Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Samadhi & 9-cycle Breathing Technique


[12:49, 2/11/2018] AA: and if you listen well to GM Lu, yesterday he already stress the importance of pure body speech mind n samdahi
BB: yes
AA: those titles n 5 buddhas crowns are no guarantee of cultivation successes as well, GM said it all
BB: the points in yesterday's sermon
: that one too
AA: the important keys all in yesterday's sermon
: thats why all need Pure karma lol!!! Hehe

BB: do not look at the beauty, status, power...
: until samadhi can be achieved at ease

AA: its not until but don't look at ...... THEN samadhi can be achieved
another rich one that ning hit is the pg chapter's owner, SH

: hahaha! Your statement means don't look now but after samadhi is achieved THEN you can look? 😜

BB: that's how to test after training in the mountain then going down to the town again 😄
: but anyways for a beginner like me, it's best not to look

AA: nah. you can actually argue your point from another viewpoint though.
: Bcos when samadhi is achieved, what you look at has no effect on your purity and steadfastness!
: so from the novice point of view, and the yogi's

BB: 🙏 yes
AA: Hehe! Application of dharma learnt is real FUN, agree?

During his dharma speech on 10 Feb 2018, GM Lu stressed the importance of 9-cycle breathing practice to aid attaining Samadhi!

  • 九节佛风 9 Steps Breathing Technique
  • 九节佛风 - 释莲厨法师
  • The above a video sharing the 9-cycle breathing technique & sincerely hope all can benefit from learning and practicing diligently.

Whoever tells you that you can achieve Samadhi and Guru yoga without mastering Qi mobilisation techniques like 9-cycle breathing, is lying and this very person still has a long long way to go in cultivation through the lowest level of the 9-yanas.

Be wise and steer clear of cheats and liars!

Listen well to your Root Guru and don't go astray! 

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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