Wednesday, February 28, 2018

H4 ~ Homa Preparation

H3 ~ Homa Preparation

Monday, February 26, 2018

Set Price on Buddha Dharma? 佛法定价?

真佛般若藏 ~师尊说[随缘赞助]!
True Buddha Prajna Garbha ~ GM Lu said [Sponsor at will]!

Now lets have FUN!

What is this TBPG?
Where does its contents comes from?
What is the purpose of this TBPG?

TBPG derives from Living Buddha Lian Sheng's [Dharma propagation] experiences/encounters, consisting of his [vital essences]!

Does Buddha set prices on his teachings?
Likewise, GM Lu said that all can subscribe to be member of TBPG and up to them to sponsor at will!

GM Lu mentioned that the creators of TBPG puts in great efforts and resources and hope that subscribers can help towards lightening the loads of these creators and also help towards maintenance of TBPG.

Do you need TBPG?
If you need, then for what purpose?

TBPG is actually similar to those sponsoring printing of Dharma literatures like dharani.
If can't reach out to benefit sentient beings, then it serves no purpose at all.
I have written that being able to afford to pay for printing of dharma literatures but unable to give it out and help anyone develop affinity with Buddha Dharma, your efforts and resources are frivolous.
But most pay for printing such literatures for the purpose of increasing their personal merits or to lessen their karmic debts.
This is with ulterior motive for self benefits!

Now from another angle:
Dharma charity ~ for the creators of TBPG, they compile Buddha Dharma shared by GM Lu, to ease access to more beings. If they do not expect rewards in any form, then they are actually doing Dharma Charity.

They will be rewarded whenever TBPG successfully helps someone, their karmic negatives will lessen and their merits will increased.
Ah! Yes!
Not personal monetary gains and also not boosts to their ego with GM Lu praising their efforts publicly!

If you used TBPG and it benefits you, or help you live a happier life and sharing that happiness around, you don't owe the creators for using their compilation.
However, if you think that you can access TBPG without paying back in anyway, then you actually increase your karmic debts!
Abuse of TBPG also increases your karmic negatives!

Remember all the dharma knowhow you have acquired so far, have to be applied in every instances of your life!

GM Lu said [sponsor at will] for various reasons though.
Think you can figure out some?

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, February 25, 2018

地水火风空 Earth Water Fire Wind Void

Above: Smaller sized incense paper printed on one side with High King Avalokitesvara Sutra and other side Usnisa Vijaya Dharanin and at the corners, the Casket seal dharani on small stupas.
The stars have 8-points and in the middle like the 8-spokes of the Dharma Chakra. Appropriate? :)

Above: Folding parts of the 5-tier stupa with incense papers printed on both sides with Usnisa Vijaya Dharani. Pure Karma printed these in colours of the 5 elements! (Replenishing stock of 5-tier stupas!)

Look at the above paper stupa, you see from the bottom as GM Lu said: Great earth 地大 ~ yellow, then water ~ white, then fire ~ red, then wind ~ green and void ~ blue!


在呈立体状时,多层的黄色立方体、白色球体、红色锥状体、绿色半球体和融溶的漂浮滴状物分别代表 地、水、火、风、空   “五大”。

在密宗里,In tantrayana, 
黄色梵文字符“Lam”代表地,Yellow ~ Earth
白色梵文字符“Vam”代表水,White ~ Water
红色梵文字符“Ram”代表火,Red ~ Fire
绿色梵文字符“Yam”代表风,Green ~ Wind
而蓝色梵文字符“Hum”代表空。Blue ~ Void

五大成就 ~ 息增怀诛宝
5 Great Achievements ~ 
白 White - 息 Appease or purify,
黄 Yellow -  增 Enhance or increase, 
红 Red -  怀 Caring or affinity, 
蓝 Blue - 诛 Restrain or suppress (One's own non-virtue or unwholesome thoughts),
绿  Green - 宝All dharma treasures or Buddha's wisdoms.

Diligence = Know what you are doing and WHY, at all times! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

六祖惠能大师生平 The Life of 6th Zen Patriarch, Hui-neng

Terjemahan Bahasa: Biografi Hui-neng, Patriak Zen ke-6 六祖惠能大师生平

《月明三更》01 六祖惠能大师生平

Shen-xiu: "The body is the Bodhi (wisdom) tree. 
Your heart is like the stand of a bright mirror. 
Diligently & frequently wipe it. 
Don't let it attract sentient-dust." 

