Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Keinginan Roh [2]

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 21 February 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: [2] 灵愿 Spirit's Wish

Mengutip dari artikel Keinginan Roh:

[--- Di dunia ini, ada 2 jenis manusia,
Yang pertama bekerja untuk mereka yang masih hidup, sedangkan yang kedua untuk mereka yang sudah mati.
Yang jenis kedua tersebut, kita namakan sebagai Pengikut Roh.
Dan Roh yang mengarahkan para pengikut roh untuk menjalankan berbagai keinginan mereka itu dinamakan Tuan Roh.

Anime dari Tiongkok ini menggambarkan bagaimana orang-orang yang masih hidup “ditarik” atau dirasuki untuk menjalankan perintah dari roh orang-orang yang telah meninggal – untuk memenuhi keinginan para Tuan Roh mereka! ---]


Membahas kisah [画江湖之灵主] lebih mendalam lagi, orang-orang yang masih hidup dan dirasuki secara paksa, dinamakan Pengikut Roh.
Kemudian ada sebuah ordo aliran yang bernama Tim Roh Imperial yang mengejar para pengikut Roh tersebut, namun ternyata pandangannyanya salah dan malah membunuhi para pengikut tersebut.

Di akhir kisah, sang pendiri Tim Roh Imperial menjelaskan kepada pemimpin ordo yang bertugas saat itu bahwa para pengikut Roh tersebut pada dasarnya tak berdosa, jangan sampai dikejar dan dibunuhi!
Tim Imperial seharusnya berfokus pada cara menolong para pengikut yang tak bersalah itu supaya terbebaskan dari Roh-roh yang merasuki mereka!
Salah satu metodenya adalah dengan mendorong para pengikut tersebut dari tebing yang curam!
Saat sedang melayang jatuh, para roh akan meninggalkan orang-orang yang mereka rasuki.
Lalu seseorang akan menangkap para pengikut tersebut sehingga mereka tidak mati terjatuh.
Orang-orang tersebut kemudian akan dibawa ke tempat yang tenang untuk beristirahat dan akan pulih sepenuhnya setelah melewati 49 hari.

Yang hendak kusampaikan adalah?
Dari dulu aku telah mengajak teman-teman sekalian untuk melihat XX sebagai korban yang tanpa sadar telah ditarik oleh para Hantu dan dikendalikan oleh mereka!

Mahaguru Lu bilang bahwa XX kembali mengundang 2 dari 5 hantu!

Dengan tulus aku berharap agar mereka yang mempercayai praktik-praktik si XX, Berpikir dengan Bodhicitta!

Layaknya teman-teman sekalian, XX juga seorang manusia dan murid dari mahaguru.
Dan juga seorang mahluk yang Mahaguru Lu bersumpah untuk tidak ditinggalkan di dalam misi penyelamatannya.

Jadi mohon jangan terus-menerus menginjak dan menjelek-jelekkan XX!

Bila kamu masih berbodoh diri dan melancarkan serangan balas dendam atas kesalahan yang menimpamu, hingga mau berepot ria mewakili orang lain untuk membalas dendam, maka kamu bukanlah seorang murid Buddha yang Sejati!

LAGIPULA, menemui Mahaguru Lu untuk meminta penyucian dengan mentalitas menaruh dendam tak akan membuat berkat tersebut menjadi efektif!

Yang seharusnya kamu lakukan adalah Merelakan dan Mendobrak Bebas Leluasa, serta melatih ajaran Mahaguru Lu dengan sungguh-sungguh!

Lihatlah foto-foto yang kuunggah di atas dan cobalah renungkan apa yang sedang kucoba beritahukan kepadamu!

Banyak dari mereka adalah orang-orang yang selalu hadir di upacara yang dipimpin oleh Mahaguru Lu. Dari sana ada berapa banyak yang bisa kamu tunjukkan yang Benar-benar Bersih Suci dan yang terpenting adalah, Bersinar dengan Bodhicitta?

Memenuhi lantai 6 Vajragarbha Caotun untuk disucikan oleh Mahaguru Lu bukanlah obatmu yang permanen!
Kamu malah turut berkontribusi mengisi kantong-kantong para pelayan Mahaguru Lu yang serakah!
DAN kamu juga membuat Mahaguru Lu tambah lelah!

