O! Remember GM Lu said that the Dharmapalas showed him "inappropriate behaviour of monks & nuns"?

If the allegations against Lotuschef is True, then the severity can't [win over] or can't [surpass] that of the XXs and the monks and nuns that are involved in scandalous relationships, agree?

Know Buddha Dharma well and you will cultivate well!
Listen Only to your Chosen Root Guru and not his students, which are mostly those Dressed-ups to show Authority only!

O! Do apply some wisdom if you choose to listen to anyone other than your Root Guru, and also use wisdom to learn and practice Root Guru's teachings!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Menggunakan Tangan Orang Lain Untuk Membunuh

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 10 Juni 2012
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: Using Other’s Hands to Kill 借刀杀人

Di artikel sebelum ini (per tanggal publikasi), Pola Pikir 2, si B mengajakku untuk menyucikan sebuah rumah. Seorang bhiksu memberitahunya bahwa aku punya “kesaktian” sehingga B berniat menggunakanku untuk mengusir hantu-hantu yang mendiami rumah tersebut, padahal dia bilang hendak mengajakku untuk melihat-lihat dan belajar. Berhubung aku seorang murid yang baru, maka aku menyetujuinya dengan senang hati!

Guru bilang bahwa seorang murid bila tak mampu mengundang Guru Akar, Yidam dan Dharmapala-nya, maka ia berada dalam bahaya besar.
[Oktober 2010 – Melbourne, Vajragarbha Yan Ming, saat Puja Api Homa Mayura].

Teman-temanku yang terkasih, kamu harus ingat bahwa semua Buddha/Bodhisattva dan berbagai manifestasi mereka memiliki sebuah karakteristik umum yang penting, yaitu BODHICITTA!

Dan karakteristik lainnya adalah KEBIJAKSANAAN TIADA BATAS!

Orang seperti Si B ini sungguh tidak paham hal mendasar dalam Buddha Dharma?

Ada dua orang, dan B ini adalah salah satunya, mengaku-ngaku bahwa Yidam-nya adalah Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava.

Namun aku justru melihat Padmasambhava pada seorang murid lain, MZ.

Aku sama sekali tak mencium “wangi” Padmasambhava pada diri si B dan orang satunya lagi!

Kalau Guru katakan: 连小小的屁都没有! Bahkan sedikit kentutnya pun tidak ada! :)

B berusaha mengundang Yamantaka pula! Yamantaka merupakan perpaduan Manjushri Bodhisattva dan Yamaraja.

Dengan niatnya yang egois dan licik untuk mengusir dengan menggunakan “kesaktian”, menurutmu apakah ada Yidam atau Dharmapala yang akan menjalankan perintahnya?

Teman-temanku yang terkasih, sampai di sini seharusnya kamu paham mengapa aku tak menerima permintaan untuk “menangkap hantu”?
Bahkan kamu tak mampu melihat ataupun merasakan mereka. Ada banyak mahluk tak kasat mata yang tinggal bersama dengan kita.

Bila kamu bersadhana dengan benar, akan ada banyak Dharmapala yang mengelilingimu sehingga “para hantu” akan pergi jauh darimu. Tapi mereka masih tinggal bersamamu dalam arti bahwa mereka ada di luar lingkaran perlindunganmu saja.

Salah satu alasan untuk bersarana kepada aliran agama Buddha manapun adalah:
Untuk hidup secara Harmonis bersama para insan tanpa menghiraukan wujudnya!

Bola-bola cahaya dalam berbagai ukuran ini menunjukkan tingkat Energi mereka masing-masing. Mereka tinggal bersama kita dan saat kita mengadakan puja api homa, aku menuliskan naskah doa untuk mengundang mereka semua supaya hadir dan turut serta dalam pesta. Bersama-sama turut bersenang-senang dan bermandikan Berkat Alam Semesta.

Selamat bersadhana!

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

Saturday, October 28, 2017

一朝天子 Emperor of One Dynasty!

