Thursday, February 15, 2018

圣言量 - Saintly Speech Quantum

Buddha Dharma's three principal means of knowledge or Pramanas
一、现量 ──用事实证明;Anumana (inference)
二、比量──用逻辑推论;Upamana (comparison)
三、圣言量──佛在经中所说。Shabda (verbal testimony)


1. 以眼耳鼻舌身等五種感官所獲得的「現量」(pratyaksa)。
 it means that which is present before the eyes clear, distinct and evident.

2. 以邏輯推理所獲得的「比量 」(anumana)。
Anumana, inference from data, which depends for its value on the possession of the right data, on the right observation of the data including the drawing of the right analogies, the unerring perception of true identity and rejection of false identity, the just estimate of difference and contrast, and on the power of right reasoning from the right data

3. 以教典或聖者所言的「聖言量」(sabda),又作正教量、至教量、聲量、聖教量。
derived from holy scriptures or speeches of saints

[17:15, 2/14/2018] AA: posting the photos for the homa
the fires real nice when burning the stupa trays
BB: full of love
: because you are beau soir 🌃 and also my clair de lune 🌙
AA: the casket seal dharani already enumerated the goodness of offering inside the stupa
: O! you mean you are looney ......
: as in lunatic
BB: my name also implies lunacy 😄
AA: but most ppl said I am crazy hor!
BB: true yogis are always crazy in the eyes of the mortals
AA: ya. what will huijun say when someone translate my article to her?
BB: 😄
CC: hahaha lol
AA: GM gives her warning about her sharing her views on GM's books as if she is a true master!
CC: ic
AA: GM was sharing a story about comparison, and asked HJ saying, HJ aren't you the book-teller, what is this story about?
: she kept quiet n later admitted that she don't know.
: GM said this is about Quatum or volume of measurement or comparison.
: 正信才是真佛教——依据“圣言量 -
正信才是真佛教——依据“圣言量”. 文章出处:中华五千年网( 现在有一些修行人非常执迷于纳吉祈福,要不就仅是追求治病健身或神异功夫,这些都是违背佛陀的教诲的,这不仅完全的本末倒置了,同时还为一些外道或邪教的传播提供了一定的因缘,这非常的让人痛心……说句实在话,我们在心思上还真用不着太 ...

: and its about the TRUTH and not falsehood or lies
: also not like xx ng, boastful but without true substances

: I was watching this video of myself, and I find I am real cute and very child-like too! Hehe!
BB: 😄
CC: 😁
AA: 圣言量 - 圣saintly or holy or divine 言 words or speech 量 quantity or volume
BB: 聖言量 [argument based on the holy scriptures]
: wuah, this is for those who understand chinese

AA: thats why its important to tell the truth
: Dharma is about the Absolute Truth and not what mortals like to make up stories and also like XX keeps telling ppl how powerful she is!
: HJ is trying to show she is very clever
: as long as show off n not true then they are in grave danger of falling into Mara's hands

During a Wenshi session, a VM said to the fellow student, as you have cultivated the 4 Preliminaries Practice for some time, you can advance to Guru Yoga Practice.

This made the fellow student happy and he mistakenly perceived that he has achieved successes in the 4 Preliminaries Practice.

Another that approached this same VM for help as his girlfriend jumped down from the first storey of an apartment block of flats.
He was dismissed with instruction to go beg Jin-mu to save his friend and also he told this "client" that there is little hope for his friend!
The next day after an event, the same person approached this VM again.
The VM pocketed an angpow from this person and said to him, while pointing in my direction: Lianchu fashi is very compassionate, you go ask her to help you.
If you read the article that I wrote on this incident, the girlfriend recovered swiftly and is well in less than a month.

Dear all,
this VM is yet another like XX of XX's residence, lying and putting up a false show of his attainment in cultivation!
Not only that, he also continues to stress that he is one of the most senior of GM Lu's students!

Does the length of time after refuge corresponds to Cultivation successes?

I am sure that most of you have found out that most VMs are only dressed up for SHOW!
Likewise some fashi!
After the XX residence saga, are you still open-prey to those that are of similar vein as XX?

What does successes in cultivation of 4 Preliminaries Practice mean?
Doesn't it mean that you have ACHIEVED YOGIC UNION with Vajrasattva as well as your Root Guru?
Yogic union with Root Guru & Vajrasattva means what?
Do you still need to go seek out anyone else to consult or wenshi?

The answers are all in GM Lu's speeches!

Realised why I don't encourage Wenshi but prefer to encourage you to cultivate with diligence?

With metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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