Ruangan di lantai 6 tersebut tidak besar loh, bayangkan orang-orang berbondong-bondong meminta perhatian dari Mahaguru Lu satu per satu?
Kamu ingat Mahaguru Lu pernah mengatakan bahwa beliau memimpin upacara di dalam Neraka?


Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Monday, February 27, 2017

点石为金 Midas' Touch

Terjemahan Indonesia: Sentuhan Emas Raja Midas


There is this child from a very poor family. He is very filial towards his mother. 
Master Lü Dongbin sympathises with him very much and thus use his finger to point at rocks transforming them to gold to gift to this child.

孩童摇摇头说: “我不要金子。”
Child shaking his head said: I don't want gold.

吕洞宾诧异地问: “那你要什么呢?”
Lü Dongbin was shocked and asked: Then what do you want?

孩童说: “我要你的手指,因为您给我的金子会用完,但有了您的手指,没有钱时就可以点石为金了!”
Child said: I want your finger, because the gold you gifted will be used up, but with your finger, when no money then can point to rocks to transform to gold!



Cultivation depends very much on Wisdom and Its' Usages!

The Fortune Yidams' practices taught and transmitted by GM Lu, is a very good example of how many really lacks understanding of GM Lu's Golden Pointers!

First, Does following and obeying someone dressed up as a Vajra master ease you into the Boddhi Path to Nirvana?
Look closely at these Dressed up as VMs!

Then draw out GM Lu's statements about how these VMs behaved!
That is how greedy they are for others wealth or good fortune!

If you still think that I am talking bad or rubbish about the one you adulate or revere, You really have never truly listen & understood what GM Lu shared to date!

This announcement came out & so does the ugly words from many Ignorants!

Fire Puja
Date: Saturday — June 10, 2017
Venue: Hong Kong

Yidams 本尊:
The White Maha Padmakumara 大白莲花童子

Celebrating 庆祝:
五月十三日on June 7, 2017: 伽蓝菩萨圣诞 The birthday of Jia Lan, Sangharama Bodhisattva
五月十八日on June 12, 2017: The lunar birthday of Grandmaster Lu


What is Rich to a True Yogi?

Go draw upon GM Lu's definition of Tantrayana's masters or teachers again.


And, GM said: Only when you attain Buddhahood then you can say that you are Enlightened!


Do you really understand what GM Lu shared just for this session?

To start: Have you attained success with External Dharma cultivation?
That is : Have you TRULY renounced all the Poisons that dictate your Body Speech Mind?

Before you create more Negative Karma that hinder and doom you, Stop & search for the Finger Pointing Out the way to Brightness!

I am harming you or helping you? :)

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Keinginan Roh

Dibagikan dengan anotasi oleh Lotuschef – 19 Februari 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 灵愿 Spirit's Wish


Di dunia ini, ada 2 jenis manusia,
Yang pertama bekerja untuk mereka yang masih hidup, sedangkan yang kedua untuk mereka yang sudah mati.
Yang jenis kedua tersebut, kita namakan sebagai Pengikut Roh.
Dan Roh yang mengarahkan para pengikut roh untuk menjalankan berbagai keinginan mereka itu dinamakan Tuan Roh.

Anime dari Tiongkok ini menggambarkan bagaimana orang-orang yang masih hidup “ditarik” atau dirasuki untuk menjalankan perintah dari roh orang-orang yang telah meninggal – untuk memenuhi keinginan para Tuan Roh mereka!

Tentunya, Balas Dendam menjadi faktor utama para Tuan Roh tersebut yang ingin melihat musuh-musuhnya mendapatkan Pembalasan yang Setimpal!


Mahaguru Lu kemarin bilang ada banyak umat yang memenuhi lantai 6 di Vajragarbha Caotun. Mereka memohon Berkat Penyucian Kembali dari Mahaguru Lu.
Ada seseorang yang juga kerasukan roh binatang dan hantu manusia!

Teman-temanku yang terkasih,
Coba perhatikanlah baik-baik mereka yang berjalan melewati bendera-bendera Abhiseka, dan juga yang menerima “mo-ding” (berkat jamah kepala) dari Mahaguru Lu.