一朝天子一朝臣 (yī cháo tiān zǐ yī cháo chén)
Phrase: Emperor of One Dynasty and his subjects.

  • 无常来了!Here Comes Impermanence!
  • .... <Finally, after careful consideration by the directors and as instructed by our lineage root guru, the fifth term TBF Core Committee directors and corresponding team members are as follows:
    Chairman: Master Lianhua Chengzu (蓮花程祖)>
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    [蓮戒=犯戒 因爲師尊已先看到。。。 蓮廚-淨業 - =。。。。。真的,師尊的佛慧是深不可測的。
    蓮戒 是师尊賜名,結果 連連犯戒。
    蓮廚 是师尊賜名,結果。。。。。

    问:他在暗示,师佛也眼睁睁看着[莲厨-净业。。] 出事吗?Hahaha!
    This [Tok Chef] ~ should be the HANDS of VM Lian-ning! :)
    Do read [Tok Chef]'s words, this is definitely not an Enlightened One, but from One that Continue to Blunder with Persistence!
    这个  [Tok Chef] 应该出于连宁之手!:)

    Now, look at this matter from a Different Angle!
    For those that Crave Sentient Materials, Wake up!
    Remember the Middle Path Theory!
    Succession is only applicable to Sentient Matters.
    Now, THINK!
    When One is Out of Power over other sentient beings, it can be a Chance in Life to "turn over a new leaf" and Enable One to sit back and look at new directions to lead a more fruitful life!

AH! For a Buddhist Cultivator, Repentance is foremost!
Yes, if Sincere enough, this cultivator may even be able to Step Back into the Bodhi Path and keep walking towards Nirvana!

The Key is how sincere is this one to Succour Self!
Then One can learn to LET GO and Free Self!

Well, you all didn't heed my warnings to stop walking into Hell!
Those that came strong and hostile at me during the Dragon-robe Sheng-ji Practice 龙袍生机法, the one that did this practice and those VMs that supported him and also all his associates, YES! 
I actually "tagged" this person as XX too!
Don't say I didn't warn you of the Rapids Ahead! 
I "cleansed" many more than once who followed this XX.
Some of them have their stories or hair-raising experiences under the hands of this XX!
When this XX is coming to town to do event, those that didn't register or didn't plan to attend, they had real scary and painful experiences!

[1]VT - She feels weak all of a sudden, as if her heart going to stop the next moment!
[2]SY - He has been a volunteer at this chapter for many years. He also has the same discomforts and his aura is real dull and greyish brown or ash-brown.
[3] TS - He dreamt that a Dharma-speaker grabbed him by the collar and forcefully dragged him to attend XX's event. His aura was dull too before this dream, but GM Lu said to wait until he reveals his problem before helping him.
So when he told me about his dream, I helped him.
Chanting 108 times of Vajrasattva mantra a day - saved him.
Months later, he text me at 1A.M. saying he is not feeling well again. 
His symptoms are breathlessness and chest tightness similar with the others that are regulars at this XX's events and the chapter this XX's considered as HIS OWN! 

Now when you hear GM Lu telling about what SAM, the XX that GM Lu labeled, various similarities surfaced!

YES! Indeed!
There are more than ONE XX in TBS!
GM Lu said that you can Find them with Wisdom!

Are you truly an authentic disciple of Buddha?

When One can read your Body Speech Mind through your written uttering, Best Stay Still and Quiet!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

无常来了!Here Comes Impermanence!

Monday, October 29, 2012
.... Recently, the committee also announced that there will be no change of Chairman of the committee hence, VM Lian Ning will stay as Chairman permanently!
  • Lotuschef at Play - Power You Can Control?
  • Power that you can't control is not yours!
    Take a crown prince for example, Power is in Sight but still elusive!

    Then something call [Impermanence] intervenes and you never get a chance to sit on the Throne you so craved, at all! Therefore, [Birth into a Royal Household or being the First born] also did not help you. Recall the story of Moses? All the First born of Egypt were taken as punishment for heinous crimes of their parents. Although I do not agree with this taking of lives but this is an evil to halt further evils. I have no further comments.