Bodhi is Buddha's wisdom, so when you body ia a bodhi tree means your body consists of Buddha's wisdom and thus you are a Buddha.
Being always aware of one's own Heart/mind, and maintaining its purity through frequent practice, is like wiping away impurities constantly to prevent sentient-dust from settling in.
Thus one maintain purity of Mind and at the same time Body & Speech.
The 3 Tantras of Body Speech Mind when Pure will emit Light eventually, as in Enlightenment, One sees LIGHT!

Hui-neng: "There is no wisdom tree; nor a stand of a bright mirror, 
Originally there isn't any form/material, where then can sentient-dust settle?" 

The Bodhi actually or originally don't have the form, and non like that of a tree, 
likewise no bright mirror stand.
Since there is no Form at all, where then is there a place for sentient dust to settle or to abide!
This is Instantaneous Enlightenment if one has the Root Potential to be spark or light up!
O! Enlightenment is perceived by many as a sudden "Light-up" from within!


In this drama series, that is if you understand the Chinese language or Read/write the Chinese Language, you will benefit much from watching this drama.

The 2 verses written on the wall of the monastery by Hui-neng and Shen-xiu are explained well in detail.

Hui-neng's is from one with Great Root Potential 大根器 and Shen-xiu's Middle Root Potential 中根器.

Hui-neng's shared the Vision of Immediate Enlightenment while Shen-xiu's shared the Vision of Gradual Purification to attain Enlightenment. 

Of note are episodes whereby Hui-neng overcame those that slighted him for being illiterate. 

The negatives of Pride, Ego, Jealousy, Ignorance, Aversion, ..... were enacted, these are hindrances to Enlightenment.

So don't take pride as I have stressed that you are one of the "elite" chosen by TBS admin and have you names & job titles read out loud before event and before GM Lu's dharma speeches.

Think: Are you worthy of such "limelight"?

In this drama, the ruling empress wanted to learn Buddha Dharma and short listed 4 great monks to attend to her desire to learn Buddha Dharma.
Out of this 4 great monks, only Hui-neng rejected to go to the palace as ordered by imperial edicts!

And the Empress finally realised her errant ways when her convoy return to the palace with Hui-neng 3rd refusal to abide her imperial orders.
The convoy attended a dharma sermon by Hui-neng and returned to the palace with Hui-neng's main theme of this sermon and a letter which is blank.

The Empress realised the part of Hui-neng's verse that was written in the monastery where he went to study at, when she found a blank sheet of paper inside an envelop handed over to her by her convoy that came back after visiting Hui-neng.

This came to her mind: 
Originally there isn't any form/material, where then can sentient-dust settle.

Now if the Empress is humble and go personally to pay a visit to Hui-neng, she would have attain Enlightenment instantly without wasting her time with the 3 other great monks who just don't seem to "hit the nail at its head!"


Zen Ideology is mostly for those with Great Root Potential and an instant "spark" can bring about One's enlightenment on the spot.

Well, for most dharma cultivators, Shen-xiu's formula is the better choice!
And those well educated in the mortal-orientated world does not have any privilege over those not so well educated at all!

Hui-neng is one good example of inherent "Inner brightness"! 

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Cukup Dengan Kemanunggalan Yoga! 只要相应!

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 8 February 2018
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 只要相应!Only Need to Achieve Yogic Union!

Di atas ini: Thangka berlampu yang dibuat oleh tim desain Pure Karma, khusus untuk sesi di Medan, Indonesia – 27 Januari 2018.

Yidam 本尊:
Maha Padmakumara Putih 大白莲花童子
Shakyamuni Buddha 南无本师釋迦牟尼佛

Yidam Tamu 嘉宾本尊:
Usnisa Sitatapatra 大白傘蓋佛母
Shri Ganesha 欢喜天红财神

Merayakan 庆祝:
十二月初八 / 釋迦牟尼佛成道日(法寶節): 24 Jan 2018 / Hari Bodhi

Di atas nampak seseorang di dalam api yang melambaikan tangan kanannya.
Sedangkan di bawah ini seseorang sedang duduk di semacam ayunan.