Kiranya kamu mempelajari sesuatu dari sana?

Bila kamu bisa melihat bahwa meski setelah mendapatkan Abhiseka dan Mo-ding, masih banyak umat yang menurut Mahaguru: Putih keabuan atau Aw-ma-ma (gelap gelap).
Maka sudah seharusnya kamu sungguh-sungguh sadar dan belajar merelakan!
[Sampai di sini kamu akan menyadari mengapa aku suka mengambil cuplikan layar / screenshots dari mereka yang menghadiri upacara, yang berjalan melewati bendera abhiseka, saat dan setelah Mo-ding…
Wajah-wajah mereka memberitahu kita seberapa efektifnya mereka bersadhana, dan juga seberapa efektifnya mereka mampu menerima abhiseka dari Guru Akar!
Kalian semua tak paham mengapa aku selalu mengunggah banyak foto!]

Di saat masih hidup, kamu punya banyak keinginan dan kebutuhan, kemudian saat meninggal kamu membawa serta semua hal tersebut yang belum terpenuhi/terkabul.
Sebenarnya kamu sedang memenjarakan dan merintangi dirimu sendiri sehingga tak mampu mendobrak bebas leluasa dan pergi menuju Tanah Suci.

Sungguh semuanya ini berasal dari Pikiran/Hatimu sendiri!

Mengapa XX masih suka mengundang para Hantu sebagai tuannya?
Sebab: Ia Merasa bahwa hanya para tuan hantu inilah yang bisa memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhannya!

Oleh karenanya paling baik adalah mendengarkan Mahaguru Lu dan Berfokus Pada Satu, bersadhana dengan sungguh-sungguh!

Oh! Berjalannya True Buddha Prajnagarbha akan membuatku bebas dari tugas menerjemahkan ajaran-ajaran Mahaguru Lu ke Bahasa Inggris! :)
Jadi aku bisa setengah-pensiun!

Aku akan berbagi hal-hal yang menurutku menarik, dan juga materi-materi pembelajaran Dharma, kapanpun aku mau.

Hahaha! Jadi punya lebih banyak waktu untuk “BERMAIN-MAIN”!

Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Sunday, February 26, 2017

密教上师等级 Tantrayana's Masters Classification


Type One Shangshi (Master/teacher): Able to break away from all evil behaviour in terms of behavioural aspect, no fixation towards wealth, forms, food, fame, sleep.

Type two Vajra master/teacher: A teacher that can exhibit inherent wisdom and brightness

Type 3 Big Vajra teacher: A teacher that Secretly execute great or magnanimous work to succour sentient being.

Type 4 Big brightness owner vajra teacher: One that already exhibit True Buddha Nature.

There are lots more that GM shared in explanation on these 4 types of teachers.

So, GM has once again given you the clues to discern the True from the Fake!

Please do no come and ask me whether a certain Master is True or Fake! 

Fakes masters or teachers are those that Dressed the part but lacking in Attainment from cultivation & have No Boddhicitta, the vitals of all Buddhas!

The 5-Buddha crowns to the Fakes are just a piece of head-gear to aid their evil scheming ways only! 

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Saturday, February 25, 2017

道常在 Path is Always There!

仙剑奇侠传1 - 第二十六集

The above screen-shots are from the Drama 仙剑奇侠传1 - 第二十六集
(Heavenly Sword and Unique Chivalrous Swordsman Season 1 - Chapter 26)

Go listen to the dialogue and you should be able to pick up various Keys to Enlightenment!  :)

Bear in Mind that You have Inherent Buddha Nature of your very own to uncover! :)


With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Untukmu supaya bisa diamalkan?

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 24 Februari 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 为你所用?For you to use?


[Mengenal Pratima Cakrasamvara]

Tubuh Cakrasamvara berwarna biru, berkepala satu dan berlengan dua, berdiri di atas padmasana cakra surya, kaki kiri ditekuk, kaki kanan diluruskan, dan menginjak dua Devata.