    That is the sentient world, however, in a Buddhist community, those that crave Power are truly very misguided and ignorant! 

    You should cultivate studiously and diligently to attain Buddhahood and to make good your Samaya; Boddhisattva; Ordination; vows to succour all sentient beings and not to use devious means to cheat; subdue; control; dictate; or make use of them to further your evil schemes.

    There is a chinese saying: 人在做;天在看!
    People is performing; Heaven is watching!

    Nothing you do can be hidden from the Heaven.

[00:33, 10/28/2017] AA: I hear that the tabloids broadcasted 2's misdeeds or something n he is now out of Core!
BB: Wow that’s fresh news
AA: seems Lian-fu, the enlightened one deviated to another school under another guru!
: these hongkies got too much "latest news"!
BB: hah
: lol yes
AA: we went for dinner n then they all came over n chit chat!
BB: we're seeing those pronounced under the great tests
AA: then as they are about to leave, Ml's hubby called n said he come fetch her. then he brought over a white pizza n all of us shared it. its just shell n cheese! pretty good
: hahaha! to think that 2 circulate an announcement that he is core's chairman permanently n hence no need to elect chairman!!! He didn't last that long!
: you didn't hear any "NEWS" from the TBS' grapevine! Hehe!
: how can he win over shi-mu?
: and after Sam's exposure, many of her ways are revealed, so less people around for the XXs of this world to bluff!
: even if shizun didn't kick them out, they also can't find easy preys liao
: I taught them to enjoy each step of the sadhana! also not be fixated on MUST BE .....
: actually can go search to check who is in Core!
BB: yep
: i read several weeks ago there was a new shuffle in the core
: but i thought he was the non-elected chairman haha
AA: well? Impermanence hit him
BB: yes hor
: <Finally, after careful consideration by the directors and as instructed by our lineage root guru, the fifth term TBF Core Committee directors and corresponding team members are as follows:
Chairman: Master Lianhua Chengzu (蓮花程祖)>

: yes, he's no longer the chairman
: so impermanence really hit him

AA: to issue a notice that he is permanent chairman!!!
BB: that was a great joke actually
: like saying "i will rule forever with this edict"
: being a chairman will really mahfun himself with so many administrative tasks
AA: that is the sentient mind n Greed, Ego,.....
BB: elation is just hearing the praise, going into the ears, processed by the brain and the heart feels content
AA: hehe!
BB: momentary joy just like the other fleeting happiness
AA: so 2 is not only out of his CHAIR, he is also out of Admin completely!
: paparazzi killed 2
: well? people should believe my "insight" into people's auras
: n now he can't blame GM for not handing over to him
BB: yes, true
AA: hahaha! from the panic that the announcement of him being the successor to now, only how many years?
: I remember that i was out buying stuff for homa with ......n SF called me then GY
: i think sometime between 2011 n 2012
BB: only 5 years... in the blink of an eye!
AA: gone with the wind!
BB: i'm looking for a peaceful life, yet someone wants the dharma king throne and non-electable chairman haha
: what a life!
AA: thats why he is not truly enlightened, but pressure GM to said he is

Craving for sentient name & fame and also others' wealth, you can never be an Authentic Student of Buddha!

Bullying others to "Uphold" your self perceived importance?
Land you deep into the 3 Lower Realms of Transmigration only!

Don't worry though, even if your mates and lackeys have mostly disappeared from sight, you will still meet up with them in the 3 Lower Realms! 

Listen well to Root Guru if you want to save yourself!

Have you realised that my warnings are for you benefit?

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

A24 ~ Celebrating Marici Bodhisattva's Birthday ~ Homa Event

An fantastic session!

Do join again.

Next event is in Jakarta on 18 November 2017.
Check our blogspot for details!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

A23 ~ Celebrating Marici Bodhisattva's Birthday ~ Homa Event

A22 ~ Celebrating Marici Bodhisattva's Birthday ~ Homa Event