Di atas ini: Sesosok wanita dengan ikat kepala bertahtakan perhiasan, berpose bak seorang bangsawan.

Hari Selasa, seorang murid mengirimiku sebuah poster acara, yang akan diadakan di bulan Maret di Jakarta dengan Mahabala sebagai yidam utamanya!
Dari poster itu, kuhitung ada 16 VM!

Berikut ini percakapan dengan seorang murid lain tanggal 30 Oktober 2017:
 [18:30, 10/30/2017] Q: 在台灣有直播,法明同修會,賣晒廣告
Siaran langsung di Taiwan, grup sadhana FM, mengiklankan acara tersebut.
L : 什么广告? Iklan apa?
Q: 白如意灌頂 Abhiseka Cintamani Putih
Q: 真佛報,燃燈 Koran Satya Buddha, Majalah Randeng

[Di atas: Grup sadhana FM – 22 Oktober jam 2 siang (Minggu) – dengan hormat mengundang VM LN untuk memimpin (Marici Ganachakra Puja). Bersyukur atas welas asih Mahaguru yang telah menghadiahkan suvenir transmisi silsilah yang berharga (Cintamani Putih) sebagai alat abhiseka di upacara kali ini!
Semoga semua umat menghargai kesempatan dharma yang langka ini, turut aktif berpartisipasi untuk kebaikan diri dan keluarga sehingga dosa terhapus dan keberuntungan meningkat!]

[18:33, 10/30/2017] L : 白瑪哈嘎拉,又名「如意白怙主」
: 白度母又叫做如意輪白度母 ( Sita Tara Cintamani Chakra )
: 一、白瑪哈嘎拉 Mahakala Putih
Salah satu dari banyak transformasi dari Avalokiteshvara yang maha welas asih.

: 哈哈哈!有是骗人的。他根本请不到本尊也请不到[根本上师]
Hahaha! Bilang ada berarti membohongi orang. Ia pada dasarnya tidak mampu mengundang Yidam Utama dan juga [Guru Akar].


Ada banyak materi mengenai Sadhana Tsok (Ganachakra) yang bisa kamu baca dari internet.

Di ceramah baru-baru ini, Mahaguru Lu sekali lagi menjelaskan sebuah KUNCI penting ~ bahwa Hanya butuh mencapai keberhasilan Kemanunggalan Yoga dengan yidam yang dipilih maka segala keinginanmu ataupun dedikasimu akan terpenuhi!

Sungguhlah bukan karena gelar ataupun Mahkota 5 Buddha, namun Semuanya bergantung pada dirimu dan seberapa berhasilnya kamu melebur dalam kemanunggalan yoga dengan sang yidam!

DAN Kriteria Kemanunggalan Yoga dengan Yidam yang Dipilih ADALAH apakah kamu bisa menyatu dan manunggal dengan Guru Akarmu terlebih dulu!

Aku bukannya mematikan bisnis acara orang lain, tapi dengan segala keramahan hanya sekedar mengingatkan agar mendengarkan yang Mahaguru Lu katakan dan jangan sampai tertipu lagi!

Apakah kehadiran banyak VM di suatu upacara lantas memastikan kalau Guru Akar akan memuliakan acara tersebut?
Dan juga, apakah Yidam Utama upacara tersebut akan memuliakan acara tersebut, tanpa adanya Guru Akarmu sebagai PENGHUBUNGNYA?

Karena di Rumah Ibadah Yan San di Melbourne, bulan Oktober 2010, Mahaguru Lu mengatakan: Saat Guru Akarmu tidak hadir di dalam sesi homa-mu, maka kamu dalam bahaya besar.
Sama halnya dengan Yidam yang kamu pilih!

Mengapa masih menjadi korban lagi dan lagi bahkan setelah Mahaguru Lu mengklarifikasi banyak yang [boleh & jangan dilakukan]!

Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, February 22, 2018

H2 ~ Homa Preparation

                                   Replenishing stock of offerings!

Above: Collected oil-palms seeds.
Below: Collected wood twigs & branches.

Each Homa event is a lot of preparation work!
And gathering wood and seeds on a hot day under the scorching sun needs lots of perseverance too!
Hehe! Don't cave in anyway and leave without gathering enough!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

H1 ~ Homa Preparation

Making more fire crackers & lanterns!

                                          Preparing the Charity tubs!