Pada jalinan rambut di atas kepala terdapat perhiasan ratna mutu manikam, bulan sabit, dan visvavajra. Tubuh mengenakan perhiasan enam belulang, kepala bermahkota tengkorak, tubuh bagian bawah mengenakan rok kulit harimau, berparas krodha, kedua tangan memegang vajra dan ghanta, memeluk Vajravarahi ( Jingang Haimu ).

Tubuh Vajravarahi berwarna merah, tangan memegang kapala dan kartika, rambut tergerai, kaki kiri lurus dan kaki kanan ditekuk, dalam postur yab-yum, wajah memancarkan Mahasukha, tubuh berhiaskan lima belulang. Sekujur tubuh Buddhapitri ( Buddha Ayah ) dan Buddhamatri ( Buddha Ibu ) dikelilingi api terang Prajna.

Perhiasan kepala Cakrasamvara adalah Aksobhya Buddha ( Achu Fo ), Mahavairocana Tathagata ( Dari Rulai ), atau Amitabha Buddha ( Amituo Fo ) – ( Baca : Buku Mahaguru ke-251 Menggunting Sepotong Kain Mimpi – Sadhana Penjapaan Cakrasamvara )


Dari arsip percakapan:

{--- A: oh
i met Cs
and he told me that time:
shenglejingang (Cakrasamvara) is very powerful
[Cs bilang bahwa Chakrasamvara sangat sakti.]

B: powerful?

A: i didn't want to elaborate any further
i just smiled and hugged him

B: Can yoga with GM then real powerful
[Mampu ber-yoga dengan Mahaguru barulah sakti yang sebenarnya.]

A: yaaaaaa

B: They won't understand n with their mindset not likely in this lifetime
[Mereka tak akan paham. Dengan mentalitas mereka, sepertinya dalam kehidupan kali ini juga belum bisa.] ---}


[Chakrasamvara] sangat sakti?

Bertanya: Sudahkah kamu berhasil mencapai Yoga dengan guru silsilahmu?

Sakti? Lantas ada hubungannya dengan-MU?

Mohon sadarlah!

Hanya Guru Silsilahmu yang bisa menyambungkanmu dengan Buddha ataupun Bodhisattva!


Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Friday, February 24, 2017

Angin & Awan Muncul Lagi!

Ditulis oleh Lotuschef – 5 Februari 2017
Diterjemahkan oleh Lotus Nino
Sumber: 风云再起!Wind & Cloud Rise Again!

Mengacu ke rekaman ceramah Mahaguru Lu:

Dari arsip percakapan:
Hari ini, banyak umat dari XX yang menghadiri upacara
Dan Mahaguru memberikan komentar yang penting: bahwa Angin dan Awam muncul lagi!
Maksudnya adalah debu/kotoran akan muncul di mana-mana lagi! :)
[**Berkaitan dengan persoalan XX yang menyembah hantu.]

Lotus Ungu yang telah mengikuti XX selama 10 tahun – berarti ia tak pernah sungguh-sungguh dan berhasil di dalam sadhana-nya sehingga termakan kebohongan XX. Dan bila bukan karena tanda peringatan bahaya dari Mahaguru, maka ia, seperti halnya dengan banyak umat lainnya, akan masih menjadi pengikut setia XX!

Betapa menyedihkannya!


Mahaguru bilang bahwa para Vajra Master dari Ordo Satya Buddha tak akan berbohong!
Kemudian beliau bertanya kepada VM Lotus Ungu mengenai XX, dan dijawab olehnya bahwa XX adalah seorang penipu kawakan!
Mahaguru lalu bertanya sudah berapa lama Lotus Ungu bersama dengan XX, dan dijawabnya sudah selama 10 tahun!

Semua korban XX ini memiliki Sebuah Kesamaan!
Mereka tak sungguh-sungguh bersadhana sesuai dengan ajaran Mahaguru Lu. Boleh dibilang gagal memahami ajaran Mahaguru Lu!

Sebelum ini, seorang VM maju ke depan dan berkata bahwa ia terkena pengaruh praktik XX hingga ia menderita gangguan kejiwaan selama 20 tahun!

Dan sekarang VM yang satu ini bilang telah mengikuti XX selama 10 tahun!

