Beautiful flower-like offering!
Book 1 Part 1:5 The Buddha-body manifests everywhere in the ten directions; Free from attachment and obstruction, it cannot be grasped. In various forms it is seen by all worlds: This is the entry of Topknot of Joy.
The Buddha cultivated various practices in the past, His pure great vows deep as the sea; All enlightening ways he causes to be fulfilled: Supreme Virtue knows these techniques.
The Buddha's body is inconceivable; Like reflections it shows separate forms, equal to the cosmos, Everywhere clarifying all things: This is the liberation door of Silent Light.
Sentient beings are bound and covered by habitual delusion— Conceited, careless, their minds run wild. The Buddha expounds for them the way to calm: Pleasing Eyes, aware of this, rejoices at heart.
The true guide of all worlds, He appears to rescue, to provide refuge, Showing all beings the abode of peace and happiness: Jewel Peak Moon enters deeply into this.
The state of the Buddhas is inconceivable— It extends throughout all universes, Entering all things, reaching the other shore: Courageous Intellect, seeing this, rejoices.
If any sentient beings can accept the teaching, And, hearing the virtues of Buddha, strive for enlightenment, He causes them to dwell in the ocean of bounty, forever pure: Subtle Light is able to observe this.
Gathering around all the Buddhas, Numerous as the atoms of the lands of the ten directions, Reverently making offerings and hearing the teaching: This is the vision of Constellation Banner.
The ocean of sentient beings' minds is inconceivable; It has no rest, no motion, no place of abode— The Buddha can see it all in an instant: This Beautiful Array well comprehends.
Furthermore, the celestial king Timely Portion had found the door of liberation of inspiring virtue in all sentient beings and causing them to be forever free from anxiety and torment.
Celestial king Sublime Light found the door of liberation entering into all realms.
Celestial king Banner of Inexhaustible Wisdom and Virtue found the door of liberation of the wheel of great compassion destroying all afflictions.
Celestial king Skilled in Miraculous Displays found the door of liberation comprehending the mentalities of all sentient beings of the past, present, and future.
Celestial king Great Light of Memory Power found the door of liberation of the light of the gates of concentration formulae holding in memory all teachings without forgetting.
Celestial king Inconceivable Wisdom found the door of liberation of inconceivable methods of skillfully entering into the nature of all actions.
Celestial king Circular Navel found the door of liberation of methods of activating the cycles of the teaching and developing sentient beings to maturity.
Celestial king Light Flame found the door of liberation of the vast eye observing all sentient beings and going to civilize them.
Celestial king Illumination found the gate of liberation, getting beyond all barriers of habit and not going along with bedeviling doings.
Celestial king Greatly Famed for Universal Observation found the door of liberation of skillfully guiding all celestial beings and inducing them to undertake actions with a pure heart.
At that time the celestial king Timely Portion, imbued with the power of the Buddha, surveyed all the hosts of the Suyama heavens of good timely portion and spoke in verse, saying,
The Buddha, for innumerable long cons, Has dried up the sea of troubles of the world: Opening wide the road of purity out of defilement, He causes to shine eternally the lamp of beings' wisdom.
The Buddha's body is exceedingly vast, No borders can be found in the ten directions. His expedient means are unlimited: Subtle Light's knowledge has access to this.
The pains of birth, aging, sickness, death, and grief Oppress beings without relief. The Great Teacher takes pity and vows to remove them all: Inexhaustible Wisdom Light can comprehend this.
Unhindered is the Buddha's knowledge that all is illusory; He clearly comprehends all things in all times, Delving into the mental patterns of all sentient beings: This is the realm of Skillful Teaching.
The bounds of his total recall are not to be found; The ocean of his eloquence is also unlimited. He is able to turn the wheel of the pure subtle truth: This is the liberation of Great Light.
The nature of actions is vast and inexhaustible His knowledge comprehends it and skillfully explains; All his methods are inconceivable: Such is the entry of Wisdom.
Turning the wheel of inconceivable truth, Demonstrating and practicing the way of enlightenment, Forever annihilating the suffering of all sentient beings: This is the level of technique of Circular Navel.
The real body of the Buddha is fundamentally nondual; Yet it fills the world according to beings and forms— Sentient beings each see it before them: This is the perspective of Flames of Light.
Once any sentient beings see the Buddha, It will cause them to clear away habitual obstructions And forever abandon all devilish actions: This is the path traveled by Illumination.
All the hosts of beings are vast as oceans Among them the Buddha is most majestically glorious. Everywhere he rains the rain of truth to enrich sentient beings: This liberation door Greatly Famed enters.
Furthermore, the celestial king Shakra-Indra had found the liberation door of great joy remembering the appearance in the world of the Buddhas of past, present, and future, and clearly seeing the becoming and disintegration of the lands.
Celestial king Full Sound of Universal Fame found the door of liberation of ability to cause the form body of the Buddha to be most pure and vast, without compare in the world.
Celestial king Kind Eyes Jewel Topknot found the door of liberation of clouds of compassion covering all.
Celestial king jewel Light Banner Fame found the door of liberation of always seeing the Buddha manifesting various forms of majestic bodies to all the leaders of the worlds.
Celestial king Joy-Producing Topknot found the door of liberation knowing from what virtuous actions the cities and buildings of all sentient beings came to be.
Celestial king Admirable Mindfulness found the door of liberation showing the deeds of the Buddhas developing sentient beings.
Celestial king Lofty Supreme Sound found the door of liberation of knowledge of the becoming and decay of all worlds and the signs of change of the ages.
Celestial king Perfect Mindfulness found the door of liberation of calling to mind the acts of future enlightening beings in civilizing people.
Celestial king Pure Flower Light found the door of liberation of knowledge of the cause of happiness in all heavens.
Celestial king Sun of Wisdom Eye found the gate of liberation showing the acceptance and production of roots of goodness of all celestial beings, removing ignorance and illusion.
Celestial king Independent Light found the door of liberation enlightening all celestial beings, causing them to cut off all sorts of doubts forever.
At that time celestial king Shakra-Indra, imbued with the power of the Buddha, surveyed all the hosts of celestial beings of the thirty-three heavens, and spoke in verse, saying,
I am conscious of the spheres of all Buddhas In all times being all equal As their lands form and disintegrate: They see all by enlightened spiritual powers.