Selama ini, tak ada satupun dari administrator Satya Buddha yang berhasil mendeteksi adanya masalah dengan XX beserta dengan praktik-ptraktiknya yang salah dan berbahaya!!!

Begitu juga tak satupun dari mereka yang diumumkan telah tercerahkan mampu menemukan hal-hal berbahaya yang telah berlangsung selama ini!
Tentunya, inilah waktu yang sangat baik untuk bangun, mulai menyadari bahwa banyak umat yang tidak memahami ajaran-ajaran Mahaguru sama sekali, yang bersadhana hanyalah mengikuti prosedur tertulis dari awal sampai selesai saja!

Mahaguru mengatakan bahwa memungkinkan untuk melakukan berbagai variasi di dalam sadhana, tapi tanpa pemahaman Penuh atas isi Sadhana yang bersangkutan, tak mungkin si praktisi mampu melakukan variasi!

Jadi, daripada memarahiku dan mencela hal-hal yang kubagikan, mengapa kamu tak membacanya dan mencari tahu sekiranya apa yang kubagikan bisa menjelaskan hal-hal yang kamu tak bisa pahami dari ajaran Mahaguru selama ini!

Dan juga berhentilah menyalahkan XX!
Kamu ini kurang tekun dan belum setulus hati membersihkan hutang-hutang karmamu sehingga jodohmu dengan Buddha bertambah!

Mahaguru bilang hari ini lantai 6 Vajragarbha Caotun penuh dengan umat yang memohon 还净 – mengembalikan kesucian!

Metode penyucian menggunakan Vajrasattva sebagai yidam sudah pernah diajarkan, namun para murid masih merasa perlu bertemu dengan Mahaguru secara pribadi untuk minta disucikan!!!

Bikin aku sungguh heran, apa gunanya mentransmisikan dharma tantra selama bertahun-tahun ini kepada orang-orang yang tidak memasukkan proses belajar, memahami dharma dan mempraktikkannya, ke dalam agenda mereka!

Salam Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

为你所用?For you to use?

Terjemahan Bahasa: Untukmu supaya bisa diamalkan?


「勝樂金剛 Cakrasamvara」藍色身,一頭二臂,站立於日輪蓮花之上,雙足左屈右伸,踩住二位天人。
「勝樂金剛」頂飾佛是阿閦佛或大日如來、阿彌陀佛. (師尊文集251冊剪一襲夢的衣裳>勝樂金剛念誦法)


[--- A: oh
i met Cs
and he told me that time:
shenglejingang (Cakrasamvara) is very powerful

B: powerful?

A: i didn't want to elaborate any further
i just smiled and hugged him

B: Can yoga with GM then real powerful

A: yaaaaaa

B: They won't understand n with their mindset not likely in this lifetime ---]


[Chakrasamvara] very powerful?

Question: Have you achieved Yoga with your lineage guru already?

Powerful? Anything to do with YOU?

Wake up please!

Only your Lineage guru can help link you up with any Buddha or Boddhisattva!


With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Thursday, February 23, 2017

寻找前世之旅 Journey to Seek Out Previous Lifetime

电视剧 > 寻找前世之旅

The above is a drama series by Iqiyi.
Its about an organisation that offers services of changing or doing adjustments to Client's previous lifetime that cause great suffering to them in this current one.

Anyway, its worth watching, as its story theme is relaxing!
Light and funny fiction!

Dear all,
In order to change your current Fate, the only way is to Cultivate to Cleanse your karmic negatives!

Start with knowing that you have wrong-doings or admit that you have wronged some one or more than one being.
Then learn methods of saying sorry.
Next, pay your karmic debts through various means.
Finally, vow to never ever harm anyone again, and abide steadfastly by this vow!

For those that are possessed by spirits~humans or animals, Complete Cleansing is only possible from Self!
Cultivation helps you to be aware of Self's body speech mind that can result in creation of negative karma.
Mind training & development, stick close to Boddhicitta mindset!

Some wondered why I didn't chase away or force out the 3 spirits inside ZP shijie, who easily drops into spirits controlled trances.
With the XX saga, I hope you all realised that Complete removal of attached or possessing spirits from an Individual is only possible through the Individual's own sincere efforts.
What others can do is to teach them methods only!

Remember, JY brought me along to cleanse a flat that he is marketing for fellow students?
There were 3 ghostly spirits that refused to leave and cause problems when prospective buyers view the flat!
The ghosts left the flat when I arrived at the ground floor of the block of flats.
They returned about an hour after I left!
The only thing that I have done is to do Boundary protection with Vajra bell & dorje.
But, I didn't block entrance to those that have RIGHTS to enter and abide!
The strength of these ghosts have diminished though.
I didn't chase them away but respect their rights, but I explained to them about Limits of exacting their dues!
Yes! If they over-exact, their fates will be great suffering to themselves.

GM said: Know what you can do and what you can't!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

[2] 师尊,乜佛菩萨係啱样请㗎?GM, So this is the way to Invoke Divinities?


湯正川 - 心中懷著你的愛 1981
曲 : 顧嘉煇 / 詞 : 江羽
My heart contains Love for you

滿眼熱淚 怨憤難言 世事常意外
Eyes are filled with tears, Indignation, anger hard to voice, Worldly matters often unexpected
今天道路多障礙 苦痛還要忍耐
Today's route full of hindrances, suffering and pain still must forbear
抱怨命運 變化無常 快樂難永在
Harbour dissatisfaction of one's fate, changes are impermanent, happiness hard to stay forever
多少患難苦困時 手足扶助見真愛
during many hardships, help from brothers enable one to see True Love
公允那裡在 苦痛悲哀
Public fairness & justice where are they, Painful suffering, grief and sorrow
人生若是舞台 只想這一幕可以改
Life is is a dance stage, only wish this scene can be changed
那怕命運 變化無常 努力除障礙
Unafraid of non-constant changes of fate, work hard to eliminate hindrances
手足命脈一線連 心中懷著你的愛
Brothers life's pulses (Fate) are link by a thread, My heart contains Love for you.

    Offering to Buddhas & Divinities : They want to hear [the statement from your heart]!Sincere whole-heartedness, is Strength, it is also your true level of sincerity!
    Hahaha! That is all it is!
    Many students ask: Fashi, can you please help me ask Shizun, I need help in ......... ?  




    好多同门说:法师,你能跟师尊讲我需要........ 吗?

    In today's speech, GM Lu said that to avoid misunderstanding, Divinities would like to hear the words or statements from your Heart!

Successful Invocation should have [Words from your heart] thats all!
There is no need to yell and shout at the top of your voice and look pained or sad!
A carefree, joy filled mindset is the way to go!

And, Most important, in a language that you fully understand!
Not by reading out a script written by someone else too!

Do you need a Talisman?
Actually, if you can sincerely talk to your Root Guru, the talisman is frivolous as well.
And if you have Absolute Faith in your Root Guru being a True Yogi and a Living Buddha, you should not have any worries at all, because with Confidence of Root Guru always with you and sitting in your heart chakra, You really have nothing to fear at all! 

Remember me teaching you all to chat frequently with GM? :)

Think like a Mortal or a Saint?
All your very own choice!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

后果 Outcome!


In this speech, GM brought up an event -白度母White Tara 大法會  to be held in
新竹 Hsinchu & host is 福佑雷藏寺 Fu-you LZS.
Date: 16 April 2017
AND the one in charge of this chapter is non other than the one that pointed fingers at XX recently! :)

GM said that this VM set up a booth in Caotun temple to promote his event, but No One Registered!

Karma is like throwing a pebble into the centre of a pond and its resultant ripples created Outwards and eventually Inwards, back to Origin!

Would you attend an event hosted by this person who can't distinguish or discern the Truth of what XX practices?

Well, you all should now Heed TBS' admin's orders to steer clear, concur?
Because, as per GM, no VM has ability to deal with Ghosts!
O! Remember "animal spirits" too!


I always look down on those that use GM Lu to advertise or promote or sell their wares! 

To me, it means that they are not in favour of the Divinities at all!

And another one is to be held 25 March 2017 in Gao-xiong and host is the green lotus that committed suicide!

Interesting hosts?

Well, the Dharmapala forum that boasted high readerships first and then asked GM to help them promote readerships, also pretty askance, agree?

Do practice Buddha's wisdoms always!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

师尊,乜佛菩萨係啱样请㗎?GM, So this is the way to Invoke Divinities?

Quoting from 8-1-2011 Power of script – Dreams / 疏文的力量 – 梦:

[--- Recently I encountered many unexplainable occurrence which can only be attributed to written Scripts to inform or request for blessings & etc from GM & all Divinities.

Quoting from 恆河大手印傳承祈請文 Mahamudra Invocation Verse:

[--- 1. How come they way that he chant like very hard and suffering?
Watch 2014年1月31日王啟仲師兄唱誦「恆河大手印傳承祈請文」-台灣雷藏寺
in Vimeo or Youtube.

2. Can feel the difference compare to few years back when he chant.


Still remember to be joyful to let your sincerity show!

Works for when you are Invoking Divinities or Doing Offering to Divinities and all!

However, given that SZ said if One is a Reincarnation of Buddha or Bodhisattva, One Needs to Cultivate to LINK UP to the relevant Divinity one reincarnated from!

Well, if he can't make it this lifetime, then he has to return another time to complete his assignment lol.

Once again: Reflection of One's activities on a regular basis is beneficial for Cultivation. ---]


大手印傳承祈請文 ~ Mahamudra Invocation Verse?
GM Lu said during a recent dharma speech that this is an Invocation verse or script of All Lineage Gurus of the White Tantric Sector!


Why now?
Because most need to wake up!
And also to prevent another XX saga from spreading like wild fire!

GM also asked whether anyone understand what is being sung by fellow student Qi-zhong?

AH! This is the Key point!
When you invoke Divinities, you must know well who are the ones you are inviting, agree?

Therefore, Adulation for someone who does an invocation in a language you don't understand at all is really not what a Sincere Disciple of Buddha should ever practice!

Cultivation is a Solo trip to get on the Bodhi Path and stay on this Bodhi Path till you reach Nirvana or the other shore!

Invocation should not be a yelling and shouting to the Divinities to come grace your cultivation session at all!

Remember: Buddha shares ways to Leave suffering to attain Happiness!

Want to cry but no tears flow, want to halt but can't!

This is the feeling that I gleaned when I heard the mahamudra invocation verse again that day!
Means, nothing works, no matter how hard the student tried!

Invocation like Offering concerning Divinities MUST adhere to certain Criteria!
It is like the invocation we all do as set in the Sadhana, also the same as the Script we write and read out for events! 

4. Invocation

We visualise that we shoot a beam of great white light towards the universe as if out-stretching both hands to humbly request the Root Guru and all Divinities and Deities to descend and grace our altar, accept our offerings and bless all of our endeavours, so that all may be auspicious and fulfilling for all of us.
Maintain this visualisation, and we recite invocation mantra.

5. 唸召请咒


Please go read again GM's versions of Invocation!
(I shared one in this blogspot.)

With Metta,

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chanting Gao-wang Sutra 念高王经?

Refer to: http://lotuschef.blogspot.sg/2015/03/the-annotated-repentance-sadhana-shri.html
9. High King Avalokiteshvara Sutra

The High King Avalokiteshvara wearing the Seven-Buddha Crown

We visualise the eight-petalled lotus, in milky white colour in our heart chakra slowly blooms, and in the centre sits the High King Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. All around the Bodhisattva within the lotus are the buddhas and bodhisattvas mentioned in this sutra.

We now have a lotus in our heart chakra filled with dazzling light like that of the stars shining brightly, and we have actually the mandala of High King Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva – that means pure land!

When you have pure land in your heart chakra, you have no more darkness, worries, sufferings, cravings, desires, angers, hatreds, aversions; and all you have are wisdom, compassion, bodhicitta for all beings.

Maintain this visualisation, and we chant High King sutra.

**If you chant more than once, you can proceed with visualising yourself enlarging gradually and merging into the Universe. 


28-11-2011 [30-7-2011 高王经观想]


[渐渐的入定 - 时间的问题。当我们专住观想,已入定了!
很多都没有真正入定的概念。 以为‘入定’是很难的!

入定后可以感觉到佛光加持自己 -- 哈哈哈!
入定了,你是谁? 还要'佛光加持自己' 吗?

哈哈哈! 明白了吗?]

29-11-2011 [26-11-2011 Visualisasi – Sutra Maharaj...

26-11-2011 Visualization - High King Avalokitesvar...
[At the start of your cultivation, please invoke Gm n tell him to help you please.
then chant his mantra at least 7 times.
tell him you want to chant & dedicate to all sentient beings n may all be healthy n happy

Drop self then u can cleanse yourself faster.
Remember you don't exist anymore after u do the 4 immeasurable visualization at the start
u n all beings are ONE already.]

Few months after I took refuge with GM Lu in August 2008, I used this method when chanting Gao-wang Sutra, because fellow students frightened me about the Visualisation that I sighted when chanting this sutra!
The method: I switched on my TV, choosing a drama in Chinese or English that I understand.
The hot drama then was Taiwanese drama - Yi Nan Wang.
Staring at the TV screen and listening to the loud sounds from this drama, I continue to chant Gao-wang sutra and staying focus on the sutra! :)

GM Lu asked that day how many can stay focus while chanting Gao-wang sutra once?
Well, I can do so!
I can stay focus and continue to chant for almost 5 hours, after practicing to void out Sight & Sound! 
[I chanted Gao-wang sutra >250 times during this 5 hours.
And it took me about 5 days to complete a 1000 rounds of this sutra.]

AND, the sights that flash by like a video when you are deep into Gao-wang sutra is truly amazing!
Don't believe veteran students words about the sights you see when you are chanting mantra or sutra.
They really have yet to experience such wondrous sights!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

[2] 灵愿 Spirit's Wish

Terjemahan Bahasa: Keinginan Roh [2]

Quoting from 灵愿 Spirit's Wish:

[--- There are 2 types of people in this world,
One is work for those alive & the other work for the dead.
Those that work for the dead, we termed them Spirit's disciple.
And the dead that direct these Spirit's disciples to execute their wish are called Spirit's masters.

This Chinese animation or Anime, is about how many Living humans are "roped in" or being possessed, to execute the orders of the dead to fulfil their dead masters' wishes! ---]


Going in depth into the [ 画江湖之灵主] story, those living humans are being forcefully possessed, they are called Spirit's Disciples.
The sector, Imperial Spirit Team, that targeted the Spirit's disciples went the wrong way in mindset, and went all out to kill these Spirit's disciples.

At the end of the story, the founder of this Imperial Spirit Team explained to the current in-charge that these Spirit's disciples are innocent and should not be targeted to be kill!
Instead, the team should concentrate on how to help these innocent disciples get rid of the Spirits that possessed them!
One method was to push these Spirit's disciples down from a high cliff!
The spirits will then leave the disciples they possessed.
Then someone will catch and break the fall of these disciples.
These disciples will be brought to a quite place to rest and they will fully recover after 49 days.

My point is?
I have been urging all to think of XX as the victim that were roped in unknowingly by the Ghosts and controlled by them!

GM Lu said that XX re-invoked 2 of the 5 ghosts!

I sincerely hope that those that believed and trust XX's practices, Do Think with Boddhicitta!

Like all of you, XX is also a fellow student and a fellow human being.
And also a being that GM Lu vowed to not neglect in succouring.

Don't continue to Step on XX and Bad-mouth her, please!

If you are still an ignorant that goes all out to revenge perceived wrong-doings to self and even busy-body enough to take revenge for others, you are not a True or Authentic Buddha's student!

AND, going to GM Lu for purification with your vengeful mindset will never be effective at all!

Actually, All you ever need is to Let Go & Break Free, and cultivate GM Lu's teachings diligently!

Look at the photos shown above & try and figure out what I am trying to tell you!

Most of them are regulars or mostly present at all GM Lu's events, how many can you pick out that is Truly Clean or Pure And most important, Shining with Boddhicitta?

Crowding the 6th floor of Caotun Temple to get cleansed by GM Lu is not your permanent cure!
You only contributed to filling the greedy pockets of GM Lu's aides!
AND you also made GM Lu more tired!

The space on the 6th floor is not that big, imagine the crowds demanding attention from GM Lu individually?
Recall GM Lu saying that he held events in Hell?


With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef